As I perambulated about this morning on my bike, that is if perambulate is the word, I passed this man. Interestingly he is parked opposite the actual ambulance station where a young woman prepared her vehicle for the day. I preferred this one. It gives the impression of being a one time army vehicle, used in desert warfare, and has a sign for 'Camel Trophy' above the door. As that is a type of cigarette made from camels it appears a bit unhealthy to me. I could of course be mistaken, it has happened before, at least once. It is often parked there and as it has also the St Johns Ambulance badge on it (the St Johns Ambulance are volunteers who do first aid work at various events) I suspect it may be used at one of the vehicle get together's that abound around here during the summer. This lot have a base next door to us, on occasion they like to use their proper ambulance and show off the siren. One driver at least now understand Edinburgh words. Treatment from St Johns is excellent I suspect. They begin with young kids and many volunteers have been connected with them for years. They used to attend football matches but I think changes to the law has required professional ambulance staff in attendance at such games. However accidents at car rally's and carnival events will always have good quality treatment for first aid from these folk.

Look, almost home from my bike ride and the town is still akip! Of course Australia is still at lunch and the USA is still dumbing down the brain watching TV. Now Australia home of the sunshine, played Iraq in a World Cup qualifier today and through the medium of the laptop I was able to watch the players in windy, wet Sydney struggle through the game. The Aussies won against a very young Iraq and while the ageing Australians will once again find themselves at the World Cup finals in Brazil the Iraq side have every reason to look to the future. Their players were mostly under 21 and look to have good prospects. The Diggers on the other hand at mostly around the 30 mark and will be facing their last major event. The young talented Ryan McGowan who was sitting on the bench today learned all he knows at Tynecastle Park, home of the Heart of Midlothian. He is already more than a great prospect, as the aged players move on he will be one of those moving in!

Sadly financial trouble at Tynecastle has left a deep black cloud over Edinburgh. This time it does not emanate from all those second hand storms the Americans dump on us when they are finished with them, this one arises from bad counting of the cash and this is serious.
When Vladimir Romanov took over the club the Hearts were £20 million or so in debt. Since then, by hard work, investment in players and managers that has gone down to a mere £30 million or so, depending on who is cooking the books. The financial situation has caught up with the club at last. Yesterday it was announced the club will move into administration, begin next season minus 15 points, and possibly lose what decent prospects are left, the ground, and be in a right old pickle.
Naturally had I been a billionaire none of this would happen. I would rescue the club and sit in the stand drinking brandy and smoking cigars like they used to do. Well without the cigars actually. And without the brandy as it is not allowed during the game. However my £2:34 will not stretch that far and several hopefuls are lining up to control the club on the cheap. I am not sure I fancy any of them. The situation is in abeyance at the moment as administrators in Lithuania, from where Vlad ruled the club, and Scotland sit down to work something out. It is important to remember your history here and the Hearts song with the line, 'Though we sometimes go down we can aye go back up.' I am positive that will indeed be the case, whatever happens.
I note however the media support for Rangers when they fiddled £100 million in taxes has not been on offer for the Heart of Midlothian. I am surprised to find that that club gets support Edinburgh's top side does not receive, I wonder why?
And Vlad? Since the Lithuanian authorities asked him to explain some 23 million Litas that were 'embezzled' he has moved to Moscow and apparently suffered a heart attack. he has gone to ground, as has his bank, his cash and he is hiding behind his east European 'friends.' Hmmmm.