So I get up this morning and search for emails. I had twelve Spam and one regular email. Four of the spam were for 'male enhancements!' Now if there is something I do not need.....
Later in the day the spam keeps coming. Casino's and enhancements appear to be what sells to others but not round here! There was so many today the 'Mailwasher' marked two I wanted as 'Spam.' Just doing this out of habit I suppose! Someone somewhere is buying this stuff and encouraging the crooks behind it to keep sending these out. Considering the number and the effect it has on the Internet as a whole I wonder why governments do not do more about it? Could it be it might upset one or two 'touchy' countries? Maybe they would lose money, or just not be able to deal with the culprits.
However I continued my 'get fit' regime by painting the hallway, such as it is. Yesterday I had to clean it down and paint all the nooks and crannies, and how many were there? I thought it would take an hour or so, and how wrong was I? So knackered was I watching the Liverpool v Arsenal game saw me wanting sleep long before the end! Today I touched the hall up and finished the kitchenette. If you want exercise, do not bother with the gym, decorate or start the 'Spring Clean,' and all muscles you have ever heard off will begin to tell you of their existence!
To much sitting around has meant what fitness I had, and not a lot at that, has slipped away. To think I used to be always on the go, always the one helping folk move house, always involved in lifting and humping. Not now! I am becoming a useless lump, and if I do not get something soon I will begin to wonder. Sixty five jobs in this town today, and none suitable. I will try for at least one of these but before I do I know the answer. Something will turn up, but I would like an idea soon, like yesterday!
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I was spring cleaning outside today because the weather was lovely, and what a scary sight. My legs are so much whiter than I remember :( Have you been out on your bike again?
That match was something eh, mate?! I think it's close to the same level of excitement as the Finals in Istanbul three years in 2005 if one is a 'Pool fan like me. ;)
Couldn't bear watching Gerrard take the penalty... and I don't think the neighbors were much pleased hearing me and the missus sing "You'll Never Walk Alone" at 5am local when the match ended.
I certainly don't want you as my neighbour Sicarii! :)
1st Lady, I thought the servants did all your cleaning?
Cleaning yes! Weeding no! Many a lovely perennial has been mistaken as a weed by others and so I do a lot of outdoor work myself. This will be the 3rd year I try and get Lupins to succeed over here! They grow like weeds in Scotland but not here in Virginia.
Oh, you'd change your mind when you find out that I'm good with computers and fixing them! ;)
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