Tuesday 3 October 2023

Conkers & Chick Peas

The walk through the 'dingily dell' beside the Police Station was enlightened by the finding of these conkers.  I grabbed them quick before the kids start taking them for selfish reasons.  It was clear there had been a struggle for these before I arrived, the floor was littered with shell cases.  Another time of youthful enjoyment for kids, unless some schoolteacher forces them into armour plating 'In case they get hurt.'
Hurt the teacher I say.

By making use of two tins of these Chick Peas I made myself some excellent soup this morning!  The recipe is simple, boil the peas, crush them down, throw in anything lying about, add too much Chilli Powder, light the blue fuse and stand back.
What came out was in fact quite tasty, and the Chilli within made me check the fire alarms afterwards.  A success this time, it is not always, but several more to actually enjoy this week.


Kay G. said...

See? I told you! Just follow the recipe and BELIEVE that you are a good cook.
Work with confidence in the kitchen and good food will be produced. This has taken me years to learn.

Adullamite said...

Kay, Tee Hee...

the fly in the web said...

sounds good.....keyboard playing up no capitals or much else....