Another day of joy and happiness passes by, the usual suspects playing silly games for us.
I note Liz Truss, she of the £40 or 70 Billion disaster as PM has sent a lawyers letter telling the present inept PM to stop saying she was at fault for her fault. 'Cease and desist claiming I crippled the economy,' she writes.
If I were PM I would reply,
'Thank you for your letter, I acknowledge receipt.
Your letter has been filed in the bin alongside a 44 day old lettuce.'
I remain etc...
I suspect he will not desist or cease, and if she does sue, which she will not, it will be interesting to see what else comes out of this. Her future will be assured as a failure sadly. What a waste of a life.
President Musk, soon to be officially sworn in, is apparently desperate to replace Farage as leader of 'Reform.' Now Reform is not a political Party, it is a business. Those who sign up have no voice, no vote, and merely pay in money which ends up in Farage and Tice's pockets, Farage taking around 2/3rds of the cash. He has already made £600,000 they claim from his other jobs since become MP. Quite how Musk can replace Farage at the top with another billionaire who he does not know is worth considering.
Every so often a tyrant of some sort arises, Hitler and Stalin, and who thinks of them today? Others in their locale have been dictators, now forgotten, others will rise like Putin, threaten the world, but can be seen off. No worries here.
Is this Frau Ursula in drag?
Fly, Tee Hee...
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