Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, a man who's name was famously mispronounced by James Naughtie on the 'Today' programme a while back, has announced the death of the NHS. Speaking in an interview with the 'Spectator' he has made it clear that while the NHS budget is 'ringfenced' up to 1915 after that the budget may have to be slashed!
This comes as no surprise to me, or indeed the majority of the nation. The Conservative Party have never liked the NHS. The Conservative Party do not like anything they think costs them money. The Conservative Party and their friends the 'Tea Party,' together comprise the greediest, selfish people known to mankind. The idea of paying tax towards the greatest health service known to man is beyond their capabilities, until of course they require its help. Then the GP is demanded to be on call when they wish him to be there, even if their problem is minor. The thought of waiting in line is beneath such people, self importance comes first. The idea of sharing the cost between the nation, enabling all to have a first class service at all times, even though there may be a wait, is beyond them. The idea that someone somewhere is getting medical care from their taxes, tax they could spend on themselves, hurts them deeply. Therefore Hunt can make such statements happily knowing that a vast number of (well off) people will vote Conservative at the next election, even if they think Cameron and Hunt are not up to the job. Money in the hand gets their vote every time!
The NHS is expensive. Well over a hundred billion a year. Put that against the lives saved, pains eased, disease and disabilities overcome as much as possible, teeth and eyes attended to, and then fuss about a few pence a week tax. The Conservative Party wish us to introduce the American insurance style system, Thatcher the milk snatcher was all for this during the days she threw the mentally ill out of the hospitals and onto the streets. That saved cash by placing them 'in the community,' a community that saw them die in cardboard boxes! Still, it saved cash. Hunt is here offering the Tory view, a view that is growing amongst many such, that cutting cash to the NHS is good for the taxpayer and will not affect the service. This week it must be added saw around 20 accident and emergency clinics close down or are planned to close. Be happy about travelling 15 -50 miles for emergency treatment, if an ambulance can find you in the first place, and hopefully don't die on the way. This would of course save the NHS money if you did however.
So Hunt lives up to his scrambled name as the Tories begin the long. long haul to the next election. The clarity is good however, we now know that the far right will make an effort to take control, and we know what that did for them last time don't we! Goodbye Jeremy, I hope your new job will be more successful than any you have had recently.