Sunday 10 July 2022

Agape Love


I sweltered down to the kirk this morning, the weather not something I am used to.  It was good to spend a couple of hours not confronted with lying MPs trying to convince the Tory voter that they have 'Integrity, seek truth, and will pull the nation together.'  
All lies.  
One favourite is Rich Sunak telling us how he will sort out the economy, forgetting that he has been Chancellor for three years.  Paying his and his wife's taxes would have done that already.  Mourdant, (who she?) has made a video featuring a great many famous people.  Now almost all want to be removed from the video and are asking why she did not seek permission to use their image, music, whatever.  Hunt, the one time hated Health Secretary, offers 'truth,' which the NHS staff are finding laughable.  
Braverman, the inept Attorney General has gathered mostly weirdo's to her gate, as normal people keep indicating she was not fit for the job.  She wishes to leave the ECHR as this will set the UK 'free.'  However, the ECHR is part of the 'Good Friday Agreement,' the Scots/Welsh parliament agreements,' and she ought to have known this.  She is the 'top lawyer!
More lies and untruths from the hopefuls to come.
Jings!  I have just read Priti Patel has been asked by several MPs to stand!
Patel!  How low can they go? 

The sun shone inside the Kirk however, those late 1950s style church architects  always had light in mind so large windows were to be found.  Worship was plentiful, even if the words would not appear on the screen.  And we made it through without serious mishap, though I managed to offend three this week.  
I do begin to wonder sometimes is offering coffee before the service might be better rather than afterwards?  Maybe it was just me not concentrating at that hour? 
"Love one another," he said.  
This is a good idea.  However, some think this means 'feeling love' towards others.  This cannot happen.  Hunger, tiredness, sickness, and those strange up and down moods that possess most of us do not enable such feelings at all times.  Feeling warm inside when a pretty girl approaches is not always er, 'love.'  And when a man approaches it is often the opposite.  However, 'Love' means accepting them as they are and 'acting towards them' as we ought.  No mother 'loves' her child at three in the morning when he is playing soldiers in the living room, yet they 'love' their child, though the feelings may say different.
'Love' is an action, not a feeling.

The problem is the English language.  This, as you know, is inadequate.  Greek, in which the New Testament was written, had four words for love, the one used in scripture is 'Agape.'  This may be better as 'brotherly love' in my view.  The action we see from people daily.  For instance, someone drops something, another picks it up and returns it to them, a person asks directions and is shown where to go, someone without enough cash in a supermarket finds another willing to pay for them, all these are 'agape' love.  Usually for people we do not know.  No feelings involved, possible loss, time wasted, but all 'agape' love.  
Of course, it sounds easy but it is always so hard to do at the time, our feeling may go against it.

Friday 8 July 2022

Nothing Friday

Nothing happened today. 
Boris is still here (though the Chequers Party is off).
The hot heat descended as I hobbled up to Sainsburys.
It remained hot as I cleared up much of the remaining weeds in the front, cutting down much of the rest, leaving it until I can be bothered to collect and dump it. 
Then, aching, I sweltered indoors, avoiding the sun which has hit my handsome face somewhat.
Nothing new occurred.
Leading MPs are trying to become the new 'worst ever PM,' and Richi Sunak has taken an early lead.
Nadine Dorries claims she will try and run.
Tee Hee.

Hopefully Saturday is more productive.

Thursday 7 July 2022

Boris Resigns, But is Still Here...


                                           Madame Tussauds

Delighted as we all are at the hopeful, but not yet confirmed news that Boris is going, Madame Tussauds of Blackpool have stood their Boris Johnson waxwork outside the local Job Centre.  One of many responses to the news.
However, he has not yet gone.  For a start he has not 'gone to the queen' to offer his resignation.  That would make Victoria amused, I canny imagine how Liz will react.  Also, he is insisting on remaining in charge 'until a new PM is appointed.'  This could be three months!  He has already remade the cabinet, at least with those willing to return or stay, he is also planning his departure by seeking ways in which to ensure he does not actually depart.  The spoilt little brat will try every trick he can find to remain PM.  He must be removed and replaced by a temporary PM, I note Raab has claimed he will not stand for PMs job, so he can be stand in PM.  

I actually listened to his speech at lunch time.  A comparatively short one for him, but overlong for me, in which he offered no excuses, no remorse, but only passed the blame on others (Tory Herd Think) and at no time blamed himself.  Self-pitying, buck passing, blame avoiding, he never appeared anything but contemptuous of those listening.  I several times indicated my displeasure by commenting but he appeared not to listen.  Being 150 miles away is a disadvantage I suppose.

    "...them's the breaks."  It is clear that he wrote this bluster by himself.  

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Train at the Station for Boris

I have been searching for steam engines.  You see my grandfather, who died in 1917, before I was born, drove steam engines in the 19th century.  On the census pages for 1881 and 1891 he is described as a steam engine driver, a very skilled operation.  He certainly left home and was living with his sister in Edinburgh opposite the great engine depot at Meadowbank when 15.  His sister had married an engine driver so this made an ideal place to learn.  Eventually, after returning home for reasons unknown, he was found in Edinburgh, growing family with him, and probably, but I remain unclear here, probably worked for the NBR, the North British Railway.  Incidentally, you see the arrogant English owners abuse of Scotland in that name!   He was of course working as a general labourer b y 1901, this was either because of various family problems, his wife ended up in a lunatic asylum and one son died in mysterious circumstances, or he got sacked for the drinking.  I wonder if he went home during his teenage years for similar activity?  He did return to driving with the new Gas Works at Granton.  There he worked the small loco used for moving tender of coal and whatever around the large yards.  He left there we think because of drink.  By this time his wife had died, he had remarried and by 1911 he had lost two more jobs, his wife, his home and his kids.  He lived out his time for 6 years in the workhouse.  The family, with my grandmother, moved to Granton by chance, and he met the kids once a week.    
Why am I blethering about this?
Well I was searching for possible engines he could, maybe, possibly, have driven, and I wondered what he would have thought about the Prime Ministers of his day?  He would have been born under the Premiership of Sir Robert Peel, way back in 1845.  While a young man tasting beer in Edinburgh Lord John Russell, famous for opposing the Corn Laws, and encouraging the Reform Act, would have been exchanged for the Earl of Derby, and while puffing back and forward across Scotland and possibly Northern England he would have witnessed, if he cared, the antagonism of Benjamin Disraeli and the great William Gladstone, who was also the MP for Midlothian at the time.  By the time he was reorganising his family, the eldest daughter really took over the mothers part very early, and settling in to a labouring job the 3rd Marquis of Salisbury was opposing home Rule in Ireland and supporting claiming as much as possible of Africa for the crown, and this while the Boer War of imperialist expansion continued.  Arthur James Balfour declared little of interest at this time, not even commenting in granddad's success at the gas works.  Henry Campbell Bannerman, a man who encouraged free school meals for children, Home Rule in Ireland, and led the Liberals to their last victory in the House in 1906,  he merely snorted when he realised our patriarch had been dumped from another job.  I am sure Henry Herbert Asquith, the last PM grandad would know, often considered drunk while on the front bench, would sympathise, though he never visited the workhouse.
For myself, I was born under the great Clement Attlee, a man who revolutionised the nation in a proper manner, first noticed Harold Macmillan, was old enough to understand Douglas-Home going down, and watching the rise of Harold Wilson, and keeping your eyes on Harold was always a good thing.  Ted Heath, who took us into Europe in the hope of avoiding another war, Callaghan who also had served in one, and then Thatcher of whom the less said the better.  John Major, decent but just a manager unable to cope with the Brexiteers, Tony Blair, who did many good things, all lost when he entered Iraq, and Gordon Brown, another decent man who came too late and was caught out by rising right wing nasties.  Since then we have entered a new world.  Attlee would not comprehend the depth of right wing anti-EU hatred.  Thatcher herself would fail to understand why we left the EU when that is where the money is!  And David Cameron, 'I went to Eton you know,' and Theresa May, (was she ever alive?) leave us with Boris Johnson.
The record for ministerial resignations was six.  As I scribble this Cabinet Ministers, junior ministers, PPS, and various others have been resigning, five on one letter!  By the time you notice this few will be left.  However, unless he fails to find sufficient to form a cabinet Boris can stay, even if he loses a vote of no confidence.  The royal house has little influence today publicly, however, as I understand it , the queen can step in and remove a PM and government in certain circumstances.  This is not one duty she would enjoy, but maybe in the lying PMs case, she might offer a giggle.

5 pm, the resignation total stands at 32.
I will wait a wee while before posting, we may see more yet!

5:14. resignations stands at 35.

5:28.  Count no 36.

Both the newly appointed Chancellor (chancer certainly) and the new Education Secretary have joined the senior MPs delegation in No 10 to tell Boris to go!  That's loyalty.  

17:53 Still only 36.
All awaiting Boris's response to the delegation.

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Attention All Shipping, Connelly.

This is a delightful, short, easy to read book.
Charlie Connelly is not the first to scribble a book based on the Shipping Forecast, he is not the first to travel to all the areas mentioned either.  His version is however, worth a look. 
The Late night Shipping Forecast, broadcast by the BBC since the 1920s, however, it began way back in the 1860s.  Vice-Admiral Robert Fitzroy began broadcasting known weather patterns via Telegraph in an effort to save lives and avoid the many shipwrecks around the coast.  Island life cannot avoid the combination of bad weather and outcrops of rock!  His basic service saved many lives.  The service developed through the use of radio after the Great War, the areas becoming well known to seamen.  The areas themselves developed as time passed, and the forecast service also continued being broadcast four times a day, these days on Radio 4.     
The author begins with a chapter on himself and his limited nautical family history, then a chapter on the Forecast itself and how it originated.  He is allowed to sit by as a BBC reader  gives the lunchtime forecast, and is impressed by the timing and skill on show, no wonder.
From there he attempts to visit all the sea areas mentioned during the forecast, of course having to fly or take a ferry across one or two unreachable otherwise, such as Dogger.  He gets drunk at a party in Utsire, having enjoyed a rough ferry crossing,  tastes Arbroath 'smokies,' and in Cromer (Humber region) learned the remarkable story of Lifeboat man Henry Blogg who's crews, in over 55 years service, saved some 873 persons from the waters around him.   Remember, when Henry began in the lifeboat it was all manhandled, no engines, just strong, determined men rowing into a gale.  The attitude he displayed has not changed, if you want real heroes read about Henry Blogg and the men of the RNLI.
Visiting the Isle of Wight, (sea area Wight) Charlie finds the people of the island like to make money out of one and all.  In his desire to see the far distant Tennyson Monument he gets caught in a heavy rainstorm, not for the last time.  So he continues his way around, from Portland to the Basque country, Ireland to Iceland, the Faroes to Shetland.  Each time he finds stories, often concerning his failure, seasickness, small aircraft or accommodation as well as the people living around him, almost all of whom carry on as if  people like him were common visitors.  The tales are easy to read, the humour help to carry the tale, and the book very readable indeed.  I often could imagine myself in the places mentioned, the circumstances retold, and often the suffering involved.  It was interesting how open people were, especially on the islands.  The difference between his London home and a small cottage on a sun filled or storm tossed island was interesting.  
The book is not new, published in 2004, and reprinted several times until 2009.  Some items are therefor dated somewhat, the easy travel across the EU for one, but this does not detract from the tale.
I recommend this book.

So, the first one has gone!  Javid has resigned from the incompetents government, soon followed by Chancellor Sunak.  Bothe men will now begin to openly seek election as PM.  Nadine Dorries may well resign by accident.  Two senior men gone, all because of a groper getting caught, not because of Boris Johnson's many other failures!  The end is nigh it appears.


Monday 4 July 2022

Moaning Monday

The world outside is unusually quiet for a Monday.  Is this because Boris is hiding from all the sex crimes of his people?  Can this be because we all know Brexit has failed?  Little mention is made of Starmer and his Party refusing to reject Brexit.  Instead he promises to 'make it work.'  All this for votes from the 'Red Wall.'  How sad.  The Lib-Dems will be loving this.

Being 4th of July not a soul in the UK noticed the date.  However, the 'Online Mail,' with thousands of clickbait awaiting in the Republican lunatic party, did insert one or two old stories re the difference between the UK and the US.  Language is different, habits are different, ending phone calls is different.  
The only thing that comes out of the stories is that in the USA money is all that matters.  Get rich, grab cash, let the individual die!  No wonder Jeff Bezos is so rich.  The idea of service appears unheard off.  Have an accident, call an ambulance, but pay $200 or more dollars first.  Eat in a café, give a tip as the waitress is not paid and lives off tips, how ridiculous!  Get sick, take up to three weeks off, but it comes out of your holidays!  The USA is a slave state still.   
This is the type of nation Boris and his liars want to create here.  Stupid people vote for him, even if they knew this would happen, just so they could get out of the EU they did not understand.  Xenophobic racism mixed with blind obedience leads to the loss of all the voters actually held dear, but they will not admit it.

As I reached home on Sunday I noticed the Muslims were having a day off.  I was very tempted to wander across and visit the many food tables out there but hesitated, once I taste proper food I canny eat my own afterwards!   I ate, slept and tried to put the aroma out of my mind...
Today the aroma was that of cooker cleaning, kitchen washing, and loo cleansing.  Had I not stopped when I did I would have wash day hands by now.  Any volunteers?  

Saturday 2 July 2022

Saturday Trials

Saturday, a time to take it easy...
Contents Insurance time.  I have found the Post Office one is cheap, so I got that.  'Admiral,' wished to renew last years, which is dearer.  I decided not to renew.
So yesterday I tried to log in to the website.  
Nothing happened, I was not recognised.
Yet the renewal form came through OK?
This means calling them, which is always a challenge with such folk.
I called, "Sorry, all our operators are busy, there could be a long wait."
I hung up.
I tried later, same story.
This morning, being keen, as if, I tried again, and again, and again, and again.
I tried the website again, played around but got nowhere.
One page offered one of those remote digital answering people.
I asked my question.
"I do not understand your question, do you mean one of these choices?"
I chose.
"Please phone to one of our operators."
Above this beast was a sign saying 'Please don't call unless you need to....'
I went on to Twitter and ranted.
A couple of hours later I took a walk.

I returned, worn out, gasping, and felt it right to call again.
This time the voice said, "Thank you for calling etc...many of our colleagues are working from home, so the sound may be somewhat distorted."  
The voice, always a woman you note, told me a colleague would be with me in a minute.  
A minute!
Music played, not 'Greensleeves,' but something soothing.
An advert for Motor insurance from what I think was a different voice came on.
This minute is not the 60 second minute developed around 5000 BC by the Sumerians I thought.  This minute is one of those beloved by bus companies and train operators that promise action in 60 seconds but take at least three times that time.
The motor advert again.
The 'Your call is important to us,' (because we want your cash) comment came on.
Eventually the number rang.
An American accent (that's what I call working from home!) from a friendly young lady.
I explained, she tried to fend me off onto other insurances, I pleaded poverty, she relented, and ended the renewal.  
Call ended.  All over.  Another long time stress comes to an end.  
I am not sure what is more tiring, walking or calling a service centre? 

Now a couple of more favourable calls to make, sadly emails will not do on this.  My phone bill will be higher than the gas at this rate!  Bah!
Oh, and after all this Admiral responded on Twitter!

Friday 1 July 2022

Nothing Day


Nothing to say as nothing happened again.
Not even an online argument on Twitter, no bad emails, nothing on facebook to fall out over, and only the usual lies on the daily 'free' press.  Interestingly, while they are crying about the Deputy Whip who resigned, for the second time, after sex assaults on other Tories, yet they have avoided mentioning Boris being caught having a Blow Job while Foreign Secretary, and that from his girl Carrie while his wife was still his (second) wife.  Funnily enough that has not appeared anywhere, except on social media.
Perverts, deviants, liars, tax dodgers, and Rees-Mogg & Nadine Dorries, what else can go wrong for Boris?
Ads I said, nothing happened...

Wednesday 29 June 2022

A Walk in the Park

A couple of weeks ago I did far too much walking than I needed.  Not only that, it was all in a couple of days squeezed together.  This was not wise.  It has taken almost two weeks of remaining indoors to recover.  So today, I wandered out across the park, trying to remember the way.  A walk around town, and back home to sit and stiffen up once again.  Stopping, when old, is not a good idea.  When you start up again it all goes wrong.

I sat here on this old tree seat as I don't think I have ever done this before.  The tree was chopped down along with some others that had come to the end of their life.  One or two may have had problems, but all were replaced with many trees being planted to replace the lost ones.  
The park used to form the gardens of the Big Hoose, who's owner left it, the gardens and the Big Hoose, to the High School for use.  The trees planted way back in the early 1800's were a very wide selection.  Whoever designed the gardens knew what he was doing and what he needed to plant.  Sadly the ones who planted the trees would never see them in full bloom.  Similarly the ones planted in the past few years I will never see reach the heights.  The Big Hoose itself is now a handful of expensive flats, sorry, apartments, with added houses at ludicrous prices. 

Tennis is rumbling on.  I would rather look at the gray clouds above, they are more interesting.

Monday 27 June 2022

Busy Afternoon

Spot of rain this afternoon.
I spent some time sorting out items I downloaded from 'Find my Past,' the people given the 1921 census to offer to the world.  Cynic that I am, I almost wrote '..given the 1921 census to rip off as many people as possible and feed the cash to the grasping government.'  But I didn't.  
Once you have paid the fee to join, you then seek out the person/street you wish and then, when offered, splash out £2:50 just for a look at the record.  A copy can be obtained if you pay £3:50!  No chance.  My copy cannot be 'cut & pasted,' it can be downloaded only by use of the 'screenshot' on my laptop, but it does not come out well.  Even then it cannot be 'cut & pasted,' so making use of the info you paid for is not easy.  All this to grab cash.
So after a struggle, and I mean struggle, I printed things off, have got the info I want, and spent some time sorting it out.   By 'sorting it out' I mean 'getting confused.'  I have worked out who is where on the street I am looking at for 1921, however, the 1911 census (obtained for no cost other than the registration fee) is a wee bit harder as almost no-one has a number, some have names on the house, and according to my guess two families live in the one house.  I later realised that he lived at No 21 until she moved out of No 9, but this is not clear on the forms.  Tsk!  Census people are very confusing.  
This town was recorded well, except the streets do not always run on one page, some are covered in several places, and the copperplate writing so loved by Victorians (my father was writing like this well into the 1960's) is not that easy to read, especially with an ink pen that has a wide nib.
How interesting however, it is to look at the information and try to assemble in the mind the people of the day, the attitudes, the outlook, and wonder how they saw themselves and their future.  Looking back gives one idea of their lives, but for them it must have been strange to look forward into an unknown future.  We do not look forward like that these days.

Saturday 25 June 2022

Saturday Info Struggle


Saturday morning, well lunchtime, and no real news to be seen.
Riots in the USA because they are stopping women killing babies, for some reason this is not acceptable.  The same people that demand help for the kids they have are happy to end the life of one they do not want, how cruel.  The same court has however, allowed New Yorkers to carry concealed guns.  A rule worked out by going back to the revolutionary days in the early US states and even taking into consideration the law as it was in the UK during Cromwell's civil war.  Quite what this has to do with the US, and quite how this allows them to carry guns in a city where life already appears cheap is not made clear.

Boris continues to lie while hiding in Rwanda, maybe they will keep him?  Something called 'Glastonbury' attracts lots of bad musicians and a desperate for attention ageing Paul McCartney.  The papers insist on filling space, in among the celebrities, of various diseases you might have if you stand, sit or walk in certain fashions.  A spot on your arm may indicate your foot will fall off, or a pain in the ankle mean you have TB.  I am not sure I trust the medical advice given by the media.  Also seeking attention is the girl on the make Kate, now Princess or Duchess or whatever, making use of the armed services for another PR stunt.  Intense, they say, speculation grows as to why Rupert Murdoch (91) is divorcing his latest woman, one Jerry Hall (60), though her smoking habit is being blamed.  So the blue pills do not work?  Boris Johnson wishes to put 'Daily Mail' editor, now 'editor in chief,' whatever that means, Paul Dacre (74) into the House of Lords, something Dacre has chased before.  If memory serves me well Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May all refused him this, and not just because the press ought not to be connected with government.  Boris is trying to push this through however. 
The 'Daily Express' online is no longer allowing any comments on stories, far too many people were pointing out how incorrect they were, so comments are banned!  Censorship, surely not?  The 'Daily Mail' continues to allow comments, at least the ones they print.  Many I note disagree with the slant put on stories.  A worrying trend for Mr Dacre and his lackeys.  
Otherwise nothing else has happened, certainly nothing here.  Not counting wobbling to Sainsburys early, then wobbling back as I forgot bread the very thing I went for!  I am not keen on this walking at the moment so was not pleased with  the holes in my brain.  Indoors I spent time upsetting child killers in the USA and some here also, mocking an occasional middle class socialist "What work with your hands have you ever done?" And sought out the early news of the football team returning to training in sunny Spain.  Only a month before that begins again.

Thursday 23 June 2022



Fascist coup?  Nobody has noticed.  
The comparison above may not be entirely accurate, much is missing, but this indicates the way Boris and his cronies have taken over the nation with almost nobody realising or caring enough to do something about it.
Under Steve Bannon's tutelage Boris has used nazi tactics to remove opposition from himself and his government.  Again, nobody appears to have noticed.
Adolf Hitler did not bother with following the niceties of parliament, he abolished it.  An 'Emergency Decree,' after the Reichstag fire, enabled him to take complete control.  He never lost this until 1945.  I await the fire that will lead to a similar decree leaving Boris as King.  This will be very soon I suggest.  In the meantime the 'Bill of Rights' will remove all our 'rights.'  So worried are the Law Society they have taken this to the UN!

This book, mentioned recently, covers visitors to Germany during the 20s and 30s.  Few realised what was happening around them.  Some were in agreement with what they did discover, a few opposed what they saw.  For the most part visitors just enjoyed the country, as the people appeared happy, content, and economically vibrant.  Underneath the spine was chilling and broken.  
The UK has not reached that point as yet.  The nazi philosophy is not among us, just the control.  However, we still have people who stand up for the workers and those who are suffering.  Opposed by the press barons and other billionaires, they do not succeed and soon laws will be passed to limit them.  

Adolf surrounded himself with people on the make.  These he paired off against one another by having two of everything.  Two foreign offices, two Home offices, two army commands etc.  Boris does the same but differently.  He needs only one not two departments, this he places under one desperate for the job, one who has no talent, limited experience and is loyal to Boris.  These act as cannon fodder to protect his inability to do the job, allowing them to take the flak while he runs for cover.  
This one, now transport secretary, has had four names during his time as MP.  The present one appears to be his real one, the others were scams with which he enriched himself and ran away, Boris style.

Martin Niemoller  died in a prison cell.  Unless the people begin to stand up and demand their liberties back once again they will all be lost, the election Jerrymanded to suit Boris, and freedom will be lost forever.  There is limited political opposition, so the people must do this themselves.
However, few speak out.  Those who do are ignored by the Boris media, the vast majority of the population unknowing, not interested, hoping any trouble will just 'go away.'  A wee bit like many Germans in 1930s Naziland. 

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Tuesday Grumbles

It has been an exhausting few days.  Last week I did too much for my unfit, old frame.  Walking about on Sunday did not help.  So I have done nothing of interest again.  It has to be said, that is now my normal existence.  This morning I reached Sainsburys early but found I was tired, very tired.  I struggled back home and drank coffee and ate whatever I could find, irrespective of what it did to the diet.  This took all day to wear off, and is still hanging around yet. 
Actually, I have done other things, mostly on the laptop.  I have managed to upset gays in the USA, Brexiteers in the UK, and my downstairs neighbour, though that was by just existing.  
So, the time has not been wasted then?

Boris has managed to cause a railway strike, by not allowing his government to take part in talks, also reducing subsidy payments by half, demanding 2500 job cuts, including ticket sellers, replacing them with computerised online tickets (which many cannot use) and refusing wage increases.  He now blames 'militant unions' for troubling the nation.  
'Train drivers are overpaid' some claim, ignoring the fact that train drivers are not involved in the strike.  The 'Daily Mail' reader is easily led.
Postmen are next, Criminal Barristers, those who defend you that is, are also striking this week, most others are soon to follow.  Nurses, dustmen and a wide variety of people now suffering from the cost of living increase are demanding more.  This government of billionaires and millionaires is ignoring them.

On Sunday we remembered it was 'Fathers Day,' another of those imported US celebrations that did not exist when I was young.  Father's, now almost outlawed by Harriet Harmen and her feminist rabble, are given a token day today, but only if they are 'new fathers,' a term which implies all fathers beforehand were bad.  This of course is rubbish, many were bad, just as many were very good, however, books and magazines, newspapers and TV stories fill with tales of the bad ones. For 40 years Harriet and her harridans have been telling us men are bad, many now accept this as true, and this includes young men.
Fathers are important, we are created male and female, no matter what todays fashionable lies tell us.  One male, one female, married for life, are best for children, male and female.  We are all aware of the many failures, we often read about them.  We never appear to read about failed one parent (usually female) families which fail, we never appear to read about gay marriages which fail, couples living together for a while which fail, we obtain only half a story, and children suffer.
One police Inspector indicated that most young black kids in trouble had no fathers, this was quietly pushed aside, as this was not a popular, though true, observation.  I have known black men who have not looked after their children, but many more who have been very good fathers indeed.  Society hears only what it wishes to hear, not what is best. 

I notice Microsoft have been at it again.  While everything was going along reasonably they have amended this and that, especially the 'Photos' and not informed us as to how to change things again.
This did not take long to work out, however, once again it appears 14 year olds are the ones coming up with ideas.  Why do tech companies amend things so often?  Apart from amending mistakes, keeping out bugs, and finding new ways to make use of your data to enrich themselves, which after all, is what it is all about, why do they do this?  Last night, on the new, cheap, spare laptop, which uses the totally useless Win 11, I struggled with normal everyday things.  Sure, I was a bit tired, but the cursor requires fixing, the layout is poor, and nothing works properly, unless they say so.  Firefox etc, cannot be used unless you leave their 'S' security, whatever that means, and all I know is that they are making even more from my useless data than I am making for myself.  
Anyone got a spare 13 year old who can help here?

This brute does not help either!
The other day I was sorting things out and found a man in Amsterdam talking to me!  That cost text money to fix.  Every time I touch it something disappears or even worse, appears!  Now I find it 'topping up' with £20 three times within a week, whereas before it took weeks to do this.  
I went onto the website, struggled to get on, struggled to find the costs, struggled to find what I had paid, and struggled to understand why I am now paying so much more when it all looks the same?  A few more days research here before I dump GiffGaff and find another.  

Saturday 18 June 2022

Saturday Cogitation

I have been cogitating this week on Tuesday's doings.  
On Tuesday, as you know, I ventured out to the Post Office.  This small sub-post office has been there for some time and I have always liked the way the young lady smiles at me each time.  I have yet to decide whether she is grinning or being friendly.  The PO part must be what keeps this shop going.  Just 50 yards away a 'Tesco Express' was opened just in time for Lockdown.  That must have taken a large chunk from the profits here, but they continue to work all the hours of the day.  I asked the man at the shop counter if he ever takes a day off?  I am not sure he does.  I saw the girl in Sainsburys car park once, I think this was the only time she was allowed out.  Asians, possibly Hindu, they never appear to close.  People like this are being turned away for political points by the vile Priti Patel.  I suggest sending her to Rwanda and employing the shop people in the Home Office!

I ventured to the church where a coffee morning was taking place.  It is on this that I have been cogitating.  I was offered tea and while accepting found it difficult to allow the woman in charge to go and make one for me.  I wished to do this myself, partly to avoid making work for her, when had been busy for an hour already with a dozen others, and also because I did not like someone acting like a servant to me!   Had I been in a shop or café I would not have noticed, but having someone I knew doing this appeared suddenly to be wrong.  
I remember a TV programme from around 35 years ago.  This featured a plane load of passengers on a 'Round the World Trip,' and paying £20,000 a go for the pleasure.  I would not like to guess how much the cost would be today.  India, Egypt, Easter Island and other places were visited, with guides, to most people's pleasure.  However, to moments in India remain in my mind.  One was the complaint from passengers unknown, that they were 'seeing a lot of poverty in India,' and they 'did not wish to see poverty.'  Hmmm...  Other passengers shared the same opinion as you.  
The second memory was of these people, on horse drawn carts, being taken two by two, into a grand house for dinner that evening.  As they drove in around the entrance along the path people stood throwing flower petals over them, as if the passengers were famous individuals.  At the time I cringed at this, I felt sure that had I been there I would have got out and thrown petals across those paid a few rupees to welcome the great, rich, visitors.  The idea of serfs welcoming you with bowing and flower throwing may suit some, I find it grates somewhat.  The complaining types will have enjoyed that bit.
I made my excuses and made my second cup of tea myself, though I did find the kitchen full of women getting in one another's way, and forced myself in among them. Later, I sneaked out, washing my cup by myself, partly to avoid overworking the ladies, partly to avoid using them as serfs.  I don't think they noticed, so I wandered of home.  No serfs here, that is why nothing gets done...


Friday 17 June 2022

Working Friday in the Heat

A touch of sunshine today, reaching about 90%F  by middle of day.
I headed for Sainsburys around 8am and the heat was interesting, around 70ish already. Slovenly I wandered back, considered crossing the park for a touch of sun but thought better of it.

Having thought better of that I then went mad and began weeding the front.  Now you may think that's not impressive but I can tell you my back considered it an act of extreme folly.  I cut down what I could, bagged up the scraps and within thirty minutes I was expecting the heart attack.  At one time I did this, and more with no problem, now I was finished very quickly.  I expect |I will pay for this tomorrow.
At the same time as I worked I put on the washing.  By this evening it had all been dried and most of it put away.  That has never happened before!

Boris the clown was supposed to meet MPs 'up north' today.  As always the coward ran away.  There being a shortage of fridges at the moment, the heat has seen them filled with people seeking ice cream, he does his usual trick and runs for a photo op in Ukraine.  
Now President Zelensky is no fool.  He knows why Boris is there and has Boris on a piece of string.  As the bumbling Bunter arrives a list of requirements is produced.  Boris says "Yes sir!" and flies back home, losing the list somewhere inside a bottle under a seat.  Northern Tories are not amused.  He has many enemies, now he has many more.  Each day his hold on reality gets less and soon it appears he will be falling, despite the failed confidence vote recently.