Saturday 3 August 2024

Saturday Riot Watch with added Football


The beginning of the new football season got under way this weekend.  Last night the Championship began well, a 2-1 victory for Falkirk over Queens Park, one of the oldest football teams in the world.  Today the big boys got going, and I was thankful to be able to watch this on the overpriced SKY football show.
Much of the day however, was taken up with reports of riots across England, always referred to by the press as 'Britain,' or 'UK.'  The use of mobile phones has been helpful but also rather worrying.  Watching shops being looted, single individuals set upon by groups of face masked yobs, and the police under great strain attempting to contain large crowds of rioters, none of whom are showing restraint.
The phone footage is very useful, many are now in custody or on police bail because of the images of their actions.  One or two have been returned to prison, several others will be breaking their early release orders, and many a mum and dad will be surprised to find the constabulary at their door early this morning, or during the next few days, as their dear precious boy is taken away for 'questioning.'

Why is this happening now I hear you ask?  Well Nigel has deliberately made a point of inflaming racism to further his wallet.  He himself may have right wing leanings however, mostly he is a front for others who are seeking to destroy the nation through division, all for their own advantage.  The favourite so far has been Russia, with President Putin keen to remove the UK from the EU through Brexit and remove what little power was left in the world.  Another theory is Israel, seeking to destroy Islamic types in the UK who are a threat to them by stirring up hatred in the UK.  Hatred against 'them over there,' is of course easy to encourage and Nigel has been doing just that.  I wonder how much he has made from all this, possibly from all sides.
Clearly these attacks are being controlled from somewhere, do the government know from where?  Would they admit it if they knew?  Musk, and his right-wing leaning Twitter has certainly played a part in encouraging far right thugs.  I have spent much time today reporting as 'Spam,' lots of people claiming to be independent souls, all with union flags, all claiming to be white patriots, all saying exactly the same thing, 'Keir Starmer thinks I am a right wing thug.'  I wonder if any of them know their foto is being used in this way?  Is this Reform or another I wonder?

 In the real world however, the Heart of Midlothian saw out a nil-nil draw with the blue bigots.  Once again we saw Nicky Walsh display his anti- Heart of Midlothian bias, add to which was the inept Rangers referee upstairs on VAR, one Andrew Dallas, who like his father before him became a referee but failed to understand the laws while keeping the pro Rangers bias.  Today a clear penalty ought to have been awarded to the Hearts, the referee being instructed to check the monitor, this did not happen.  Dallas, wearing his Rangers shirt did not call the ref and so no chance for him to refuse to award a penalty.  Typical SFA refs.  The SFA website is also inept, just try to find a referee for a game and it takes you to many places but does not provide a result.  Irony eh?
Anyway, we were good, our two Costa Rican's were excellent, and Gerald Taylor has a great future here and is already a fans favourite.  This looks like a good season ahead once all the early season rust is removed.  The future is bright, the future is maroon!


the fly in the web said...

Glad the Costa Rican imports are giving satisfaction!
I was listening to a BBC newscast' thing at lunchtime, suggesting there is no central control of these riots, rather more of like minded people who know each other in various places....out for a punch up with the police and any excuse will do.
A pity, they have given Starmer the excuse he wants to bring in facial recognition and work for yet more control of the internet. I cannot trust that man as far as I could have kicked him when young.

Adullamite said...

Fly, Costa Ricans are great! Starmer is now having a go at rioters, hopefully he will extend this to Nigel and the press.