The service of nine lessons and carols was if I remember correctly begun in 1919 just after the Great War, this to bring some joy to a hurting nation. Quite how the nation responded I am not sure, however, the idea became popular and persists till this day.
Tonight, our Canon, John, designed a variation of this theme, with carols, readings, some varied from the usual, and a few words after each to enlightened the congregation. I thought he designed it very well indeed.
The Mulled Wine afterwards disappeared quickly, not by me I must say, I had to wait for the later outpouring as this lot grabbed the first quickly! Tsk! However, the evening went well, Jesu entry into the world was celebrated, and the story told once again.
I went into a cogitation during this, just wondering why Jesu really had to come to earth in this way. However, there was no other way to redeem sin filled people but a Holy sacrifice. Sacrifice to take away sin is in many societies, here it was a sacrifice of the Holy God for sinful people. Instead of us making the sacrifice God himself does it! What a thought!
I think the origin of the nine lessons and carols was in the 1880s, when Bishop Benson of Truro thought it was a good way of keeping people out of the pubs!
It started at Kings after the Great War...with that very moving Bidding prayer.
It sounds as if your church's event went'll have to be faster on your feet to get at the mulled wine...
I just went to a nice service in a small church, far from home, whose premises in a gloomy shopping centre had recently been robbed of all means of making music. But the carols sounded pretty good with just the human voice and it was a happy atmosphere all the same.
Helen, You may be right, though I thought he began the harvest festival.
Jenny W, That sounds ideal
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