Wednesday 28 August 2024

Rough Wednesday

A wee bit rough this week.  It took me to last night to realise the bug was hitting me, that is why I keep falling asleep.  Tomorrow, I am being dragged out early, possibly to visit this village, by my niece and her son, aged 3.  Why not next week I ask to myself.  I am looking forward to this but feel lousy, hopefully I will sleep this off.
Nothing has changed, the Tories are still in power, this time calling themselves 'Labour.'  Promising suffering and despair, but not for the rich corporates who fund them and their Free Ports.  Rich me in various places now run this country much more openly than they ever did.
Clement Attlee managed to rebuild the nation after the war with huge debts and little help.  
Why not Keir?   


the fly in the web said...

Because he doesn't want to.

Adullamite said...

Fly, Indeed!