Sunday 31 March 2024

Easter Sunday 2024

Christ has risen,
He has risen indeed!  

Considering how many have taken off for the holidays we had a reasonable turnout this morning.  Several new families are appearing, all black African types, with children, which is good indeed.  We need young folks arriving, so many are not as young as they are, and those who were once young are now adolescent and have run off to find themselves.
A visiting retired speaker, whom we know and like, though he is a 'liberal' regarding theology, which is why I will not refer to his sermon as it was somewhat 'loose.'  At times I wondered what he really believes.  The Anglican church in England is indeed a strange place.  
Whoever decided to lose an hours sleep on Easter Sunday requires to be shot in my experience.  I was half asleep all morning, and even though I snoozed once I got home, I am still weary.  Lose an hour next Sunday and it would be OK!  
The weather is grey, the people I passed did not reflect joy and gladness, though dogs heading for the park certainly did.  Traffic was slow, the holidays mean people are away, Easter means chocolate eggs fill the kids hearts, and folks are visiting family.
For the most part we were happy, the visiting vicar loud and cheery which left me exhausted, and people ran for home and a large family lunch.  
I cooked mine in the microwave...


the fly in the web said...

When I attended services in the French Reformed Church Easter Sunday was marked by the organ leading the congregation in 'A toi la gloire, O Ressuscite'...a truly emotional experience, and I'm not an emotional person.
Followed as usual by the potluck Sunday lunch where a well known local vigneron in the congregation would supply wine which would have cost an arm and a leg if you had to buy it!

Adullamite said...

Fly, The response can be surprising at such times. The potluck wine sounds good.