Friday 22 November 2019

'Tis the Season to be Jolly...?'

No it isn't, not yet, but the attitudes of the people in town today represented the Christmas cheer we meet annually.  Women blocking the way with buggy's, women walking into you in shops, miserable faces all around, cheerless shop staff cheerlessly dealing with the cheerless customers who cheerlessly obtain needless cheerless goods for others to break or wonder how to hide.  In short the Christmas season has started already.  All I needed to find was a drink sodden Santa Claus to make my day!

The day was indeed 'Dreich!'  Gray, rain sprinkled clouds from the south east hurried across the sky, blowing the remaining leaves around the streets and chilling those forced to walk therein.  Indeed the only bright lights came from the ambulance helicopter which landed in the park opposite to collect someone and rush them onwards to hospital.  
Umbrellas early on, removed by the 'breeze,' as the weatherman calls it, sprinkling rain afterwards and many a coat turned up and yet, as I wandered out of B&M after a fruitless search for children's cheap gifts I passed a man and his son in t-shirts.  Macho men who walked fro the covered car park to the shop showing us their strength.  Ponces!  

Boris has been on the hustings again, or rather has not been.  He was to attend a debate in his own Uxbridge constituency on December 5th or 6th, date not sure as yet, but has not responded to the call to attend.  This is the normal local debate at any election and he knows he ought to be there.  Possibly he cannot cope with an outraged audience, such as the one facing Dominic Raab at his local meeting in Esher.  He was 'booed' and catcalled and did not have an easy time.  Boris is not good at handling such scenario's.  Maybe he will just run away?  If he does they will just put an empty chair there and ask questions anyway, the chair might know more.
Of course it may be a ploy?  Maybe he hopes to be deselected by the election.  Possibly he hopes the electors will choose another candidate and dump him.  That would save him losing face with his financial backers and avoid having to deal with the Brexit farce.  We shall see.

Now I discover, this shows how little I have looked at news today, that a 'Question Time' special is to be aired tonight with, it says, 'Leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn, First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the Scottish National Party Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats Jo Swinson and Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party Boris Johnson facing topical questions from an audience.'  This will be the only real debate, depending that is who asks what questions!  I suspect myself, if she is allowed to speak, that  Nicolas will wipe the floor with them all, however I will expect the chairwoman Fiona Bruce to ensure she does not get a 'fair crack of the whip.'  I wish I could watch this....

Unfortunately, as always, this programme will clash with the Linlithgow Rose v Falkirk Scottish Cup Tie at the same time.  How inconsiderate and quite possibly racist is that?  I am convinced this is to stop Scots watching the debate.  I wonder if Boris will actually show, if he does not will they 'empty chair' him or cancel the programme?   
It appears each leader will be given 30 minutes, they will take questions from the audience (how are they selected I ask?) one after the other.  Then I suspect they start breaking bottles over one another's heads and screaming blue murder.  It may not be nice but will suit the TV audience well...

The dreich weather along with my dreich walk about town, caused by missing the Free Bus, meant no photos were possible in the mirk.  So, instead we see a lot of old birds who hang around here, or did in times past.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Dreich or just Freezing?

The man in the 'run-of-the-mill' suit offered a forced smile while cheerfully telling us the high temperature of 6%, that's 43% in English, would lessen to around 3 during the night, that, he said with a smile, was "Just above freezing."  I am so glad he pointed that out.  
I wished to inform him the "Just above freezing" last night left the field opposite 'just about white' with frost, but I suspect as he is in warm studio in front of TV lights in Norwich he really does not care to know.  
However, I was forced out after 8 this morning to get through Tesco before it got busy.  This was because I forgot yesterday to go upstairs, which had been the whole reason to go there yesterday, and so trekked off in the frost this morning.  
When I returned shivering I wandered through the gardens, stupidity is my middle name, to see what effects had occurred during the cold night.  The frozen pond was beginning to thaw, white surfaces on plants, and Blackbirds with scarves around their necks foraging in the hedges.  I suspect what fish remain are now frozen and awaiting Mr Birdseye to collect them.  

Apparently. last night there was a debate on TV in which Boris and Corbyn made absolutely no difference to the publics view of them and their views.  It appears the questioner was inept, the answers brought laughter not admiration, Boris claiming something about 'Truth' brought giggles, and nothing happened to make anyone take notice.  
I watched Scotland playing Kazakhstan instead, more important and worth a great deal more.  That also makes me ask why the Welsh game was on at the same time, I wanted to watch both? If only one had been held back 24 hours!
Anyway I suspect Boris and Corbyn did not realise football was on, if England had played the debate would have found another night of course, but I doubt we missed anything much.  We know where they stand, or pretend to stand, the sheep will vote without thinking all over the UK, thinking folks will strive to choose he right place for their cross, and others will wonder where the 'Anti-smoking, pro Cycling' candidate is this time.  Possibly he has run out of money from losing so often.  
I have discovered one of our 'Independent' candidates has referred to himself on one sheet as 'Bell-end' or possibly that was an outsider making an observation.  As he is based in Haverhill, right on the border just inside Suffolk I fail to see why he stands here, possibly he has been rejected too often there.  

To make the town appear worse a TV company has been filming in the town.  The programme on offer is from BBC 3, 'TOWIE,' 'The Only Way is Essex.'  This has brought much disgust from the locals who suggest that Basildon or Billericay would be more appropriate.  It appears they did not stay long, as folks d not do in the programme I suspect, and the slappers young women involved have run off back home to mum while not forgetting to have several 'touching' photographs taken for publication accidentally in the 'Daily Mail.' 'Touching' can be taken in various ways here...

'Dreich' you will be pleased to learn, has become top of a Poll to discover the favourite Scots word.
Beating 'Glaikit,' 'Braw' and 'Scunner' to become number one, and no surprise.  No surprise as this is the word most Scots utter first thing in the morning upon waking.  Whether they refer to the view outside or inside is not always clear.  
The words meaning are in themselves quite obvious, what?... Oh!
All right then, here is a run down for you...  
  • Dreich - tedious; damp and wet
  • glaikit - stupid or foolish
  • scunnered - disgust or strong dislike
  • shoogle - shake or move from side to side
  • wheesht - call for quiet or silence
  • fankle - to tangle or mix-up
  • outwith - outside or beyond
  • braw - fine or pleasant
  • beastie - an insect or animal
  • bumfle - an untidy bundle 
They appear straightforward to me...

Tuesday 19 November 2019


Too cold to write. In bed, heat on, wrapped up, hot drink, football on. 
Hands and feet freezing!

Monday 18 November 2019

From the holy Mountain.

Well that didn't take long.
454 pages that raced along easily.  At first I could not put it down.
Beginning in Greece, passing through Turkey, Kurdistan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and the deserts of Egypt, William takes us on a fascinating journey around the Middle East of 1994.  The fascinating thing is that many of the changes he saw beginning are well under way, others still to come.  I would like to read a follow up but wars and rumours of wars would,not allow that.

The story begins with a book written by a Byzantine monk who travelled around the area attempting to visit the monasteries which he felt were under threat, those remaining still are.  John Moschos, an ageing monk travelled with a companion, Sophronius, walking of course, no taxi's in those days, through troubled lands and many dangers.  
The one clear message from the book is that the area involved has always been a dangerous place to visit.  When the two travelling companions set out in 578 AD the land was in danger from the Persians in the east.  They spread themselves over the are soon to be replaced by the new religion of Islam which swiftly conquered the entire area and seen looked to enter Spain.  When you consider Mohamed died in 632 AD, the Arab tribes were then united within two years yet by 641 AD they had taken the whole of what s now Iraq and Syria and entered Alexandria, one of the great cities of the Mediterranean.  Pushing aside both Persian and Byzantine's they were not long in taking the great city Constantinople also.  Life for a monk, bad enough with nomadic raiders and bandits in the isolated places they chose, was not enhanced by the wars around them.
Christianity is seen in many forms in this book.  The author claims to be a Catholic, but nothing about biblical theology.  He is following Byzantine Greeks on his journey and comes across a wide variety of those.  Some use Aramaic in their chants, a language used by Jesus and while in a modern form this sound may go back five thousand years!  
William finds problems between Catholic and Orthodox, both of whom reject Protestants, both are oppressed by Muslims, although this is often more about politics than religion.  In some cases during the Lebanese war Christians lived among Muslims as they considered this safer, and friendlier, than living among Maronites!  In that was life appears to hold little value for either side yet instances of humanity glow in various forms.
It has been ever thus in the area.
Armenian's were slaughtered by the Turks, who themselves had only entered Turkey 400 years before, they were also rejected in 1922 by the Soviets, the Kurds meanwhile, fighting with, or against, the Turks, used them also.  Today Christians are caught similarly in Syria, in 1994 possibly the safest nation in the Middle East for Christians of all sorts.   
Christians get a bead time in Israel also, though the media ignore this.  Palestinian Christians suffer as the Muslims don't trust them, Israel wishes to remove all Christian traits and have a Jewish state, but with money from visitors to 'Holy' places.  Most Byzantine relics have however been swept away!  
Egypt offered problems in the distant past for the monks and hermits who streamed out of the cities.  Political and religious differences, and I suggest no little seeking after both salvation and  a wee bit of fame possibly, drove many to become hermits, while living close to one another.  A form of monastery which has spread by 700 AD to Ireland and Scotland long before Augustine got to Canterbury.
Constantly the author is found in a chapel, darkness reigns bar the flickering candle light or oil lamps glowing in the dark.  Hooded monks chant for hours, even Vespers, the evening service when outside the light still shines brightly is a dark event.  The hours of prayer pass slowly, chanting the works in ancient languages, some newer ones among those a thousand years old.  In dangerous places often only a handful of monks exist, probably long gone now, elsewhere young men have begun to seek this life.  Saints are worshipped, healing's they claim occur, healing's often sought by local Muslims who come, are given a prayer, some token to take with them, then healing's, or babies are said to result.  To me much is superstition, no theology is offered, no doctrines, just teachings which need better scrutiny than in found in this book and yet God is kind.  He hears all people, does he actually respond even though the theology is poor?
Much of this I found a wrong view of Christianity, a form growing up after Constantine took the throne, but not dating back to new testament days.  Too many ecclesiastical layers have been added to a simpler original.  However there is something interesting within.  This book will not be the answer to life's problems but will take us through the land swiftly, with humour and insight.  History is found here, much opened up for us, and while many of the authors views may be argued against I would recommend this book, especially if you look at the Middle East today.  The area has always been one of conflict, it shall be this way for ever.


Friday 15 November 2019

Cold, Cheerless, November

Deep joy and happiness were not in abundance as I ambled across the park.  Slight joy was to be found in obtaining, at £2 a time, some Christmas cards to complete, I hope, this years lot.  There can be no doubt when I fix them up someone will be forgotten, a sister or cousin or someone you never meet.  That sort of person.
There was a kind of thrill watching Portugal play football last night, not a thrill from the football, their 6- 0 win was understandable, but watching the Portuguese crowd wrapped in heavy overcoats, hiding from the chilly rain that is sweeping across Iberia.  No open necked shirts, dark glasses and t-shirts on show.  Anoraks and expensive rain wear the order of the night.   Somehow this surprised me.
The thrill today continued when I hoovered the floor with the broken Tesco hoover, thus annoying the man downstairs who was sleeping after a heavy night shift.  I would apologise but that would mean waking him up again and he might not like that.   
The Polling card arrived today.  This tells me where to vote, when to vote but not who to vote for.  This may be difficult this year.  Our man always wins, the Tory sheep will vote for a monkey in a suit if it wore a blue rosette, but the 18,422 majority might be in some danger.  However I note there are three independents one a one time councillor, and two nobody's with only the deposit to lose.  This means the Labour and Lib-Dem will be fighting to come second.  If only one withdrew and supported the other, we might lose this man! 
The man had a 3000 increase on his majority as the UKIP folks ran off and joined the Tories, what will they do this time, the Brexit man has had to stand down!  Thanks Farage.  Looks like the Labour man has the best chance, the others too far behind, and the ex-councillor might take votes from the Tory boy but I doubt that will mean much.  It all depends in this 'Daily Express' 'Leave' area what the people wish for.  I hope the 'remainers' turn out...

Thursday 14 November 2019

Nothing Blog

It has been that sort of a week.
Nothing in the news bar election, which means Brexit.
No interesting items to read therein, just lies and more lies.
The football pages, the Edinburgh ones anyway, are full of lies re the new managers for Heart of Midlothian and Hibernian.  Names are plucked out of a hat, any unemployed manager is given a ring and asked if he is interested, a full declaration of his love for the club is then published.  Neither of the two clubs have any interest in these men, but anything is used to sell these days.  A Celtic coach has spent much time in the media, Hibernian did not contact him, they did not want him, most fans had never heard of him, but he was 'linked' to Hibs.  The Celtic fans, possibly Hibs ones also, clicked on the online story, wasting their time they read nothing but bull.  Story worked, nothing happened but such is the media today.

I have of course made use of Twitter, much better than facebook, to put right those who are wrong.  This does bring back various answers, educated ones from people in the know, far from educated ones from Rangers fans and gay boys.  Political ones are a dream, although so many comments appear to be 'bots' rather than real people.  
The disadvantage of Twitter is when someone posts a news item, say a football story, then everyone re-tweets this and soon the whole thing is dominated by one story, real or imagined, that never appears to end!  Nothing can stop this. 
At the moment Farage is dominating the page.  Quite why I know not, but there he is, constantly appearing again and again.  You would begin to imagine he has friends pushing this for him, surely not...?

This is nice.  
Press baron Lord Rothermere meets world leader.
Nice to see two men working for peace together.  How things have changed.  Today the 'Daily Mail,' the Lords publication, would be aghast at meeting such a man.  I suspect Adolf may feel similarly if he read the rag today...

On the genealogy trail I discovered one great granddad had a marvellous way in which to stop his wife nagging him.  He always had a way with women, however he did not reveal it to the wider public, well, not until the trial at any roads...

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Free Press, Indeed...?

While glancing through the online 'Daily Express' today the comparison with words often uttered at Remembrance services crossed my mind.  'They died to set us free,' they say, yet where indeed can we find a 'free press' I ask? 
The 'Mail' is owned by a Lord living in France dodging taxes, the 'Sun' is owned by Rupert Murdoch, not renown for an open mind, the 'Express,' now owned by the 'Daily Mirror' remains as it was, but worse, and the 'Telegraph, losing sales fast,is now up for sale as the two headbanger owners and sick off the losses.  All these papers peddle the same opinion.  All feed the minds with half truths and lies.  Objective journalism is hard to find anywhere.
The 'Guardian' and 'Daily Mirror' set themselves on the left, the Guardian full of middle class wishful thinking in amongst some good writing, the 'Mirror,' bar the opinion, is just another 'Sun' offering celebrities, tits, and nothingness.  The 'Times' has some journalists but is another Murdoch paper and limits their opinions to his will.  Some say the 'FT,' which my wallet stops me reading, does have an original opinion, I know not.  The rest of what passes for a 'free press' is limited, small minded and full of lies and half truths, anything to sell. 
A search amongst online journalism finds far too many are leaning too far too the left, a few to the right and once again far too little objective journalism.  It makes searching for actual open minded opinions difficult and time consuming.  The most interesting items I read are those in 'Private Eye' laughing at how stories get published.  There information regarding the true nature of the story or the reason it is offered can be found.  It does not leave faith in journalists today.
You will note I ignore the TV companies, they are just as bad.

For your political entertainment tonight.  Eddie Mair plays with Farage magnificently.

Sunday 10 November 2019

Remembrance 2019

This morning I participated in the remembrance service, reading the appropriate words, the silence, the 9 page 'walk' which he had come up with.  This meant standing a lot reading in public, how scary that turned out to be!  I thought it would be easy but I was so nervous at first and only settled down as went on.  Not good!  However we got through it and many a thought was brought to the surface I discovered later. Very interesting response.

Then walk home and after a quick bite off to the gardens for the remembrance event.
This is where I discovered how the Rotary Club can help.  Once there the spot where I usually stand to take pictures was roped off.  Luckily the man who this year is 'top dog' in rotary circles was there to offer their wreath and it just happens I know him from the museum.  He spoke to the commander of the day and soon I was past the rope and in position with the generals blessing.  He may not be a general but he was in charge.

The usual military style gathering, the dignitaries arriving last behind a piper.
An enormous turn out of young folks, training corps, scouts, and the variety of lesser organisation led the way in followed by the masses.  Several hundred, some in uniform, many wearing service blazers, caps and medals, and one or two now in wheelchairs who were standing not so long ago.

The rotary dignitaries!
The laying of wreaths gets longer each year.  I sometimes wonder why some offer them, but annually they are represented.  Naturally, Police, fire, St Johns and such like are there.  Various military organisations, and today at least one individual offered something.  The important folk went first, then a long list was read out and one by one those present came forward.  Two High schools were represented, one of which takes this on so much that their remembrance service was put out on the BBC a few years ago.  It annoys me so many claim kids no nothing of war yet these guys no more than most 'Daily Mail' readers ever will!  It did cross my mind that skirts that short were not however worn at the school I attended!

The usual marvellous turn out.  The local vicar, High Church, worked his way through the service well and within three quarters of an hour, not counting similar time awaiting the start it was over.  The troops marched away, though whether those under twelve could be called 'marching' can be disputed, and they headed up to St Mikes for the proper, evangelical, service as always.  A short march past afterwards and all was over.  I however did not follow them to St Mikes, two meetings a day is enough and I wished to lie down and eat pizza.

Now, the brain is to tired to think, this I was told today, is not unusual for me.  Yes, it was a woman.
I sip cheap brandy looking for strength and read my book looking for sleep.  A good day is over.

Saturday 9 November 2019

Saturday Legion

Too cold and too lazy to do anything today.
I wandered about in a sunshine that possessed no heat.  The town was bright and the light makes even dreary areas look decent, however while young men sauntered around bravely in pullovers or tee shirts normal folks wrapped up.  
I felt sorry for the Legion me, those not dressed in camouflage gear had to appear in blazers.  This is why most broke the army rules and had hands in pockets most of the time, they must have been freezing!  Appearance however is all for such people, the Legions image must be maintained.  
Lots of cadets around selling poppies, lots of folks wearing them.
One post on Twitter came from someone explaining why they do not wear poppies.  I see no reason for people doing this, the whole idea of fighting wars fro freedom is to ensure the freedom to wear or not wear a poppy.  The Legion makes this clear and opposes forcing folk to wear them, quite right to.  However the 'Daily Mail' and 'Express' reader will stir it by demanding action taken by the none xenophobic who dare not to wear one.   Always the same people, always the same response.
We wore them when young in the 50s without thinking about it.  They appealed less in the 60s when we wished to avoid wars and 'Give peace a chance.'  The cry was 'Make love not war,' although round my way it as more 'Make Tea not war!'  
We then had Ireland!
That brought troops into our minds again.  Then there was the Falklands conflict, that reminded many soldiers were a good idea, even if Thatcher herself was not.
By then I had taken to reading about the Great War, a war we genuinely knew little about, and I became entranced in the many stories that arose from the conflict.  It was later I realised many others were doing the same thing, we found our history without having it shoved down our throats.

A variety of events brought people round to remembering their history, the centenary of the Great War also helped, and now most people understand something of two wars and what happened after them.  How deep this goes time alone will tell.
Tomorrow I have the Sunday service, 9 pages of readings between three of us!  Then the 2pm remembrance at the memorial.  Around 500 usually gather, the 'high heid yins' also attending.  The police are always on the watch for terrorist attacking, this time it may just be people yelling abuse at the MP!

Friday 8 November 2019

Cold and Dreich

The day began dreich, mist shrouded the world.  A cold chill swirled around the room, I let it do so and went back to bed.  Enthusiasm for work did not arrive and after tediously slogging my way through the boring papers, facebook and the more interesting Twitter I found it was almost lunchtime.  However I felt the need to work and cleverly ignored this and did some poor exercise instead. I am getting used to aching.  
I picked up the paperwork that lay before me.  This concerns the readings for Sundays Remembrance service at church.  "I have marked your bit," he said indicating this on the front page, "Just there."  As I perused this it suddenly struck me there was 'my bit' one each page.  A quick calculation indicated NINE pages!  He had of course disappeared by now!  
So today, once again, I ran through the readings hoping the girls doing their (lesser) bits are also practicing.  This will be easy enough, just sections from men who served in the Great War, or their families.  Normally no emotion is involved, I did however find difficulty with one bit, a piece I have read before.  In this a ten year old walks up the hill with her father, he sends her back and he walks away to his barracks.  She never sees him again.  Even though I have read this before it touched me greatly in a way the death of 2000 soldiers could not do.  I suspect this is because of all those girls in the family, and the 'granddad' age at which I find myself.  


It is cold in this hovel, very cold, and I thought I would wander out and get some warmth.
I was wrong!
It was much colder outside, the first time this year, and the westerly wind did not warm me in any way.  However I, reasonably clad I thought at first, wandered abroad.  This took me through the charity shops for some Christmas shopping and on into the shopping centre.  Here a display was put on by the 'Royal British Legion' and I got my eye caught on a 'Royal Enfield' .303 Rifle which was on display among others such weapons.  I got talking, indeed mostly listening, to the chap there and spent a good while discussing things, including his relation to several people on my war memorials.  It is always good to meet such folk.  Whether he thought the same I know not.  However the cold was hitting my back and i decided to run for cover indoors, where it actually was warmer now I had been outside.  Tonight I have had the heating on!
It appears global warming has pushed the jet stream further south.  This means air that ought to be freezing Norway who can cope with it is rushing over us who cannot.  This must also be bringing the excessive rain leading to floods in many areas.  Thankfully that avoids us.


Wednesday 6 November 2019

Sloth, Boris and the Middle East

Thursday and nothing has been done.
Sloth has impaled me.  
Reading William Dalrymple has not helped.  I picked the book up and am a quarter of the way through already!  That includes searching online for pictures of the places he passes through.
The enfeebled parliament has not helped.
With the shouting matches only beginning most has passed me by.  Indeed, as we know what they are saying there is little point in listening.  
I awoke today to my MP obfuscating on the 'Today' programme.  Nick Robinson, a well known Tory, could not get him to admit offering a false impression of an interview of a competitor online was wrong, could get no apology, and could not get a straight answer.  My MP then went to SKY and refused to appear.  Kate Burley then apparently asked an empty chair the questions he would not answer.  She got similar replies to Nick.  My MP stood by 15 feet away but would not appear.  
Add to this a 'row,' possibly encouraged by the devious advisor Dominic Cummings, caused by refusing to publish a report every legitimate authority says ought to be published, has been unwise. The report may well indicate Russian interference in elections, possible payments to the British Conservative Party or may just be another distraction from all the other corruption we are all so used to. 
Meanwhile, Farage, the rabble rouser with no purpose, screams loudly in the background.  Possibly he is afraid Brexit might happen, then how will he earn money for doing nothing?

This book was written after the writer travelled around the middle east in 1994.  In some ways it becomes dated by this but in others it lets us into the area today as it has not really changed much for four or five thousand years, just the names, tribes and religious beliefs changed.
The Turks and the Armenian's love one another just as much today as they have done in the past, at least those that live.  Islamic groups shoot and kill just as efficiently as the PKK in Kurdish areas.  The army or police take bribes and assault with ease and little fear of reprisal.  
I suspect it is similar today. 
Only a quarter of the book so far and now heading into Syria.  
I bet he would not go there today!

Saturday 2 November 2019

Empty Market, Bad Weather and English Losers.

Not long after eight this morning I left Sainsburys and wandered through the town, today being Market Day I wanted to see what pap was on offer.  As you can see nothing was on offer!  The Wednesday fruit stall was out on a Saturday but the two Saturday fruit stalls were not.  A fish van could be seen in the usual spot but nothing else.
I wandered around the corner to find the town quiet, even at that time Saturday is busy, and no stalls to be found.  Not even the van with the Key cutting man was there.  All had taken the day off because of the threatened weather.
A couple of years ago, you may remember, bad weather attacked the nation, the press and many others were upset that they had not been warned.  In fact there was little to be done, weather forecasts had spoken of problems and these had been greater than imagined.  Today, with a months rain falling occasionally in a day, 'Yellow Warnings' are being posted for the slightest hint of poor weather.  We are under one now.  Winds of 40 miles an hour accompanied by rain showers were to blow us away, knock down trees, houses and scaffolding and kill us all.  It has not happened.  Certainly high winds have passed through here, 20 - 25 mph I would guess, and reports elsewhere of occasional gusts of much higher winds have been heard, the disaster foretold however has as yet not revealed itself.
I think we have moved away from caution into a world of neurosis.  Storms are now given silly names like Nigel or Suzanne rather than just 'Storms.'  'Yellow Warnings' are less to warn than to avoid blame when storms arrive.  This could in time lead to complacency as the warnings constantly are overblown, the same people of course will be first to complain!
As we speak the wind is around 15 mph, no rain is falling here and dog walkers watch their charges ruffle the piles of leaves all around the park.  Almost a normal Saturday in November, but with very little of a market to attend.  Tesco and Sainsburys will be happy however.

Most unfortunate.
For much of this week the papers have been filled with fawning items regarding England's win in the Rugby World Cup.  Day after day it has taken up much space in the online press but I suspect this will dwindle somewhat as the day passes by.  I note some have covered the loss well, making it a loss, not a defeat you note, that is the tactic well known to those who read reports of Rangers and Celtic games, and apart from not liking the referee, why? there appears little reason for the English hordes to whimper.  Mind you, I have just noticed the sporting fashion in which the losers refused to wear their Losers medals!  Refusing to wear them like decent folks would do?  How petty!  What does that say about this game, this team and xenophobic Englishmen everywhere?
Anyway, it's only rugby, a game the 'Hooray Henry's' play, not real people...

Friday 1 November 2019

It's Almost Here...

In spite of the many items screaming out for my attention I have spent some time this afternoon writing Christmas Cards!  Today is the 1st day of November!
I like to be organised, these will be sent off on the 1st of December, partly to ensure they get there in good time, partly to remind others to get mine written out and sent back to me.  Of course not all is finished, gift cards for many have to be obtained, looks like Tesco or Sainsbury's for those, and then almost all will be complete, though my wallet will not be happy.
When I saw the 'Private Eye' advert I realised that two packs of their cards would do the worst of the job, each then costing me £1 each!  Cheaper than the shops where all begin at twice that price.
Most cost more than that and the fancy ones considerably more.  One friend I know designs his own.  This began when the kids were small, one sheet A4 paper, fancy design, cartoon, kids drawing, folded into card shape and off it goes.  Must have saved him vast sums of cash, especially as the family were all talented.  I have resisted such an endeavour as I lack the talent. 
It is to be regretted the election was called after the cards were designed, that could have been fun.

I think this picture represents the future of the NHS after Brexit or another Tory government.  The denials from the present Health Secretary, whatsisname, do not offer conviction, especially as Boris and so many other right wing nutjobs in his presence seek an insurance based system so they can cash in on the shares.   My Brexit store remains ready, Corned Beef, Beams, Tea etc, but it is not possible to stock up on medicines in the same way.  Indeed a friend, a radiographer, informs me of the vast number of aged medicines destroyed by the NHS, either badly stocked or donated by patients who do not know how to safely dispose of them.  Supplies in the NHS has always been a place for backhanders and individual progress.  Once Thatcher divided up the NHS the opportunity for price increases matched that of the growth in 'friendly chats' with those responsible for buying for the NHS.  I was in the wrong department!

Thursday 31 October 2019

Election ZZzzzz...

I have been looking around but failed to find any photographs of Boris 'Dead in a ditch.'  Once again his promises have failed us.  This I must say is a disappointment.  Now I am not the kind who wish to see politicans 'dead in ditches' but he did promise, just as he is promising vast financial input into the NHS, education, police, prisons and everything else, I did think that as he did so he could at least keep one promise, the 'ditch' one, and show how trustworthy he is.  He has failed to do this and I am somewhat disappointed.
There has been the usual weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth as several women MPs have decided to stand down.  The fact that many more male MPs are 'leaving is of course ignored as this does not sell the grubby papers.  Amber Rudd, in spite of her Tory credentials could have been a successful minister but did not appreciate having Boris as boss, that reveals her intellect.  On the other hand, muttering about the difficulties of the job, pressure and abuse Nicky Morgan has also stepped down, this less from abuse one feels than from the fact her career has reached an end and off she will go using her name to line her pockets at some Bank, financial institution or business somewhere.  Not much of a politician but knows where the money lies.
The Bigger 'Beast' among those leaving, either by choice or Party opposition will appear regularly on TV and radio, enjoying retirement while keeping their opinions well to the fore as whoever ends up in charge hears their mistakes and lies being analysed.  Ken Clarke will lead these, although the Lords is where he will end up, Hammond and others may well join him there.

Tomorrow people will be wondering why on earth they spent so much money on halloween.  Most have no idea where it started nor why, most see it as a kids party, few comprehend the waste of time and money involved yet this commercial event brings in the cash.  One absurd night a year costing how much?  Consider the time spent in shops stocking the tacky items on sale, the time putting them out, then hiding them the next day.  Consider mums forced to shell out for plastic tat by kids who tomorrow will mutter about plastic pollution! What a waste of time.  
Of course we went in for it as kids...

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Sick of it Already!

December 12th, a time when my Christmas shopping has been done, the cards sent off, the wallet empty, and a trip round the corner to vote for a loser in the General Election. 
Last night, around 10:10 pm, I switched off the radio.  A Tory MP, no idea who, they are all the same, was refusing to answer a question, any question, while spouting the Tory line whether he agreed with it or not.  I could not take any more.
For 43 days we must endure lies, counter lies, newspaper lies, slanted reporting, more lies and a huge growing number of 'experts' explaining to us what is actually going on, all of course giving different answers.  Luckily we all know what each and every MP is saying, "Goes a Job!"
Brexit, the good of the nation, the nations future, all these take a back seat as prospective MPs tell you what you wish to hear even though they know they are lying, you know they are lying and yet they lie in the desperate hope the majority of crosses on the ballot paper will be theirs.   
People of course vote emotionally, not logically, they vote for the party the 'Looks after us' rather than a thoughtful consideration of what is best for the nation overall.  This time many will vote for Brexit, many others will vote against, there will be changes in some areas because of this.  Brexit of course, as I was told yesterday, is only opposed by the 'intelligentsia.'  Naturally I concurred and bowed my head in acceptance.  This is the first time I have been referred to amongst such company.
It may be the last.
Intellectuals, the dumb, the sheep and those who vote for the first time, will all be steadfastly reading every word pushed in front of us during the next few weeks.  I will not.  We know where the parties stand, most know their MPs opinion and only in marginal seats, or those where a change is possible, will folks really take an interest in the half truths and lies on offer.  I need not, our man will be returned, the sheep will come out, however his huge Brexit majority will be diminished as he has put advancement before the constituency and will suffer for this.  He will however keep his well paid job.
I am now off to avoid the papers...

The Tory MPs allowed themselves leave to guffaw at the green tie worn by Corbyn at Prime Ministers Question Time.  They thought this a good reason for ridicule.  Theresa May apparently was less keen and was noted hissing at them to take note, the tie was green in respect for 'Grenfell' and the dead from that fire.   Imagine Tory MPs being out of touch.  One was so far in touch he made it clear the reason the Conservatives beat down the desire to give the vote to 16 & 17 years old's was a simple one, "They will not vote for us!"  He understood.