Reading through some blogs the other day, well most days actually, I find many folks are sitting at their PCs awaiting the muse to move so they can blog! This fact fascinated me as I realised that I, like so many others, sit here desperate to write something. Why do we do it?When I began this blogging I just wanted to shout my opinions to the world in a vain effort to make all and sundry know I had all the answers. This has brought many replies, the main one being that I was wrong! It never ceases to amaze me just how many people in this world live simply to point out my mistakes. I would argue about this but all to often they are right! However being wrong about so many things does not, at least in the blogosphere, stop anyone from posting their opinions, so I continue. The blog was a place where I could make my opinions known, and just be heard by someone somewhere. Whether they agree or not is irrelevant, as long as I can have a place to let my voice be heard, that is what is important.
I might be wrong, but for many this is one of the main motivations for blogging.
Certainly blogs have practical uses. People can keep in touch with others when spread miles apart, families or clubs, servicemen far from home, sports organisations and even businesses can keep contact with their friends and families when distance keeps them apart. This is good, but boring for those who come upon these blogs unexpectedly. (Can anything be more boring than a blog full of pictures of a baby and its doings? No doubt fun for granny miles on the other side of the world, but for you and me the doings of little Johnny, especially when covered in spaghetti (why post such pics?) can, and should, be given a miss!) The results of a local badminton league do nothing for those uninvolved but are at least useful for those concerned. It is the personal blogs, whether about the individuals life or their opinions that blogs come into their own. The daily diary may appear somewhat boring but the lives revealed seldom are. (Unless it's a woman talking about her boyfriend of course!) What's more they are world wide and that really impresses me. The media in any country spends its time on local affairs, world wars and tragedies are irrelevant if a cat is stuck up a tree in the local high street! The blog world however takes me with a couple of clicks from Singapore to Kent, on to the USA and wherever takes my fancy. The only problem is the time difference! While I am dreaming of golden beaches and pretty young girls bringing me cold drinks as the rain lashes against the window someone in Thailand is insulting their intellect by browsing the site. As I rise I read their scribbles and then while the drowsy eyelids of America snore through the night I indulge my laughter muscles with blogs hot from late night typing. Who knows how they cope in Greenland?
Somewhere in the world there are itchy fingers with nothing to type, looking out the window for inspiration. The need to type away is now an addiction which must be obeyed. Drugs and drink can be 'Cold Turkeyed' away, Blogging cannot be avoided! The need to write for the audience (the worst reason, you must write for yourself or you become another aspect of the media, writing what they want to hear rather than what you want to say!) the desperate need to post that humorous story, or possibly the political situation that only the blogger can put write must be posted! However, if nothing comes to mind the void left is deeper than the Grand Canyon, wider than the Pacific Ocean, and the heart of the blogger bereft. I must stop here and mope for a while as nothing comes to mind this morning, and on top of that there is far to much to do, now as I have nothing to say I must do it. Those little chores, drawing back the curtains to let light in, opening the windows to let air in, clearing the moss covered contents from the fridge, and lifting all the mail from behind the door! A pile of junk lies there now. Oh yes, I suppose having my second bath of the year might be an idea also......
Yeah, it always makes me laugh to see posts about soccer teams. Who cares--right?
Soccer? I think he means footie.
Alas, my dear Crotchety, I messed up again. For I really did mean to say "footie" instead of "soccer."
Hey, since our friend Adullamite cringes when he sees or hears "soccer," maybe it would be easier on his delicate sensibilities to refer to the nonsensical game as "kick ball?" One of our local sportscasters said this the other night, and it does sound much more dignified than "footie."
The END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH!!! Save yourselves!! All is lost!!
Oops sorry, just been watching the news.
Second bath already? I didn't think you were due one until March?
A Yank calling God's game 'kick ball' sound about right! No doubt he has never been outside the US!
1st Lady, Doctors advice that I should bathe once a month rather than quarterly. However I am sending him the water bill.
How original, blogging about people who have nothing to blog about thereby having something to blog about.
Yeah its hard to get inspiration sometimes to blog.
God bless,
I like reading your blog because of your opinions. Not that I approve of your opinions a lot of the time, naturally, but they often make me think adn that is the main thing. (It is not easy to make me think, so I am told). I haven't been blogging lately, the urge has dwindled in me for some reason but I do want to continue.
Jenny, Feel free to disagree with me...most others do...
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