Friday, 28 February 2025


It's that time of your again.  The time of year when Daffodils bloom, at least in Sainsburys and Tesco's, where they push through the earth in many council parks, where yellow tips appear slowly there, and I spend a pound or two I canny afford just to brighten up this dismal corner.  It is money well spent.  
OK, so they only last a week or two, but just to have these bright fresh flowers offering a sniff of nature so close is always worth the money.  
There is not much else to do nature wise.  The sun is shining through the cold air today, blue sky above pretending Spring has sprung early, but we are not fooled by this.  However, after long weeks of almost unbroken cloud it is marvellous to be almost alive again.

The clever people are claiming we might be able to see a planetary alignment tonight.  This means up to seven planets might be seen somewhere in the night sky.  This alignment will not appear again until 2040, and we might be dead by then if Putin has his way.  
However, can I see it?  I expect not.  It appears to be seen in the southern sky area, I look west by hanging out the kitchen window, and it might not appear until early dawn.  This is typical.  However, after the end of the Partick Thistle v Livingston game, if still awake, I might take a peek out the window and search for anything like I have seen in past times.  

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Corporate Prices

A Sainsburys advert flashed across the screen on FaceBook the other day.  Sadly, I did not catch it, I merely dumped it and looked at something interesting.  However, the ad was claiming something about Sainsburys lowering prices, this is always good, yet surprisingly that day in the store I noticed it was incorrect.  
The meat shelves was first, neat selling at £3:75 had risen to £4, then at the coffee shelves similarly the coffee overpriced at £3:75 was also now £4.  That's how to increase sales I thought.  No doubt each manager has to manage the profits in a way that keeps the high ups happy and ensures further promotion in the dog eat dog world of supermarket managing, and this manager has done himself proud.  These are the clear increases, the 10% added to the stuff bought at a slower rate is less noticeable, yet it is there.  
The corporates own the nation and here we see how they make use of their power to rob us blind.  We have no choice but to shop at such stores, Tesco dominate here and both town centre stores increase prices always keeping in line with one another, while the far off Lidl shop is not in my view any cheaper.  Caring little for the customer, caring much less for the farmer and others who provide their goods these supermarkets are happily keeping in with governments of either persuasion.  Vast sums off money are donated, no opposition to price increases are heard in the House, and who knows what benefits individual MPs have received?
The use of 'British' stamped on most goods began under Boris to give support to the Brexit fantasy, implying that 'Britain' could go it alone.  Now the same needless 'British' stamped upon even ice featuring 'British Water,' though whether this is water polluted by 'British,' that is 'English,' water companies is not known.  Today 'British' is used in a vain attempt to put down Scottish nationalism, but instead this increases it.  The recent absurd misuse of turning 'Bells Whisky' into 'British Whisky,' followed by a new attempt to change the Law and allow 'English Whisky' to be granted single malt status is another anti Scottish game played by the English colonists.
These corporates are extending their control now to ensure the shoppers are removed when they get old.  No money to be spent on palliative care just bump them off to save money.  No-one who suggests taxing these rich people will escape under this totalitarian scheme, a scheme the people vote for !  
Supermarkets are crooks robbing us blind like the gas, electric and water companies, all supported by corrupt governments, all designed to keep the people down and increase profits to the rich in power.  Why do the people not stand up and complain?  Where are the protests?  Grumbling on 'BlueSky' is one thing but no action is ever to be seen.  
The people have been ground down, where are the Kier Hardies' of today? 

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Media, The UK, Owned by Corporates

The Canary, a free independent newspaper, reports on how great an increase there has been in the UK media, owned by a variety of billionaires, concerning the disabled and chronically ill benefit claimants. 
For some time the Conservative administration proposed cut backs in payment for such claimants, since Labour took office there has been little change bar the increase in press attacks.  This is led by Labour ministers, and Labour the party of the 'working class, the sick, the poor and the needy?'  Not any more.  The Labour Party are owned by the same corporates who own the rest of the UK.
According to the 'Canary' research on items on this matter in the Telegraph, Mail, and Times, have risen by 1132% since 2023.  The usual scribbles claim fraud and abuse by claimants, the need for a 'crackdown' though such has been offered since Gordon Brown was in office, and the cost of the bill to UK taxpayers.  Here we see what they wish.  Welfare, which for some reason now includes pensions, costs a great deal.  Therefore to cut it down government make it difficult to claim, I think the form is 45 pages long these days, and acceptance is not guaranteed.  It is not known how many have died while attempting to claim or have been refused help, I reckon thousands.  Money is more important that people and it always has been.
You do not need to go far to look at the absurd 'Assisted Suicide' Bill that is being hurried incomplete and without safeguards through parliament at the PMs wishes.  This will enable thousands to kill themselves, mostly from guilt at being a burden, rather than anything to do with easing pain.  Thus the NHS costs, and they are great, will be lessened and palliative care costs almost ignored.  This already occurs in the Netherlands, Canada and elsewhere, with many dying early or being pushed into considering this.  OAPs beware!
Add to this the report in 'Declassified Today' where the increase in stories urging an increase in defence spending has risen sharply in recent years.  According to their research there has been a rise in stories demanding an increase in such spending since 2020.  This has risen by 2700% from 110 in 2020 to 3122 in 24/25.  TV and radio is becoming filled with agitators for a possible future war, but where are the dissenting voices?  They are not being heard.
Disability, Assisted suicide and future wars are all backed by the same people.  The media barons support all this to save them paying tax, the real reason for Brexit, and they will benefit from sales and shares in the required material wanted to put these plans into operation.  The BBC and other main stream TV channels are all under control, journalists who ask questions are ignored or removed from all.  A coup has taken place, one that was supported by the people as they voted for this thinking they were getting something to benefit themselves.  Instead the corporates have taken over, the intention is to enrich the rich and enslave the people as in days of your.
The people for the most part are still asleep while this happens.  'Bread & Circuses works.  


Saturday, 22 February 2025

Capital of the Mind, Edinburgh, & Submarines

James Buchan discusses Edinburgh during the enlightenment of the 1700s.  Beginning with a description of Edinburgh as it lead up to the 18th century, the selling of Scotland to England by the Lords, followed by the frightening, for some, 1745 rebellion.  Having been virtually broken by the Union Edinburgh was becoming a wasteland.  Charlie's appearance gave some hope for independence, not that Charlie would ever have returned, and struck fear of a Catholic revival if he did win in others.  Only then was action taken, all to slowly, to revive the city.
This book centres on the literature of the day, that is the writings of David Hume, Alexander Carlyle, Adam Smith and many others.  These 'freethinkers' in truth bored me as I trudged my way through their opinions, only Adam Smith offering any real touch of humanity.  Quite how Thatcher thought his book allowed her 'trickle down theory' is a wonder, Smith would not have encouraged 3 million unemployed!  These men all offered opinions based on 'reason,'  that is, their 'reason.'  That is where they went wrong.  Many good opinions are found, much support for helping the sick in aiding the founding of hospitals for instance and education, but in the end it is their limited outlook that counts.
It must be said that none of these people actually worked.  They had money, sometimes did legal or authority work, but none endured the long hours of struggle of the mass of poor around them.  And Edinburgh was full of the poor.
The smell of Edinburgh was not a delight in the 1700s.  Disease was rampant, houses cramped and badly lit, pigs roamed the streets often healthier than the people, with only the rich being able to move to the new housing to the south of the main city.  Edinburgh was not a romantic place when the 'Athens of the North' was being born.
It is a wee bit better now.
This book attempts to display Edinburgh as it was then, I confess I found it a wee bit tedious, though much research has been done.  The book became a slog for me while the author went over his favourites, but many will enjoy the in depth look at these giants who placed Edinburgh on the map.
These men certainly gave Edinburgh a certain place in the world, but surely it was what followed from this, scientific research, medicine, education and industry that really mattered?
Worth a look if you have time to spare.

The main armament of defence in the UK is the nuclear submarine.  The UK has several, based in Scotland far from Westminster, and most are broken.  Last year a trial of firing the Trident missile, at a cost of some £17 million failed.  The missile soared into the air and soon plopped back down into the sea.  It is to be hoped the firing was in a cleared area.  
Both the west coast of Scotland and the Forth of Forth near the Rosyth base where repairs are conducted on some submarines, have radioactive recordings in the water.  Westminster ministers have not noticed this yet.
The broken subs lie awaiting several million pound worth of repair, while it appears only one is actually out there deterring Mr Putin and his like.  Broken nuclear submarines, majority of RN ships in dock for repair, routine or otherwise, and two expensive badly designed and failing aircraft carriers with borrowed aircraft slowly draining the cash from the defence budget.
Maybe it is time for a review...?

Friday, 21 February 2025


There is little likely hood that anyone with their eyes open would be surprised to see Steve Bannon offering a Nazi salute at the latest right-wing conference.  This is, after all, what they stand for!  I note he is not in favour of leather overcoats as worn by members of Hitler's followers so, even indoors, he wears a heavy Barbour jacket, the nearest thing he can find to leather in a modern mood.  Who wears such an outfit on a heated auditorium if not to make an image?  We all know what the image is of course.
Bannon, a friend of Boris Johnson and those pushing Brexit, a friend of Trump, until he stole his limelight, a friend of Cambridge Analytica, and I suspect well known to those billionaires behind both Trump and Brexit.  
Bannon has done his work well, following Adolf's tactics of lying, breaking accepted boundaries and ignoring and removing opposition, he has brought Boris to fame, though he crashed, and now sees his mate Musk owning the USA.  
I wonder who paid for that jacket?  Trump?  Boris?  Putin...?

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Friday, 14 February 2025

The Unknown Warrior, John Nichol

I would have thought most people would be aware of the story regarding the 'Unknown Warrior,' especially those who have served in the forces.  I was somewhat surprised to find that John Nichol, the author of this book, had never given him any thought, though he had passed the tomb on several occasions.  Then on one visit he suddenly realised this was the body of a man, a single individual who fell during the Great War.  Thus began a search to understand who he was, how he found his way here.
Of course this would be difficult, for a start he was intended to be 'unknown,' so finding out more is somewhat limited, however, it is possible to trace how the body came to be in this Abbey.
Beginning at High Wood on the Somme, Nichol traces the outline of the war as it was fought.  Informing us of the conditions, and fighting in what remained of the wood during 1916 was not pleasant, and then he began to consider the dead and the burial of such during a conflict.
Much of the book concentrates on individuals longing for information regarding their dead relative.  Wives and parents, children old enough to understand, desperate to know where he fell, how he died and where he was buried, if indeed he was buried, and whether it was possible to visit the grave.  The need for a grave where individuals can be found is strong in many.  Lessened no doubt by the increasing use of crematorium today but we all prefer to have a grave to visit.  With some 300,000 men missing from the Great War spread over many lands a space in remembrance was created that was difficult to fill.  The decision to bury the dead where they fell, a purely practical idea, caused much distress, especially to those with the money to collect their body from France.  All over France and Flanders cemeteries, now run by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, tend perfectly the men out of reach of many relatives at the time.  Indeed such cemeteries can be found across the globe wherever servicemen were fighting.  
With the use of letters and living relatives much is gleaned re the men who died and those left behind.  The emotions speak for themselves.  We hear from those who were proud of their sons and indeed from one who was rejected after being 'Shot at Dawn.'  
With a need for remembrance local memorials rose throughout the country.  You are never far from one and all to often it is not recognised these days, it is considered something from the distant past. No doubt the actions of Putin and Trump with cause more people to consider such memorials.

One major memorial was the cenotaph, a national means of honouring the dead, and bringing the war to an end.  One man however, considered something to ease the memory of those with missing husbands, fathers, sons, and that was an 'Unknown Warrior.'  Army Chaplain David Railton had spent some time at the front.  Here he led services, visited the wounded, and buried the dead.  Much of this work was conducted at night under fire where men were brought to the rear, identified, and buried. For his work he carried a union flag which served as an altar cloth or burial cover.  After this he would write if possible to the relatives informing them of the burial place, how their man died, and enclose any rings, watches or other items he could retrieve.   These offered my help to those who received them, the many replies indicated just how much help, and I have read such letters, often written in pencil, from chaplains.  Official, polite, caring.  Whether they stuck to the actual truth is to be doubted, as the actual truth would often be too hard to tell.
David Railton concluded during the war and unknown soldier must be found as a means of closure for the widowed and hurt back home.  Just weeks before the opening of the cenotaph in Whitehall he managed to convince the Dean of Westminster Abbey that this was a good idea.  He agreed and pushed this through, though King George at the time was dubious of the idea, considering it would only open old wounds.  I think he was still scared of Communist revolution!  However, Lloyd George, a man never afraid to put his name to a bandwagon, and other influential people considered this a good idea.  Therefore with just weeks before November 11th the procession was created, soldiers sailors and airmen brought in to parade, and after aa loud media campaign those who served were also added.  Plus 90 or so Victoria Cross winners.  
The story of the ceremony is well told, the cenotaph flags fell, with a little help, the warrior was placed in the Abbey, and thousands who crowded the streets considered this man was 'their man.'  He gave them all the opportunity to see their dead relative back home.  The emotion was high, the idea a success, now followed in most nations, and David Railton, the unassuming chaplain who never spoke of his war work nor his work here, not even to his family lived out his life until he died in a railway accident some years later.  His union flag remains in the Abbey.
The book is well written, though at times a wee bit sentimental for me.  Much research has been done and for those who have no knowledge of how the individual was selected, and it remains hidden behind many secrets, this book is well worth a look.  We will never know who the 'warrior' was, warrior rather than soldier to include sailors and airmen, but many today now who he was, he was their grandfather, great uncle, and a proud family memory.

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Annoying Twitter


Twitter is very annoying these days.  With the majority of thinking people moving to 'BlueSky' this means the loss of their posts opens up spaces that must be filled.  Twitter does not care what fills the space as long as something does, hence the masses of junk that greets us in the morning.  
So far, recent days have offered masses of junk regarding what Americans call a 'Super Bowl.'  This is a tedious event no-one outside the States cares about however, big money is on offer and in the US that makes it important.  I have daily vast amounts of posts to block, and I still cannot fathom, or care, who won.  
Brazilian posts, mixed with Argentinian have flowed for days, Nigerian homemade porn also, though that may be mixed with US porn, it is difficult to say, and of course hundreds of tweets regarding the actions of one Donald Trump, the orange balloon who has sold the US to Musk.  Nigerian Christians also abound, but I am sorry to say many of these I worry about, how genuine are they?  WWE wresting abounds, alongside Ice Hockey, both of which hold no interest, both of which appear as false as Nigel Farage.  My dad used to watch the wrestling on TV on a Saturday in days of old, that was fixed, and we all knew it, he had twice been in the army in the real world, yet he laughed his way through the afternoon watching this rubbish.  No doubt the glamorous, totally false WWE has similar audiences, but really how does it survive?  Add to these important items the number of women posting on celebs who are chasing rich sports stars, or what some girl is doing with some male.  The world faces WW3, and they spend their lives wondering what Travis is saying to Swift, or whether Meghan is better than Kate!  And they can vote!  
I have bruised my fingers just blocking all these yet still they come.
People really want their opinions known on all these, and many important subjects also, which is fine, we all wish to be heard, but genuine tweets are hidden under the rushing flow of tat.  
'Tat' brings to mind all the Conservative MPs posting on farmers.  None of them have the word 'Conservative' next to the MP bit of their name, it's almost as if they were ashamed of that.  All repeat the same phrases, none care if you believe them, many do not allow replies.  Which brings me to Labour MPs in Scottish seats.  So many of these are English, live in Surrey or Walthamstow, fail to open an office in the Scottish constituency, no phone line there, no email bar the Westminster one, and they never visit way up north and claim the fares either.  However, they can be seen at PMQs asking the PM the question the whips have given them to ask.  
Of course, I use Twitter for the remaining good things, the vast number of football related posts, Scottish tweets, some good, some bad, and other items that have as yet failed to make the move to 'BlueSky.'  So I continue to use this dying system, at least until my favourites are moved to a better place, but it is tiring some days, very tiring.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Friday, 7 February 2025

Lets Fly!

Coming back from Sainsburys I ate my Fig & Honey grossly overpriced at £2:30 bread while searching the 'Flightradar24'site.   The man downstairs works at the airport nearby dealing with one of those long distance parcel carriers that arrive daily from the US or Germany or wherever.  Thus, with nothing to do while chewing I looked to see if any aircraft were on site.  Naturally there were a handful though many more come and go at ridiculous hours of the night.  Consideration for those under the flightpath is not required.  The usual flights were noted, 'Ryanair' overcharging for trinkets as much as possible, 'Jet2' hurling people into sunny Spain, and flights bringing holidaymakers back from unpronounceable places that lie far from their ultimate destination.
I then decided to look around the Ukraine area.  Sometimes you get a response from aircraft that hang around Moldova watching what those pesky Ruskies are doing in Ukraine.  Nothing to see there at the moment, so I wandered over to Cyprus to have a look at RAF flights from RAF Akrotiri.  
Just the normal flights heading into Larnaca full of poor English pensioners running from the weather, and not much sign of anything else.
However, just of the coast of Israel I noticed two small yellow triangles flying close together.  This could only be RAF Typhoons on an errand.  I followed them for some minutes, realising that they were not on a fighting mission or the transponder would be turned off, so where were they going?  They flew over Israel without any interruption from the home defences.  On and on over Jordan until they approached the Iraq border.  Here the two aircraft, flying in normal flight plan with one following just behind and to the side of the leader, and then they turned north.  Here I noticed the airspeed on offer differed, and one appeared to be chasing the other.  The practice manoeuvring then continued for some minutes 27,000 feet above the empty Jordanian desert.  Clearly someone was being instructed, or both were practicing their role in dogfights against an enemy.  
I was quite enjoying this when suddenly they disappeared!  
Either they both crashed into the empty reaches of Jordan or they both switched of their transponders to hide from people like me watching them.  Most irritating!  I suppose we ought to be grateful the RAF actually train to do their job and do not just fly about enjoying the multi-million machines they have to fly.
Interesting also how both Israel and Jordan are happy to allow such exercises.  Israel is well in with the UK, both in receiving and giving training in various military skills, and of course spends money here.  As indeed does Jordan, our one friend in the Middle East, a friendship that dates back to Lawrence of Arabia.  Of course we were not friends enough to stop the Saudi's kicking Abdullah and his men out of Saudi, hence we 'arranged' Jordan.  
I enjoyed this so much that when a large black helicopter flying from Wethersfield flew across the town I had to follow it.  He passes often and I wished to know who he was and where he was going.  So, for the next 30 minutes we hovered our way across the northern reaches of Greater London, never going about 1200 feet, and often as low as 650 when crossing under the flight paths into various airports. 
It just kept going, and I had work to do, but I followed him until he landed eventually near Windsor. Annoyingly I cannot specify where he actually landed, just the locale, but it is clear he considers himself important enough for an £8 million helicopter and a flight into the park.  I do not think he landed near enough to 'LEGOLAND' to be going there.  I could be wrong.
Time wasted, I had to then get up and work!

Wednesday, 5 February 2025


Storm scene - Harper's - 1909   William James Aylward (1875-1956)

This was my morning, everything going wrong and too strong a coffee not making my mood any better.  British Gas of course did not help.  It's bad enough informing me I am 80p in debit yet I have used less gas than last year but to tell me I must first fight through the log in process.
Until recently this has been straight forward, now they ask if I am human!  What would AI say to that?  Anyway as I click on the space provided up comes one of those unreadable US Verify pictures.  'Select bicycles,' it commands, which I do if I can see them.   Yet this is rejected, as is 'Stairs' and 'Bridges,' until I get in!  I am very easily roused these days, my temper is not lost it is always with me and British Gas are not helping with these absurd verify pictures.  What is a 'Crosswalk' anyway?
I am now planning to find a million pound somewhere and buy a small croft far form humanity that requires little work yet offers a good view.

 An abusive Hibs fan with a record of domestic abuse, found his wife down in Muirhouse, the home of 'Trainspotting,' and run over her, twice, with his car.  The judge sentenced him to 7 years for this, not 11 as warranted as he had pleaded guilty, and the wife, still suffering from the effects of this as you may expect, criticised the sentence.
How human life, and female life at that, is considered worth little in today's world.  A road accident caused by drugs or drink might mean 5 years in jail, and only half of that served.  Human life is cheap, and the antics of politicians in recent days has not lessened this.    

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Monday, 3 February 2025


This was the sign I expected to be placed outside my door today.  However, it now appears this is not to be.  
A month ago the landlord, actually since he died it has been the women of the family who have been fighting to run the company, but the way it has run changes not.  Three women are in charge, hence the infighting, and one was to visit me today to 'inspect the property.'  Fair enough but fear abounded to some extent and now those fears are somewhat subdued.
Landlord one sent through the new contract last week, so I printed this off, noted the ret increase, and signed dutifully.  As the rent has not increased for about 10 years I cannot grumble and at the moment I can afford what is on offer.  
Today Landlord two visited.  Nice woman whom I have met before.  Her husband used to be one of the handymen but this caused fuss with other sisters and so he retired.  Sadly today I hear he has the beginning of some form of cancer.  Aint life grand!  
She did her work in a friendly and scrupulous manner, moving all the items deposited to hide things she need not notice, photographing where required and scribbling in her prepared paperwork.  I stood about like a lemon while she continued.  I had carefully kept the place almost clean today, scared to touch anything in case it caused a mark.  With her man often being in here I suppose she would realise quickly this was not the usual standard of cleanliness in a male household!  
In a way I was glad she came as I heard about her man, her mother whom I met some years ago, another with dementia hovering, and another handyman who passed away around Christmas aged about 86.  Small bits of info which help me to understand how things look and will look in the future.  I at least know the one who is the boss among the girls!  
So, new contract signed and passed over I now await an email informing me of the hundred jobs they think I need done on the premises.  I could not see any urgent, she hinted at several noisy and messy ones.  Bah!  I can see one or two jobs that I ought to be doing, though not in a rush like the other week, I have still not got over that!    
The visit ended well as I bribed gifted her a left over box of Christmas chocolates.
Of course nothing else has been done....

David Roberts - Pyramids of Giza

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Orange Balloon

The madman liveth!
I had to laugh the other day, the tragedy where a military helicopter crashed into a commercial airline landing at Washington opened the door to Trump to spew stupidity.  He did not respond with the gravitas expected of any leader, oh no, he immediately claimed it was caused by DEI, the 'inclusivity' deals at air traffic control.  
He took this further a day later, claiming the helicopter pilot was a 'transgender' who deliberately crashed into the place.  The next day that particular individual appeared in the press stating 'I am alive, here I am!'  Which kind of goes against what Trump was pushing.  I expect another day in court for the orange balloon.
I do not disagree with his ending the encouraging of deviant lifestyles, except he must consider them as people requiring help, an idea that has never crossed his mind regarding anyone anywhere.  
N one is trans, you are either male or female, however, life brings problems, and we react in different ways.  Those with such tendencies, or indeed any other tendency, there are many available, require our care and help, not to be targets for vote catching amongst the less well-educated, which is what got him elected in the first place.
Certainly there is no room for special days for gays or any other deviant behaviour, there is nothing to be proud about here, but we ought to be stating truth to people, not encouraging the lowest common denominator which in the end destroys them.
oops, I forgot to finish this today, I got caught up in the football.  Still, we won 6-0!  Hooray!