How wonderful! Who can fail to be moved by the sight of a steam train thundering along? One of the great invention of the 19th century the train revolutionised the UK and changed the world! However after the second world war most countries developed their railways by the use of diesel or electric trains and even the bankrupt UK , which went bust standing alone in the early forties, decided to go over to such traction. While the new trains were more efficient, cleaner, and much more reliable,eventually, they do not attract such warm appreciation as a charging steam engine does. However capable the new trains may be, whatever marvellous speeds they race along at, the romance of steam never fades!
We have in our town a little model railway track run by local enthusiasts - they offer rides and have little steam engines that they feed with little lumps of coal. If you managed to sit just behind the driver you get the sooty steam in your face - superb.
I may have taken the kids once or twice too. :)
The end is surely near. For I fully agree with you on this one.
Alas, the only train ride I have ever taken was of an amusement sort at Silver Dollar City near Branson, MO. Even though it was merely a smaller replica of a 19th century wood-fired train, and only went a mile or two, it was still such a thrill. I would dearly love to take a real train ride through the mountains of our western states someday.
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