Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts

Friday 7 February 2014


Having spent the whole day enclosed in the museum once again it was a delight to be out in the open air, even if only taking the free bus down to B&Q for a tin of paint!  The sky was wonderful, and I am afraid my picture does not capture the vibrant colours as they actually were, still it's a good shot.  Such a shame the car park and the rest of the shopping centre spoilt the view.  Such a shame also that after this even more cloud and rain storms will fall across the southern part of the nation tonight adding to the woes already encountered.  I must admit it is only tonight, once I actually took time to look at the TV pictures, that I realised how widespread the floods have been. Indeed one of the streams near here flooded today leaving my boss with an hours delay this morning.  I am even more glad to be here, slightly higher than the area round about.  What devastation the floods have caused, a combination of very heavy continual rainfall and high tides arriving at the same time.  Acres of low lying land flooded, houses also, rail lines destroyed, and only now does the government appear to be responding properly.  Of course at the moment there is little to be done but suffer until the rain stops and the waters recede.  Maybe Councillor David Silvester was right after all?

This was where I spent my day, while on my desk back home among the dust particles lay a long list of jobs requiring urgent attention, hence the trip to B&Q!  The cheapest matt emulsion they had was obtained and I will spend some of Saturday splashing it across the small kitchen as this is a quicker and more efficient way to improve the look than attempting to clean it all down!  The bad side of this is that everything else will look dim in comparison and I will then require more paint to do the East Wing.  Actually sitting putting barcodes on small toys and discussing a historic building was more enjoyable really.  Who knows what will happen next here.  The lass who bullies me is leaving and no one appears sure what will happen now.  We of course will be the last to know as always.  I'm annoyed she leaves as the place was fun, even if she fussed like a woman and panicked too often, that is my job!  Who knows who will arrive now.

So now I am attempting to return my mind to equilibrium (is that a country?) by reading your blogs and seeking sleep.  As the pic features clouds you may wish to peruse Kays blog tonight as she has a few pictures worth a look, although she always ensures she finds a way of getting into at least one of them!  To make matters worse there is no football to watch tonight, how rough can things be I ask?  In the morning, after shopping, painting and clearing up the weeks mess I will respond to blogs that require, indeed need, an answer, till then I just read and enjoy them.


Thursday 6 February 2014

Per Adva ad Astra Mush

"Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep." 
Suffolk King Henry the Sixth, Part Two.


'If the enemy is in range, so are you.' 
-Infantry Journal-
 'It is generally inadvisable to eject directly 
over the area you just bombed.'
- US.Air Force Manual -

'Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword 
obviously never encountered automatic weapons.' 
- General Douglas MacArthur - 

'Tracers work both ways.' 
- Army Ordnance Manual- 

'Five second fuses last about three seconds.' 
- Infantry Journal -

'Any ship can be a minesweeper.  
- Naval Ops Manual  - 

'Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do.' - Unknown Infantry  Recruit

'If you see a bomb technician running, 
try to keep up with him.'
- Infantry Journal-

'Yea, Though I Fly Through the  Valley of the Shadow of Death, I Shall Fear No  Evil. 
For I am at 70,000 Feet and  Climbing.' 
- Sign over SR71 Wing  Ops-

'The only time you have too  much fuel is 
when you're on fire.' 
-Unknown  Author-

'When one engine fails on a twin-engine airplane,
you always have enough power left to 
 get you to the scene of the crash.' 
-Multi-Engine Training Manual-

'Without ammunition, the Air  Force is just 
an expensive flying  club.'
-Unknown  Author-

'If you hear me yell; "Eject, Eject, Eject!” 
the last two will be echoes.' 
If you  stop to ask "Why?", you'll be talking to yourself, because by then you'll be the pilot.'
-Pre-flight Briefing from  a Canadian F104 Pilot-

  'What is the similarity between air traffic 
controllers and pilots? If a pilot screws up, the pilot  dies; 
but If ATC screws up... the  pilot dies.
-Sign over Control Tower  Door-

'Never trade luck for skill.' 
-Author  Unknown-

The three most common expressions 
(or famous last words) in military aviation are: 
'Did you feel that? 
What's that noise? 
and 'Oh  S...!' 
-Authors  Unknown-

'Airspeed, Altitude and  Brains. Two are always 
needed to  successfully complete the flight.' 
-Basic Flight Training  Manual-

'Flying the airplane is more important than radioing your plight to a  person on the ground incapable of 
understanding or doing anything about  it.'
  • Emergency  Checklist--

'You know that your landing gear is up and locked 
when it takes full power to taxi to the  terminal.' 
- Lead-in Fighter Training  Manual -

As the test pilot climbs out of the experimental aircraft, having torn off the wings and tail in the crash landing, 
the crash truck  arrives. 
The rescuer sees the  bloodied pilot 
and asks, 'What happened?' The pilot's reply: 'I don't  know,
I just got here myself!'  


Friday 31 January 2014

Saturday 18 January 2014

Monday 6 January 2014

Now I'm Not One to Complain....

Now I am not one to complain, everyone knows that.  However in the months leading up to Christmas I have been inundated with chancers informing me that I must re-insert my details, so the thieving crooks can rib me.  Ninety percent of these pretend to be from Nat West Bank in some form or another. Not only do I get them daily I am getting three or four at a time some days, all Nat West! Occasionally they change to 'Smile,' or 'HSBC,' but mostly it is 'Nat West' customers who appear to be so stupid as to reply to a document that does not contain their name, account number or any other authenticating details.  We all for for them at times but come now!

Eusebio one of the great footballers has died at the age of 71 from heart problems.  A sad end to a great player and a great man.  Mozambique born he qualified to play for Portugal where he spent his time playing for Benfica, making them one of the 60's most powerful sides.  He played in cup finals, European Championships and was regarded as second only Pele!  During the 1966 World Cup Portugal found themselves three nothing down to a then popular North Korea.  I was one of many who saw Eusebio take the game by the scruff of the neck, score four of Portugal's five goals and rob Pak Do Ik and all of their moment.  It was an astonishing feat at the time.  Only rarely were football matches televised in the 60's but a friendly between Manchester United and Benfica was shown one night. Nothing much about this friendly game sticks in the mind bar one free kick.  The ball was placed about fifteen yards inside the Benfica half and Eusebio lined up to take it.  I recall commentator Kenneth Wolstenholme exclaiming, "I think he is going to shoot, he is!." The Manchester United goal was in the other half off the field!  Eusebio did indeed have a seventy five yard effort on goal and this shot went straight and true slipping a few inches past the post!  He would never have scored but it was a fabulous effort!  This man played 745 matches scoring 733 goals, a feat few will ever equal if any!  One of the world's great players.

George is laughing again!  He has told of his intention to cut £12 .5 Billion mostly from the Welfare budget.  How interesting that the 'Daily Mail' readership, who vote for this, will be impressed but not as much as the corporate tax dodgers who will be left untouched with their millions.  Robbing the poorest is easier than taxing the rich, who are Georges friends. There is around about £100 Billion available if George stooped tax dodging, but this is easier and a sure vote winner!  Rob the poor and pay the rich, it's the Conservative way!

Is climate change causing problems?  Around 1966 I noted a small story in the 'Edinburgh Evening News, in the days when that was a newspaper, mentioning that the Polar Ice Caps were melting. How come it has taken so long before action results?  Many time politicians have gathered to discuss the climate, notes were made, agreements reached and almost nothing has occurred, except climate change!  The US is suffering a great ice age this week, the weather stream comes all the way across the Atlantic and reaches far into the Mediterranean.  Snow, rain, storms, mixed with high tides, all bring trouble and yet we still think climate change is a lie.  We have had our share of rain, but no floods, and I feel for those who have seen large areas of normally dry land disappear under four or five feet or river water.  The ongoing effects will never leave them.  Oh and it's raining as I speak!


Saturday 23 November 2013

Saturday Shopping?

Another morning in the Museum shop saw the beginning for Christmas shopping.  Our cards are ready, our shelves stacked, and I only took around £15 this morning!  Not only that but few wished to discuss History of some type and on top of this by the time I got home I missed the first half of the football!  Tsk!  However it was a good morning  as the people were on the whole decent, chatty, and friendly while nothing much went wrong.  This was good as only two of us were in and the bosses hiding themselves this weekend.  The football I missed was rotten also, being Hibernian it would be as you would realise but tired and weary as I was after this the veg would not turn up at my door so out I trek to the market.  With typical results, the veg man was not there, either he has given up, taken sick or gone home early, which is most unlike him. This meant I had to endure Tesco veg stall on a Saturday afternoon.  This was bad enough but as I forced my way through the throng the pressure was made worse by the adolescents running about being well, adolescent.  A Community Police officer was haranguing them outside, and indeed inside at one point, unfortunately he was not armed with a pump action shotgun, a great mistake in my view.  Banning the birch was a mistake I say!  Back home I was so exhausted I almost forgot to tune into the late football show on BBC Alba.  That at least was worth watching. Now I intend to sleep all day tomorrow. 


Sunday 3 November 2013

Friday 18 October 2013

PC Banter

Roy Hodgson makes a poor joke using the term 'Monkey face' or something similar and it becomes a major 'racist' talking point.  Someone (I forget who) claimed Fernando Torres acted like a fairy (or was it jessie) when reacting to the attentions of an opposing player, this caused a complaint which resulted in an apology.  Danny Lennon the St Mirren manager apparently upset the media by speaking against them, today he apologised.  A pregnant MP could not find a seat in the House during Prime Ministers Question Time and the media is in an uproar about ungentlemanly conduct. An English taxi driver ordered to remove the English flag stickers from her car after council receives one complaint, and a circus forced to drop posters after one person says she is scared of clowns.  A transsexual PC seeks money after operator did not believe she was female.

Just what is going on today?  How come light hearted, and often honest, humour is seen as 'racist?'  Had I complained about the abuse I received while working at the sorting office I could have made millions.  However it was banter, well usually, those signs regarding the English football teams failures might have been made by me after all.  Abuse from friends is common, colour, sex, and anything else should never stop this.  Today however far too many get their moment of glory by shouting 'racist' or 'sexist!'  It makes me wish to shout 'monkey face' or similar at them.   It appears apologies must be made constantly for small things these days yet allowing people to die in a hospital requires much press comment but no apologies and murder or manslaughter charges either!  Something is wrong somewhere.  The hard done by MP was ignored by the male MPS it appears, though most would not have known she was there, and the meia ignore the fact female MPs did nothing for her either.  I wonder why?  As for the PC seeking redress, sometimes we all have to prove who we are to the police, why not you also?  Councils are so busy being PC, as the taxi driver and circus have discovered, that your own flag is offensive or a clown upsetting!  It's your nation, fly your flag!  A clown upsets you, look away!

I am becoming sick of people whining about things that 'offend' them.  Usually those people offend me but if I complain I am seen as 'offensive.'  It is time people stopped being so 'precious,' the poor little darlings.  Vast numbers of things can offend us daily, sometimes they are directed at us, but by turning the other cheek we can survive.  Too many hide behind their sex, colour, sexual problems, age, or any other excuse to whine.  How about just growing up or finding real problems to deal with?  Oh they are too hard, and possibly you cause them maybe? Next time you are called 'monkey face,' ask whether it is banter or an insult.  Humans use banter, humans also look to be offended, it makes them feel important.    

Monday 30 September 2013

Friday 13 September 2013

Friday Follies

Autumn leaves are forming, the nights are closing in, it's dank, dark and dreich!

"James," said Mary to her husband, "that young couple that just moved in next door seem such a loving couple. Every morning, when he leaves the house, he kisses her goodbye, and every evening when he comes homes, he brings her a dozen roses.

Now, why can't you do that?"

"Gosh," replied James, "why, I hardly know the girl."


"Could you please cut off my dog Buster's tail?" 
The vet examined his tail carefully, and then with raised eyebrows replied, "But there's nothing wrong with his tail. He is such a handsome fellow - why on earth would you want this done??" 

"My mother-in-law is coming to visit," I explained, "and I don't want anything in the house to make her think that she is welcome!"


A Muslim bloke I know was bragging he had the entire Koran on DVD. 
Being interested, I asked him to burn me a copy. 
Well, that’s when it all kicked off!


Mary smiled knowingly as her two friends complained over coffee about their failing memories.

"Sometimes," said June, "I catch myself with a jar of mayonnaise in my hand, while standing in front of the refrigerator, and I can't remember whether I need to put it away, or start making a sandwich."

Liz nodded in vigorous agreement, "Oh yes! Sometimes I find myself on the landing of the stairs and can't remember whether I was on my way up or on my way down."

May replied, "Well, ladies, I'm glad I don't have that problem, touch wood", and rapped her knuckles on the table. Then she looked around suddenly. "That must be the door. I'll get it."


The judge says to a man charged with a double murder,
 "You're charged with beating your wife to death with a hammer." 

A voice at the back of the courtroom yells out, "You swine!" 

The judge says, "You're also charged with beating your mother-in-law to
death with a hammer." 

The voice in the back of the courtroom yells out, "You rotten swine!”

The judge stops and says to Nigel in the back of the courtroom: " I can 
understand your anger and frustration at these crimes, but no more outbursts 
from you, or I'll charge you with contempt. Is that understood?"

Nigel stands up and says, "I'm sorry, Your Honour, but for fifteen years
I've lived next door to that man and every time I asked to borrow a
hammer, he said he didn't have one.“



Monday 2 September 2013

Sunday 1 September 2013

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Thursday 18 July 2013

It Takes Allsorts

Sadly, I'm hooked!  
Yes indeed!  I bought a packet of these to share with the girls on Tuesday, but have discovered I need to keep eating them myself.  For some strange reason these small sweets have taken over and I must eat them, in spite of the damage they are doing to my teeth!   
The sad thing is the pink ones which surround the black liquorice, and the little square layered ones appear to need me eating them.  You will understand I hate to disappoint.  Also as this lovely hot weather is making eating a lazy thing I am forced to eat 'Allsorts' just to keep me alive because cooking is hot and uses energy that I cannot spare.
I am looking for an answer to this problem.  If you discover one, keep it to yourself!  
