I noticed I have again touched on 15 stone! This in spite of cycling and walking more in these few sunny days. There is no excuse, I made pancakes the other day, far too many, and my version of flapjacks. Very healthy indeed. However some fool ate them all. I once again begin to look like one of the round toys found in budgies cages. Only push me over and I don't roll back up, I just lie there like a beached whale. Long walks tomorrow, especially as I have sat at the PC since Saturday attempting to rebuild everything, that growling sound was not a grizzly bear that was my patience running out.
Nothing else has happened again! Having my head inside this motherboard means I have seen and heard nothing, barring the driving today that is. How nice to see the sunshine on the fields, how less nice to be asked by the instructor, "Why are we sitting in this field?" At least we missed the cars. I have not even rushed to hear about the great prime minister meeting the great American president. Once again the talk will be of the 'special relationship,' and once again it is total sham! While the US and UK will always work together, the special relationship means little to most Yanks, and the UK are somewhat cynical about the whole idea. Churchill & Roosevelt may well have got on together, they had to at that time, but both nations worked for themselves first. That's life. The good side saw us lead the US to victory in WW1 and it was a British victory - apart from the Soviet effort obviously. Field Marshall Alan Brooke was the man who actually won the war, although Churchill forgot to mention this. The bad side of course saw Bush and Blair through away everything and, like any bank director, walk away as if innocent. Blair still operates as a 'peacemaker' in the middle east for crying out loud! Brown and Obama will work together well, but nobody knows what to do about this recession!
Must close and look for something to complain about.
1 comment:
Graham, did I miss Pancake Day?
Glad to see you noted some important historical facts today!
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