Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 May 2024

May Day 2024

Being the first of May I gathered wild flowers and green branches, picked up a garland or two and danced around the Maypole with similarly dressed strangers.  The great fire we lit kind of annoyed the neighbours however, not only was it just dawn it was dawning on them their house was on fire also.  Never mind.  Just like Rome in past times we celebrated the first fruits of Spring, bought from Tesco's clearance shelves, and danced the dawn away.
Such activity has little religious meaning, though it was added here and there, it is just that a proper Spring ought to be upon us, and Summer is around the corner.  Good times lie ahead and people naturally rejoice.  Usually they rejoiced so much the authorities had to clamp down upon the rejoicers!

During 1889 the 'Marxist International Socialist Congress,' mostly male middle class types, called for, among other things, the 1st of May to be a day of demonstration calling for an '8 hour day.'  Thus it has continued one way or another as a day to fly red flags and march with clenched fist against the oppression of the ruling classes.  
I added a red flag to my flowers, green boughs and garlands as I, with many thousands of others, marched through the town centre in the mist this morning.  We will stand up for workers rights, for individuals rights, and for a lawyer to clear up the mess left behind as we sit here in the local police station where the local Stasi have imprisoned us for 'Breach of the Peace.'  
Go celebrate...

A brief scan of the Online Mail this morning reveals just how much money is being lost there.  The page is filled with celeb stories and patched up with tales of US reports.  Actual 'news,' always slanted to suit the DM, is almost impossible to find.  The 'Daily Mirror' is of course no better, we know the writer has had his space reduced and is under orders to use 'clickbait' at all times.  
I feel no sadness at the death of these rags.  If they offered news, news with a sensible opinion it would be worth reading, however, in the desire to survive there is no chance of that, clickbait is all.  The papers that offer more reading either use paywalls and/or have dubious owners rendering their writers opinions somewhat slanted to suit the boss.  In the end I search Twitter to find the news, often from far-right or far-left organisations.  This is not always readable stuff!  
People require an easy to read fact filled open-minded free press, the UK does not have one.


Talking about oppressive governments I came across this the other day, a psalm/song that ought to be used at all the gatherings of the great and the good.  They consider themselves to be 'gods' even if they do not use that term, this psalm indicates their duty and their responsibility, and God will call them all to account, just as he will us.  

     A psalm of Asaph. 

1  God presides in the great assembly;
    he renders judgment among the ‘gods’:
2  ‘How long will you defend the unjust
    and show partiality to the wicked?
3  Defend the weak and the fatherless;
    uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
4  Rescue the weak and the needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
5  ‘The “gods” know nothing, they understand nothing.
    They walk about in darkness;
    all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6  ‘I said, “You are ‘gods’;
    you are all sons of the Most High.”
7  But you will die like mere mortals;
    you will fall like every other ruler.’
8  Rise up, O God, judge the earth,
    for all the nations are your inheritance.

Thursday 4 April 2024

The Press

A quick glance at the 'Online Mail' this morning reveals the low state of the 'newspapers' in the UK.  Truly they are the least trusted outside of North Korea.
The story selected for the top spot features a 25 year old woman suffering a cancer.  The Prime Minister is trying to take us out of the ECHR to  concentrate on his farcical 'Rwanda' policy, yet the Mail places a sick woman as the top story?  This is accompanied by similar major events, 'Parking wars in Ipswich,' the trials of being married to a 'sex addict,' though I did not read on to see if it was a male or female one, several stories of celebs trials flash by while the next top story informs us it will rain a lot, in April!   
I could have investigated the 'Premier league love rat,' or the female train driver being 'forced to work Saturdays,' or Charles 'opening Balmoral to tourists,' but I have just had breakfast.  Putin thinks he is winning in Ukraine, UK aid workers are killed in Israel, the election is due soon, and the press fill the pages with pap like this?  
The 'serious press is little better.  The 'Telegraph,' which I had free for a short time before they demanded money, the 'Independent,' the best of a bad lot, and the 'Guardian,' once a newspaper, now a woman's grudge campaign, all pretend to be serious but follow the world view in different ways.  The 'Telegraph' having become a serious 'Daily Mail,' and never mentioning the ongoing fight to own the once Tory paper.  We cannot mention the BBC, this is because Boris killed the journalism there by installing Tory control, now independent journalism is rare there.
What a mess, I now find news via Twitter, even though Musk has killed much of it, and the porn on offer, alongside dubious ads can be annoying.  If you search here you can find reliable sources, as well as the many false leads.  However, the news from US channels is more informative than that in the UK. I suspect European news agencies are also more reliable than the English based press.  All Scots press is controlled by England, so that is of no worth.
Possibly North Koreans are better informed re the UK than the UK?

Saturday 1 July 2023

Quiet Saturday

Not a great start to a day that has not started greatly.  Overcast, with patches of blue peeking through, wind blowing tepid air in my face as I staggered drunkenly up the road.  My intention was to head for 'B&M' and obtain one or two things for the kids, and something for myself before the crowds arrived.  
There were no crowds, and there were no items I wanted either.  All those toys and not one suitable for either of them.  What I wanted, a new small clock, was not to be seen either.  At one time thousands of these wee clocks were to be seen in such stores, not one can be found today.  Have they all run out? Did the ship sink on its way from China?  Who knows. 
I wandered back across the park as the weather began to spitefully rain on me.  Even the dogs there this morning ignored me.  
This exciting life continues...

Isn't it always the way that when you buy cards for birthdays and the like there is not a suitable one in the drawer!  I have just looked through a pile of cards and not one is suitable for the purpose I have in mind.  Why is this?
If I trawl round the appropriate shops, at least three here, I will not find one that fits today.  There will be billions that will fit next week, but will have gone by then, but today there is nothing.
It is because of such major traumas I am now insane.

Is it just me or is nothing happening just now?
The media appears empty of real news, Sunak made a statement yesterday which has disappeared quickly, and even Boris spouting in the Mail' has drawn little response.  Have we all given up?
The only excitement concerned Farage.  
Making an appearance on TV bemoaning being locked out of UK ,was intended to gather support from his Blackshirt followers.  Instead, it has sponsored rumours about his Russian money, with Twitter offering many photos of him with Russian ambassadors and the usual crew of Brexit ner-do-wells.  Little sympathy has been on view, this, in spite of a spirited defence by all the usual rich right-wing faces filling the right-wing media.  
Poor little rich lying nazi.

Thursday 22 September 2022

Moronic Media

We need more about this woman.  Today's media is stuffed full of garbage regarding actors, TV celebs, and other nobody's and their love lives, 'floods of tears,' and similar non stories.  Once again people wrongly diagnosed by overworked doctors (they never mention those who were successfully treated) tell us their woes among the routine murder, rape and 'Kiss & tell,' stories that I loathe.  
Even the football pages struggle as the international games are upon us once again.  This means the routine lies and half truths offered week by week will not do.  Hacks spend must time filling space with  nothing at all and expect to be paid for it.  
The reluctance to grumble about this lying government, today announcing more benefits for the rich and taking money from the poor, is still ongoing.  Serious journalism is hard to find, especially when Twitter remains blocked, and the variety of news feeds I come across are either too far left or too far right.  Journalism cannot be one sided, it requires an open mind, but that does not sell the press. 
A quick look at the TV guide and all hope has gone.  Bread and Circus's without jam.  I am so glad there is some football on tonight.

Saturday 25 June 2022

Saturday Info Struggle


Saturday morning, well lunchtime, and no real news to be seen.
Riots in the USA because they are stopping women killing babies, for some reason this is not acceptable.  The same people that demand help for the kids they have are happy to end the life of one they do not want, how cruel.  The same court has however, allowed New Yorkers to carry concealed guns.  A rule worked out by going back to the revolutionary days in the early US states and even taking into consideration the law as it was in the UK during Cromwell's civil war.  Quite what this has to do with the US, and quite how this allows them to carry guns in a city where life already appears cheap is not made clear.

Boris continues to lie while hiding in Rwanda, maybe they will keep him?  Something called 'Glastonbury' attracts lots of bad musicians and a desperate for attention ageing Paul McCartney.  The papers insist on filling space, in among the celebrities, of various diseases you might have if you stand, sit or walk in certain fashions.  A spot on your arm may indicate your foot will fall off, or a pain in the ankle mean you have TB.  I am not sure I trust the medical advice given by the media.  Also seeking attention is the girl on the make Kate, now Princess or Duchess or whatever, making use of the armed services for another PR stunt.  Intense, they say, speculation grows as to why Rupert Murdoch (91) is divorcing his latest woman, one Jerry Hall (60), though her smoking habit is being blamed.  So the blue pills do not work?  Boris Johnson wishes to put 'Daily Mail' editor, now 'editor in chief,' whatever that means, Paul Dacre (74) into the House of Lords, something Dacre has chased before.  If memory serves me well Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May all refused him this, and not just because the press ought not to be connected with government.  Boris is trying to push this through however. 
The 'Daily Express' online is no longer allowing any comments on stories, far too many people were pointing out how incorrect they were, so comments are banned!  Censorship, surely not?  The 'Daily Mail' continues to allow comments, at least the ones they print.  Many I note disagree with the slant put on stories.  A worrying trend for Mr Dacre and his lackeys.  
Otherwise nothing else has happened, certainly nothing here.  Not counting wobbling to Sainsburys early, then wobbling back as I forgot bread the very thing I went for!  I am not keen on this walking at the moment so was not pleased with  the holes in my brain.  Indoors I spent time upsetting child killers in the USA and some here also, mocking an occasional middle class socialist "What work with your hands have you ever done?" And sought out the early news of the football team returning to training in sunny Spain.  Only a month before that begins again.

Thursday 23 June 2022



Fascist coup?  Nobody has noticed.  
The comparison above may not be entirely accurate, much is missing, but this indicates the way Boris and his cronies have taken over the nation with almost nobody realising or caring enough to do something about it.
Under Steve Bannon's tutelage Boris has used nazi tactics to remove opposition from himself and his government.  Again, nobody appears to have noticed.
Adolf Hitler did not bother with following the niceties of parliament, he abolished it.  An 'Emergency Decree,' after the Reichstag fire, enabled him to take complete control.  He never lost this until 1945.  I await the fire that will lead to a similar decree leaving Boris as King.  This will be very soon I suggest.  In the meantime the 'Bill of Rights' will remove all our 'rights.'  So worried are the Law Society they have taken this to the UN!

This book, mentioned recently, covers visitors to Germany during the 20s and 30s.  Few realised what was happening around them.  Some were in agreement with what they did discover, a few opposed what they saw.  For the most part visitors just enjoyed the country, as the people appeared happy, content, and economically vibrant.  Underneath the spine was chilling and broken.  
The UK has not reached that point as yet.  The nazi philosophy is not among us, just the control.  However, we still have people who stand up for the workers and those who are suffering.  Opposed by the press barons and other billionaires, they do not succeed and soon laws will be passed to limit them.  

Adolf surrounded himself with people on the make.  These he paired off against one another by having two of everything.  Two foreign offices, two Home offices, two army commands etc.  Boris does the same but differently.  He needs only one not two departments, this he places under one desperate for the job, one who has no talent, limited experience and is loyal to Boris.  These act as cannon fodder to protect his inability to do the job, allowing them to take the flak while he runs for cover.  
This one, now transport secretary, has had four names during his time as MP.  The present one appears to be his real one, the others were scams with which he enriched himself and ran away, Boris style.

Martin Niemoller  died in a prison cell.  Unless the people begin to stand up and demand their liberties back once again they will all be lost, the election Jerrymanded to suit Boris, and freedom will be lost forever.  There is limited political opposition, so the people must do this themselves.
However, few speak out.  Those who do are ignored by the Boris media, the vast majority of the population unknowing, not interested, hoping any trouble will just 'go away.'  A wee bit like many Germans in 1930s Naziland. 

Thursday 11 March 2021

M and H and a lot of Bull...

Lucky us!  A missing woman has been found dead, murdered allegedly, with the investigation centering on a police officer.  How lucky for us as this distracts the small minded press from the Meghan and Harry soap opera that has unfortunately filled the spaces everywhere.
As always we must ask when such stories fill the papers what is hiding behind them?  What is being pushed through by Boris and his gangsters while the plebs gape at these millionaires telling us of their suffering?
The nation is divided, half support poor, hard done by, racially insulted Meghan (a woman), while half support the poor, hard done by queen (a woman), who suffers through all this while half, like me would prefer them all to go away.
Maths @tabloid press.
How easy to gain sympathy by slipping in the accusation, with 'no names,' about the child being black! What sales arise, what support from half of the United States Black population, who it must be said, have absolutely no idea what the royals are all about.  A throw away line that generates mass publicity.  I wonder who thought that one up?  Possibly the same person who decided her 'Mental Health' was suffering?
The 'Daily Mail' reader has of course stood up for 'Our poor, hard working, long suffering queen,' who, while counting the millions she has banked away in foreign banks, suffers daily the indignities of her role, or at least of the behaviour of her family.  
So, we have two millionaires, one living off the royals while claiming he has no money, claiming they have cut him off (including the child?), one a bint on the make marrying into royalty, like his mum, while crying loudly (overacting?) about how hard life is being a well paid royal with responsibilities she did not wish to bother about, and an interviewer, who failed in the UK, but has made millions by being black and female in the US.  I feel great empathy for these poor struggling people.  
Mind you I am not so sure those queueing up at the Food Banks that now proliferate throughout the queens Kingdom feel the same way.  
At least the press have tired of them and have a murdered woman to make the most off.  Twitter is awash with women telling of their struggles shaking off unwanted men (no tales of them chasing men who don't want them for some reason) and inspiring fear in all women by telling them how they will all be killed by a stranger/friend/policeman/sadist as they walk down the street.  They tend to forget Rose West and Myra Hyndley for some reason.   
Ah the media, this wide world, nearly nine billion souls and the press concentrate on soap operas and half truths that cause fear just to sell papers.  It appears journalism is dead, just as most of these papers are dead.  Maybe one day they will note a reason for the death of the press?

At £1 a go I decided rthe place required brightening up!  Brilliant idea!  Immediately the sun went in,  clouds covered the land, rain fell, pushed along at high speed by strong winds keeping sensible people indoors.  I might have to place a lamp next to the Daffs just to pretend it is Spring!

Friday 5 March 2021

Media Flapjacks!

A quick glance through the front pages of the papers, as seen on the BBC website, reveals the sad state of journalism in this nation.  Both the BBC site and the BBC Scotland site offer the front page of the press, the front page is occasionally different in Scotland.  These offer large bold headlines with little story to accompany the headline. The story offered is of course not the main story of the day, it is the main story the owner wishes you to read, his Oxbridge select editor may well disagree with almost everything he publishes but will print it anyway as the money is good.  Facts, integrity and, gulp, journalism will be difficult to find.  What a sad state of affairs.
It has of course always been this way.  Know what your audience wants and give it to them, even if it is junk!  In recent days we have seen such media scream for Nicola Sturgeon to resign, the failure of the Scots committee to nail her to the wall leaves the press the next day avoiding the failure and looking elsewhere for distracting stories.  How disappointing for them.  While demanding she goes none demand any of the Conservative cabinet go, no matter how many lies they offer.  Today Pritti Patel's bullying is revealed to have cost the government £340,000 in compensation, plus the costs, yet she is still in place, how can this be? Until the PM's men indicate she must go the right wing press, which is all we have left, will keep quiet about her misdemeanours.  
The judge in another case has declared Hancock failed in his duty to publish details of PPE and other contracts within the specified time.  Those bringing the case were awarded £85,000 towards costs.  Hancock has lost, will he resign?  No, those days are now behind us.
The BBC is now controlled totally by the government, no condemnation, no journalism allowed if it exposes Boris and his men.  The others, SKY and ITV are also submissive to the controlling elite, we must ask why?  
It is now a requirement of those who wish to know more, to find journalism, to find facts, that an internet search is a daily slog in the hope of finding information regarding the days dealings.  This is a risky business as the web is flooded with false information, biased newsrooms and foreign interference.  It is however the only way to go.
However, we must ask why we have such a poor, crooked government elected?  How did they get there?  Clearly the Brexit lie helped, the Brexiteers closed their eyes to the cost, many still do, and emotion won the voctory.  But a vast number opposed this and the opposition party did not make use of their grumblings, why so?  
So we have corrupt government, feeble, indeed, missing opposition, a lying press living off this bunch of gangsters, and now a pandemic on top.
Something is going on, and this is not clear to any of us at the moment.
Are 'Flapjacks' meant to look like this....?
I feel I may have misjudged the recipe amounts.  First I put in too little, then too much, then altered it and within minutes I could smell smoke...
I had made er, shortbread, shortly before this so the oven was quite hot.  This, er, flapjack, does have a sort of taste, mostly Stork Margarine, and with the burnt edge removed it is quite edible.  
Flavour of course is not an option...

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Isolate, Press, Jab.


I have been isolating for several days.  By 'isolating' I mean, 'too lazy to go out.'  There is no need to venture downstairs, the neighbour has left the mail at my door, well, two grubby adverts for takeaways that is, there is milk in the fridge, bread in the bin, and meat in the freezer, so no need to spend money.
Weather dreich again, the icy sunshine replaced by rain which removed the last vestiges of snow and saturated those dogwalkers in the park.  The dogs did not notice either the rain or the saturated walkers.  I watched from the window, giggling.
I have, like so many others, ceased watching or reading the news.  On Twitter, when not banned for no good reason, I find headlines worth reading, from several media, few are worth following up.  The main press online appears to fill the page with half naked ageing celebrities, women showing their scars for no good reason, occasional murder, robbery, shock-horror or sentimental slush stories, no real in depth news or comment.  Why do people buy them as their is nothing inside?  'Bread & Circus's for the people I suspect.
The vaccine of course fills the spaces, either millions have been given, or not enough, depending on who you read.  My first 'jab' is scheduled for Saturday, if I can walk that far to the hospital and then stand for hours in the queue!  We wait to see how it goes.  Already talk is of ending lockdown and back to normal.  No chance for a long time in my view.  Sudden ending and soon another lockdown.
Back bench Tories with their eyes on the cash box will disagree.


Tuesday 26 January 2021

Free Press


I note that Rupert Murdoch, who recently opened 'Times Radio' in an attempt to create a 'Fox 2' has been unhappy with the squalid output.  He may be happier with Andrew Neil, one man who can ask questions of politicians properly, in his new venture of a 'Fox TV' station.  The problem with Andrew is his far-right views, his connection to 'The Spectator,' and his UK 'British' station being paid for by foreign money, plus UK money based in the Cayman Islands.  This does not to me imply independent journalism.  I suggest what we will oeffered is another failing attempt at 'Fox News' style coverage with a UK branding.  You will recall they tried 'Fox Tv' here for a while but this failed, the US scene was of little interest to the 'Daily Mail' viewer, however a UK based TV station will reach the 'Daily Express' and 'Telegraph' reader, although I suspect the man who reads the 'Sun' may be left out somewhat with the big words.  
Whenever this station begins the audience will be there for it.  Whether they can keep that audience will be interesting.  Another problem may be advertising.  They will require the dumb adverts for lawyers, Life Insurance, dog charities and the like to pay for the station, but these people can no longer afford to advertise on TV, Covid has dented their income also.  I hope those Arab sheiks have lots to offer Andrew.
Not too much done today, having got up late again, finished a burnt breakfast, then the study, such as it was, there was little time left to start something before the van came.  Then I spent some time cramming all the pies into the freezer and fridge.  One went on lunch and now it is time for tea, lucky me.


Monday 28 December 2020

The Dankness...

A Monday holiday as Boxing Day was Saturday.  The mist has hung around all day, though some sun appeared.  Dankness now reigns.  The thin covering of snow like frost that greeted us this morning may return tonight.  Thankfully, here in the 'warmest part of the country' we avoid the worst.  
That sums up today.
The world appears stunned that it must endure another day off.  A few dawdle across the park, a few dogs sniff and bark, a few new bikes appear, and a few new scooters, boots and hats also.  All prized assests, at least until familiarity breeds contempt.  Shiny things do not remain shiny for ever.  
So, to find sunshine I look at US Railways on 'Virtual Raifan.'  Naturally, the first one was in Canada and the snow already three inches deep!  Tehachapi, California, 'where the sun always shines,'  was suffering a monsoon, and Chehalis, Washington State was covered in mist, again.  Maybe it is not so bad here after all?

This appeared on Twitter the other day.  I cannot prove the facts offered, I do not recall who published this, however I did think it looked accurate...
How interesting that the 'free press' in the UK is considered less believable than that found in Albania, Ireland, Turkey or North Macedonia!  I do not see Russia on there, maybe there is a reason?  
This tells us how much we need a 'free press,' as well as indicating some nations may trust their press and not notice the failings?  Social media, with all the 'fake news,' has taken the place for many.  What is on offer there may be more attractive, more honest or indeed more futile, however, that is where young folks find news.
I wonder if Rupert Murdoch owns papers in North Macedonia?

Saturday 22 February 2020

Now, I'm Not One to Complain, but...

But, really, has this all got out of hand?
The TV and radio, the press in general, are spending an enormous amount of time of the Chinese Flu coverage.  They took a break for a while while the Caroline Flack death intruded, spent a day or so at the many flooded areas, which appear forgotten now, and are back with the Flu. 
Could it be there is no news available?  Could it be the English xenophobic way?  After all those trapped rather stupidly in Yokohama harbour have spent two weeks in a boring bedroom, now they are being airlifted back to similar accommodation 'somewhere in England.'  Is this story really so important?
I am impressed with the 'Daily Mail' coverage of Meghan and Harry.  Not at any time in the many column inches offered on the 'Mail Online' do they mention that Meghan is suing the paper because of its coverage of her!  Amazing that the paper does not appear to know this.  
However several times today she is seen as sour, vindictive and downright awful.  Harry is sulky, dim and just doing what she says.  While much of this may be a correct interpretation it would be nice if the 'Mail' admitted they are scared  she might win millions.
Oh and i looked at the 'Scottish Sun' again today.  
Don't!  It's just rubbish.
Of course one question not being asked by these papers is what happened to that Russian report that reveals how much Russian money and internet influence aided Boris.  Maybe that being released would be a good idea.

The good news is I, eventually, managed to get the phone working, made a call and then worked out the text setting and had received and sent texts. I expect now my women will be constantly nagging me through this!  I am in two minds whether to share the number.
More good news!
GiffGaff, who I joined on 'Pay as you go' have announced call prices increase from 15 to 25 pence and texting etc is also more or less doubling!  Rejoice, rejoice!!!
As O2 is the basis for all these companies, well many off them, it implies more prices will be going up elsewhere.  I blame Brexit!

Sunday 16 February 2020

Broken People

Digital Spy

The 'British' intellect is a simple one.  The press understand this and follow, or is it lead, that intellect to a degree of profit for themselves.  For days we have been offered sensational warnings regarding 'Storm Dennis' which was about to blow us away and destroy the nation.  It didn't.  The warnings were in every paper, TV and radio also blasting out threats of suffering in 90 mph winds and heavy rainstorms.  In the end they were not much worse than what we usually receive. 
However as this was vitally important information nothing but the most urgent news could shift it from top spot, especially as it was being used to hide tales regarding our inept Prime Minister and his dog Dominic Cummings.
The heart of the nation is revealed (as the headlines would say) to be centred not on obtaining the 'Russian Report,' not on worrying about the Budget, not on questioning serious dodgy dealings in No 10 but instead on the death of an unknown women at 40 years of age.
Apparently this woman took part in a programme I would have thought unworthy of broadcast, but there you go.  As I did not watch 'Love Island' I cannot comment on the content, well I can as I know just enough to make me switch off, and I can say it is something that the death of such a woman is considered fit to splash over all front pages.  What sort of a society watches 'Love Island?'
There are court cases involved which concerned this woman, there was pressure from the media, there was her unstable mind, all these things contribute to her death.
The court case I did not concern myself with, apparently she bashed a boyfriend and the media lived on this for a while.  The media make use of her story and she and others complain she was used.  Hmmm.  These people seek attention and when it comes they cannot cope with it.  Those who participate in such programmes will be hassled without mercy by the tabloids who are clearly out of control.  
Nothing will be done.
Much may be made of her unstable mental condition, however I suggest anyone who wishes to be famous' in such a way, or indeed by being a 'Pop or Film Star' is clearly unstable.  The world is filled with broken people seeking attention.  Possibly  they just require proper 'Love' and 'Care.'  
It is very sad that a pretty woman should be killing herself at 40, or indeed at any time.  It is disgraceful that the media will live on this for days.  It is inevitable that the pother broken people out there will 'read all about it' and see no wrong in their desire to peer into another's broke life. 
The storm appears to have abated, many flooded in the usual places, less articles about them now.  I wonder what the media will distract our attention with next week in between using another young broken woman, and hopefully they say, breaking others for a story?

I was very impressed this morning as I walked to church.  Just before 8 am the rain came down in torrents, it was like looking at a gray mist. I began to plan remaining indoors.  However I was doing the reading this morning, Genesis Chapter 1 and a bit of 2.  This is quite long and the Rev thought it funny!  So I had to be there for that at least.  No offers of transport arrived, I waited for one of my women to offer, none did.  All those Valentine's cards wasted again.  However by the time I left it was dry.  I almost got to the door before any rain developed though I had the pleasure of walking home in heavy rain later.  My big jacket is still wet.  

On the corner near the church was an enormous puddle reaching out into the road, blocked drains must be doing this everywhere.  A BMW rounding the corner almost drove into it until he saw me walking by and moved out to avoid drowning me, thank you sir, but he almost hit a small car coming the other way.  I wonder how many people would have driven through the puddle?  I wonder how many accidents we do not hear about are caused by such? 
I look forward to the end of the great storm, or at least the great headlines regarding the storm.  Daily winter weather is upon us.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Free Press, Indeed...?

While glancing through the online 'Daily Express' today the comparison with words often uttered at Remembrance services crossed my mind.  'They died to set us free,' they say, yet where indeed can we find a 'free press' I ask? 
The 'Mail' is owned by a Lord living in France dodging taxes, the 'Sun' is owned by Rupert Murdoch, not renown for an open mind, the 'Express,' now owned by the 'Daily Mirror' remains as it was, but worse, and the 'Telegraph, losing sales fast,is now up for sale as the two headbanger owners and sick off the losses.  All these papers peddle the same opinion.  All feed the minds with half truths and lies.  Objective journalism is hard to find anywhere.
The 'Guardian' and 'Daily Mirror' set themselves on the left, the Guardian full of middle class wishful thinking in amongst some good writing, the 'Mirror,' bar the opinion, is just another 'Sun' offering celebrities, tits, and nothingness.  The 'Times' has some journalists but is another Murdoch paper and limits their opinions to his will.  Some say the 'FT,' which my wallet stops me reading, does have an original opinion, I know not.  The rest of what passes for a 'free press' is limited, small minded and full of lies and half truths, anything to sell. 
A search amongst online journalism finds far too many are leaning too far too the left, a few to the right and once again far too little objective journalism.  It makes searching for actual open minded opinions difficult and time consuming.  The most interesting items I read are those in 'Private Eye' laughing at how stories get published.  There information regarding the true nature of the story or the reason it is offered can be found.  It does not leave faith in journalists today.
You will note I ignore the TV companies, they are just as bad.

For your political entertainment tonight.  Eddie Mair plays with Farage magnificently.

Tuesday 31 July 2018


An old foto that caught my eye at the time.  I wonder where I was?  
The media is so poor today.  Holiday time allows for 'fake news' to arise but all we see are deaths, rapes, crime and absurd folk doing things that kill them or others.   The good things don't sell papers and anything good is always made sickeningly sweet that it makes you puke.  Sentimental rubbish, girls boobs or death and destruction fill the dying press, yet little knowledge regarding the Brexit collapse that will soon be upon us.  I already have three tins of corned beef in the stockpile!

I know where I took this, Spitalfields before the middle classes gentrified the place.  Now the run down houses and derelict market are full of trendies with expensive tastes.  Offices blocks and refurbished houses, very expensive, abound and of course Liverpool Street Station is round the corner.  Weavers have been here for hundreds of years and many buildings reflect something of this. Who inhabited these I know not but I love the shutters, especially the ones that block just half the window.  What a great way to keep people out.  Some of these go back to Georgian times and I understand one or two are preserved in aged fashion and these would be worth a visit if ever up that way.  Spitalfields huge church was used for many years as a place for down and outs (a much better term than homeless) but these were removed as indeed were the rotting coffins in the crypt (a messy venture I have somewhere on a video) and now the place is a glowing marvel.  I wonder if God is there now?

The little darlings enjoyed themselves today, except for one three year old who was removed by an irritated grannie who decided the darling was not behaving correctly, and as always happiness reigned.  Busy day with kids and mums, phone calls and making mistakes, visitors and their questions.  Then it is home to stare at the laptop wondering why there is no football on!  
Poor show this.


Monday 21 May 2018

Media Clickbait

How much clearer life is when the papers are not filled with that wedding!  
Forty million pounds wasted on the benefit scroungers and masses of papers sold to those buying souvenir editions that will remain tucked away in cupboards for years to come. 
Bah! To all that I say!
Half the UK want to keep the monarchy, the other half do not.  The decent half cannot understand why people fawn over the royals, what is it that such silver spooned folks have that makes people wish to be near them?  Is it a desire to be one of them?  Just imagine living your life surrounded by underpaid fawning staff and grubby overpaid media personnel who will sentimentalise you today and stab you in the back tomorrow, do such folks really want that?  I feel sorry for the royals as none of them want to be in their position, however many in the nation do not wish to be in the position they are in either and just have to get on with it.  A life of luxury has its costs as much as a life at the bottom end.
Looking at the media all those I glanced at today were filling half their online pages with the wedding and the aftermath, this is them cutting down!  Clearly the media on all sides are pushing this heavily for the clickbait and realise there is an audience out there willing to be led like sheep.  It is indeed a worry that people are so easily fooled by such pomp, what is it within us that makes people seek celebs so desperately?  Clearly the hunger for God is within us all and requires satisfaction but half the church yesterday, if not all, were glued to their screens.  It may surprise you to know I missed it all.  I feel none the worse for that.

Sunday 22 April 2018

Ugly Success

Life is a strange thing.  The yellow press are always filling their ages with nonsense yet people still pay for in hard copy or click on links to fill their faces with adverts (unless they use Adblockpro) and total nonsense.
While clicking on advertless yellow press I came across 'This' rather daft study.  Satoshi (who?) from the LSE (London School of Economics) and Mary (who?) from the University of Boston have conducted a study (who paid for this) measuring 20,000 Americans over a 13 year period to discover that those who were most conscientious and extroverted made the most money.
However the story headline claims being unattractive leads to money but the finding show a more dedicated approach does the job.  Your looks mean nothing.  This reveals the twisted nature of the media and the half truths of such study.  Who paid for this nonsense?  For a start the use if US folks who are all loud and thoughtless in a society that worships money and rewards hard work with no thought for those who suffer in between does not make for a decent society.  Just making money is not enough, a top level footballer, a businessman or a politician can make money but they may not be nice people (Boris anyone?).  
Anyway if being ugly made you rich I ought to be rolling in it by now, I've had practice!  It does annoy me that talentless individuals get fame and money by being talentless and appearing constantly in the press.  These 'celebs' contribute nothing, make vats piles of cash and remain for the most part broken people with damaged lives.  I must state that if having no talent lead to money and fame can I just let entrepreneurs know that I am here waiting for you.  I have absolutely no talent, as you can confirm, no singing ability, no acting talent, fail at everything and cannot even pout properly, so start sending the money and I will pose for the papers when you are ready.
How does Mrs Beckham do it...?