Mesopotamia is, they say, where civilisation began. They appear to be right. here we see Jarmo a settlement going back to 7000 BC. From the information available (found here) there was a village of over a hundred people living there, farming, with domesticated animals and using items made 300 miles away. With no bus service and few cars available at the time walking, domesticated asses maybe or possibly river travel, were the only means of movement. It is amazing that folk travelled so far in such circumstances. There again we all know the desire to see what is over the horizon and that pushed early man a little further all the time. A wide variety of foodstuffs have been discovered along with various tools. It is easy to guess from looking at this small society the family groupings, the leadership required, and also the petty jealousies and ambition that runs through all human endeavours. "Human nature," as Thucydides said,"Never changes."
I don't know about you but I find such history fascinating. Clearly this was the result of many years development. Communal activity created the township, the buildings and organised the tasks. i suspect these people often spoke of the days of yore when the ancients walked the earth,the older ones informing all who would listen that it was "Better in the old days." No doubt the music of the day annoyed the elders, kids behaved badly and did not do what mum told them. Antagonism towards neighbours near and far may have caused small wars now long forgotten. However they would also have joined with local people to oppose larger forces from outside. Having said that there does not appear to be much in the way of defence in this structure, at least from what little evidence is seen here. I find this fascinating and not because I am old enough to remember them personally. Some say this proved Adam and Eve (and the rest of the bible) wrong. But does it? Six days or six billion years? Who knows, but there must have been an Adam somewhere.
Graham I am not sure about Adam being here but we certainly have plenty of serpents.
It's a shared interest. I never listened in my philosophy lectures until we did Rousseau's discourse on inequality.
It sounded at first listen like it'd be as boring as all the others, but was actually a fascinating rumination on how man first came to congregate together and from there, started comparing himself to the others and so the notion of one of us being better than another, better looking, more intelligent etc., arose from there.
Bet you're glad you asked now. Oh sorry, you didn't ask. Oh well....
Very enjoyable that.
However I disagree. Human nature brought forth those reactions. They were always there but released, as it were, more when peoples congregated together.
So there!
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