Saturday 10 July 2021

Season's Greetings...

The proper football season did indeed begin last night, and it was quite good, as indeed expected.  Today, a stuttering first half was improved by the second and victory won, also as expected.  So the season is under way, football shorts are being bought, beer-belly or not, and money spent on PPV live coverage of the game, £10 today for Peterhead.  
However, the media ignored this for the most part and concentrated on the nonsense game at Wembley tomorrow night.  Twitter 'Trending' reflects the English nations desires well, they list 'Wimbledon,' 'Nazi Germany,' and 'Bobby Charlton,' as the top three!  A genuine, honest insight into the English mentality!  "We are superior, we won the war, we beat the Nazi's!"  
All this of course from people born after 1945.  Still, their History was taught to them by the 'Daily Mail,' 'Sun,' and 'Daily Express,' so you cannot expect them to understand what actually happened.
It is to be hoped, according to the Twitter discussions I have had in the last 24 hours, that Italia win by a vastly superior margin than usual.  Only that way will common decency return to the media, Twitter, and English life, once they have been released from prison that is.

Friday 9 July 2021

Rain, Football

I am not the suspicious, cynical type as you know, however, when I wake to bright skies and sunshine, the warm air penetrating even into this dim lair, I expect it all to go wrong.  I know not why, living in this nation possibly is the reason, cynicism grows when the weather changes from baking sun to storm downpour every half hour.  
Living at the edge of Europe, cast out into the Atlantic, we receive the joy of west winds bringing rain all the way from the Americas.  Just take note of the hurricane season in Florida and a few days or so later that same storm will be dying out somewhere over Edinburgh.
With the joy of an east wind in winter, beginning in the Arctic circle, wending its way through Siberia and Poland and ending coming up my trouser leg, it is not to be surprised we are the people we are.
Southern winds are the opposite of cold northern winds, from the south comes Saharan heat, usually bringing sand with it, though only the very southern reaches notice this.  They might notice the little red Ladybirds that often accompany such wind, and they certainly notice the warmish southern rain from the Bay of Biscay.  As if we needed that!
Today the sunshines and the BBC tell us that rain, from the south, will follow on later.  How nice of them.  The people who lived in Doggerland would have known such things long ago.   I bet a swift sniff of the air told them almost as accurately as the powerful computers at the weather man's house can tell us today what the weather would be.  I am convinced that amongst the Mammoth tusks, spears and cooking utensils discovered on Dogger Bank there are also many umbrellas to be found.  They were not daft then.
We have not even finished last years Euro 2020 as yet but tonight next seasons Scottish Football begins!  Kelty Hearts play Dundee United in the first Scottish League Cup game, this while last season has just finished!
In times past, we ended the season with the Scottish Cup Final, followed by the Scotland v England game.  That would usually be the end of April or early May.  There would follow all of June and most of July with no football whatsoever.  As a kid I hated this time!  Euro Championships were not shown at all, nor the World Cup shown until 1966, and the long wait for the season was too long for me then.  Today, I am tired of too much football without a break.  Covid meant Euro 2020 had to be put back a year, this means the next World Cup will be in 2022, next year!  This also means disruption as it is being held in Novemmber in Qatar and to avoid the heat it will be held in the dark!   Covid has not died, Bumbling Boris has failed to control the Johnson Variant, and all our football will be disrupted by the World Cup at that time.  What a shambles it will be.  Maybe we will get two weeks off next Spring before it all begins, but then that will be under LockDown again!

Telt ye!
Here I was, sitting here recovering after walking up the road, when I noticed it was raining.
This rain is coming straight down, stair rod fashion.
As I looked Twitter informed of a weather warning.
'Danger! Heavy Rain from, well, from Now until Then!' 
They could have warned me earlier.
Already the streets are swimming and the 'rush hour' is splashing its way slowly through the puddles.
Hee hee, I will not be out again today.

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Tea, Deaf, Boris

I am sat here chock full of tea.
My favourite, best looking, and most intelligent niece, sent me a gift of tea and biscuits from the 'taverymuch' company.   The biscuits are frowned on by my highly specialised diet but were accidentally eaten just the same.  The chosen tea was also a change from the normal Sainsburys 'Red Label' stuff, and very welcome it was.
That this is the only gift my family have scraped together for my, er..32nd, birthday says something.  Most of them could not even get round to sending a card on time.  One of my good looking and highly intelligent niece's did manage to get a card, forgot to write it, then her daughter took her for a day out so it did not get posted, and I only got to see it when the daughter, also good looking and highly intelligent, posted it on facebook!  The other two favourite and good looking women both managed a card, three days late! 
It is not that I require anything from them, it is just nice if they get the dates right.  One niece managed to send everybody a Xmas card one year, nobody was missed out as was normally the case with her.  We enquired as to her efficiency, "It's because I forgot to post them last year" she said.  My brother got my Xmas present from her one year!  He did not send it on.  
On top of this shambles I have gone deaf.
Washing the other day left me deaf in the left ear.  Nothing I have done since has moved it.  Surely it is wax that is the cause, but the proper stuff to clear it has not made a difference yet.  Another week and I will annoy the doctor, well the nurse probably, just in case something has gone wrong.
Using only one ear is a huge disadvantage.  Nothing sounds the same, everything is different.  Noises appear from all around and are difficult to distinguish with only one ear.  I am amazed at how different things sound, and how much I cannot actually hear, the right ear being no longer as young as it was.  How those totally deaf manage I know not.

Boris has been at work again.  This time announcing the end of lockdown to go ahead, in spite of the increase in the Indian variant numbers.  Boris and his pals are telling everyone to return to normal even though the variant is out of control.  Vaccinations are not catching up and even the new Health Minister Savid Javid says we can expect 100,000 to be hit by this virus.  These people are playing with the nation.  'Herd immunity' is being tried by not vaccinating the schools.  All their press supports this stance yet the health experts say vaccinating schools ought to be done.  The privately educated scholars may get vaccinated, you wait and see.

Saturday 3 July 2021



Cycling is a great activity.  The freedom found moving three times faster than normal walking while on those country back roads is an excellent experience.  Convenient in towns also, bar the psychotic drivers, environmentally healthy, relatively cheap, good for fitness and just good fun.  A great experience cycling.  
However, I watched a few mnutes of this years Tour de France and soon found myself exhausted.  How do they ride uphill at 30 mph?  I could not do that downhill, I had to get off and push.  Today they race on through the rain, lycra hidden behind rain jackets, helmets dripping and roads slippy.  I await the crashes on those white lines at busy junctions.  In fact it was the downhill in the forest that brought the first accident.  Rubbed down by the Medics and his bike replaced off he went, slowly. 
I used to watch this every year, I remember the Spaniard, name forgotten, attempting to win five times in a row, failing sadly at the end, but what an effort.  Since then I have watched much less.  Most of the time I was not interested in the race at all, I was looking at the world around them.  French landscapes pass by, the Alps offer great views, chateau's, castle's, church's, war graves, memorials, housing of various styles, villages and ancient towns, rivers, and their contents, wildlife, and the people desperate to see the 'Tour' go through their town.
In fact I was losing interest I no longer fantasised that I was the break away hero seven miles ahead of the chasing pack, desperate to reach the final before they catch up, and always, always failing.  
Today, I care not.  In fact I find myself wondering why these men do this?   I can understand the need to prove your fitness, to 'be a man,' to 'beat your previous time,' and play your part in the team, after all this is how they make a living.  However, I just find myself thinking, "Slow down, enjoy the view, you might never see this again."  Racing along at high speeds in a crowd these men see nothing of the country they pass through.  I begin to wonder what is the point?  Of course I may be jealous, not getting out much is annoying, and as I see them climbing through a forest, uphill, it causes me pain.  The fitness levels are high among these men, not to say the drug consumption.  Don't say that!
Then there are the motorcyles.  Cameramen, standing up to catch the pictures while going round wet corners, a variety of other bikes for TV or security, photographers, who knows what.  Then there is the Skoda team cars to supply drinks and food and bits of bike, and the crowds along the way.  No matter how obscure the area, no matter how high the mountain, people will be standing along the route, sometimes having waited there since late yesterday evening.  Would you?  I would certainly watch if it came by, though when it did a few years ago it remained two miles from here, but clambering several thousand feet high to watch them go by?  Not me.  How long does it take for the parade to end?  Several minutes, including those trailing after falls, but not long enough for me.  
Now I want to get the bike fixed and get out, maybe one day soon.


Friday 2 July 2021

Psalm 24



Psalm 24

My reading this morning led me to wonder about this God who created all things yet seeks wretched sinners like us.  The King of Glory in particular struck a cord for me.

v1-2. ‘The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof.’ 
A reminder that God is creator, we are created, we and this earth belong to him alone. 
v3-6. Those who worship God can only do so when they reflect Gods holiness. 
So many churches today do not do this. I fail miserably.
v7-10. The King of Glory, Yahweh, the Lord almighty, he is the King of Glory. 
His Glory is his Holiness and his Love.  You cannot get one without the other.
This 'King of Glory,' one perfect in every way. His Holiness is not the empty holiness of humans who bear this title, his Holiness is real and powerful.  
Nothing that is unacceptable can approach him.  
Yet he reaches down to the sinful people on earth, the ones he has created, the ones who ignore him and fail to even consider his existence.  This God, this loving God is so desperate to gather people to himself to share an eternal existence with him.  
This God is so keen to have us with him he takes human form, spends some 30 or so years amongst us, unrecognised by the majority, and lays down his life on a cross just so we could be with him.  
And the majority still are unmoved.
God basically asks and requests, people to receive him.  
How low can a God go? 
This is Almighty God coming to his people and offering life abundant! What love is this that takes our place on the cross? He took our sin nature, and again calls us to turn around, offer ourselves to him and walk his way.
He himself will be always with us, why do we linger? 
Why do we hinder or doubt his love for us?  Why?

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Erebus, Terror & Palin


This is a good book, well worth reading.  
It contains historical research, 'Boys own' adventures, detailed examination of the Ship and the men who crewed her, and is very well written.  
I first attempted to read this book during lockdown and just could not be bothered with it at the time.  Recently I picked it up again and on this occasion I could not put the book down.  The story raced along and indeed by the end I found myself wishing the author had got another book ready for us.  A very good read indeed.
HMS 'Erebus,' was built in 1826 in Pembroke Dockyard and commissioned into the Royal Navy.  Known as a 'Bomb ship' she was not a sleek vessel, indeed she was a plump small, tough ship, which as it turned out, was ideal for exploring the polar boundaries.  She was given the name 'Erebus,' a Greek word for the dark regions of Hades.  That's a good start!

With British victory at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 (Don't tell Blucher) war disappeared from Europe for a few years.  This, mixed with the Victorian quest for knowledge and exploration, adding to the desire for nationalistic heroes saw the Royal Navy play its part by sending ships on exploration and scientific journeys around the world.  Much of the world knowledge we possess today began during these, often daring, voyages.  However, for a year or two she was used on routine naval duties patrolling the Mediterranean Sea.  After this she lay unused until the James Clark Ross expidition to the Antartic regions.
During their Artic adventure in 1831 James Clark Ross, accompanying his uncle James Ross commanding the mission, reached and discovered the North Magnetic Pole, very important in the shipping world.  During 1839, this time in command, James Clark Ross sent off in search of the Southern Magnetic Pole, and to survey and discover what lay at the southern end of the planet.  Several, including French and American ships, had already ventured south but the magnetic pole had not been discovered, Ross was intent on finding fame, fortune and the magnetic answer at the Pole.
Here we see the adventure.  The 'Erebus' accompanied by HMS 'Terror,' no exploration was carried out by one ship alone, arrived in Van Deiman's land, now called Tasmania, Ross met another Arctic adventurer Sir John Franklin.  Now inserted as governor of the colony Sir John really wanted to be out there exploring the polar regions once again. This far off prison colony, now receiving many more prisoners as Botany Bay was no longer being used, the routine of such life must have bored him.  After Ross and his crew had enjoyed their time ashore the 'Erebus, accompanied by the 'Terror,' headed south.
Palin's writing makes this an exciting adventure.  It is one of those books where you can feel yourself on the ship with the men.  You see the ice cliffs towering a hundred feet above them, you feel the minus 24 cold, you taste the various birds, seals and fish caught for scientific experiments and then used for food, you go up with each rising wave and down as it descends, and never once suffer the seasickness.  This may be because of your safe seat, warm coffee, and being in a building that does not rise and fall with the tides.  
Ross sailed through the ice further south than any known human had done before.  The scientific work continued, even if eaten, drawings were made, papers logged, measurements taken, and the coast, if it could be found among the ice, recorded.  Many areas in that region now bear his name, though the two distant volcanoes the party noted were named after the ships.
Three times Ross took his ships beyond the Antartic circle, on one occasion almost losing them between two moving ice flows, all this in the dark!  In between they rested in Tasmania or the Falkland Isles before returning home to cheers, and work away from the sea!  The Magnetic South however, he never reached.  It would require a journey of over 300 miles over the ice to achieve this, and that took many more years.
While many of the men who undertook the South Pole trip returned to a more normal life the ships were not retired.  The Southern adventure had been successful but the Royal Navy, or at least those in charge, were determined Arctic explorers.  They wished to discover the great prize, the North West Passage, and set out to do just that.  
Again the 'Erebus' and the 'Terror' were called for.  Their squat shape made them ideal for such work.  Many advances were added to the ships, supplies abundant also, and now with Sir John Franklin, the experienced Arctic explorer in charge, and much relieved to be out of Tasmania, even though he had been removed by the London government, it was expected to be a success for English pride.  'England' was always the word used, never 'Britain' notice.
Setting off in a blaze of glory the two ships headed north.  They reached Greenland and wintered on a place called Beechey Island.  Here three of the crew were buried.  No sailor, bar an accident, ought to have died in a well stocked, well run ship, within such a short time.  Only some 6 months had passed when these men died.  A mystery that has entertained many since the time though the tinned food, hastily prepared and packed may have been one cause. 
However, three years after the ships sailed there had been no word from them.  They disappeared from sight.  Search parties found little to help them, the graves alone were discovered.  Over the following years many searched for evidence of the two ships, with information from the local Innuit some idea of the struggles aboard began to appear.  It seems a party left the ship and tried to move south, possibly they asked help from the innuit, who would have given it, possibly national pride and superiority stopped them doing this.  They were after all, 'Englishmen!'  
Evidence of the disaster has slowly accumulated, though it is as yet impossible to know all the facts.  However, 129 men went out seeking fame, and did not return.  In the middle of the Victorian age this was deemed a major disaster, indeed, a national disgrace.  It was only in 2014 that the wreck of the 'Erebus' was discovered underwater.
Michael Palin knows the areas he has written about, he is well versed in travelling the globe.  His account of the two ships adventures is enthralling and informative.  The writing holds the reader and it is difficult to put the book down.  
I recommend it.

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Football, Harrassment, Funeral

I woke this morning to find the Twitter feed stuffed full of 'England expects' jingoism.  The media full of this imperialist pomp.  England, inadequate at heart and desperate for a role now the UK has been destroyed by Brexit, has the Brexit generation seeking an enemy, and Germany, a footballing nation they cannot defeat, are the main enemy.  Desperate for a purpose they are reduced to crowing about 'Two world wars, and one world cup.'  Such sentiments ignore the role the French, Australians, Canadians, Indians, Russians and many other played in the Great War.  It emphasises the role of 'standing alone,' though Canada, Australian, India and others stood with us, and ignore the role of the Soviet Union in carrying the bulk of the fighting on land until 1944.  As for a 'World Cup,' we can merely state 'The ball did not cross the line,' and let them bleat.
The crowds will return to Wembley tonight to worship England.  Hopefully England will be thrashed causing many of us to sleep well tonight.  The flags adorning so many cars today will be piled up in the bins by morning, pub windows broken, police assaulted, and the usual peaceful England gatherings noted.   Oh, and the indian variant found wandering through the crowds also.
However, the usual suspects, putting English football to the back page, lie about Sajid Javid bringing lockdown to an end in July.  It must be said that the 'Daily Mail' is hammering the need for an end to the lockdown for a reason.  The reason being their boss, one Lord living as a tax exile in France, also owns the 'Metro.'  The 'Metro' is the free paper found in railways stations and on buses, this means that lockdown has removed his audience and the 'Metro' sales are now down by 80%.  No sales, no advertisers, no advertisers no money for the absent Lord.  Hence the 'Mail's' coverage.  The 'Daily Express' also offers such hope, more for themselves than their owner.  This while the majority of their staff, at least those not yet made redundant, work from home.   
Will Lockdown end?  The Indian variant is rampant in the nation, it must not end yet.  Will rising sickness numbers and a higher death count force a continuation? It ought to, but the Tories worship cash, not people.  

Chris Whitty, the somewhat sombre government health advisor, was once again harrassed by yobs yesterday.  This is not the first time he has been attacked this way, though the last time was by an adolescent who suffered his mother wrath for his rudeness.  It has become the thing these days to harrass those you disagree with.  Kim Leadbeater, the sister of the MP Jo Cox who was murdered by a right wing looney, was harrassed by a group of Muslims the other day.  These came  from outside of Batley, the town where a by-election is under way.  These are well known Muslim activists and were freinds of George Galloway, a wayward attention seeking failed MP, once tipped as leader of the Labour Party, now a mere 'dog-whistle' at every by-election.  His chance of succes is nil,  Kim Leadbeater has a good chance of taking the seat, and the outsiders harrassing her may well have helped, not hindered.  Whether she would be any good as an MP is irrelevant these days, back benchers just do what they are told.  The need to hassle and mob those you dislike will continue under this government, Boris himself always under a mob abusing him whenever he appears, not the sign of a successful PM.   It must be remembered that Chris Whitty's father was dragged out of a car in Athens while working for the British Council and murdered by Abu Nidal terrorists in 1984.  It is no wonder Chris comes over as he does.  Such experiences will not help a man such as he.

A very interesting experience yesterday, I watched a funeral in London from home via 'Zoom.'  'Zoom,' is proving its worth these days.  With people spread out across the world 'Zoom' is a real benefit.  The deceased had been laid to rest in the family grave and then there gathered here many to pay respects and hear those, often untold, stories regarding her life.  Memories come rushing back when  people speak as do memories of those spoken about.  Situations that arose and their results, family history and background.  All good and proper.  Beginning at 3 pm, well usual church time of thirty minutes late, it was clear, as the son spoke of his mother, that we would not see the 5 pm kick off at the Euro's.  As the preacher spoke, recounting her early life and his experience of her when taking charge of the church 50 years previously, we realised we might not see the 8 pm kick off!  
However, all went well, the zoom camera worked, the sound was obtained, and occasional people were recognised at a distance.  Zoom put to good use, but hopefully not being used in this way again for some time.     

Friday 25 June 2021

Stolen, but Funny


Found on Twitter, not sure where it started from.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Not Quite as Dreich a Day


The sky has been gray all day.  However, exercise was taken, twice!  This entailed walking around town and across the park and home again.  Later in the day I vetured out in similar fashion and now wish to sleep for 14 hours.

I wandered through the Public Gardens, having noticed these Bees outside the Congregational Church enjoying the flowers.  There were quite a few Bees crawling on the pavement looking the worse for wear also.  Possibly the weather, possibly they are reaching their end.  Lying so small on the pavement will not help them.

The gardeners, all volunteers, were being ordered about by the female sergeant major as I passed.  Interesting how I see no Butterfly's these days.

I mentioned to one that I had not seen this type of Poppy before.  There were many around, tall and colourful in the gray air.  It is a pity there was no sun as these would look very good in sunshine.   The sergeant interrupted and the woman, like the rest, all retired folks I suspect, hastened back to work.

Since the actual gardener retired some years ago a company has been employed a couple of days a week to tend the gardens.  I am not sure who opens and shuts them on other days.  However, whoever is responsible has done a great job in continuing the varied plants on show, colourful and always worth a look.  Especially when the mums have got the little brats out of the way.

At the War Memorial I noticed all the wreaths from last November had been cleared away.  What remained however, were the stones left by schoolchildren.  It appears to be the thing these days to paint stones for a variety of reasons, schools here encourage kids to do this for Remembrance Sunday. 
I think this a great idea, simple, enjoyable, and remains in the memory for the kids.  It is also cheaper than a wreath!

Now it is time for the football.  I am full of confidence, actually it is Haddock but that's another story...

Monday 21 June 2021

Dreich Day

Today, as you know, is the first day of Summer.
It rained all day, clouds cover the earth, 
and may do similar tomorrow.


Saturday 19 June 2021

The Auld Enemy

It is quite normal for Scotland to go down to Wembley and win.  After all we have been doing that for almost 150 years and as we invented the game, developed it through 'scientific football,' and provided the best players the world has ever seen, though Pele, Eusebio and Maradonna were all right, if you like that sort of thing, it will come as no surprise to see us put the arrogant imperialists back in their box.  So, needing to win at Wembley last night was not something to worry us.  However, having displayed all the intellect of one of Boris Johnson's cabinet members, we threw away our chances of going through by losing badly to the Czech's a few days before.  Therefore, we needed at least a point and in the end hard work, team work, and individual brightness brought us a no score draw, and I think this was two points dropped.  
England, as the English press have it, were not very good.  Nothing is said re Scotland outplaying them?  England, the manager tells us, "Got the point that ensures qualification," which is true.  What manager Gareth Southgate did not mention was the vermin of the English press would have savaged him, a decent bloke, had he lost to what they consider an inferior product.  His team and tactics reveal a sensible man.
However, this is just England.  The game used to mean a great deal, not now.  From 1872 until 1972 the Scotland v England clash provided an outlet for national pride, now it means little.  Scotland has long lost interest in these games apart form the points. Certainly we wish to win, but for me Scotland require to develop a team that can take on European sides and win, beating a 'British' side like England means little.  Our loss to the Czechs showed we need to play a style that can beat such sides, power and strength against England means little.  The game against Croatia, who desparately need to win to avoid the wrath of their own fans, will reveal both our managers tactical ability as this level and our ability to play against such teams.
Forget England, Scotland requires to amend the league structure, change the way TV covers the game and how such cash is used, and develop young players who can make it at international level.  We need to get players once again who can get the ball down on the grass and beat the opposition, players like Bobby Walker, Tommy Walker, Jimmy Johnson and Jim Baxter.  We are way short of this today.
We also must ask, how do Wales do it?  No league of their own to speak off, players spread across many nations, yet they continue to play in all tournaments, qualifying more often than Scotland.  Having one man earning £600,000 a week in Spain cannot be the reason, he is only a part of that.  
Scotland must ask why Wales are better than us?