Tuesday 24 September 2024

Space Filling...

Last week I took this picture round the back of what once was a restaurant.  The building has been abandoned it appears for some time.  In actual fact the owner has another building somewhere in town, I know not where, and has just let this one fade away.  A while back the council stepped in and forced remedial work upon it, secure safely at the front on the busy road, but only the other day did I notice just how bad the rear end happens to be.  
Clearly a great deal of work must be done, and this will cost a bit, added to that the council would charge if they have secured the place.  Knocking it down and rebuilding in the original form is the only option, it has been there probably since Victorian times, and whatever work is required will be expensive.  No doubt no-one wishes to buy.  
The building to the right of it, just out of the picture is quite new.  This was destroyed by a bomb in 1941 and eventually the area cleared and rebuilt in, almost, original form.  A Gant, an alleyway, runs to the side so no problem there, unless bits fall off.  However, time must be close for something to be done.

Maggie spoke at the conference today.  At least that is what it looked like.  Waffle, lies and pass the buck.  Feed the rich and make the poor suffer.  By removing WFA we have saved the pound from collapsing like it did under Truss.  What bull.  More Tory than the Tories, and no-one able to stop this slide into Victorian values...


the fly in the web said...

What a shame about that building. There was one, years ago, in the town near us in France, 16th century, where the owner could not afford repairs...it mouldered there for over thirty years.
Might as well have the party conferences on AI for all their spontaneity.

Adullamite said...

Fly, Spontaneity is not Keir.