Tuesday 14 May 2024

SPAM Cables


Sitting here listening to the rain drip, drip, dripping on the kitchen window while I sip coffee and wonder where my head happens to be.   Last night, against my better judgement, I eventually sauntered along to the club to meet the old men from the church.  Our monthly SPAM meeting, where we spend a couple of hours offering the same grumbles we did last time, drinking Mild & Brown, though I went for Carlsberg at £3:40 last night, and suffered abuse based on my late arrival being a way to avoid paying my round.  This was of course correct.  The club has reduced prices all round and this leaves me wondering what they pay in pubs around here these days!  
This is a social gathering, rarely anything important is said.  Much of the time the acoustics mean we cannot hear one another anyway and many words disappear into the ether.  This, it must be said, is no loss to society.  It is however, good to feel at home among the men.

Living in London you rarely see BT infrastructure.   When I moved here I was struck by the streets covered with cables here there and everywhere, going from telegraph post to house.  Walking up the road the other day I found this is increasing.  The introduction of 'Full Fibre' along with  'special price' has seen a vast uptake of the service from the various companies offering this.  Hence, as I walked I could see an increase in the number of these black cables dangling across the roads everywhere.
In Edinburgh such things lay behind all the various 'stairs,' here they are in the open for all to see.  It is all a wee bit of a mess I say, even if those paying for this get better reception on their laptops.  


the fly in the web said...

Costa Rica used to look like that...cables everywhere you looked, great tangles of them...but most of that has disappeared now.

Adullamite said...

Fly, Send you engineers over here.

Kay G. said...

Why is it called a SPAM meeting? Do tell.

Adullamite said...

Kay, St Pauls Mens Meeting.