Sunday 6 January 2013

An 'Acquired' Video



Lee said...

Interesting, fun video!

That young fellow who flew the paper plane...I think could be an Aussie. I saw a doco on him a couple of years ago...and he's a top young bloke - if, in fact, it was the same lad.

Unknown said...

Watching all of those remote-controlled mini-choppers made me a wee bit nervous about what may be deployed against us all in the near future, and the dexterity of that bucket operator, along with the precision of the controls, blew me away.

red dirt girl said...

Ahhhhh....... the simple pleasures of life. If only my chocolate lab, Lola, had learned to entertain herself with a big bouncy ball. Alas, the poor girl went bonkers and lost her teeth eating rocks!


Adullamite said...

Lee, No idea where these originate.

Jerry, The worst thing to happen to the US is the US people!!!!!

RDG, Not counting sweet RDG of course. xx

soubriquet said...

I saw a digger driver showing off his skills once, he was picking up eggs, and putting them on bottles, like that golf ball, no bottle stacking though.

I've watched them, on a demolition site, picking items off buildings, as if the bucket was as easy to 'feel' with as their fingertips.
Great to watch.
My attempts?
Ha. good for a laugh, I'd say.

Adullamite said...

Soub, It is an amazing skill. I wish I had learned that!