A clip on Twitter offered the sight of an elderly middle class woman making a point about migrants. She did not want any. And when asked re those who flee war she stated that there was too much emphasis on war, giving the impression she did not believe them, or was just heartless.
In truth, she was just indicating what she had learned from the likes of Farage, the 'Daily Mail,' and other right wing liars. It is likely she had not investigated whether things printed were true or not, and this was a truth she wished to accept. The woman is just another who cannot accept the world she grew up in is changing.
There is no doubt life is difficult for us all when we see our world change and change out of our control. Poor and deliberate bad journalism will not help, facts on all sides are misused to suit the opinion sought. And when our world changes it can be difficult. Whether the villages she claimed were 'scared' because of all the incomers we cannot tell, she was not asked to name such villages, though they may exist. They may also be just another report from a housewife's gathering of course.
I notice changes in this small town also. There are quite a number of single young men appearing, mostly of middle eastern/Turkish appearance. Where do they come from? Where do they stay? Why are they alone? Alone apart from those they accompany, and who are they? Are they trapped in some modern slavery trap, though I doubt they would be running on the streets. Did they come across on a boat?
There is no doubt it takes some getting used to when many foreign types arrive. During the war such was inevitable, US airmen black and white, spent 3 years in the town, usually finding a warm welcome. In the same way Italians built a POW camp outside the town, the wall erected to keep people out, not keep them in! Germans took over that camp later.
The town survived, though these men, and they were all men, could have caused trouble. A war situation may have opened hearts a bit, however, war and conflicts everywhere ought to open our hearts also. Certainly it is easier to accept women refugees than men, they usually have children also, but questions must be asked re so many single men arriving.
The Farage's of this world will not stop lying, that is what he is paid for, and truth is not published by the daily press, so how are we to know the facts of immigration and 'the boats?' Facts of course do not always change minds, our opinion does not always like facts.
Follow the U.S. in destroying countries who don't want to use the dollar or who don't want to have their oil confiscated for U.S. use...and then be surprised at the flood of refugees?
Helen, Just wait to see who Trump destroys!
The truth we think we sensible people take for granted is not the one presented to other people who may disagree with us. Everything is "personalised" by the impersonal algorithms that amplify ordinary variations in opinion into creating murderous warring tribes. IMO the human race needs to figure out how to deal with this as it is seems that hostile interventions are being used to influence voting and undermine democracy. No point in being angry with people who are being manipulated just as much as we are.
Jenny, Algorithms indeed! Musk has twisted his, whether 'BlueSky' will do so ia something we must wait on.
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