Monday 23 September 2024


Sleep used to be fun.
I would lay my weary head on the aged pillow and soon drift off into slumber.  Between 6 or 7 I would begin to rise and greet the day with a smile.  Well, I would greet the day.  This does not happen much just now.  I drift off listening to something interesting, well usually, on the 'BBC iPlayer' which we must call 'Sounds' these days, and sleep.  The thing is I am awake by 12:10 am.  I struggle back to sleep and it is now 01:37, then it is 02:45, then again 03:16.  This continues until 06:15 am when I awake, decide to give it one more go and next thing it is 07:50 and I am now running late!
Now before cynics start claiming the half pint of brandy I swallowed while watching that football which required it, I can tell you that cannot be the reason.  Sometimes that puts me to sleep when watching! 
It is rare to sleep for 5 hours at a stretch.  It does happen, but rare these days.  I went to sleep content and relaxed last night yet the hourly waking continued.  This results in being half asleep all morning.  I may try eating something late on to see if that helps.  

The conference is on, no-one is allowed to mention the Winter fuel debacle, or indeed those backhanders, however, that is all the Tory press are asking, and any objectors are flung out.  
Expect more meaningless Tory lies this week.
And is it not time these conferences were held over a weekend?


the fly in the web said...

Sleep can certainly be elusive until, as you say, the last moment and then you wake up in a rush, all behind!

Adullamite said...

Fly, 5 Hours last night!