Saturday 11 April 2020


One of the joys of Spring is sitting in my bed in the evening with the late sun shining brightly, then turning into fancy sunsets as it gores down far over the field. 
Thus it was last night.  It would be again tonight, if I could drag my hulk off the couch and go through.  The thing is during the day I am now placed in the 'Summer Palace' position, where more light gets in and I am more comfy. 
The disadvantage is that I am thus tempted to switch on the TV and scrawl through it again and again in an attempt to find something to watch, in these days this is important.  As you will realise this is a failed endeavour.  Nothing is worth watching today, one programme might have been but my feeble aerial could not receive it.  Not much lost really. 
The radio is poor also just now and variety is not the spice of life today.
Good job I am not one to complain.

Today we hear of over a thousand deaths, no news on the number who recovered, usually about ten times as many, nor the number who died of other things, unknown but possibly of the virus, and no news of testing everyone.  There was a grumble that enough equipment has gone to the NHS but they misuse this, an interesting number of replies on Twitter to that one, and the people are beginning to wonder when journalists will appear and question this government about their work.  I would not expect that in a hurry. 
I expect at least 18 months of this.  If I am right consider the implications.  Business hampered, few working, lack of money, evictions, mortgage failures, economic collapse, even if the banks are stronger it will be difficult.  The WTO claim the worst could be like the 1930's again!  I see no answer until a vaccine arrives, and do not trust this lot to offer it willingly or properly. 
The immediate future is not looking good. 

One day soon we will be back here again....

Thursday 9 April 2020

Thursday Trivia

'Thursday Trivia?'  What am I on about?  It's always trivia on here!!!

For a start there is this brute! 
Every time it 'ping's' I rush to see what unimportant item of tat has been sent by one of my few compatriots.  Tat it is, and tat it will remain yet I rush, putting aside important things just to be disappointed.  The other day crossing the field I took it out just in case I had not heard the 'ping' while it was in my pocket!   I felt lost for a while yesterday, then realised I had left the phone elsewhere and was missing it!
I may not charge it up later....

"Lexophile" describes those that have a love for words, such as 
"you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish", and "To write with a broken pencil is pointless."

I changed my iPod's name to Titanic.  It's syncing now. 

I got some batteries that were given out free of charge.

A will is a dead giveaway.

A bicycle can't stand alone; it's just two tired.

The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine last week is now fully recovered.

He had a photographic memory but it was never fully developed.

I didn't like my beard at first.  Then it grew on me.

I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.

I'm reading a book about anti-gravity.  I just can't put it down.

Just as I was closing up last night I noticed the 'Pink Moon' glimpsed through cloud.  Of course it is not 'Pink' and, so NASA tell me, it is not made of cheese either.  They would say that wouldn't they.  What they say about Trump signing an order claiming the right to 'Mine' on the moon may be clear to most of us.  So there I was, squeezing out the small kitchen window, trying to avoid the TV aerial and grab a shot of my moon.  It turned out 'no bad' after all.  Mind you, my nieces husband got a similar picture, so they must have a moon up there in West Lothian also.  Not as good as mine...

Excitement missed!  Some shouting outside today.  But by the time I got my head out the window it was almost over.  Three chaps, of late teen age, had been urged to leave the skatepark.  They did not look like locals and one in particular, large and loud, did not appear happy with the situation.  There was more to this than just keeping people indoors as two men in dark outfits with no insignia were also in the park.  
They black clad officer, now four together. discussed the situation while the three gentlemen making their way East informed them of their opinion in words I do not catch but intrigued the constables so much they hared off out of view to get a better knowledge of the terms used.  Out of vision, isn't it always the way, cars slowed, voices of struggle were heard, and cars stopped then moved on again slowly, each filled with individuals reaching for their mobiles.  It is not difficult to presume drugs were involved here, plus a degree of antagonism not related to being forced indoors, although I suspect someone might be forced inside tonight!
Camera at the ready and I missed it all!  Bah!

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Tusday Totter

As the day wore on I kept thinking it was Sunday.  The slow traffic, the empty park, nothing on TV, it was slow and quiet and with the neighbours being even quieter than usual it was all very strange.

I was very tired last night, put my head on the pillow and slept.  I woke up at 12:30 and was awake for ages!  I then awoke at 8:24!  By the time breakfast was over it was lunchtime, I was so far behind.
The relative warmth, 63% by lunchtime, was helpful.  The park was not busy but people exercising in family groups appeared often.  Remain indoors yes, but we need air and sunshine.  

I tried to capture the flowers, all small things and too far away from me for the mobiles camera to get properly, hence enlarged and fuzzy.  This time of year brings many colours to the gardens and are a delight to see, I love the blue ones.  

Tomorrow my exercise will be stretching my muscles.  I walk so slow I was overtaken by a snail at one point.  Our thoughts will be with Boris while he genuinely suffers the virus.  I doubted him at first but look forward to a new Boris coming out of this, a spiritual renewing as well as physical rebuilding.  This horrid episode might well see an improvement in the NHS after this.

Monday 6 April 2020


700 years ago today the nobles gathered to offer the 
Declaration of Arbroath.  
You can read it on the Clan McAlister page. 

Sunday 5 April 2020

I Broke Out!

From early yesterday morning I planned a break out.  The day looked good for it, they said the sun would shine, and it did rising early around 6 am and encouraging people to rise also and queue outside of Sainsburys!  
I was not one of them.

The day was indeed warmish, you can see how the crowds flocked to the park er, well, later on that is.  I remained hooked on staring into space, this now replaces football as my favourite sport.

I sit at the desk, piles of work all around, 'To Do' lists littering the area, and stare out the window at the sunshine across the road.  This is usually more productive.
I listen to the news and decide that I can say little, occasionally grieving as a 5 year old dies, or anger rising as another minister lies barefaced to the camera.  It appears to be what they do these days.  No shame is felt, lie barefaced Boris style and they expect to get away with it.  This the result of not having a 'Free Press.'  The lackeys are all tied in with the Boris gangland so they cannot grumble, they may be found out also.
These are the men who demand footballers give up their high pay to help the NHS.  These ministers who have deliberately run the NHS into the ground, failed it in the hour of need, and are themselves all multi millionaire who are not putting their hands into their own pockets for the NHS, which they all wish to privatise, demand footballers pay towards their, the ministers, mistakes!
The irony.   

I broke out.
Late at night, as the sun began to hide behind the trees, I left my abode, dressed for the chilly wind, and took pictures of the dying sun.  Nobody was about, except one poor lad who is either of low intellect, has mental problems or is on drugs.  He walked ahead of me talking and singing to himself. He often passes this way and I wonder what goes on inside, what is the cause?  Not much I can do.
No-one else is about.

The round yellow thing goes down there every night, there must be hundreds of them lying there burning themselves out...

A flock of Geese fly over, or is it Swans, surely not?  Geese I think, heading to a farmers field or down towards the Blackwater Basin for the night.  They could at least have come closer.

A walk in the park, a blast of cold air, some pictures of the sunset, I went home happy but cold.  The little things in life are more enjoyable, going outside, when no policemen are about, is more enjoyable than before.  Finding things hidden away indoors, things long forgotten and now appear as new gifts, is also fun.  Cooking however remains a drag...

Today I ventured out in the hottest day so far of the year, large coat and pullover,  to deliver a letter I thought urgent.  The park was busier, two or three dog walkers and a couple with kids, those I met on the road kept more than 6ft apart from me.  One poor man (with mask) jumped 6 ft as I came around a corner, was the mask to protect him or us I wonder?  Are we genuinely protecting ourselves from the virus or overreacting?  I'm not sure face masks help unless we sit at a checkout or drive a bus.     
However, I did attempt to catch a picture of this Red Kite twirling around.  Several groups of pigeons were scurrying while a flock of seagulls languidly made their way south.  I fer the Red Kite caught no-one as the gulls would put him off trying anything.  He refuse to pose either, coming quite close and disappearing.  I have several shots of the sky!   
I hope you remain at peace, but I fear this period has a long way to go yet.  The virus will only die when  vaccine arrives.  Some pre-vaccines are being tried on Chinese volunteers (do they know they have volunteered?) but at least a year will be required.  I hope the sanity remains with us...

Today is Palm Sunday, therefore here is our improvised social media church service.


Friday 3 April 2020

Friday Frittered...

It took a while but I have finally worked out 'Voicemail!'  The cheery voice at the other end told me to change my pin, he did not tell me I had one in the first place.  What he meant was 'Make one up' but he did not state that!  However I worked it out, entered appropriate numbers, and found two boring voices.  Was it worth it?  No!
I am getting the hang of this now, making use of 'Whatsupp' as it costs nothing, not counting all the info they have stolen from me and sold to China, unless China already knows all that useless info of course.  
My laptop suddenly ran slow also.  This took 24 hours to fix.  Once I remembered the trick was to switch the router off, then back on, all was well.  I was getting 30, now I am back to 71 at the moment!  It must be said there is not much going or or much that is worth searching for, especially now that football is dying.  
Maybe I ought to try my hand at fixing that VCR/DVD player...?

However, Spring, if you look out the window, is here.  Grey clouds may cover much of the sky but light is getting through.  Little plants abound, not that we are allowed out to look, and the sky is light early in the morning.  Good times!
This weekend will be warm they say, don't even think about hitting the beach!  I may rebel and wander across the park!  At the moment it is 12% and some sick person thinks it may reach 15 tomorrow.  Lots of exercise outside Tesco for some I see arriving.  

Thursday 2 April 2020

Stir Crazy!

I found myself going 'stir crazy' this morning.  Having not been out since Monday my mind wished to walk across the park, see the sky, take a bus trip somewhere nice, visit somewhere interesting or just get out off here!  My knees disagreed.  They thought a Monday walk was sufficient!  
Eventually I decided to take the empty glass beer bottles to the recycle bin up the road.  I could only manage one, the rest can wait, and so I toddles of, bottles crashing together, and dumped them noisily in the recently emptied bins.  
People queued outside the Pharmacy as I passed by, each several feet from the one in front.  Users in the car park avoided contact and having dumped the bottles I wandered past both Sainsburys and Tesco admiring the queues.  
These were admirable, keeping their distance, uncomplaining and happy the sun was attempting to show itself and warm them up, to some extent at least.  It was somewhat depressing to see all the shops closed, those that are not charity shops at least.  The only one open was a cycle shop, they are seen as 'Key' to please Dave's heart.  The owner stood at the door discussing gear changes with an individual on a bike, whether he was actually allowed in in unclear.

The queues outside the supermarket were a bit off putting, I was a bit afraid I was going to run out of milk this weekend but did not wish to join the long happy crowd.  However in Bank Street, so called because of the bank, indeed four banks these days, I noticed Iceland was open.  As here were a mere six individuals queuing I thought I could nip in here for milk.  However the movement was slow.  It appeared all the women inside, typically, were collecting huge trolley fulls and having them delivered.  Therefore this took time to organise at the tills, of which only two were operating, neither being operated by the top staff at that!  The queue moved slowly, one out, one in, and being men of stature we did not mutter a complaint, well not out loud anyway.  
A woman took her place several feet behind, moving further away each time I coughed.  She began at 6 feet and as I eventually entered the store she was on the other side of the street.  I could have explained to her there was nothing to fear but decided it was a bit of a giggle so didn't.  

Waiting that long and just buying milk (large bottle for £1, jings! half that cost 80p elsewhere) I accidentally discovered one or two other things that would help fill a gap...a £20:80p gap at that!  I may have queued too long!  On the other hand Monday at Tesco will be quicker as I have less to obtain there now!  
Watching the people queue in the comparatively quiet streets, what shops open all had a small line of people furtively looking around them, occasional cars passed by, and all men over 35 walking around carrying a shopping bag to ensure the Stasi do not stop them and question why they are out. Even the dog walkers are hesitant these days, the dog on a leash keeps a good distance between folk.  I have locked myself back in, will I get out again?

That nice Mr Hancock has promised to do 10,000 tests a day, but from when?  Who will get them?  Will I be offered?  How soon?  Like all information from this slippery government we have no answers, and if we have answers we do not believe them...

Sleep in peace...

By the way, over 150,000 people have died already this year, only 2500 from this virus.  Keep that in mind and be careful crossing the road.

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Nothing to Say

This, my many critics may say, has been obvious for some time.  
There is nothing but the virus in the media.  Nothing but made up stories filling space elsewhere. 
Nothing worth reading online, no news, just virus.
We could comment on the failure of this government to provide for the medical staff protective equipment, Tests on NHS staff, wide tests on the public, and ventilators for the use off.  But it would make no difference, this lot do not care.  They do not support the NHS and if a lot of old people die off, if the NHS staff don't like it they can all just stuff it, Tory ideology comes first, not facts or humanity. 
See, nothing else to say...

Monday 30 March 2020


The north eastern wind had died down considerably.  The light was filling the space between the ragged curtains.  I was awake and not sleepy enough to go back to sleep, sadly.  There was nothing for it but to rise early and head for Tesco.
Tesco has become the centre of life these days.  With the chill in the air and the police limits of walking I rarely venture out.  With no reason to use a scarce bus I have nowhere to go but the town around me, that I know only too well.  Tesco, or Sainsburys visits now mean adventure and human contact.  Whether it means adventure to the Sainsburys staff I cannot really say.
So, dressed for an Arctic trip, coat on, shoes on feet, cap on head I open the door on the day.  A car passes, a second one travels the other way then silence falls.  Just before 8 am and silence?  The rush hour ought to be beginning but few are about.  I cross the street and deposit another ‘return to sender’ in the pillar box.  These come with the leaving of tenants.  This one returns for the last time, from now on they can send the Debt Collectors in.  These are easy to spot, almost all the same, offering nice words and easy ways to pay, knowing the culprit has flown.  I wonder why they bother?  I wonder also about people who so easily avoid paying bills.  Some have clearly obtained a credit card not too long before they flee, continue using said card for a while and are not available to pay the bill.  Easy credit costs credit companies, no matter how much they make from the card.  It is difficult to feel sympathy for credit cards that get cheated however, they rip us off quite happily.

I wander passed the gates of the police station expecting a man in Stasi uniform to appear and question my motives.  None appears, I continue noting the Spring like garden that looks great in the sun but somewhat weary when that sun hides behind the clouds as he does this morning.  Nothing moves.  Even the birds are quiet in this street.  At the main road I see three people, well apart, at the temporary bus stops.  This has been required as the town council, or at least some of them, are constructing a ‘white elephant’ beside this road.  A hotel, doctors’ surgery and restaurants!  Wonderful!  Except that apart from the doctors we do not require this monstrosity.  For over 20 years they, or at least the Leader, has been desperate to fill this space, why we ask and how much will he make out of it cynics wish to know?  Funnily enough the planning people did not oppose this plan.
I was not surprised to see an early queue outside Tesco.  A wee bit miffed that the barriers erected for the crowds meant a long walk to the rear to join the queue.  The queue was all male, each six feet or so from the man in front, each also carrying that vague smile that wondered whether all this was really necessary but accepted it all the same.  No-one spoke, though we did exchange glances that spoke.  Individuals joined us, also all male, each revealing his own thoughts with a glance.  One man wore a face mask, and stood out.  He was young, most of us are no longer young.  We slowly moved, one customer at a time, bringing to mind soup kitchen lines from the 1930’s or Prisoners of war awaiting feeding time as we neared the door.  Once the woman in charge allowed us in, we were instructed to sanitise our hands before we could continue.  Informed that we left by the other door, and I, like the rest, smiled submission and hastened in before more orders arrived.
Extra sour faced security were on patrol, each trying to look tough, each in danger of provoking mirth.  However, I suspect they will get work during the day from the towns less beloved characters.  

Being organised it did not take me long to get round, avoid most people, easy when dealing with a shop full of males of course, and quickly get to the checkout, once I had worked out how to get there past the blocked aisles, so that then as I paid I recalled the things not on the shopping list that I ought to have remembered.    
Enough bought for a week.  Two heavy bags and a bill to pay.  How I miss buying when I need it and not for a week!  I crawled home passing shops bearing notices informing the regulars that the they are closed because of the virus.  I look longingly in at the barbers, I need him now, not in the unknown future.  My Hippy style may return, but slightly greyer this time.
Back home I forget to spend the day tidying and watch old films made during the war to inform us how ‘Bomber Command’ and ‘Coastal Command’ did their jobs.  These, with somewhat still scripts, made use of the men, including senior officers, to inform the nation how they went about their business.  All a bit stiff but informed the nation in a time of stress.  Indeed, the war had a long way to go while such films were being made and the intention was to ‘gee up’ the people and allow them to see what all sides of the services were going through.  I wonder if such a film could be made today to show what is happening in the nation regarding this virus war?   I fear our cynicism may render that impossible.

This afternoon I ventured out once again, the excitement might be killing for some, following two part time joggers and a couple of kids on bikes.  Exercise time for us all.  I wandered around, enjoying the freedom, avoiding any who came near, women tending to think 15 feet is still not sufficient space, and climbed back up the hill and across the park considering myself to have walked a marathon.  It was half a mile if anything.  Few were around, some traffic on the main road, fewer than normal and none on the small roads.  
Such is my life now.

The routine has changed with no football and lock down.  Silence reigns at night with little traffic or passing footsteps.  Only the noise from my phone as people I ought not to have given my number to call for no good reason!  It is slightly boring now.  What will it be like in the weeks and months to come? 
If you think this post boring, wait until August!