Sunday, 26 January 2025

O Jesus I have promised


the fly in the web said...

Thank you for that reminder

Adullamite said...

Fly, I was surprised to see this hymn. I had forgotten how good it was.

Kay G. said...

The music for this hymn is by the same man that started The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. I had not heard this hymn before, thank you! I took my Dad to a gospel singing one time. The Gospel Quartet sang a song that was unfamilar to me but I loved it. "Didn't I Walk On The Water?". I mean, I loved just that title alone!

Adullamite said...

Kay, Indeed, he did not start the festival but he did the music. A good song.

Jenny Woolf said...

I pride myself on my knowledge of Hymns Ancient and Modern, but to my surprise I didn't recall this hymn ... until I played it and then it came back. It's nice to hear it again, and so thank you for reminding me!

Adullamite said...

Jenny, I think it's 'Mission Praise' these days.