Tuesday 9 February 2021

Slithering Pavements


Early today, as the snow was fading, I slithered, skated and stumbled my way to Tesco.  How nice to be outside as a scattering of snowflakes fluttered to the ground.  How not so nice to be in Tesco in the middle of the day when others are also there!  Who let them in? 
The walking on icy pavements which lay under a thin blanket of new snow, was hard work.  Walking on the clear damp road was easier, apart from being near all the busses who thought the road was theirs of course, and by the time I got home I was knackered.  This lockdown has affected my fitness, not enough exercising outside in the cold.  As I approached home the snow came down with great intensity, yet as I looked out an hour or so later the pavements were begining to turn to slush!  Make up your mind!  The weather men are offering snow tonight, but from tomorrow it is very cold with sunshine, I am glad!   So tommorrow I will wander abroad risking wet streets and even worse, meeting people!  Maybe I ought to stay in and do the ironing?


the fly in the web said...

Will you be wearung that fetching garment shown on an earlier post as you venture forth? If so, not much risk of meeting anyone.

Adullamite said...

Fly, I dress 'comfortably'...

Kay G. said...

Even if you can't walk outside can you just do a little circular walk inside your home for 45 min.or an hour? Funny but folks think I'm crazy when I say this , yet will spend a fortune on a treadmill! And if you say, that can also be uphill. I also walk up and down my driveway which is like climbing a mountain! Take care!

Adullamite said...

Kay, You have exhausted me suggesting that!