Saturday 25 August 2012

August Bank Holiday


More Rain

And MORE to come!
Summer?  Bah!



Relax Max said...

Of course it must rain if you have a holiday. You know that. :)

(Btw, why would YOU need a holiday?)

Mike Smith said...

Not like you to complain, Mr H...

Adullamite said...

Mike, I try not to.....

Unknown said...

We are finally starting to get a little rain, but with us still being over a foot below the average, we could use some more. So, would you direct some of your blow-hardiness in this direction?

Adullamite said...

Max, I need a long holiday.....

Jerry, Bread prices already to increase because of your lack of rain.

Jenny Woolf said...

For once I was pleased at heavy rain. We only have street parking here and the car had been standing all night under lime trees which dripped horrible sticky stuff all over it. This glued the doors shut and then a load of dust had totally coated the car. So it was very sticky to touch the car but the dust comes off and smears everywhere on your hands and clothes and it is impossible to see out of the windscreen. Delightful you will agree. Moved it a few feet so it caught the heavy rain which washed all the stuff off and saved going through the car wash, hence savnig £3. Always a silver lining, eh?
Or maybe not.

Adullamite said...

Jenny, £3 saved! Brilliant! Horrid stuff to clean it seems, glad it rained for you.