Thursday, 19 December 2024

Books...or Lack off

It's been a bad year for books in that I have hardly read any.   Too much time girning on Twitter about the state of the world does not help, and having two somewhat interesting but slow reads does not help.  These are the type of books that require reading but have too many words.  I gave up on at least one, for the second time, and have been slowly ploughing through the others so have discovered one that moves a wee bit faster.  That will be finished sometime after the New Year.  
I seem to read much less than before, I have stopped a couple of magazines as they were not being read,  and having taken to Podcasts I find I have a long list of these urgent pods that I have not got round to.  Is life getting faster or am I slowing down?
I am expecting a parcel to arrive tomorrow, unless it comes late tonight, from one of my favourite nieces.  This will be a hardback book, chosen by her son, and will be exactly what I am looking for, it always is!  They make a great combination when it comes to choosing books for me.
Maybe I ought to have sent them something back...?

See how busy I have been, I have nothing more to write...


the fly in the web said...

The only podcasts I listen to are the Test Match Special and Private Eye's Page many put me off now by explaining the obvious.
Reading continues, but only light stuff lately...unable to concentrate on the stuff requiring participation and thought.

Adullamite said...

Fly, Page 94 is good.