Monday, 3 February 2025


This was the sign I expected to be placed outside my door today.  However, it now appears this is not to be.  
A month ago the landlord, actually since he died it has been the women of the family who have been fighting to run the company, but the way it has run changes not.  Three women are in charge, hence the infighting, and one was to visit me today to 'inspect the property.'  Fair enough but fear abounded to some extent and now those fears are somewhat subdued.
Landlord one sent through the new contract last week, so I printed this off, noted the ret increase, and signed dutifully.  As the rent has not increased for about 10 years I cannot grumble and at the moment I can afford what is on offer.  
Today Landlord two visited.  Nice woman whom I have met before.  Her husband used to be one of the handymen but this caused fuss with other sisters and so he retired.  Sadly today I hear he has the beginning of some form of cancer.  Aint life grand!  
She did her work in a friendly and scrupulous manner, moving all the items deposited to hide things she need not notice, photographing where required and scribbling in her prepared paperwork.  I stood about like a lemon while she continued.  I had carefully kept the place almost clean today, scared to touch anything in case it caused a mark.  With her man often being in here I suppose she would realise quickly this was not the usual standard of cleanliness in a male household!  
In a way I was glad she came as I heard about her man, her mother whom I met some years ago, another with dementia hovering, and another handyman who passed away around Christmas aged about 86.  Small bits of info which help me to understand how things look and will look in the future.  I at least know the one who is the boss among the girls!  
So, new contract signed and passed over I now await an email informing me of the hundred jobs they think I need done on the premises.  I could not see any urgent, she hinted at several noisy and messy ones.  Bah!  I can see one or two jobs that I ought to be doing, though not in a rush like the other week, I have still not got over that!    
The visit ended well as I bribed gifted her a left over box of Christmas chocolates.
Of course nothing else has been done....

David Roberts - Pyramids of Giza


the fly in the web said...

Well that's over and done with...breathe!

Anonymous said...

Fly, And how!

the fly in the web said...

Still, they are also lucky to have a good tenant....