A good insight into the UK today is seen in the outrage caused by Dan Walker. This man has the temerity to believe in God and work for the BBC! Not only but also he has got a plum job with the 'BBC Breakfast' show! How dare he after all this man is something horrible, he is a Christian! The 'Daily Mail,' 'Independent' and 'Daily Telegraph' all ran articles from those questioning his right to the work. Rupert Myers in the 'Telegraph' wrote 'The BBC has done nothing to explain how someone
who believes that God literally created the Earth in seven days can
present the news accurately.' He could have asked how many atheists, liars and perverts already read the news on the BBC slanting the stories to follow the establishments will but he failed to ask this. Reading a prompt with a prepared story must be harder than I thought. The 'Telegraph' failed to allow anyone to comment on his piece as I suspect they would have opposed his approach strongly. Why should such a question be asked? Why should his faith cause such outrage? Thirty years ago no-one would notice so why shout out now?

Another of this ilk is found with Richard Dawkins the anti God botherer. He had a stroke poor man and the Church of England Twitter account tweeted 'Prayers for Prof Dawkins and Family.' This of course caused outrage! The militant atheists and the rest of the usual suspects jumped at the chance to take offence and claimed the church had 'trolled' the poor man. Quite why an official Tweet should do this I know not but loudly they proclaimed their empty beliefs (which few can put into words) and criticised the church for doing the decent thing. Asking folks to pray for another is now wrong it would seem? Where is the 'tolerance' these folks desire for their opinions, where is the respect for others opinions in this 'democratic' age?
(Interestingly the Daily mail put up a picture of Richard Hawking first! Journalism at its best in the DM!)
What we have is nothing other than an attack on Christianity from those in the media, the gay lobby and the militant atheist, all the usual suspects. Why so? They of course have no idea why they hate so much. For some Christianity is bad because it tells them where they are wrong and as we all know right from wrong their conscience is tickled and therefore they reject it and hate so easily. Others have their own many and varied reasons but none understand how the spirit of the air is using them to break up this society. The feminist lie destroyed many woman by separating them from men and encouraging them to stand alone, it hurt many confused young men also. Easy divorce and free sex left many single mums struggling for a man to join them, a long time partner. Liberal philosophy was supposed to free the individual and instead encouraged selfishness and greed, something Thatcher also encouraged rather notably. Lack of discipline in schools and lack of a 'norm' among teachers led to indiscipline among the young with the fad of the 'celeb' and dumbed down TV offering bread and circuses for the people to keep them from thinking people lost their way. Today gay marriage and the cult of the 'transgender' shows how society had lost all sense of right and wrong. People come in many shapes and sizes, life offers many difficulties and we ought to be helping one another through these with no condemnation and lots of acceptance. What a shame it is not returned as the CoE Twitter account shows.
One by one the basics of life have been eroded. Each time a justification was offered, simple to understand and sounding so acceptable at the time, each time a society was being turned by the bad guy into one that does his bidding and they have not seen it yet.
Today we can hate only three kinds of people, paedophiles, Muslims and Christians! One is dangerous to children, one is going to kill us all and the other, yes the other is dangerous but I wonder why? Why are Christians so hated by their enemies?
Ask yourself that.