I handed a spool into the chemist to have it developed today and saw these sweets on the counter. I have not seen these around for years and here they were in probably the only shop to stock them these days.
As a kid we were given these occasionally and suffered the heat they gave off with good grace and much noise! I found today that they were not anything like as strong as I remember and I wonder if that is just because I am somewhat larger today or if they have altered the recipe in some way.
It would not be the first time an alteration has taken place, in the nineteenth century the sweets contained chloroform! It was not possible to buy more than a quarter pound of them because people took too many and passed out! While this is no longer the case many folks found them far too strong for their taste and only 'real men' ever ate more than one at a time. Of course they suffered and folks kept well away from their breath for good reason!
They are widely available online from The Sugar Boy and elsewhere.
well, what do they taste like then? i've seen these, but never tasted them...
SEE! i am reading your blog :)))
Now you're making me hungry:) Although I've never tasted Victory V, The Sugar Boy sells Jelly Babies. I've never been able to find these here in the US.
Never seen those here in my part of the world, but you're right that they don't make things like they used to.
Like, I miss Bovril! The _original_ Bovril. ;)
I HATE these. Well I did when I was about 7yrs old. Not tried one since! Do they have a purpose? Are they supposed to help with sore throats?
Did you say "handed in a spool to be developed"??
Victory bars are the least of your worries! I haven't seen a spool in years!! ;-)
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