Thursday 18 August 2011

Summer Afternoon Rain


As I crossed the park this afternoon looking at the sunbathing lassies I observed that as the wind was coming reasonably noticeably from the north east. Not long afterwards Bournemouth, far away on the south coast, was inundated by a terrific rainstorm. This then moved rapidly from the south west and began depositing whatever was left of the rain upon us!  Remember when I moved here they referred to this as the 'driest county in England!'   They lied!  It is difficult to actually obtain pictures of rain from here and the spots on the window do not do justice to the rain that was hammering down outside.  The gutters overflowed and streams of water reached several feet into the roadway. I watched, very concerned, as folks who had failed to check the weather forecast made their way, soaked to the skin, passing by.  I stood at the window and offered a caring smile. This was not returned.



Relax Max said...

Would love to see a photo of your caring smile. :)

Unknown said...

It would have to be photoshopped, my dear Max.

Adullamite said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, they cut you no slack.

Adullamite said...

Ignore them Leaz, their American!

Anonymous said...

Me to, but for some reason I get a pass. Must the Scottish blood in me.