Tuesday 2 April 2019

Tired Tuesday

You may not have noticed but as far as I can make out the Brexit thing is still ongoing.  As I write the PM, someone called May, has locked her cabinet in Downing Street, removing their phones, shoelaces, belts, sharp objects and not allowing them to contact a lawyer while she decides what they are thinking.  It appears that the PM might make an appearance soon, late enough to avoid the 6 O'clock news, so fewer people notice it, then she will tell the world what her cabinet has decided and how wonderful it is to be 'Strong and Stable' and that she intends to reign as sovereign for life.   
This may not be good.

'Breaking!  The 'Daily Mail' has a new headline.  "Theresa May says Brexit will be delayed AGAIN after epic nine-hour Cabinet stand-off as she promises talks with Jeremy Corbyn on joint plan for final UK-EU relationship."

More bull this time involving Corbyn.  So a 6, 7, 8, 9 hour cabinet meeting (depending which paper you read) leads to nothing.  I am surprised. 

Elsewhere other MPs are resigning from cabinet, Parties or the local coffee shop as the caffeine is not helping them keep calm while in the House.  Instead they have turned to the House bars where cheap booze helps them sleep.  
In the real world murder, rape, theft, speeding cars, divorcing/marrying celebs/royals fill the gutter press and help most of the population ignore what is happening in No 10.  I suppose some people prefer celebs to reality, I understand there are also an increasing number of royal stalkers, the ones who follow the royals and whom the police have decided are just a little over the top.  I suspect most who follow royals or empty celebs are a wee bit over the top myself.
Being over the top in normal in our liberal society, a society in which we make up the rules as we go along and in the end have nothing but a glorious mess.  One result is the violence offered, through social media, by those who disagree with you!
I read this in the 'Scotsman.'   "Joan McAlpine, who chairs the Holyrood committee which is scrutinising the Census Bill for the 2021 census, has been called a “transphobe”, “trash” and told to “f*** off” for raising concerns around the deficiencies in the way the consultation was carried out around planned changes to the sex question, which was being conflated with gender identity."
Nothing new these days in such a response.
The whole 'gender' issue is such that we are not allowed an opinion today instead we must accept what 'they' decide is normal.  Add to this politicians rush to accept every daftie in the world to show they are on their side leaves us with a law, written and unwritten, that is impossible for many to accept, for lawyers and police to implement and one that will bring many decent people into trouble.  The SNP member is one such.   
Christians must state clearly we are born male and female, there is no other!  It is not possible to be born in the wrong body as science has proved and those who believe they have been, if they really believe this, require help nit justification.  However it is difficult to state this publicly as situations as seen above result.  Lobby groups composed of such people insist we must obey and threaten violence, very similar to Brexiteers placing items on rail lines offering to disrupt society as seen today. 
Where does this hate come from?
The loss of Christina values, often feeble taught but generally accepted to some extent, the liberal approach that says 'if it feels good do it,' and an attitude that no-one can tell you what to do becomes the norm.  Confusion and disaster is the norm.
Oh and climate change is happening also, sleep well....  

Saturday 30 March 2019

Busy Week

It's been a busy and tiring week.  The virus tried to kill me at the start when enduring the museum meeting, then a day's work the next day followed by the housework missed since time immemorial.
Thursday saw our Museum awards evening and while I intended to sleep off the week on Friday I was ordered out to take pictures of Keith Flint's funeral as it passed through Bocking on its way to St Mary's, Bocking.

Having survived work (the term is used loosely) I made it to the Annual Awards ceremony where volunteers are rewarded for their time and effort.  All receive something,  mine was for changing a light bulb, and the dressed up and wells scrubbed ladies looked so different from their normal appearance.  Of course normally they have been dealing with children so this does make a difference.
The big boss from the trustees came along and presented the awards.  She done this very well smiling when she had too, listening intensively, asking the right questions, and laughing at the right place.  What she really thought was well hidden.
So a glass of cheap wine and back home to fiddle the pictures taken in poor light and prepare for a day of rest.

Almost the first thing to arrive at my email on Friday morning was an order to get down to Keith Flint's funeral and get pictures for the museum.
Flint's family moved to Chelmsford and split up and Keith himself had trouble at school.  It appears he was dyslexic and a bit rowdy being thrown out at 15.  He worked as a 'roofer' and became front and took to the 1980's 'acid house scene.'  By 1990 he became the dancer and front man for a music combo called 'Prodigy.'  
This band became famous during the 90's and the 'electronic music' was much admired by that generation because they smoked funny cigarettes while having it blasted in their earholes.  The singles such as 'Firestarter' and 'Breathe' helped them sell around 25 million records worldwide.  This is not my kind of music, music ceased in 1974 when 'Abba' appeared on the scene, but they spoke to a generation as music does and retained a large following in this area.  Keith, known as 'Keef' in the southern English manner, lived in a large house not far from here in Great Dunmow.  Music which sells brings rewards.  
Keith  took part in events in the area and appeared a decent likeable bloke in many ways.  He had an aggresive side, once attempting to get into the pilots cabin by knocking down the door and had to be restrained, possibly the result of drugs, yet remained popular and an animal lover.  His house was designed to attract wildlife as well as having space to play with his motorbikes!  He lived in the house with his Japanese wife but recently they had become estranged and she was in the far east rather than with him.  It appears however he had a tendency to depression and a month ago while alone he chose to hang himself.
He was 41.

The cortege was due to leave at 3 pm, I limped sown to what I thought an appropriate spot arriving at 2:30.  There I, alongside a gathering crowd, waited, and waited, and waited.  We expected things to be late but it was ten to four before the cortège arrived.  
The crowds applauded and cheered, in the background 'Firestarter' and other Prodigy music blasted out as they passed, indeed had been blasting out all day.  The six black horses somewhat nonplussed by the crowds appeared ready to run, I suspect they are more used to reserved occasions and must have been difficult for the driver to control.  
There followed a stream of cars and also motor bikes, Keith had his own team in the Isle of Man TT and was a biker enthusiast.  Crowds then followed and while I would have liked to join them the distance to the church was far too much for my knees.  The crowds at St Mary's danced  away the time, outside and inside the pub, while offering respect for he man and the service relayed on Tannoy outside. 

This was a very different happening to the one I attended the night before.  We had a rather happy gathering and I have already begin to prepare my acceptance speech for next year.  On Friday the atmosphere was different but not what you might call sombre.  Death tends to make people think about life yet there was none of that visible in the crowds here.  Not that we can tell what was going on in their heads however the Spring sunshine enlivened people, children looked to the event, beer and who knows what else certainly kept others minds of reality and the well behaved crowd were part mourners and part celebrants of an event, I know that was my position.  Had I not been ordered to attend I doubt I would have noticed the happening.  

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Dear oh Dear...

After the meeting yesterday I was very tired, the bug fightng back again, and I was home and asleep by 7:30.  Even after I rose at seven, having been awake since six, I still felt the weariness upon me.  Just how weary was to show later.
Early morning talk discussed the meeting whereupon heads once again banged the desks mutterings thing not quite comprehensible.  A longing for the next one did not arise.  I decided tea was the answer and prepared in my usual manner the cups for myself and my colleague with a smile on my face and cheeriness in my heart.  I filled the kettle, switched it on and left to set up the day.  
Imagine my surprise then when I returned to our small cramped kitchen to find the two cleaners sniggering outside.  On entering the place was like a sauna and he had been mopping up the water from the walls.  Some fool had switched on the kettle, left the lid up, and hopped it.  Thus when boiled it continued to boil without ceasing as the lid was up and thus the water evaporated, or at
least tried to but in the small cramped kitchen it just drenched everything.
With a guilty face I denied everything....
Everyone blamed me.
The day continued well enough as little happened for a while except my easy way of upsetting a Ukipper.  For some reason Brexit was mentioned as we chatted to the cleaner, it stops him working, and she next to me gave out the 'Everything will be OK, trade deals will be good' chat that falls easily from such Brexiteers.  Her info is found in the pages of the 'Daily Express' and she, like many, wish it to be true.  I indicated trade deals will be difficult and even Liam Fox has admitted that.  So far he has tentative deal with the Faroes and Burundi or some such and does not wish to discuss the USA demand that we give them the NHS before any deal is struck.  She did not like this and went of and has not spoken to me since.  
This got me thinking.  So many intelligent, usually thoughtful decent people have swallowed the Brexit lie and they cannot and will not accept anything other than what they wish to believe.  This is worrying.  It is as if a great deception has warped the minds and no debate is possible, only one answer is right and all others are wrong, 'Brexit will work' is the mantra even though it has proven otherwise.  Several million decent people have this problem, what caused this?
I have mentioned before that this could be a judgement on the nation, how else could such a situation exist when the false 'liberal' attitude has allowed wrong to be seen as right?  We also have Trump in the White House, put there by evangelicals who wish to stop abortion (good) and same sex marriage (good) but who allow an adulterous liar with an aptitude that makes him unfit for office to rule the world.  God rules the world, how else but by demonic activity or judgement could this be allowed? 
The human side is clear, although 'clear' is not a word that can be used in the House of Commons at the moment.  We can see how people got into this mess but not how they can get out.  Sadly the situation defies simple explanations, I wonder what unexpected happening will occur soon?  
Anyway I finished my day by cutting out various parts of a body, no I don't know why either, and sauntered home via Sainsburys expensive prices to fall asleep for well over an hour.  I suggest 'brain work' is wearing me out but few appear to agree with me here.    
I look forward to hearing what tomorrow brings from my bed...

Monday 25 March 2019

The Meeting

It started badly.
While I was there on time the main man was not.  A goodbye presentation at the same time reflecting his organisational powers.  The tables were surrounded by our lot, in my half asleep state (it was my siesta time after all) I hardly noticed some of them.  The top table was full of organised chaos awaiting those absurd questions that are not only out of place but sound as if they were replies from Theresa May.  
We waited.
People fiddled with pieces of paper, sipped drinks while the females had nothing to discussbut discussed it anyway.
We waited.
He began discussing local Mills, all gone bar one or two.  My eyes opened enough to acknowledge this point but failed to revive as Mills, flour mills that is, hold little interest for me.
We waited.
The one in charge glanced at the clock and she came to the conclusion we could get most things done and dusted quicker if we began now rather than wait any longer, otherwise he might join in.
She next to her began with comments re upcoming events she runs and the 'wonderful work of the volunteers without which nothing could be achieved.'  Meaning she wanted help with the events.
A few minutes past with the discussion which did not come across my path so I kept very quiet while they blethered on.  
Next Boss one gave a short mention to her ideas, none of which I remember for some reason.  The acoustics are poor and my hearing does not like them so I missed much of this so quietly slipped under the table unnoticed.  
Then a short discussion on upcoming events which I could not hear.  This was short and did not mention the big one nor me in any way, so I remained prone on the floor. 
We waited again.
She went to phone him and disappeared for a while.
We waited.
Convinced she had gone to cafe for coffee we waited.
Eventually she returned claiming he was on the way.
We waited.
I now had enough waiting and talk of mills, few spoke while I pondered on what one lass was scribbling down throughout the meeting.  Most of this did not involve her yet she has pages of notes, I merely had delirium tremors and began to see spiders on the ceiling.
He arrived and having sorted his paperwork began. 
The enlightening talk (he said) concerned the next five year plan.  For some reason I saw us all in Blue Military uniforms holding little red books in our hands, but that might have been just delirium again.
Page after page of the long term aims were presented all of which forgot one little thing, no money! On top of this there is the Brext effect and the dirty big hotel being built, probably from Autumn, opposite our site which will restrict visitors, hamper buses of schoolkids and merely line some councillors pockets, allegedly.  
The last redesign was magnificent but failed as George Osborn became Chancellor and brought in austerity for everyone bar himself.  Our money was cut then cut then cut, we now do it alone with a wee grant!
This plan may not arrive, if it does it will take five years to begin let alone finish.
Nevertheless the fact that none of this will happen in our lifetime did not stop questions being raised that may or may not be required in the distant future.
Sipping slowly on the quarter bottle of 'White horse' that I had brought for emergency I sat quietly muttering to myself as the discussion concerned what the Hall looked like 20 years ago or indeed what would happen if.....
I could take no more, I slipped into consciousness and slipped out the door and made my way to Tesco's where reality returned to me once more.
Tomorrow I have to go back to the museum and do it for real this time, I look forward to hearing peoples interesting comments re the meeting, I really do...

Sunday 24 March 2019

Spring has Sprung!

The chill wind sneaking across Essex from the North Sea did not hide the fact that Spring has Sprung and brightness is upon us.  We can look forward to more light, longer days, blossoming flowers and concentrate on such things while ignoring Brexit.  The birds chirp in the trees while eating the new buds as they appear, the wood pigeons chase each other keenly and the Sparrows have worked out how to hang onto the feeders.  
I contemplated this a wee bit as I trudged down to church to be renewed in spirit and cheered by all the young women ("cough") asking after me.  I had to be there as I was reading.  I made use of my best North Edinburgh voice in between coughing fits bringing a 'thumbs up' from one, a 'cracking voice' from another and 'Scots git' from one of the Ukip persona.  Tee Hee, she does not like me interfering with the Ukip stuff he puts on facebook, she attempted to bite me twice!  I was glad she was in a good mood.  

I was a bit worried last night when I noticed the early Sunday papers were suggesting a coup would take place removing Mrs May and replacing her as 'temporary' Prime minister one Michael Gove!
Michael, the man who stabbed Boris in the back because his wife told him to, has become famous for his weasel ways and interesting ideas.  Some make sense, most do not appear thought through and those that are become presented simply to make him look good, they will never be put into action.
Even worse appeared this afternoon when Theresa called a meeting at Chequers her PMs country hideaway.  Several important personnel were invited to push through the next step of the plan she does not have.  Who attended?  These are who:-

Boris Johnson, the would be PM with the integrity of a louse.

Dominic Raab, the one who did not understand how important Dover was to the economy.
Jacob Rees-Mogg, the millionaire member forthe 1700's who has already mad several million from Brexit and advised his people to put their money in Dublin, where his now lies.
David Davis, the Brexit secretary who did not read his briefs, or any paperwork or indeed do anything but got well paid for it.
Iain Duncan Smith, dearie me where do we start....?
Damian Green, fired for watching porn on his Westminster laptop, many others 'history' was cleared soon after, and a May loyalist.  
David Lidington, in theory next in line to PM but does not wish to be PM.
Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay, who?
Chief Whip Julian Smith, didn't he whip the party and then voted against last week?
Conservative Party chairman Brandon Lewis, have you heard of him?
Steve Baker, ?
Alistair Burt, ?

Oh and it appears Rees-Mogg brought along one of his sons to take part or nick things is not clear.

The big cars sit in the drive, the millionaires with little comprehension or care re normal people cogitate and fight for position inside, the people await the result, knowing it will change as soon as the cabinet meets on Tuesday.  
I wonder if Kim Jong Un could drop one of his missiles on Chequers?

The Venomous Bead sums things up well.

On a brighter note Scotland beat San Marino by two goals to nil today.  This is the fourth time they have played them in San Marino always winning by two goals to nil.  Better teams than tonight's have obtained this result but people still complain the manager is bad the team is bad and they know what to do about things.  They don't actually.  This is the same nonsense we always have because Scotland considers itself a Big Team but it in these days merely middle ranking.  However we are supposed to stuff little teams by many goals, something we have rarely ever done.  Certainly there are glaring problems but removing the failing manager will not answer those.  Many changes required behind the scene, these will not be happening and we had better hope we produce a higher quality of man or just get used to things being as they always are.

Friday 22 March 2019

Friday Frolic...

Not much of a frolic merely a walk up to B&M's to buy seed for the birds.  At least under the gray skies these daffs were still blooming.  The brightest things to be seen on a dreich day.
I took a couple of pics of things only to find that Microsoft had 'updated' the 'Photos' ap thereby making it difficult to play around with the pictures.  All the usual things are still there but now they are shifted around and difficult to find.  The obvious things are hidden and it is unclear where anything is.
Why do 14 year old geeks get allowed near these things?
'Photos' was a reasonable system yet now it is confusing and clearly not improved by someone who actually uses the thing.  I not 'Outlook' was updated recently and again the first thing you look for is not in an obvious position it is hidden or placed in an out of the way part of the system!  
Have these drugged up geeks not heard about KISS?  I suspect most have yet to hear about women to be honest, 'Keep It Simple Stupid' or 'do the obvious thing' and all will be well, that of course does not go down among the lads in silicon valley....

Hidden from the main road is this old chapel.  Originally owned by the Quakers it is now in possession of the local Sally Ann.  It lies behind an undertakers that at one point in the late 19th century worked as a 'Beer Shop,' not a pub just a place to buy beer.  This was a haphazard system to stop people drinking Gin which was ruining the nation.  People drank less gin but more beer and drunkenness became a problem!  Who would have thought...?
Next door is a house I would have loved to buy if I had money.  It also sits far back from the road and goes back well into time.  Sadly the person selling wanted thousands of pounds for this and the loose change in my pocket did not cover it.  Further along another building, this time commercial, also sits back from the road, I am left wondering why?  Possibly I will never know.

Thursday 21 March 2019

From Brexit to Figs

Having remained indoors desperate to hear information concerning our glorious leaders trip to Brussels (again) I am forced to reuse old photos lying about the laptop.  This makes a change from politicians lying about Brexit.  I also signed the 'Cancel Brexit' petition which has gathered over a million signatures, remember you only need 100,000 to demand a debate in the House, and while the PM will refuse to 'Revoke Art 50 and Remain' at least it gets the nation talking and doing something.  I note the 'Daily Mail' has immediately done something it has suggested that all the signatures come from North Korea and Afghanistan!  Nothing like decent journalism there.  It is clear the lack of decent journalism in the 'Daily Mail' has gone a long way to encourage Brexit and the hate of foreigners that pervades the country.  Last night a man smashed mosque windows in Birmingham and how much of the tabloid racism fed into that?  I would like a police investigation into Paul Dacre while DM editor and also the other racist led tabloids, that would be interesting but I doubt it would be allowed.

Sitting in here staring rather vapidly and the laptop has been very enjoyable.  I managed some housework, not much, and stuffed myself with figs from the storage cupboard.  I did this once I had noticed the 'Eat by' date was the 27th of February!  Tomorrow I finish another bag dated 20th March!  I really ought to check that store a bit more often.  There again if I do I may have to eat considerable quantities of I know not what and that may cause problems.  I bought these so I could chomp them, or indeed the dates I also possess, instead of chocolate.  This was to save my teeth, though both are sweet, and better for me, although not if eaten a bag at a time I suspect.  Only now after two long months am I getting things back into order and shopping for healthy stuff has to start soon.   This is not to say chocolate is not on the menu as it, like other bad stuff, sometimes slips through.  

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Tuesday Twaddle

It's been a gray day here in the land of fun and frolics.  The cloud has hung over us all day offering a bit of chill also and this has led me to seek out a sun filled photo from the past.  How lovely to be by the sea where the sun shines, the aid is filled with romantic aromas and people smile at you as they pass, sometimes.
Instead I sat in the museum cutting a yard length of wool and rolling it into a wee ball and adding it to the thousands already made for s project the schools now enjoy annually.  Thankfully people came in to annoy me as doing this drives one bonkers!   One lass brought her young toddlers and once again it amazed me how many arms a child has.  No matter what he did to him he always managed to get his mitts on something we wished he would avoid.  They at least enjoyed their day, this lass comes often, and indeed spent money, so I smiled a lot.  
I might have mentioned my virus, and today one lass from the church came looking for items to send to the USA.  She also made me aware why so many people didn't speak on Sunday, most ran off early as indeed did I.  So many if them have my bug, or are in hospital or some other condition which made them disappear quickly.  My prayer list is longer than I wish.  Add this to the others I already have there and this could be a full time work.  This virus has taken several out, others like me have gone through it, and I suspect others yet will suffer it, I hope none of the kids get it.  I suppose a church will lots of elder individuals will suffer this way when bugs are around.  
In between people offering donations, buying stuff or just coming in to chat I managed to return to my wool work and returned to seeing spiders crawl up the wall after doing this for a while.  My Lawyers 'Grabbit & Runn' will be notified.
Brexit we hear is to be postponed for three months, maybe two years, or not as the case may be.  I am not convinced this will cheer up the EU dignitaries who are already tired of Theresa's visits.  Maybe they will demand she fills out visa applications if she wishes to go again?  

Monday 18 March 2019

Monday Maudling

Another day of joy and gladness passes by.  This time the joy comes from visiting the happy smiling lass in Tesco, getting home before the sky turned a dark gray and rain hammered down for a while. Joy yesterday came from trundling down to the church and getting a lift home rather than walking into the stiff chilly breeze.  
How nice to get out again and get back into the old routine.  Speak to friends, get up to date news, place IOU in offering bag, the usual things on a Sunday morning.  Unfortunately I then had to watch far too many poor football games.  I managed however....
Tomorrow is museum day and while I would rather lie in bed still I suppose I must go.  It means I do not have to watch John Bercow put Mrs May in her place.

Good old John has dug out a law dating from 1604 that will not allow May to run the same question through parliament for the third time.  Poor May, maybe she will be glad about this, maybe she will seethe.  Either way it is good for the nation.  
But what will happen?  What is going on behind the scenes?  Again the DUP in Northern Ireland are holding out for money, again bribes are on offer, again lesser parties are helpless and again the elite line their pockets while the people suffer.
By the way I notice Mr Farage has launched his 'Walk from Sunderland to London' in support of 'Leave.' I was somewhat surprised, but not much, to learn that he is walking via his helicopter (who pays for that?) while the 'people' follow on the ground.  There is something of the Moseley about Farage, rich, pompous but unlike Moseley he fails to get elected anywhere so why does he get so much publicity I wonder?


Friday 15 March 2019

Friday Mutterings

At last a break from Brexit, or is it?  A mass shooting in far off New Zealand might not at first sight be connected to the rich ERG clan lining their pockets via Brexit but the effect of the racist outpourings from their side of the debate results in such actions.
The 'Far Right,' a term that covers a great many who lean that way or take violent action for it, are predominately those who claim a form of white supremacy, a false Christian ideology (merely to oppose Islam), and a desire to chase all foreigners (mostly black ones) out of 'their' country.
Where does the ideology come from?
How does it spread?
In the UK this arises from media misuse.  Paul Dacre, who edited the 'Daily Mail' for 25 years spent a great deal of time attacking the EU for reasons of his own, he happily accepts millions in handouts from the EU for his farm up north however. Dacre also made a splurge on immigration, especially black immigration, constantly feeding the people reports of Pakistani born criminals and ensuring large 'ugly' pictures of these criminals were prominent in his media.  Slanted reporting, biased commentary, and pandering to the growing number of English who feel bereft for whatever reason and ensuring immigrants and Muslims are seen as responsible, clearly or indirectly ensured a growth of resentment especially in the south of England.
Is 'Dacre' an English name I ask?
Other papers spouted similar views, objective study of the situation replaced by fear and emotion. There are many English who believe all immigrants have been in jail, half are terrorists and they get first choice of houses and live off the dole without having paid a penny in.  It has also been claimed the will not sell you alcohol in supermarkets and attempted to ban Christmas, both proven lies spread about via social media.
Add to this real terrorist actions, 9/11 in the USA and several amateur and somewhat successful attempts in the UK by ISIS inspired dafties then it is inevitable that a white nutter will arise and make an attempt to settle scores.  There are many willing to sign up.
An abundance of videos by Farage, Moseley and I suspect many US white supremacist groups will provide ideology and instruction to those willing to follow blindly.  I can only give thanks that most of us have avoided being dragged into such a mindset.  It is very easy to be a follower.
Such outrages bring out the usual responses. Platitudes and denunciations from appropriate leaders follow, as do the public's response of condemnation or support.  This may not be outright support just the usual 'whataboutery' mentioning Islamic attacks elsewhere.  Murdering innocents for a cause is not justified by murdering innocents for a cause.  Hardening opinions will be seen, many will not be seen but will be hidden away ready for the day they will arise.  That will not be a good day for the world.
Brexit comes into this as the perpetrator of this crime informs us, remember he is an Australian of English, Scots and Irish ancestry (someone got around then?) operating in New Zealand, blaming Brexit “That it was the British people firing back at mass immigration, cultural displacement and globalism, and that’s a great and wonderful thing,” he said.  He has a point, little englanders did not want johnny Foreigner, especially the black ones, coming into their area.  UKIP support is very strong in areas with little immigration to be seen.  Only now that thousands are losing jobs do these folks realise their mistake.  Interesting that as an Australian he did not consider pushing Aborigines or in New Zealand Maori's about as 'mass immigration or cultural displacement' that he may be able to justify though whether Aborigines or Maori's agree is another thing.

There is a danger such attitudes will proliferate, hate is easier to spread that Love.  Fear brings hate and the encouragement of immigration over the past fifty years while disregarding the opinions of the native population and indeed regarding them as 'racist' has led to them becoming 'racist!'  The world requires thoughtful immigration and border controls not short term emotional ones seen recently.  UK, France and the US have over a hundred years mucked about in the middle east and recent wars have resulted from this.  ISIS sending a million or two into the EU at one go has encouraged the far right tendency that has always lived in parts of central Europe.  Mismanagement here has led to much pain and newspapers fanning flames have not helped. 
It is disappointing that the UK government is not in a position to advise friends elsewhere in this situation seeing as they have little idea how to operate the Brexit shambles that lies in front of us now.  That resumes next week.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Round Midnight.

The phrase ‘Round Midnight’ brings to mind smooth jazz from John Coltrane say or the dark ill-lit streets after an evening’s entertainment ‘up town.’  Workers in hospitals or hotels might find a quiet descend over their premises as sleep replaces the hassles of the day.  The night watchman enjoys the quiet after midnight and settles down to doze his way towards morning.
In this house things are done differently.
I sit wrapped in a blanket coughing loudly hour after hour filling my night with listening to the depressing news, it is always depressing the news, or watching late night adverts on ‘teleshopping channels.’  Just who is buying non-stick frying pans at this time of night?  Amongst the late-night offering is an abundance of Brexit news, unfunny comedy, unfunny US comedy, mediocrity and repeats of films and programmes long past their prime.
Late night radio offers avant-garde on Radio 3, news or discussions on news, local radio joined together to save money and playing bland empty tunes, many stations offering music, either bland or meaningless pop.
This does not please the cough, a cough which now adds a special new headache to the joy.  Sleep, the only relief is not to be found, especially when trusted up like this! 
Yet this morning I was telling someone I thought the end of the virus was here, by lunchtime I found out how wrong I was.  A check of the diary to where I cancelled the museum meeting shows the virus has lasted 8 weeks and still counting!  Eight long weeks and there appears to be no end.  If it’s not the head it’s the stomach, if not then it’s the chest, then back to the head, I am not in love with this virus!
I glance in the fridge, the milk is running out, food uneaten is going off, and what exactly is that black thing in the plastic bag?  I need to eat but my body does not wish to, I need to sleep and my eyes will not shut, if they do the cough returns.  So I sit here in the East Wing so as not to annoy the man downstairs, if indeed he has not run off to one of his women to avoid me. 
This is minor, but very injurious.  I know of many with harder experiences, one who cannot walk as the foot will not heal, others with infections that cripple them, still others whose bones are crumbling while yet another awaits a fearful operation. 
I am grateful I am not they.
So I give thanks for that and await some form of slumber while resisting the temptation to watch ‘Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmare’s USA’ or ‘Love in the Countryside!’