Sunday 22 January 2012

A brief history of England.

Stonehenge in between rain storms 

Around 10,000 BC the ice that had covered the Northern Hemisphere began to recede.  This reached as far south as parts of Essex and stopped in London at the Finchley Road Tube Station, trains to Wembley Park and Amersham were delayed by this. Within a thousand years or so people were using Salisbury Plain as a meeting place, possibly for worship.  It could be they originated in what is now Europe proper, the North Sea had yet to flow south and separate the British Isles from the rest of the land mass. This finally occurred around 6500 BC and many men moved their families onto the new island, while just as many sent them the other way to France to give themselves some peace. Here the few, no, not that 'Few,' settled down to clear the trees, plant crops, and watch football.  They were taught this game by the Scots who had come south to play the tourist, having lived in igloos during the ice age. Sadly it was as yet unavailable on television, this meant actually watching the game live, in the rain. When the early English refused to give the Jocks their ball back they went home, and a state of enmity has remained between the peace loving Scots and the Imperialist English. Within a short thousand years or two settlements were established, standing stones were standing, wars were being fought, this being the English predilection, Flint mines were sprouting downwards and Stonehenge was built.  This as we know was never completed as the roof was never put on.  The English habit of imperialism is seen here, the blue stone used was nicked from Wales when the locals were not looking! 

With the Atlantic Ocean to the west the land suffered from rain quite severely.  This, plus the fact that more populated areas had never heard of it, meant the isles were ignored for the most part although traffic across the sea to Europe for trade, wine, pottery, women, and sickly French cheese, did occur.  In Marseilles a man named Pytheas referred to the Pretanic Isles. Whether he did this on parchment or just scribbled this on a toilet wall is not stated, but mention it he did. Nobody paid any attention bar Belgians who trekked across to Essex where they heard there were jobs available picking and packing frozen peas. This did not please the locals who began to write to the 'Daily Mail' demanding to know why so many foreign Johnnies were coming over here to 'take our jobs and live off the dole?'  They fought back this way and by moving out  and stealing land from those who lived in the wilder west.  This plan was so successful that some time later it was copied in the Americas.

Having once more settled down to peaceful cattle rustling and women stealing the tribes were somewhat surprised and a bit cheesed off when a small balding bloke from Rome turned up and attempted to invade them. (55-45 BC) Having nothing to prove but his desire to be emperor Julius Caesar did eventually get himself ashore, kill an army or two, and fled back to Gaul and the warmer climate.  His only reason to invade was 'because it was there,' and his expedition became a wash out.  This was to be expected as most things get washed out in the British Isles by the rain.  Romes desire to win Britannica was such that at Rome senators were heard to say "Where?" and "What's in it for me?"

The Celts living in Colchester continued on their happy warpath not noticing the European influence.  The young rich who became influenced by the Romans in Gaul, the wine, the togas, being educated all brought "tut tut's" from the older generation who despised people who could read, an English habit today judging by the spelling in the newspapers.  This gradual seeping of Roman influence led to Aulus Plautius invading in 43 AD under orders from Claudius to win him a 'Triumph.'  A previous invasion under Emperor Caligula faded out on the Gaul shoreline when the Emperor ordered his men to collect those nice shell found on the beaches.  The Roman soldiers thoughts on this were not recorded.  Vespasian, an up and coming general brings Civilisation to the south of England by sticking swords into anyone he meets. He became Emperor himself using similar tactics in 66 AD.  Oh you will have noticed the BC has gone and the AD has come.  This did not matter at the time as Englishmen did not use calendars in those days, in fact their watches didn't have a little date that was always three days behind either.  While Boudica decided to get peeved at a slight by a Roman general, he raped her daughters and took all she belonged after her husband, the chief, had died, some would  say burning Londinium (London) and Camulodunum (Colchester) to the ground while everybody was still inside possibly a bit of an over reaction.  However girls will be girls.  Naturally the Romans had ways of responding to this, they came and stuck sword into everybody for miles around.  More 'Civilisation' you see.

The English were often quite happy to let these foreigners take over and those who attempted to resist soon became civilised. Sometimes by the sword, sometimes by being flayed alive, sometimes by being forced to eat spaghetti with a fork.  However when the Romans got to Scotland they were told where to get off. Those that did get off found themselves floating back down the sea lanes.  Crying "Woad unto ye," the peace lovers up north put aside their books and studies, used their mighty wisdom and knowledge of the terrain, allowed the Romans to march north and get stuck in snow drifts until they got fed up with it all they built a wall and stayed away.  Every so often, when the football season was over, the Scots would come to the wall and throw dead Haggis at the Mediterranean types shivering on the walls.  Some still do this today to the tourists backpacking along the wall in the rain.

All good things must come to an end and as Alaric the Rangers fan invaded Rome the Mediterranean types took their good looks, their wine, their opera singing and their slow, fouling type of football and went home to defend their city.  They were too late so they could have stayed here had the locals not charged them so much for rent!  By the year 500 AD all was changed, but that's for another day.


Saturday 21 January 2012

Saturday Saddo

I know I should not laugh but I am afraid I cannot help it.  This 'Daily Mail story makes me laugh even though it was fatal.  This man became convinced he could survive living off the land for a year in the Scottish Highlands.  He was impressed by the tales of 'Bear Grylls,' whoever he is, and after attending survival courses and taking the proper equipment he set out.  Now he has been found dead after only a month, possibly from Hypothermia!  Now there could be another explanation but there is something funny about the irony within this tragedy.  Just because you see a professional doing it on telly does not mean it can be done in the highlands in January!  Just because you think you can do it does not mean your body can take the strain.  Living off rip off Tesco's is one thing, living off the land takes a bit off getting used to, especially under piles of snow!  This is a sad tale indeed but sadly I did snigger at this.


Friday 20 January 2012

Friday Filler

Not sure if I ever posted this one.  I took it in the early 80's during the summertime, (I think it was Saturday the 15th that year) and my mate pointed out the man and his pillow.  Some folks will make use of anything when they require rest! "Put a head on my beer mate," fits well here.  

I have however sorted the adverts problem on Chrome.  I am using Adblock and I suspended the 'Easy List' and the Google ads returned.  I suspect I will also now have a billion other ads until I reinstate it while fuming!  Black & White whisky?  Whoever sees that these days?  We only see the whisky that sells in supermarkets and their choice is the blends that sell, nothing else matters!

This was to be the car that I was going to drive down Route 66 for my next trip. Sadly someone has just purchased it, and so I am off to pump up the tyres on my bike instead.


Thursday 19 January 2012


So what gives with Adsense?  I have this on here yet by using Chrome, owned by Google, I cannot see any!
I note that my earnings have reached over £23, which surprises me, and these ads do not show up on Firefox either.  Just what is the point of adverts that either cannot be seen or are always shoved in your face?  I noticed that the row along the top is where I put them, but a dirty big square one has appeared to the left of the main page.  There was also another under a post, but I have managed to remove this.  Common sense appears to be lacking somewhere if adverts from Google cannot be seen on Google Chrome, or is it just me?

Anyway, let's have a laff!


Wednesday 18 January 2012

Jack D

The Red Cross food parcel sent to me at Christmas by my intelligent sister (she knew this was cheaper than a present) contained, beside the Christmas pudding and instant custard, a miniature bottle of 'Jack Daniels' in a tin. Now I am not much of a drinker, half a bottle of Guinness and I'm anybody's, if they can pick me up off the floor, but I do like a nip of whisky or such like, especially late in the evening.  This is the first time I have tried Jack D and in spite of the poor spelling of Whisky, we all know Americans cannot spell,  I reckon I could grow to like this, if it was free!  A strange taste unlike most other whiskies but  somewhat similar to Laphroaig I think.  That is an acquire taste and one of the managers at Royal Mail had indeed managed to acquire a taste for this.  I suspect he would be wiling to acquire a taste for Jack D also!

World wide people develop strong spirits of one sort or another.  Scotch Whisky, Irish Whiskey, Arak the aniseed drink found in the middle east, and vodka, made from potatoes they say although I suspect grain is used more these days.  'Fire water' is popular world wide in one form or another and while beneficial in many ways, the only reason I use it, most are not concerned with the flavour, they just wish to get drunk! This is difficult to believe but I have known people to put orange juice into their whisky!  That individual enjoyed this alongside a bag of 'Kelp' seaweed.  He claimed this was his lunch!

I wonder if I sent the empty back to my dear sweet sister  would she refill it perhaps.....? 


Tuesday 17 January 2012

This is really a small quiet town, actually quite boring to be honest. It contains all most folks require, shops, rail and road connections, even if slow, a market, schools and well paid councilors. There are pubs, cafes, a cinema even a swimming pool somewhere and a dole office.  But it is somewhat boring.  For those with young kids it is ideal, teenagers however find it very boring indeed, hence the town has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the UK.  Many of these occur in the bushes of the park opposite as the kids gather during the summer evenings, I must remember my camera when I go out in the Spring....
Those who grew up here, and those of mature years find the town quiet but more to their liking, especially the rich with their automobiles.  They can run into more exciting places when they choose to.  The town has alongside an individuals needs one of the lowest crime rates in Englandshire. 

However the last week or two has seen the local paper decide to call it a 'Town in Mourning,' in large headlines.  The reason for the headline was the untimely deaths of three people, two from manslaughter and one lassie of a mere 28 who was found dead in a garden. As these deaths are under investigation it is not possible to do more than offer the bare facts as far as they are known.  However the three last week have been added to by two more on Sunday it appears.  Next door neighbours, possibly arguing about car parking, both end up dead!  Pictured above we see Essex's finest during their painstaking investigation.  It makes me think I would be safer in Edinburgh, among the drugdealing gangsters!    

Twenty years in London and I never came across anything like this.  Possibly it just happened round the corner and never came into my ken, but it appears arguments may well have led to deaths.  How easily we allow little things to grow and we lose control, especially serious when several of those involved were well into their 50's or above.  I must avoid getting too excited when confronted with the world's stupidity in the next few days, it could be dangerous!


Monday 16 January 2012

The Bike

The sun was shining, the sky was blue, so this afternoon, once I had worked up the courage, I got out onto the bike for the first time in two months.  I had decided yesterday that another exercise period was required, so this morning I attempted just that and in the afternoon I jumped on the rusting old bike and pedaled around for twenty minutes. The sun may have been shining but the wind was coming from the east, via Siberia, so while my genteel hands were warm and cosy in the gloves my face took an instant dislike to being frozen.  Once home I walked around the town continuing to being frozen but the only way to avoid the knees freezing up also!

This little trip made me wonder how, in 1974, I had managed to cycle from Edinburgh to London!  I had the idea that this would be a cheap holiday so I decided to by a bike!  Now remember that I had not ridden a bike for about ten years yet I searched the papers and found one on sale for £18!  I made my way to the south east of the city and bought a bike from a man who told me that the owner had, "Gone to Australia."  I found myself wondering in he knew he had emigrated.  However I got on the bike, somewhat shakily, and suddenly remembered I had miles to go through Edinburgh streets.  I cannot recall the journey but I suspect it was not straight forward.  A few weeks later I set off on my journey.  Today, having developed the brain a bit better, I would spend six months training for this venture, checking the food I ate, stocking up on carbohydrates and the like.  Then I just jumped on the bike, a packet of sandwiches and a few bags of raisins and nuts or some such, and discovered this was not going to be as easy as I thought.  Cycling to work was one thing, cycling with packs on the bike another, and it rained!

It tool me two hours to be clear of Edinburgh as I wandered through Leith and Musselburgh heading for the A1 and the road south.  It did not take the rest of the week to make me realise I was a clown!  Cycling the back roads of the A1 was pleasant to look at, but the up and down nature of the roads got very wearing, especially as old men on ancient bikes swept past me contemptuously.  Averaging fifty miles a day (today about three!) I made it in a week.  I stopped at a couple of Youth Hostels for the first two nights and was not impressed, so stayed in a couple of pubs and a couple of boarding houses after this.  The locals were friendly and while they considered me an idiot they managed not to do this to my face.  I don't know why, I agreed with them!  Had I been making a telly programme about this I would find adventures, women, excitement, women, crimes, women, rich rewards, women, interesting places full of the rich with women, but as it was just me I merely took a fifty mile shortcut that took me a mere ten miles further on one day, and no women!  The wind, naturally, was constantly against me, the rain knew where I was, I discovered that 'Mild' was acceptable beer, that 15th century pubs bedrooms floors sank in the middle, and that when you pass the Hartlepool United Football Club doorway you are miles of course. I intended to ride through York but took the wrong road and went around it and couldn't be bothered to go back, I stopped to take a picture of the lovely pink sunset over the 'Selby Oil & Cake Works,' forgetting the 'Instamatic' had a Black & White film inside,  and that road signs saying 'Village 1 mile,' are followed at 30 yards by another claiming 'Village 1/2 mile.'  

I suppose it was worth it but how I did it I do not know.  The bike was sent back via a carrier, and took 8 days to arrive, and I returned by train!  No fool me.  Had I the energy would I do this again? Yes, but with a bit more planning this time, and a car as back up!  I used the bike a lot in those days, for work and pleasure.  I cycled over the Forth Bridge and back via Kincardine, up into the lower Pentlands, struggling up the slope, and racing back as Edinburgh slopes down to the Forth so I got home a lot quicker than I went out! The only problem with the bike was that twice the tyre exploded in the middle of the night while at home!  We never worked that one out.  The 'Sun' racer was a good bike for me, but I prefer my present ageing one I must admit.  Maybe I had better try another trip tomorrow as they claim snow is on the way.  Hopefully it will remain in Scotland, where it belongs!


Saturday 14 January 2012

Icy Saturday

The frost still lay heavy on the ground well into the morning today, although I went nowhere near it until then, and I expect it will be similar tomorrow the temperature already dropping.  The benefits this morning include few folks bringing their kids into the Gardens, although as I was searching for a picture one couple and brat began to play around in my sights so all I could capture was this grabbed shot of the freezing park with a hazy mist, caused by the ice slowly turning to mist in the sunshine.  The potential for good pics was all around but the subject was either in the wrong place or covered in people rushing to and fro as they tend to do on Saturdays.

I myself rushed home with my prize of tomatoes and mushrooms and made myself a health conscious lunch. Once more I turn to improve my diet, exercise more, and instead I spent the rest of the day in front of the PC watching or listening to the football!  You will be glad to know that thanks to the great Czech star Rudi Skacel the Heart of Midlothian thrashed the excellent St Mirren by five goals to two and brought smiles to all decent people everywhere.  Sadly Hibernian won and moved clear of Dunfermline at the bottom and the hopes of the Hibs relegation are beginning to fade.  Still there is still time for them to fall apart.

Saturday night means most folks have nothing to say so hear is some Saturday night music. I know you people of taste will enjoy this.


Friday 13 January 2012

History Needle

I post this for the benefit of nostalgia.  This is a needle on a 'record player' scratching its merry way across a black vinyl disc called a 'record.'  I suggest that those reading this may well be able to recollect such an item, even if they can only dimly remember them.  The fun of ensuring the needle did not get damaged, the fun of listening to the scratchy beginning before the silence and then the music that awaited the listener.  These records were light, came in covers that informed the buyer of the contents and later developed into works of art in themselves. Of course the lightness disappeared when several were carried at one time as they suddenly became a ton weight!  John Peel, the late lamented DJ had a huge collection of records, so many that the floor had to be reinforced to carry the weight in the store!  There were disadvantages beyond the need to care for the precious needle, and replacing needles was always a problem as the right one was hard to find.  A scratch on such a record could spell disaster.  On occasion it may be missed by the needle but on other times the needle would hit the scratch and jump the groove or, worse still, stay at the one spot and repeat, repeat, repeat the same spot over and over until action was taken.  Record made in the early fifties, which contained the great Rock and Roll stars of the day, suffered badly this way as the material used in the making was particularly fragile.  In the eighties I heard a fifteen minute programme in the US Army radio service (whatever it was called, I forget) in which the DJ played several original Rock and Roll records.  The first one or two were in good condition but each one following had more and more scratches, jumps and the last appeared to be broken in several places.  No mention or apology was made for this, they were just played and the next introduced!  I still have a reasonable collection of records, almost all Long Playing ones with excellent covers, and many obtained when the Library was selling them off to introduce CDs, the modern way to listen. There were many great Jazz records available one day but by the time I had made it home and returned with cash they had gone!  Tsk!  Many are still fetching good prices on E-Bay, and some shops do good business with vinyl only sales.  I think myself I would still go for CD's if I bought anything today, or even downloaded them the modern fashion if I ever have the cash.  At least if a CD is available it is always with you, and not lost when the PC dies I suppose.  However there is something missing with CDs and that is the large area that a Long Playing record cover gave us. Arty covers do not make such a splash when small.  One day these records will be considered with the same amusement that we have for a phonograph with a dog sitting in front of it!  It's a sair fecht so it is!



Thursday 12 January 2012

Busy Thursday

Most of this morning was divided between disputing with racist unthinking Englishmen on online papers website.  The fact that Scotland is close to Independence causes fear to run through their soul!  Most appear to have little historical knowledge, many claiming that Culloden defeated the Scots, although this was in fact the last battle in a British Civil War and at least one third of the Redcoat Troops were from various parts of Scotland.  Others insist with great humour, they think, that Hadrians Wall ought to be rebuilt.  Sadly the wall is quite deep into England but if they wish to return Northumbria to us, minus Newcastle's poverty problems, we would accept.  Many wrongly believe that England is paying large sums of their tax money to Scotland to keep it afloat.  This erroneous information is believed by many followers of the 'Daily Mail' and 'Daily Telegraph.'  In fact depending on how you read the figures it could be that Scotland gets back less than she puts in, but that does not suit the readership of the right wing nutjob press.  So I gently, usually, indicated their mistakes, and now I have a price on my head as thanks! I note the cartoonist Mac has twice refused to print my comments, I suppose the word 'racist' is disliked.  It is interesting how Alex Salmond has managed to run rings around the London elite regarding this.  His political superiority cuts through the 'insider dealing' that is Westminster and 'Dave' causes thousands to rush to the SNP's support every time he opens his mouth.  Keep going Cameron, by 2014 every Scot will be against you at this rate.  It is a strange thing that a nation so ignored in England should cause such consternation when it justly seeks to claim independence, could it be Scotland is needed by England much more than Westminster will ever willingly admit? 

As I write I notice the Dominic Letts item in the 'Daily Mail' has disappeared but yet another attack on Salmond has been published, this time from a Labour Party perspective.  'Daily Mail Bias'

I had time to debate with racists and morons this morning as I awaited John bringing my new oven.  The old one died a while ago and the landlord suggested I obtained a new one as their man was busy.  I had begun to look (my ManFlu had hindered this) but had got nowhere so far.  However John and I humped the old one downstairs and the new one up, and then sat awaiting the ambulance!  Both of us in times past used to hump furniture up and down stairs for a living and both have decided this is not for us now!  However the expert fixed it up and now I have a warm, clean oven. It is the clean bit that shocks me, I have never seen one like that before!  At last those ageing frozen foodstuffs at the back of the freezer compartment can be brought back into the light, if I can get them out of all that embedded ice!  Aint life strange?  There was a time a new oven would not have seemed that important to me, and now I keep going over to it and admiring the thing.  Funny how new objects get this attention, and suddenly one day they are no longer new, just bashed about, run of the mill, and requiring cleaning.  Still, like the oven cleaning, that can wait!

Wednesday 11 January 2012


Watching football....

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Carole King 'Tapestry Album.'

'Tapestry' by Carole King came out in 1971/  This album was so much one for its time that to me it says something still about those far off days.  The album cover, the music, the thoughts, all combine to speak to me at that time in a way nothing else did.  I bought this album, even though I am always in poverty, for about 38 shillings or so.  I only earned around £12 a week!  I played it constantly and indeed when I moved south in 75 I eventually obtained a tape recorder and bought a cassette (ask Mum kids) and wore that out playing it. Years change our opinions but I still say this album is one of the best I have ever known. Even the cat fits just right!


Monday 9 January 2012

The World Has Gone Mad!

For one our PR PM has decided to have a Cabinet meeting in the middle of the new made 'Handball Court' at the Olympic Stadium!  Here the first Cabinet of the year ignored the dicey economy, the unemployed, the tax dodging by his friends and instead concentrated on advertising the white elephant that is the Olympics. You may have guessed that I am not too enamoured by the Olympics, I like some aspects, people throwing things, weightlifting and a few other events, but so much of it is boring and will take up more TV time than Wimbledon does.  I also think it would have been better to let the French have it, then they can pay at least £9 Billion for it!  Obviously the World Cup was more important but long ago, when Manchester attempted to get the Olympics, the powers that be decided they wanted it and it had to be in London, Manchester not being important enough to London based politicians and business types.  'Dave' has told his people to go out and advertise the Games, does he think we don't care?  The reason I suppose is that any benefits, if any, will go to London and the rest of the nation will be paying for this but getting nothing back.  Much effort has gone in to spread the events, less to bring benefits and more to ease the grumbling about paying for London's Games.  These Games will of course reverse the recession Dave' will they?  Clearly no real discussion of any relevance took place here, that will occur tomorrow when the real Cabinet meets, and far too many microphones desperate to listen in to the blubbering mistakes which sadly did not occur, but 'Dave' will be happy with the publicity stunt, he likes those.
What? Me cynical.....?

Another aspect of the world going mad is 'No Pants Day,' as you can imagine this is an American idea!  Who else would consider large numbers of people sitting on trains with no trousers on and revealing acres of peelly wally flesh as fun?  It certainly would not have begun life in Scotland! It ought of course to be 'No Trousers Day' but as you know our colonial brethren are illiterate and wrongly attribute names where they ought not.  Will they ever learn?  The 'Daily Mirror' site contains more pictures and a video, which I assure you I have decided to avoid, as I am not convinced that revelations of what is inside a trouser leg ought to be made this way, or indeed in any other. Such pranks, while containing an element of humour, can also reveal much, indeed a great deal, that ought to remain hidden!  More Man Flu (and women's minor chills) on the way I can tell.

My tired and weary body dragged itself into town again this morning, and I decided to go with it, grumbling that I wished to remain abed for another day.  However the trip was not too bad, in fact the numbers of passengers were low and entirely free from needless acres of flesh being pressed into my eyesight by 'No Pants Day' militants.  In fact traffic everywhere was quiet today, some folks still on holiday it appears.  All was refined on the train, in spite of yet another hike in the price of travel and apart from a 15 year old Chav who let us all hear his 'Rap' for two stops.  How I wish that nice man on the Falkirk train was aboard at that moment.  Funnily enough as the said 'ned'  left the train I began to feel sorry for him.  He left the train at a country station and gave an impression of a life of 'Bumpkin' ahead of him.  He looked 15, not very bright, and if he was older he does not have a future as a brain surgeon awaiting him. I wonder if he noticed the other passengers let alone the noise?  In fact I was kind of depressed at the future that lay before him.  I also thought he was a bit like me at 15, stupid!  Where would I be if Jesus had not interfered?  So I didn't shoot him after all.  No doubt a tractor or an angry pig will get him one day.  

My meeting begun early, lasted less than 15 minutes, gave me no sympathy (she was a young woman after all!) and I left for my return train wondering if this was really worth it?  These people are meant to help us unemployed find work, even though there are no jobs, and they do not have any more idea than I have.  Worse still the place was filling up as I left with men of my age beginning their time here, all long term unemployed, most capable, and only one or two shirkers.  What chance have we I ask if we congregate in such numbers?  The Tories wish to stop benefits for those who refuse job offers, what job offers?  They want unemployed to work for free, where?  In short, rather than create jobs they fill the 'Daily Mail' with pledges and attacks on benefit scroungers.  I can tell them some of us wish we were working and do not like our situation!  That of course will not please 'Middle England' and the Tory voters prejudice.  

However the good thing was the time waiting to enter and I espied a couple of pics which did not quite work but I quite like anyway.  The third one is on the Foto sight.  The struggling effort has been good for the virus as it appears to be weakened considerably today.  One day soon I will eat again properly.  

Is your name on here somewhere?


Sunday 8 January 2012

Saturday 7 January 2012

A Saturday Post

From scratch.....


Friday 6 January 2012

Thursday 5 January 2012

Wednesday 4 January 2012


Today life is beginning to return!  I was supposed to be at the Museum helping remove a display (Witch hunting in Essex in days of long ago.  Mind you I can see reason for bringing that back with one or two women I have met around here....) but poor wimp me did not have the strength having not eaten for a day or two.  (You are allowed to say "Awwww")  Later I was glad I stayed away as I cleaned up and threw out the rubbish and was exhausted after such effort. (All together, "Awww," oh please yourself!)  However I am on the mend and those of you asking whether my death insurance is up to date can stop planning your next sun drenched holiday, you will be going to Skegness!  How lovely eat again, how grateful I am to have life!  Funny how such a small pestilence can be so destructive, and it makes me wonder how others who suffer real disease and pain, and often for a long time at that, endure?  That is why the picture, taken yesterday in between howling gusts of rain, is above.  The blue sky, even with a tree yet to bare new leaves, still speaks of life!  Bright blue sky, sunshine and warmth can make even the most run down area (and people) look brighter. Daylight creates a better atmosphere in any workplace, although some folks like to hide away in the dark, especially those who are not too keen on actual work!  I love the sunshine and this morning, just as I rose, bright and early about seven thirty, from my pallet, I noted the sky brighter than for a day or two and soon a deep pink was rising.  Naturally it soon turned dull and dreich.  However the days are getting longer, the nights shorter, Spring is springing and the confused weather will bring long sunny days to this dark part of the world, especially if global warming increases!

Tsk!  I note there is another football match waiting to be watched tonight.  Is there no end of these I ask?  OK! If you insist I will put myself out and try and watch this one also. As there is the usual collection of cooking programmes, films, dross and surprisingly no soap operas tonight I think the football will provide a better end to the day don't you?  Of course you do.....yes you do!  


Tuesday 3 January 2012

Back to Normal

The world returned to normal this morning. Vehicles sped up and down the road, the wireless offered death, despair and shock horror headlines, as did the rest of the media.  People grumbled as the passed my door, and this not surprising as the howling gales blew rain in sheets against my window, and the passers-by!  Indeed the world has forgotten the recent time of 'good will to all men,' and has returned to girning about the weather, the government, the neighbours and all else.  I, still suffering this virus have hardly slept all night. Food is not retained and I feel awful again, so normality is found here also.  My mood was not helped when the Landlords manager returned to work and informed me I will have to fix my dead oven myself!  Oh yeah?  How I ask?  They will pay but my hamfisted approach will ensure a fire that destroys half the town, what then! Bah! The rain is still coming down and I am sure the postmen will be rejoicing in such weather.  Gales blowing what mail there is out of their hands, rain filling the bags, and customers whining about 'paper mache' being put through their doors!  Up north much destruction is being caused by the storms there.  So we are not too bad I suppose.

One item caught my attention for a moment today.  David Hockney, an artist, criticised other artists, in particular Damian Hirst, for not being sole authors of their 'work.'  I found this quite amusing.  Here we have a man made famous by banal empty pictures unhappy with Damian's approach. If only either were real 'artists' and produced something that made a difference as opposed to something that made them a name then life would be better for all. Both have large bank accounts, neither cares much for any other opinion as far as I can see, yet these two are feted and prized by the chattering classes.  "It's a funny old world Saint!"

Now I like looking at aircraft.  I am no 'spotter,' as I often have no idea what I am looking at, but I enjoy watching the machines fly by.  Two 'Helicopter Spotters' claim to have driven into RAF Oldham, being 'waved by' by the security men as they followed a line of vehicles entering.  They claim they thought a display was under way and innocently wandered about taking pictures of the machines.  They drove up close to one or two and were somewhat surprised after ten minutes when an armed response unit responded with arms and locked them up. Max Award and Addison Bridet were interrogated for three hours and then released.  The MOD spokesman said security had not been compromised.  Not compromised?  Two men drive in unchecked, wander about, taking photos and security is 'not compromised?  Of course it was compromised!  How easy would a terrorist have found an entrance here?  How many other bases have poor security, and many employ 'outside security' to guard the base, partly to save money and [partly to release men for other duties.  I have always found this dubious.  The armed forces ought to guard themselves, and if RAF bases are so easily entered I suspect a resurgence in the RAF Regiment after this, although George Osbourne (the Chancellor) will not allow money to be spent on this.   


Monday 2 January 2012

Ne'erday Derby

Sadly the New Years Day Derby has to take place a day late these days, tradition sometimes changes after all. However one tradition has not changed, the traditional Christmas Stuffing the Heart of Midlothian give to the Hibernian each Mid Winter.  The Glasgow based media are not inclined to withhold their animosity towards the Heart of Midlothian, especially since Chairman Vlad Romanov spoke out about their anti Hearts and pro Old Firm bias, referred to them as 'Monkeys,' and filled the press room at the ground with bananas!  Daily we see attacks on the Heart of Midlothian, until today unanswered as the club (that is Vlad) decided not to communicate with the media, and the clubs financial problems made into headlines at all times even though Rangers football club are indeed in dire straights.  Rangers as you are aware owe £49 million to the taxman, their new chairman has a business record that has caused consternation among the clubs better supporters and yet nothing is said in the media about this!   One story concentrates on the Heart of Midlothian delaying payment of wages to the players.  One thought is that this is because the bank behind the club has money troubles caused by the recession, another view is Vlad is delaying payment, by a month or more, to 'encourage' the better paid players to move on to other clubs!  Ian Black was thus found helping a mate redecorate  and the story was given much publicity that he had to do this to pay for his family.  I suspect his wage is sufficient for him to survive a month without payment without earning cash from friends.  However any story that makes the Hearts look bad gets good coverage.

Today therefore the Hearts traveled to Leith to meet the wee team with empty pockets but much more ability! The Hibernian journeymen (and where should this lot journey to I ask?) were brushed aside in spite of their thuggish brutal attacks on our players, and Ian Black in particular.  Clearly 'Blackie' was here to show them some revenge, and so he did, manfully baring the abuse (four ought to have been cautioned and only was was!) and running the game from start to finish.  We will ignore the missed penalty, that was just to rub it in at the end I suspect.  The 'jibe' about painting is the reason he showed of the T-shirt with "I'll paint this place Maroon," at the end.  However in my view the man of the match was in fact our left back Ryan McGowan. 'Gowser,' an Australian, gave the 'headless chicken' Ivan Sproule a torrid time, except when assaulted by the thug and he then reacted somewhat foolishly by headbanging the neds stomach.  Good refereeing allowed both off and 'Gowser' can happily go home rejoicing in a great victory and knowing he was the scorer of the first goal!  An enthusiastic performer, our of position, and bang on form, great player.  I just hope Manchester United were not looking, they canny afford him!  Apart from ten minutes after the break when Hibs attempted a new tactic, they passed the ball to one another, there was little to fear. The resulting three one victory, with substitute John Sutton arriving to play well and create two goals and finish them off, was well deserved.  The team spirit and solidarity showed from start to finish from the 'Maroons,' and the money troubles that create so much press has never affected their performances.  

A quick glance at the London Hearts site shows that 'Dave' the author has not made it home yet. So I will update you on the simple facts regarding this game.  So far the Heart of Midlothian have won 276 derbies of all types, Hibs have won only 200.  In doing this the Hearts have scored 1065 goals, Hibs a paltry 892, and I can assure you many that I saw were either 'offside,' or favouritism from referees! This may well be the most one sided Derby in the world!  I once met a Hibernian fan in London, he was in the hospital where I worked,his illness?  Blackouts and depression!  No wonder!

In these lazy days around the festive season I have spent hours stealing football matches on my PC.  Normally I dislike doing this but I really cannot afford 'Sky,' which I would have otherwise.  I am managing two or three games a day at the moment, or at least bits of games, and in opposition to this TV offers absolutely nothing!  How sad is this?  Still, I am happy, especially after today.  I just wish I was in Edinburgh so I could walk into work tomorrow and smile smugly at the Hibbys around me, not that I am one to gloat when my fellow man is down mind, but in this instance it is allowable!


Sunday 1 January 2012

New Years Day

The day dawned early, as it usually does, bringing my half closed eyes into 2012 for real.  Having taken a quick glance at my previous Ne'erday posts I noted they were all glad to see the previous year pass and longing for a good one ahead.  I suspect many others will have found similar this morning - or afternoon in many cases!  Just after finishing breakfast, at ten fifteen, I wandered out to catch the fresh 2012 air.  The air around me didn't feel much different from last years although it is incredibly mild for new years day.  The BBC site claims it is 11 degrees here, that's 52 F would you believe!  In Edinburgh they always refer to such temperatures as 'Summertime!'  In Edinburgh, and everywhere north of the border people today will be greeting strangers with "Happy new Year,' or "All the best," as they pass, shaking hands with a few and possibly discussing the place of entertainment tonight.  The few I passed as I wandered the streets looked the other way as I approached, the English class showing through. Paul Theroux mentions in one of his books walking along a country park path on the English south coast. The path ran for around seven miles and he was alone, bar a solitary woman coming the other way.  As they met she 'looked the other way until I spoke,' and would have passed by had he not said the dread words, "Good Morning."  A typically English, and southern English, response.  One man was doing some joinery outside his house, he just glared as I looked in his direction and buried himself in his hobby.  Shops in Scotland, bar the 'Paki' ones (Don't say that it will cause a war!) are closed, transport non existent, although a few buses might run and taxis will be making a bomb in these three days. Shared taxis, those with two or more drivers sharing the duties, will run non stop for 72 hours!  They will disappear for a day after that mind, probably to count the takings!  A couple of shops here have opened, attracting a handful of customers, and newspapers are on sale, even though there is nothing to say.  In days of long ago football in Scotland took place on this day, usually the Heart of Midlothian would defeat Hibernian and follow this up with crossing to Fife on the second of January to defeat Dunfermline.  These were good days ruined by the Glasgow bigots who had it all brought to an end by their behaviour, or lack of it that is, so no football up north until tomorrow.  However the English have a game or two on, one has just finished and was the worst I have seen since 'Roseburn Rovers' took on a Rag, Tag and Bobtail Dunfermline outfit and got royally stuffed!  They blamed the goalie but as I said I only let in the first eight!  

Now I note that as the dog walkers fill the park the rain begins removing what passed for smiles from their faces.  The dogs are happy enough mind, rain, snow and gale force wind doesn't seem to bother them. For some reason I appear to have eaten too much these past few days, either that or the Italian Merlot is not what it ought to be.  I canny understand it, It cost £2:99 a bottle!  So as I sit here planning my 'get fit' routine, exercises, diet system, shopping arrangements, and then ripping it up and throwing it away now as  it saves time doing that later, I find myself hoping we all share a better year than the last, that Jesus speaks to each one of us, that we rise above the problems which will always be there and make the world a better place for ourselves and all the rest.  You all make my world a better place, that's for sure!


Saturday 31 December 2011

Hogmanay Again

Once again it is the last day of the year, Hogmanay!  The desperate need we all feel for a mid winter festival to encourage us to look toward the coming Spring is dealt with by the Scots by using Christmas as a religious festival and a time of giving to the kids, and by using the New Year celebration as a time for much drunkenness celebration .  Possibly this reflected the Calvinistic background that had much influence since the Reformation. The sober folks of the day were disinclined to encourage the observance of Christmas for a great many years.  Today things have changed, English domination of the media has encouraged many to use Christmas as an excuse for booze, and many in the south now pretend the New Year means something to them, although a Bacchanalian festivity is all that really matters to most. I first ventured out on such festivities along with my sister and her husband in the 60's. It was an enjoyable time had by all, wandering the streets from house to house, meeting good people and having a ball.  Today I am less interested and may well be asleep when the New Year arrives, and not because of the drink I must add.  I am not convinced that attitudes today are similar to those fun filled evenings. It seems to me there is a 'harder' edge to things today. 

The New Year of course does not begin until midnight and greetings are not exchanged before then, usually. However on the first chime of the clock greetings, kisses, and drinks are exchanged and the first footing follows on shortly after the year has begun. Celebrants will drag themselves to neighbours houses, carrying gifts, it used to be coal and Black Bun, the coal is less common today! Householders hope for a tall dark stranger to arrive on their doorstep, and I know quite a few women who would like that most days if truth be told but that is another thing, and welcomed guests are offered food and drink, mostly drink!  Such activities go on through the dawn, and often are repeated the next night.  The day after this few curtains are drawn back before noon. The New Year has been welcomed in, 'Auld Lang Syne' has been sung (badly), first footing has taken place, drink and food consumed, the Heart of Midlothian have defeated Hibernian again in the derby, and we face the new year hoping for good things, in reality knowing it will continue much the same as before. 

May your Hogmanay be a good one!


Thursday 29 December 2011

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Nothing to Say, Again!

Boring day, felt too rough to go out, just as well the museum work was cancelled, so spent the day looking for my head while staring dumbly at the screen. The cough eases, it is merely deadly now, nothing has been done, and my head has been dimmed by the remnants of the Portuguese red!  While the sun shone at times here up north the wind is howling through Scotland and the north of Britain, this is playing havoc with the football and making life difficult for my team playing in the far north at Aberdeen, one of he coldest places on earth!  The Christmas week has an effect on everybody.  Some have run away to be with family, many have run away to avoid them!  Bloggers rarely post, or if the do many are limited by the need to attend to home affairs or seek affairs away from home, but that is something I hope they don't blog about! I feel sorry for those forced to work when the majority are skiving, for years I had to do the same, and it is nice to be off when everyone else is.  As I look around I see what is akin to the back of a dustbin lorry in this place. Some lazy good for nothing has not even bothered to hoover the floor, although I could eat of it, the amount of crumbs to be found there.  I may have to work tomorrow in any case, I need a clean plate eventually don't I?      

Look chaps, an answer to Mother in law's present worry  


Tuesday 27 December 2011

Phil the Greek

Since marrying Liz, the one who would be queen, Phil has had his life turned upside down.  Clearly this couple liked one another but her role meant his Naval career would come to an end.  He was born into the Greek royal family in 1921, his mother gave birth on the kitchen table, but the family were forced to flee in the following troubled years. Enlisting in the navy in 1939 Philip served throughout the war in a variety of ships. His background may not have been the cause of his promotions as time past and he did receive a mention in dispatches at least once.  He served in the Mediterranean, the Pacific and off the coast of Britain, none of these postings could be called 'safe.' Incidentally his mother was deaf and used lip reading a lot.  This meant that while watching silent movies she would be laughing out loud at what the actors were actually saying as opposed to the part they were playing!  Phil found the role of consort very difficult.  he was indeed a man of action and must have despaired at role he was called into.  While head of the family he was of little importance royally, this however limited his actions and led to many problems in the early years, possibly the comments made while meeting people down the years are caused by this frustrating situation?  Here are some of his famous 'gaffes.'

Aboriginal leader William Brin, Queensland, 2002: “Do you still throw spears at each other?”

British student in China, 1986: “If you stay here much longer, you’ll go home with slitty eyes."

"Well, you'll never fly in it, you're too fat to be an astronaut." to a 13-year-old whilst visiting a space shuttle.

"People think there’s a rigid class system here, but dukes have even been known to marry chorus girls. Some have even married Americans.” 2000.

With Cayman Islanders: “Aren’t most of you descended from pirates?”

With a Scottish driving instructor, 1995: “How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?”

When offered wine in Rome in 2000, he snapped: “I don’t care what kind it is, just get me a beer!”

At Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme, 2006. “Young people are the same as they always were. Just as ignorant.”

“I’d like to go to Russia very much, although the bastards murdered half my family.” 1967.

To Simon Kelner, republican editor of The Independent, at Windsor Castle reception: “What are you doing here?” “I was invited, sir.” Philip: “Well, you didn’t have to come.”

President of Nigeria, who was in national dress, 2003: “You look like you’re ready for bed!”

His description of Beijing, during a visit there in 1986: “Ghastly.”

To Atul Patel at reception for influential Indians, 2009: “There’s a lot of your family in tonight.”

On the Duke of York’s house, 1986: “It looks like a tart’s bedroom.”

At party in 2004: “Bugger the table plan, give me my dinner!”

With a woman solicitor, 1987: “I thought it was against the law for a woman to solicit.”

On the 1981 recession: “A few years ago, everybody was saying we must have more leisure, everyone’s working too much. Now everybody’s got more leisure time they’re complaining they’re unemployed. People don’t seem to make up their minds what they want.”

When accepting a figurine from a woman during a visit to Kenya he asked: "You are a woman aren't you?"

Duke of Edinburgh


Monday 26 December 2011

Boxing Day

The bright Boxing Day sunshine tempted me out this morning, although I had no intention of boxing with anyone, certainly not after the last time, mind you she was a big girl, and I ventured into town in search of Honey!  This I, am assured, will ease the cough that never ceases, or so they say. I am willing to try anything to end this horror by now.  As expected most shops are shut but there is always one supermarket here which opens to prevent the citizens starving to death. The shops take turns in doing this, and this appears satisfactory to one and all, at least judging by the waist lines around me today.  The shops all shut on Christmas Day, all bar the Muslim corner shop, and their closure renders thousands of people bereft of necessities after the long 24 hour closure.  A grand trade was under way as I passed through with my Honey and it never crossed my mind that a billion go to bed hungry and around a million will starve to death today as I watched overweight folks (like me) scrambling for the bread reduced to 60p!  

The streets were slightly busier today, although the shops were mostly shut, and most folks still appear wrapped up in family doings or recovering thereof!  Yesterday few moved.  Any cars that passed early on in the day contained mostly folks dressed up heading to church or on their way to Grannies. Later several children on bright spotless scooters or bikes were tenderly attempting the skatepark and asking mum or dad where the 'Elastoplast' was kept!  Strangely enough only one or two drunks were heard, and at least two pubs, the rough ones, were open.  Major shopping centres had their crowds of course and the takings  from the 'Sales'may prevent  some of these closing down.  The recession bites hard so bargain hunting (for things we often don't need) goes on apace.

My tired an emotional mind has been entertained by watching feeble English football (all day), which is all my mind can take just now.  When will this virus leave?  I conked out today after the lunch of left over offal, and indeed it lived up to its name, and small pint glass of wine, I blame the bug.  My wonderful niece sent me a book!  'The Real Dad's Army.'  A diary made by a chap who served in the 'Home Guard' in Kent on the south coast, right in line of Hitlers attacks, during the second world war. My favourite niece who never gets a book choice wrong! Mind you now I think about it the last one she sent was a magazine annual, the magazine was called 'The Oldie,' and the one before that was based on the TV series 'Grumpy Old Men.'  maybe I ought to have a word....
