Friday 13 August 2021

Afghanistan, Butterfly and GB News

Trapped behind the open window I found this man, a brilliant red 'Peacock' butterfly, turned into a dowdy, dirty, black 'Peacock' by my filthy sash windows.  As he was trapped between the two, as I moved one to set him free he flew up with the window.  It took an ages to get him out, and, when out, by flapping in a panic I could not get a proper picture, and eventually forced him down and out of the lower, open window.
It is nice to see such a creature flapping around the place but it does appear their numbers are shrinking.  The climate change caused by natural events and chemical abuse is having an effect.  The world is in a worse position than it has ever been, and politicians argue, from their holiday lets, about whether a woman ought to keep an Alpaca or not!  The world is heading for a bad place, save yourselves while you have the chance.

Finally Andrew Neil has recognised his limited Far-Right approach will not bring in the numbers.  So, he has been dumped back to the south of France (funny how GB News is paid for by Americans and other foreigners all living like Andrew abroad) while Farage and Dan Wooton takes over the lying for the Fascist Right.  
The numbers have been low, advertisers scared off, but government, that means Boris and his paymasters, have forced others to advertise there to support this limited station.  The polarisation of society, to the benefit of the rich, billionaire backed, Far-Right continues.  
Both here and in the US the same names are behind the push.  Murdoch runs Fox News, he refused to start one here as it would not pay, £65 million has been wasted so far by GB News, and yet the Billionaires in the US keep pushing for such stations to lie to the people and happily spend their cash.  Clearly they are making from it, either from the station themselves but most likely from the effect it has in influencing public policy.
Rich men getting richer by abusing the stupidity of the viewer is not new.  It will however continue as long as Boris remains in charge.

This cartoon tellsus all we need to know about Afghanistan.
For how many years we have sent our armed forces to fight an unwinnable war, losing men at an enormous rate, and for what?  
As I understand it, we went there to seek Bin Laden.  Naturally, led by the Americans, we were told to cover the exits.  Unfortunately he went out by the fire escape, one that US intelligence had not noticed.  Listening in to his phone did not help as he used pencil and paper to pass messages, so finding him was difficult.
UK expertise in Afghanistan was well known.  All remembered the 19th century wars on the North West Frontier, wars which we lost!  It was made clear then that this was not a land we ought to be fighting over, we would never win.  The Soviet Union forces fell into the trap, the one that fooled the Yanks in Vietnam, that heavy weapons, modern systems and paying the right people would allow them to dominate.  They failed.
So, the US, along with Lapdog UK went to Iraq and Afghanistan, both at the same time, both badly managed, both a complete failure costing millions of lives, including many of our own. However, the politicians die in their beds.
Now, having trained our forces for Afghan fighting, losing many for little if any success, we leave.  For some time we have been 'training' local forces, their quick defeat/surrender is a credit to our teaching, and little true fighting as British units has occurred. What 'special forces' may have done is unclear and possibly best left unclear for some time.  
Leaving in my view is inevitable and ought to have happened years ago, we cannot stretch to Iraq and Afghanistan, we are too busy delivering to Sainsburys.  Now we accept this, because the Americans are running away.  We leave a confused nation, run by the Taliban, though most of them are just locals fighting for themselves, and with possibly a warlord situation fighting for years may lie ahead.  In short, back to Afghan normal.  
The women?  What can we do?  
We abandon many translators and helpers to their fate so we will do nothing for the women.  Their education will fade, many will escape, some remain safe, but overall we can do nothing.  
What a mess.  
It is almost as if Boris designed this situation, it has all the hallmarks of his incompetence, however, it was other, proper politicians, who got us into the mess, now they take us out.  I wonder what soldiers who saw friends die or carry the effects of the conflict feel about this? 

Thursday 12 August 2021

Lorry Nonsense


The pubs, those that remain open, will be finding it easy to obtain supplies as most breweries use their own lorry drivers.  Supermarkets however are feeling the pinch.  The two local stores here are doing OK just now, though some items are missing and many shelves are filled with slow selling stock to make things look better than they are.  
With 100,000 missing lorry drivers, 60,000 EU men were sent back home for ideological reasons, Boris came out with one of his 'Balloons!'  'The Army HGV drivers will fill the gap!'  Brilliant!  Not only does this admit complete failure on the governments part but it develops that failure when explanations arrive.  There are only 2000 qualified, capable, HGV men in the British Army, 200 of these are 'Reservists,' (what we used to call Territorials) and all of these have full time jobs - as Lorry drivers!  So by using 2000 Army drivers to replace 100,000 missing drivers we are taking 200 drivers from the already over stressed lorry driver pool?  Do you think this has not been thought out properly?


Monday 9 August 2021

South Sea Bursting Dream

For some reason the idea of living on a desert island somewhere in the south seas came to my mind.  The thought of sunshine, white sand beaches, blue sea (I would say turquoise but I canny spell that), no cars slushing by in the rain, no diesel powered buses, lorries and train engines pollutting the air, just sea, peace, warmth, and coconuts for me.
Certain problems arose such as how to get there?  No planes on my island, no jetty to encourage others to join so no boats, I suppose I must swim there.  
Then other wee problems show themselves, well food for one!  Coconuts are all very well but they cannot be mistaken for Beef.  Possibly the island might have its own animal life?  Goats possibly, but how did they get there?  Furry animals unknown elsewhere maybe, and of course fish and sea birds.  It might be possible to survive.  
There are other problems come to mind, spiders and creepy crawlies for instance.  Anything with six legs and about six inches long is not for me, I bet the place is crawling with them.  Things crawl out of the sea also, crabs of various sizes, possibly by the thousand, what then?  
Still hungry I see a storm approaching.  What happened to the blue sky?  No-one mentioned storms!  Rain, torrential rain, high winds and tropical hurricanes lash the island.  While this may scare the creepy crawlies it also scares me.  Just how much lightning was ordered here?
Then of course there is another problem.
Some years ago, possibly around 5000 BC people left South East Asia and transported themselves across the world nearby.  Soon, in dugout canoes, with sails and probably a log outboard to stabalise, they sailed across thousands of miles of sea, inhabiting such islands as I desire.  These Melanesians developed quickly a knowledge of the sea, their navigation astounding to travellers in the 17th century as was the speed of their flimsy craft.  These can be a problem on the island with their 'I got here first several thousand years before you' attitude.  They will have settled into a way of doing things that enables survival, travel and making the most of things while I long for fish and chips, curry, bottles of beer and live televised football.  
I might not go.
Of course today life is very different in such tropical islands.  Modern devices abound, as do modern problems.  Many plastic made TVs and Radio's will be there, electricty enables computers also, contat with satalites way above enables travel.  Of course all those plastic made items also washes up on the white sandy beaches often dumped from very far off.
Add to this near wars between the locals and incomers from Asia, conflict caused by larger nations, China, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan made a mess duringthe 1940's.  Today all are wishing to make use of the islands for their own purposes.  Modern life has brought many advantages but just as many problems.  It was always the same, innit?
So, I will abandon the absurd vision of escaping from woe by heading for tropical shores, I will check instead the number of sausage rolls in the freezer, ensure tomorrows dinner is brought out from there, remind myself the NHS is around the corner, as are two supermarkets, a railway station and several buses.  OK, the weather is very wet and sometimes sunny but it is weather I am used to.  I will not be like Alexander Selkirk and get myself abandoned on such a place like he.  Indeed, he went a bit mad while there, though to be sure he was a bit rough bfore he left.  I am therefore satisfied to go mad slowly while near Tesco. 

Sunday 8 August 2021

Seagulls, Steam Engines and Brexit


I was raking through old pictures and came across these seagulls squatting on a bridge somewhere in Dorset many years ago.  They appear very calm, indeed cuddly, but that is because there are no Chip Shops nearby.  The river below leads into Poole Harbour, an amazing large expanse, but the food stuffs these boys seek are at the other side of the water.  I am left wondering how they survive, they certainly look well fed.
This brought to mind the report that Boris had 'almost drowned,' while holidaying in Scotland last year.  That and the midges were, apparently, a nuiscance.  Considering he was there for three days that is some story.  The report claims his security guard aided him when his surf board, or blow up duck, began to drift away.  If this story is true I suggest the security guard is fired for his actions which amount to disrespect for Scotland!  

Some things about Scotland are indeed worth seeing however.  This is the steam engine that took me from Fort William to Mallaig I think in 1995.  The journey is worth enjoying.  The scenery, the steam train, the bits and bobs in your hair and face as you put your head out the window, all these are worth it.  I went up a couple of times, though I doubt the once busy fishing port, seal and all, is not as busy today.  Tourism restart will help the scattered village but I doubt many are enjoying Brexit now.
The train however will run if the virus and government allows.  Worth a wee hurl on the 'Jacobite' as it appears to be called these days, though the name may have changed again.  

Now I totally abhor those who panic buy and stock needlessly.  Nevertheless with lorry driver shortages and price increases daily (10p on all bottled beers in Sainsburys this week) I thought I would panic buy and stock needlessly.  So I have been gradually adding extras while in Tesco and Sainsburys and filling the cupboards.  
However, it is fresh veg and fruit that is the problem.  All oranges are suffering from delays at ports, lack of drivers means Tesco waste tons of such stuff, all other stores must be similar, and worst of all bottled fizzy water is not seen as important!  At 17 pence a go this is a wonderful summer drink, when not available the only other fizz I can find comes in beer bottles, this is not wise.  However, I suffer this.  Brexit success continues...

Friday 6 August 2021

Rush Hour Cars, Brexit and Forums.

Now I am all for warm weather. Where I come from it is always good to see it, we saw it so rarely up there.  Down here in this xenophobic nation it is more common, this county is supposed to have the least rainfall of all, so why do they grow all the crops here?  Anyway, when the sun shines we enjoy it and I am happy if the temp reaches 70.F and stays there.  
However, there are drawbacks.  
Today we have rain showers in between sunny spells, this gives all those driving their big open topped cars in those sunny spells the opportunity to bless us with all the pleasure of hearing the loud and indeed bad music they listen to!  Open windows, open top cars, occasional idiot with loud transistor, remember them? either will do, but we have to hear their poor choice of bad noise.  
Add to this the eejit who thinks we need to hear his loud phone calls, business sounds good where he is, and pleasure is abundant for all around, well maybe not for the man in the following white van who clearly has his own opinion on this.
No, I am not jealous.  I have no wish to join the 'rush hour' and sit in a car moving at two miles an hour in a queue so long you cannot see the beginning of it.  I have long lost the need to own a pretentious large expensive vehicle to impress those around me.  Indeed, I have not got the money to do so, and I would not do this, unless the Good Lord does present me with the maroon coloured Landrover I have been asking for these past few years.  
I do however, have a bus pass...

It was good to get out of here today to return the empty beer bottles vinegar bottles and mayonnaise jars to the recycling bins.  I have been spending far too much time on Twitter and newspaper forums. The 'Daily Express' one in particular.  The Brexiteer is one with a closed mind, closed so tightly no fact can change it.  One grumbled 10,000 migrants have clambered into this country, I indicated 60,000 EU lorry drivers have been banned by Brexit, can these migrants not drive?  This did not go down well. 
The EU is at fault for everything, but free England, never the UK, has got them beat.  For a start the 'Express' extols our deal with the Far East, countries like Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.  These replace Germany, France and Spain!  For the Brexiteer this is a success?  A deal with Australia has enabled us to make £400,000 a year from exports, the Aussies make £1.5 Billion from the deal!  
This is another Brexit success?  The 'Express' reader, not counting 'Bots' or the '77th Brigade' doing Boris's work, does not like facts, he is blind to anything but Brexit, his life depends on this.
There is however, worse.
On Twitter I got involved with an American, so you can imagine the lack of knowledge, who boasted he had not been vaccinated even though all his workmates had been.  
Now the media today is full of such people bemoaning not getting vaccinated because they were considered physically strong, believed the lies on social media, and then catching Covid and sadly passing away regretting their foolishness. How sad then to see someone boasting not being vaccinated, made worse by claiming that he was following Christ Jesus and trusting him for health.  Indeed he ought to do this, but Jesus, like the vast majority of Christians, would say 'Get the jab!'  Several US pastors have caught the virus, some have died, all say 'Get the jab!'  We get vaccinated against measles, chickenpox, shingles, polio, smallpox and other things, yet we are supposed to consider this one 'evil?'  Some still believe the pandemic was caused by Pharma companies, some by the 'New world order' and others believe still that Bill Gates has inserted a bug into them to follow them around or tell them what to do.  In the UK most people call that bug 'Google' or 'Facebook.'  
I have been amazed at the opinions found on such forums.  I expect them from closed minded Rangers and Celtic fans, but the depth of belief on strange theories amazes me.  The blindness and unwillingness to listen by the Brexiteer leaves me considering this a 'cult.'  Is there an answer?  

Q. 'Why did the chicken cross the road?'
A. 'To avoid meeting Nicola Sturgeon.'

Monday 2 August 2021

Clever Dog and Unclever Media

To be a Police Dog these days you need good training, good food, a good handler and an ability to spot a devious, untrustworthy individual at one hundred yards.  Here we see an example of such a dog operating at close quarters.  
Priti Patel is looking on wondering if she can have the dog deported, he is after all an 'Alsatian,' or if you prefer, and she does not, 'German Shepherd,' therefore from the EU, and so clearly foreign, not English and must be removed. 
I would much prefer if the handler just let go..
Looking for interesting news is difficult today, there is none available.  The once 'left of centre' and Labour Party paper the 'Daily Mirror,' is now, according to the badly updated online service, not a place for news.  Today we are offered bribes for young folks to take 'the jab,' 'Love Island rocked by juiceiest episode...' varieties of sick people and their pains, celebs and their broken lives and a pub selling beer in 'two pint' glasses.  Nothing that could be called 'news,' nothing but 'soft news' to appeal to the public.  What you could call 'Bread & Circus' stuff.  
With such a corrupt and incompetent government why does the 'Mirror' of all papers not lead on said corruption?  Where are the items showing Boris and his cabal up for what they are?  Why is such news not considered worth chasing?  Has the 'Mirror' forgotten the readers, or does it instead pander to the readers unwillingness to face the facts about Boris and wish just to survive?
The opportunity to create a proper newspaper at the 'Daily Express' has been missed.  Instead of turning the 'Express' into a newspaper the company, now called 'Reach,' has spent much time slashing the number of staff, reporters and all else.  The idea of turning both papers into anti-Tory papers has not been taken, losses continue, income falls, what a waste of an opportunity.  Or can it be the media that attacks this incompetent government will not survive?  What then does that say of the reading public?

Saturday 31 July 2021

Saturday Delight


Saturday, a day of rest for many, of shopping for others.  
I managed to avoid the crowds by joining the crowds yesterday when the bread ran out.  This was a mistake.  Still, it would be worse today.  I fail to comprehend people who always shop on a Saturday when it is busy.  Surely they can find another time?  These big stores are open till 8 in the evening, five days a week, sometimes they open till nine or later!  How come everyone arrives at the same time on Saturday?  

However, proper football begins tonight, in the meantime we have the Blue bigots playing Livingstone. This was a poor game, especially as the blue bigots won.
This will have to do until later, whem we begin against the Green bigots.  8 pm on a Saturday night?  What a strange time to play football, some of the younger players may enter the field holding their phones and Lager bottles by mistake.
That church in the picture has been there for at least 800 years, possibly longer.  The pub, or a pub, has stood on that spot since at least the Saxons I reckon.  A building nearby has a beam that was dated to 1392 I think the man said. This is because this was the road from London to Norwich, and at Bury St Edmunds lay St Edmunds, so a popular pilgrimage route began, and money was taken...
So, at the ridiculous time of 8 pm we 'entertained' Celtic in the opening game of the new league season.  While it is true they are not at their best, neither are we, indeed that showed in the first half.  However, after taking the lead, we allowed them back in.  Tsk!  Still, improving in the 2nd half and after losing an undeserved equaliser we changed the shape and finished them off with a great John Soutar header a minute from time.  Add to that two saves in the Jim Cruickshank mould in the last minute of added time from captain Craig Gordon and the job was complete.  Heart of Midlothian win by two goals to one and it ought to have been more.  Even the ref was quite good for a change!

Tuesday 27 July 2021

First LIne of Defence

During 1941 Adolf Hitler considered crossing the channel and invading the UK.  Operation Sea Lion was prepared.  He had not succeeded with the Luftwaffe attacks in the 'Battle of Britain,' he was very wary of the Royal Navy that patrolled the coast, and was well aware of the defences onshore.  Pill boxes, barbed wire, anti-landing craft devices, and pools of oil deliberately set alight awaited his men.  However, on noticing a long line of desks spaced out along each beachead he understood that the landing could not go ahead.  On each desk was placed a formidable Doctor's Receptionist, and the head of Germany realised nothing he possessed could get past one of those!
Today, I attempted to get past one of those.
At the end of the queue, attended late morning when the crowd had dispersed.
I waited.  
One by one patients were slapped down into place.  
Eventually I got to the window.  
I say window because under Covid we stand outside in all weathers and talk though a window to the Stasi representitive inside.  No consideration given regarding the weather.  
I enquired about the 'Shingles Jab' on offer to those pver er, 32, and also regarding seeing the nurse.  I was given a time, exact time, that afternoon for the jab and my questions ignored.  Regarding the nurse I was told "Phone up at 8 am in the morning to book."  The fact that 50 others will be doing the same was not emphasised!  
So I may be back at the window tomorrow before I am awake.
Not long before ten minutes to three I was back at the window, waiting. 
Someone was taking a while, a woman looked at me and her eyes over her mask indicated a sense of despair, he was taking a long time at the window.  Eventually he went, the next woman wasted my time as we despaired on the queue.  
I was saved by the Stasi asking if anyone had an appointment.
"ME!" I almost cried, and I jumped the queue.
"Indoors, use hand stuff, Waiting Room 'B.'" ordered the Gauleiter.
Off I trot.  The locked door is unlocked and I enter sloshing my hands in the magic liquid.
I find 'waiting room 'B.'' and wait.
I wait.
I wait again.
A nurse looks out from a door and asks why I am there, she walks down corridor, returns, says nothing and goes away.
A nurse comes up said corridor and passes by.
Sounds from corridor of talking and laughter.
I wait.
Eventually a woman of certain age comes out, and leaves by the outside door, the nurse turns and looks through me.
I wait.
My options are considered, however, just then the screen on the wall demands that no violence if offered to clinical staff.  This, it claims, is not right.
I wait.
Another, different, nurse appears from the corridor and ignores me.
A man enters, sits himself down without noticing me.
Such attitudes are not uncommon here these days.  I blame the London overspill.
I wait.
I continue waiting muttering about how busy NHS staff are and being happy to take my place and wait while more important people go before me.
I wait.
Shortly afterwards the first nurse reappears, calls the new man and he enters her door.
I wait, muttering about being first.
I wait.
An er, chubby nurse appears, ignores me, goes to fridge and removes what to me looks like the injection I am awaiting.  
Hope is kindled.
She passes me by and says nothing.
I wait again.
I have been stood standing here, all this time.  I did not wish to sit and be forced up quickly.  Pah!
I wait.
Then, glory be!  Chubby calls my name indistinctly.  I rush to her room.
She is pleasant. competent, asks all the right questions, by reading them of the screen I noticed, and talks amiably.  She prepares the needle, injects cheerfully, and throws me out by another door, happily informing me that it is raining.
Take away the wait and we have a smart, efficient system.  A good practice, well run, with good staff.
Oh yes, and the Stasi at the desk!
I may be back tomorrow to see the nurse...

Monday 26 July 2021

Technology Bah!


Another day of technology success.
While Google and I are struggling to fix 'robots' and 'validate' and 'crawl' the blog I have at least fixed (I think) the other little local difficulty.
My war memorial was not being found and I thought I had found a fix tonight, and indeed it has worked!  Learning Portugese swear words while working in the hospital years ago has paid off.  The trouble with such things is a failure to comprehend the language, American, in use, and those many little things not noticed or ignored which bring everything to a shuddering halt.  However, I think that is a job well completed.
The failure to search the blog properly is a worry.  Fix the 'robots' it said though I have no idea what they are, but when I tried nothing happened, why?  
Because their machine does not fix their blog!  I await the result of the present fix attempt.  Bah!
And, now I have altered the 'sounds' on my phone the annoying rasping call has been replaced with a gentle plop.  Very much healthier.

Sunday 25 July 2021

Sunday Blether

The Bees and the beasties have been making the most of the times.  The gardens are full of bright coloured flowers inviting them to feed and investigate.  They are also full of midge like flies and kids, I am not sure which is worse.  
In between the thunder, lightning and rain we see blue sky around here.  Up north they are melting in the heat, fires are seen in woodland areas, not helped by idiot campers and their fires, and firemen are busy everywhere.  
London meanwhile is again flooded, the thunder round here was the edge of the storm, we were lucky.  In the south east heavy rain filled rivers and streams, underground passages flooded, as indeed did railway stations and the Underground.  The heavy rain we saw passed away quickly enough.

Climate change is real, whatever people say, and worldwide we are facing heat, rain and conditions which we are unable to control.  Russia suffers forest fires and soaring heat, Germany endure heavy rain and floods, all unusual for the time.  Whatever the cause it is time we opened our eyes to the problem, but as usual money talks.

Heading home as rain began to fall these three RAF aircraft flew over in formation.  I think these are 'Chipmunk' aircraft, they used to be the first line in RAF training but things may have changed.  It is also possible these are overflying some event (can you under fly an event?) and may no longer be official RAF planes.  Nice to see however, though I noticed the passing women gave no thought to the craft above, tsk!

I have had problems with the Blogs.  Some of the War Memorials cannot be found, though I can reach them.  Google tells me this is a problem they can fix.  However, as it involved the mobile phone this meant I had to reset the thing.  This has been having problems recently, I lost all my numbers, and other things fell apart, so a reset was required.  Naturally, since getting the phone they have altered everything and it took ages to work out what I was doing, much still has to be done.  Tomorrow I need to investigate the 'robots' problem, whatever that is, which needs fixing also.  This would be easy if I knew what they were talking about!  I am in an area of which I know nothing.  With my technical ability I could lose everything, especially my mind, by nightfall.  

Friday 23 July 2021

Signs of the Times

So many things about Boris Johnson remind me of Hitler.
Both had broken families, both had bad fathers, both Hitler and Boris put themselves before anything else.  Neither were as they appeared, both were actors for the crowd.  They both put themselves first, all else can be manipulated to their desire.
Add to this the influence of political shicanary from both the well known Dominic Cummings and the less well known Steve Bannon.  Dominic's approach has been one of both arrogance and efficiency, he got Boris elected.  Steve Bannon while unknown to many is far more dangerous.  His influence has aided Donald Trump to get into the White House, an influence which appeared to end when he disagreed with the bumbling president.  Who knows whether an influence remains.  Bannon however, has influence behind the scenes in many places, all following the Far-Right approach to life.  He attempted to establish a centre in Italy to propagate his opinions, this was refused, and now an appeal through the courts is under way.  The last thing Italians require is another Far-Right organisation.  Bannon has influenced Boris greatly.  Look at how Boris has used his power.
Boris used the queen to stop parliament debating his bills.  Boris, like Adolf, has the media on hs side, the BBC now controlled by his placements, other influential positions are being given to his donors, friends, supporters and those using him for their advancement, just like in 1930's Germany.  The media not asking questions in print or on TV means the vast majority do not understand what is being done to the nation.  One Bill going through parliament could lead to investigative reporters being jailed as spies for treason if they question government policy!  How fascist is this?  The courts which have ruled against many of his, or his cabals Bills, are threatened with losing the right to question.  Another Far-Right move, suggested by Bannon perhaps? 
The public, like the Germans in the 30's, supports moves to halt immigration and get out of the EU because they have been told lies about both for 30 years.  The constant repeat of the lies, blatant in places, leads to many more than willing to support Boris and his government.  A complaint majority, however slight, a 'culture war' that neither Boris or his followers understand, can easily go wrong.  There are many forces at work in the UK today, none of them pretty, and few comprehend how near to a fascist state we are becoming.

Wednesday 21 July 2021

Royal Spam

If there is one thing the editors of the grubby press know it is that the Royal Family sell!
There is an unquenched desire to know the secret dealings within 'Buck House' and other royal accomodation, the nation wants to 'doff the cap' yet know how their 'betters' live.  This has always been true, loyalty to the throne lies deep in the mind of many in the UK, usually it is just a mythical view that is grasped.
Since Diana was stupidly married by Charles, he needed a son or two, rather than Camilla, a woman he liked and who liked and understood him.  Instead we have the pantomime of Diana, now continuing under her demented son (who is the father we ask?).  While Kate and William, a man with his mothers brain, follow a PR exercise appealing to the nation as kind, thoughtful people who cause no trouble, an ideal King some say, but in truth as false as all the rest.  Harry and his woman, clearly she is the brains in that outfit, continues to draw fire from all around by putting his foot in it rather than keeping his head down and seeking good PR.  Not for Harry common sense (too 'common' perhaps) and consideration, instead a book, his life's story, but who will write this, him or her?  
The 'Daily Star' famed for the less than considerate headlines, offers a glimpse into the book, and indeed a glimpse of the reviews still to come.  We wait and see.
This will all end in tears, and many sales for the dying gutter press.
I have been getting lots of spam recently, all identical, all informing me I can make various amounts, usually around $1300 montly.
It is the spelling of 'montly' that makes me wonder about these posts.
Each one from a different name, each offering such success, each offering success 'montly.'
Two or three come through each day and I am left wondering if anyone actually falls for such clear Spam?  I suppose someone with little English might fall for it, I wonder if it pays?
Maybe I ought to try this myself, maybe I ought to send out millions of Spam and get rich....! 

Monday 19 July 2021

Sunday 18 July 2021

Saturday 17 July 2021


Fear and alarm spread through the town yesterday.
People stood around, pointing skywards.
"It's an alien," said one.
"It looks like a spaceship," cried another.
A man carrying a sign saying 'Repent! The end of the world is Nigh!' walked across the park, mumbling.
"Who is 'nigh?' asked one woman,"Isn't that a Welsh name?"
"Yeah," said her friend,"He was that Welsh bloke that made the NHS, remember?"
The police were out in droves, much use of radio, personal phones and waving truncheons to keep back the panic stricken mob.
Eventually, dressed in all his robes, the vicar appeared standing on a van roof.
"Worry not my children," he cried. "The bright shiny thing is the sun!"
"Wot?" cried one man, "the one Murdoch owns? It can't be, I got one in me pocket, it don't shine like that."
"No,not that one. Nothing shines in that one.  This is the real sun, the one that heats the earth."
"Ooooooh!"  Cried the gathered crowd by now full of wonderment. 
"Who pays for it?" asked one. This is a Tory area.
"Nobody pays for it,the Good Lord gave it to us to keep us warm."
"The who?" came a shout.
"No, not the 'Who,' the Good Lord!"
 "So why does it never show, why always behind clouds, rain, hail, and mist?"
"Because you are here in the UK and not in Africa," said the preacher.  By this time he was beginning to wonder why he had come here.  "I may pop down to Maldon Quay and see if there is a banana boat going somewhere," he thought.  
The congregation was beginning to disperse.  Fear was eased, the sunglasses and T-shirts emblazened with unfunny slogans and adverts appeared.  
Then the English did what they do best, they went to the pub and had drunken fights with one another.

Thursday 15 July 2021

Useless, Me?

At last!  A toy that speaks for me!
I've been looking for this for many years!  
All I need now is a 'Man at work' with him suitably not working in any manner.  That would sum up my long years of work.  
OK, I have no idea where this can be found, I came across it on Twitter.  
But it is realistic,innit?
Boris Johnson made an announcement regarding 'Leveling up,' I ignored it.  There would be lies, more lies, distortion and lots of balloons, but nothing actually making a difference.  He has however, forced the 'Second Reading' of the NHS Bill that would allow him to sell of the NHS to his privatising US friends.
Much anger, all ignored. 
The Nazi takeover of this country is well under way.  


Tuesday 13 July 2021



I opened the bin this morning and found many of these inside!  
All those bluebottles that have plagued me recently have been laying their eggs and now attempting to take over.  
This is not what I wish to see early in the morning.
I had fish last week, this left a stink around the kitchen.  I cleaned up as you do, but the stink remained.
On Sunday morning I cleaned the bin as it still stank somewhat, unwillingly as I do not work at weekends to avoid irking neighbours.  The bin was fine, the new bag clean.
This morning I opened the bin and found dozens of beasties there!
So another bag required, maggotts, fine in hospitals where they still have a use, but not in my house, now flushed down the bath plughole.  The kitchen now cleansed again properly, new bag, clean smell, and awaiting sausage roll for lunch.
I could do without this in the mornings.
A walk up to the shops produced more cleaning stuff and a small bottle of Lavender pong.  This is supposed to drive flies and such like away.  So, now the place pongs indeed.  The window's have been dabbed, the lampshades, the kitchen areas and bins, all the places the beasties may like.  Hopefully that will put them off.  So far it appears to work, though whether that is coincidence I will soon find out.   

Monday 12 July 2021

Saved from English Crowing by Roberto!


What the weather girls, in doors in a nice studio, call 'light rain showers,' have been falling for the last 24 hours on and off.  Late last night I had to check it was indeed rain that had water sweeping its way down the gutters rather than the tears of the loud English fans wending their way home.
Not long after the game ended I could hear shouting outside.  Individuals, groups of two or three, larger groups also, heading home under the influence and none too chuffed about the result.  
Indoors I was laughing! 
Twitter and I, plus a couple of million 'Jocks,' Welsh and Irish, were rejoicing at the end of the English imperialist dream of success.  Much wit was in evidence, and not a little smugness also.  This, not without reason.
Having England and the English as a neighbour has not made Scotland's life easy.  Since time began, let's say about a thousand years ago, the southern bullies have tried to steal what is now Scotland for their own personal glory.  It is probable that we can begin this in the reign of the big bully boy Edward I.  Being over 6ft tall at a time when most were not anywhere near that height gave him the ability to throw his weaight around.  As King of England he wished to subject Scotland to his rule also.  We refused, and while Edward tricked John Balliol, then King of Scots, into a prison cell and false subjugation, and while William Wallace led the opposition to the brute, Scotland remained free.  (Note, you can be King of England, but not King of Scotland.  You can only be 'King of Scots.'  If you fail the Scots democratically chop your head off.)  Having chopped up Wallace in 1305 Edward thought he was getting his Scotland at last.  However, by Edwards gracious death in 1307 Scotland was set to be a totally independent and efficient country in its own right.  
There were many attempts by the bully boys down south but none succeeded until the Lairds were bribed and threatened with loss if they did not sign Scotland over to what became laughingly known as 'Great Britain in 1707.'  This was rejected  by the people and still is.  This 'Great Britain' was soon to be seen as nothing more than 'Greater England,' and Scotland and Wales comprise England's last colonies.  
Add to this the  smug arrogance of the said English at all times.  Most recently under this Conservative government, no matter which PM, in which Scotland has been, like Wales and Northern Ireland, considered irrelevant in Brexit or indeed anything else.  Bully boy tactics do not make for peace.
English fans, led by the media who know what the readers want to see, have emphasised their dominance over all others, a truly xenophobic jingoism which pervades England, even among the 'nicer people.'  It is deep in their heart, the English consider themselves better than all others.  Facts do not intrude here, reality is not required.  An ill-thought vague view of History tells them they once ruled the world and therefore have a right to rule it again.  Hence Brexit!  The stupid idea that if you leave a successfull union and 'go it alone' you will succeed because 'You are English!'  This is turning out to be false, but they do not yet accept this.
All this adds up to Scotland, amongst other nations, despising England.  It is easy to like many of them, we have lots in common, but the attitude that prevails is 'England first' the rest are our colonies.  
You know what they can do with that!
So last night, a half decent, but lacking fire up front, England side, played a half decent, but not the best version of Italy in the Euro 2020 final.  Italy dominated after England's lucky goal in the first minute.  Had that goal not gone in we would all have been done and dusted before ten O'clock, as it was Italy, full of the usual style, lacked the flair we usually see to break through England's defence.  The goal came eventually, from a 'British' style corner that England failed to deal with, and somehow England survived until the end of extra time.  
Penalties are not the best way to win a cup final, however there is no alternative that makes sense.  With penalties there is no good in being clever, just do not look at the goalie, possibly glance at the opposing corner you are aiming for, and just hit it had into a corner, low or high.  Several players tried to be smart.  This rarely works.  Sure some talented players do this and make it look easy, it isn't, and it showed last night.  There have been many, mostly, but not only, young players who have failed at penalties in this competition.  I doubt they will fail next time.  It is good, once the manager has stopped hitting them, that he picks them up and rebuilds their personal belief.  One or two however could do with being whipped first!
There were many jumping on the bandwagon before the game, now they jump on the detractor bandwagon or disappear into the gloom.  Politicians abounded in praise of their team, even if they were not sure what shirt they were wearing.  Today they remain silent, except for the usual backbench Tory spouting gentle racism.  
The Brexit mentallity showed yesterday, England fans in various parts of the country, including Leicester Square, were fighting with one another, bottles thrown, near riots preveailing.  All this while TV folk spoke of the team 'Bringing the nation together.'
Tee Hee.
Not long after midnight, the cries of the departing fans ringing out in the darkness outside, we saw Blue flashing lights as police cars left the station behind me to 'investigate' parties of failed celebrants.  No stories from these have been released sadly.  The rain did not deter the cries, and I was too cowardly to open the window and shout "Forza Italia!"  The landlord would not like his windows removed.
From the time the penalties were missed the three Black players who missed theirs have been subject to clear racist abuse.  I noticed one man on Twitter, named MALIK, telling Mr Sako to, 'Get out of my country!'  I thought that interesting.  Much worse was seen and some published in the press will be costing a few their jobs today.  Even the 'Met' police will be investigating this.  This was to be expected, just under the surface of the English lies a 'white only England,' and it takes little for this to emerge into view.
We can all understand how easy it is to be racist if the world in which you are brought up changes, especially when it appears to change so fast.  The governments of the day ignoring the 'white working class,' and indeed recently encouraging them to believe they are being robbed by immigrants, have all led to such attitudes deepening.  There is no easy answer to this, and Brexit has multiplied the xenophobia greatly.  
Italy however, with masses more immigrants than the UK, celebrate in style.  Many grateful for Scotland's support, and all Italians resident in the UK wary about their windows being put in.  None round here it appears.  
Today all was normal, the media trying to avoid stabbing players in the back, but that will come, and a quick trip to Tesco offered no comment from anyone re the game.  Tee Hee again!
I have tried to get people to offer manager Roberto Mancini the 'Freedom of Edinburgh' for his work in saving Scotland, Wales and Ireland, from the arrogant crowing an England victory would have thrust upon us.  Such service to mankind deserves a reward, and Scotland must not be slow to offer this I say.