Now I appreciate that there are no nagging women in this world. I know this because I have been given such information by a large assortment of women, many times over. Therefore it must be true, because as they put it, "I say so!" That is not an argument I can counter, certainly not with facts anyway......
In such a fashion my beautiful, she says, young friend 'Blackberry Juniper' has 'requested' I post more about her than about lesser items, such as worldwide famine, nuclear war, earthquakes or football. All subjects she deems less important than mentioning her situation. Now I am not one to be bullied by just anybody you know, oh no.
I assure you I only get nagged and bullied by the best, and she is quite an experienced nagger I can tell you.
So what can we say that will stop her hitti...er, indicating my mistakes? Well I could tell you of her comfortable abode in the heart of London, her luck in acquiring a man of the right sort - housetrained and obedient. She has humour, sending me a postcard of a cemetary and writing "Wish you were here" on the back, and of course she has a massive intellect that she humbly never talks about. This lass obtained an MA while I still have only an 'O' level of the flimsiest kind. Her knowledge is, like her looks, without comparison, her employment many levels below that which she is capable off. Her faults...well I have NEVER found any, and I say that under no compulsion at all - more or less....
But why do women nag? Could it be he doesn't listen? The female of the species needs care and attention and often. Little things must be noticed, hairstyle, earings, new sauce in the casserole etc. These of course are the very things the man will not observe because they are irrelevant to him! Who notices that she is wearing red today and not blue? Only a woman, and only a woman would understand what that means, whatever it means. If he does not pay attention to her, she will of course nag, and women use several times the number of word any male will use. But if he pays attention and leads her to what is good for her, she will love him for it, but still find time to complain because he has not noticed the shoes are new ones...... Which reminds me of the call I had this morning. A friend has seen his wife of to a conference for the weekend and he called because he thought he required a doctor. With her not being in the house he thought he had gone deaf!
Pic from http://www.humourbeings.co.uk/pics_2.htm
Your friend lives in London? Wow, that's just one step away from being an Essex Girl! Shocking ;)
Over the years, I've learned the phrase "Yes Dear" works wonders... It lulls them into a false sense of security!
Dan - humpf....'Yes dear' tends to lead to the picking up of sharpened weapons, in my bloodstained handed experience :))
Mr Ichabod - *Thankyou*! I didn't say I was more important than world famine or anysuch; just that I like it when you mention me, loads ....:))) You know I'm ridiculously insecure, and everytime you mention me, I gain more validation (instead of winking out like a fairy not beleived in)....what would I do without you? Ok, you can talk about footie again, now....yawn...
love and hugs,
Mistress Blackberry Juniper xxx
hehe yep, I think my missus would agree with you... If I let her out the kitchen and onto the computer that is. But she knows her place.
I was once watching TV with my wife sitting next to me when I suddenly realised that she was talking to me and I had successfully filtered out just her voice!? When I say successfully obviously I mean it was an awful realisation and started to listen to her more actively! ;-)
Hmm... do women nag or do men just take repeat sayings from women as nagging?
I've found that men absolutely hate the word 'nag' to be used against them. I sometimes do it just to really annoy, because it really works and can leave men gobsmacked (word of warning - furious often follows!). ;)
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