Wednesday 23 August 2023


 My exciting life reached new heights this morning when I strolled out, slowly, through town and into the 'Café CM7.'  Brunch was required, and after consultation with my wallet I decided paying for food in a café was equal to what has to be paid for foodstuffs cooked at home, minus the electric charge.  So it was a happy me that discovered this place very quiet at the time I thought would be busy, especially as it is Market Day and people flock into town to complain about the people flocking into town. 
As it was quiet I entered, sat at the back where I could watch everyone else, ordered two sausage, two eggs, two bacon, two tomatoes, beans and mushrooms and tea.  The usual 'Greasy Spoon' type stuff.  The young girl was polite, friendly, helpful and the Brunch was served at a reasonable speed.  While the sausages were not quite my type, the tomatoes two large Plum Toms, and the plate large enough to feed such as me, I was very happy with a cooked meal, cooked that is by someone else!  What a delight!  This meal cost £8.  I left the change from my tenner in the tip plate, and moved off happily with my day. 
Considering most meals I buy will cost about £5 by the time I have bought them, cooked them, and added other bits, I am happy with the price.  My choices of individual items may be different, but the costs run out similar, and the electric is switched off.  It also saves time.  So I am happy.
What excitement!  I really must get out more.


the fly in the web said...

I understand your pleasure in having a meal cooked by someone else....all too rare, in my experience...

Adullamite said...

Fly, You need a guest cook!