Problems indeed but not for me. The woman next door fell through her kitchen floor again. It has been repaired once but she managed to do it again. This made her somewhat unhappy, although it was just her foot, no damage was done, and she failed to go through the ceiling below. Our handyman boys came round, two bodgers hardworking lads, and fixed it this afternoon while she sat and sulked watching dumbed down telly. This is a young couple who have a lot to learn about living in the real world. No doubt they come from decent homes where all things were in good condition, this however is rent-a-flat-land, the real world if you like. You get the best you can but it is never going to be what your dreams desire. The chances of them ever buying a house is remote, you require around £150,000 at least and both need to be earning about £20,000 annually to obtain this. No chance around here. I wonder however if they will still be together in twelve months time anyway. Kids today eh?
After fixing this little problem the boys noticed the first step at the bottom of the stairs was a bit damaged, this was quickly fixed. (The phrase 'a bit damaged,' is not quite literal) While doing this the floor sagged somewhat also and on investigation the discovery of a leaky pipe resulted. A slim crack had appeared on the joining bolt which was allowing water to gush out. Naturally I was concerned - it might have been mine! As it belonged to the downstairs chap I relaxed, awaiting his reading of his next water bill, just to see if he notices!
So an afternoon was spent making tea for the workers, she wouldn't as she was in a huff, refusing to even offer a black bag for the rubbish, and I took the poor souls in for a break. Mind you I have known them 20 years and have offered them many broken bits of this flat to repair, sometimes they have done this properly, sometimes I have to remind them that window is still stuck from the outside. The landlord continues to drive his new Bentley, one of two I believe, having allowed all the Jaguars to rest awhile in the garage. It sounds rough and ready here but it isn't really. When I despair of accommodation and dream of a three bedroomed place with a sea view and a small garden I consider the places I lived before, at least one of which is no longer a slum -being torn down and rebuilt! In many parts of the world people live in tin shacks made out of oil drums, and in North Korea they have Stalinist flats - only if the obey! Now as the sun shines in revealing the inch of dirt on the window, I am content having a bright room, food inside, and internet contact with the real world. A real world that has recently shown me several very nice friends indeed.
Not a lot of people have such as this.