Here we are, the contributing members before the service with a short prayer before beginning. It's the usual short prayer, 'HELP!' which is offered. We then retire to our positions, breath deeply and pray it all works.
It usually does. The man leads, songs are sung, the book is opened and read, a sermon is given, and one intercedes for the masses. This time it was me.
I took my place quite relaxed. I had a thumping heart all week, I was very tired, and found many were in similar but different situations. These bugs are affecting so many people these days I wondered if we would all make it. I clambered up to the rostrum, took out my script and as we had been reading Jesus at the wedding in Cana, where he turned water into wine, I mentioned my friend from long ago. When the church was going through a charismatic change he read this story and decided to act. He placed several glasses half filled with water around the flat so that as he passed he would command them to turn into wine. Sadly, this did not occur. However, this is always something we ought to keep in mind next time the shops are shut.
I blethered on, joking about the vicar taking a week in the tropical paradise of Oxford which went down well. Prayer is often full of respect and almost fear among some, I think being ourselves and straight talking to the Father is best.
Some appreciated this, so it was OK. I felt this Sunday relaxed and 'at home' as it were. Very good indeed.
Listening to Trump as he was sworn in, this was what came to my mind. I do not think he will prove me wrong. I also regret eating while watching this, I ought to know better not to listen to US politicians at such time.
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