The number of 'Friends' I have made on Blogcatalog' never fails to amaze me! I don't refer to those who I have added to my 'Friends' list, nor those excellent folk who waste their valuable time regularly reading my scribbles, I of course allude to those who call me 'Friend,' yet never read the blog! There have been several lately. Almost all of them selling something, or attempting to make money through me. Wrong idea there pal!
There is nothing more enjoyable to find an intelligent reader has taken delight in my mentally unstable viewpoint, and been so keen that they have decided to call again, leave a comment and add me to their 'Friends' list. Pretty young girls always welcomed. This always leaves a sense of achievement with me, and a doubt as to their sanity also. So far no-one has failed the sanity test, which is good. It is a simple test, if they walk the streets with out wearing a straightjacket they are fine in my book. (Not counting Glaswegians obviously!)
However it appears to me far too many do not read the blog, if they do they don't like it, nor understand it, yet they add me as 'Friend,' and ask, almost demand, that I do the same. Those who leave a message seem more interested in gathering numbers rather than reading blogs. There are a huge amount of blogs in the world and the best way to meet them is through 'Blogcatalog' in my view, but if folks just want to 'get rich quick' by telling me how to 'get rich quick,' they are wasting their time and mine! I want to read something interesting, humorous, or worthwhile, and while I want to have each reader click the 'Ads' to make me rich I will not demand this, nor is this the reason for the blog. I must say these folk are beginning to annoy me now. Everyday someone who just wishes to inform me of their sales technique leaves a message, quickly deleted, and I become one of their two hundred Friends.' How lucky am I? I add 'Friends' because their blog is 'top rated,' by me. I add 'Favourites' because there are only ten spaces in the screen I can see. All are worthwhile, all ought to be read, and all need to click my 'AdSense Ads,' to make me rich, but if they do not I am happy if they just feel inclined to read this, let's face it, sad empty bawling they find here.
But please, don't 'add ' me just because you wish to get rich!
I have a standard policy of looking at the recent activity of new "friends", and if there has been a flurry of recent friend additions then I don't return the favour.
Nice to see you on BC!
Oh, the leeches on BC are rampant. I often Google their screen name to see if I can figure out what they are about, but 9 times out of 10 the message they leave me is broken English, it says "add me!", or "Check out my blog". Those weasels get a quick "delete" from me. I don't keep their messages in my shout out box. I think just about everyone of my BC friends belongs to Humor Bloggers dot com. Ah, such power I can wield with the Delete key!
You visit happy blog I write, you no be sorry! (lol) -
Stay sane!
OK, you are not gonna believe this but...I swear I just clicked "add to friends" on BC before I came over here! I promise it is only because I really like you. I have no intention of making you rich!
I say! two pretty young things have arrived! I am so happy.
Deb, you happy blog nice yes.
Eve, thanks for keeping me poor....I think
Uggh that drives me crazy...Don't those people know that I'm crazy and don't need friends ... :) Mind you any in mass quantities...lol
Perhaps you could redirect "some of the pretty young things" in my direction? No, I thought not.
BC, I use it but can't stand the leeches. I mean do I really want to know about life insurance in the USA?
In all fairness I don't get much real traffic from it.
Dani, you seem normal to me!
Don, the pretty young things are all MINE!!! But they an peruse your blog if they like, but I want them back!
Strange.. I dont recall you ever telling anyone you wanted me back..................
My dear young 1st Lady, that is because I never wanted you to leave in the first place!
This might sound unkind but I just don't bother to return the favor if it's one of those blogs you mentioned.
IMO, they can add me till kingdom come for all I care. Anyhow, I don't lose sleep knowing that more folks will be having nightmares after seeing my avatar.
Ah, I hear you. I don't Add friends I don't know-- that's just the way it is. In fact, I'm so bad at adding friends, I often find I have forgotten to add friends I actually AM friends with, and who I speak to every day.
Then a year later, I see I haven't added them.
Still, these Make Money blogs won't last. It's hard to maintain something you don't really care about content-wise. And how good is the internet for making instant money, anyway?
Aaah Adull, good answer, good answer. I'm not quite so hurt any more...
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