Saturday 20 May 2023


I sent some paperwork into the council on Friday morning and returned to my place of obscurity.
Satisfied all was in order I wandered through my day with the usual grace.
Late afternoon, as I was trying to help a friend understand how to work 'Whatsup' on her new mobile, I received a call.  This was the nice lady from the council informing me that she had received my covering letter, but no documents.  The old fool had posted the letter while returning the papers to the desk.  She told me I could send them by email, but as we were struggling with the mobile tech I thought this unwise, and told her I would post them.  The council office is just across the park from here.
So, before 8 am I was up and running, well, hobbling, across the park passing all the other men of a certain age exercising slowly before people are up and about.  This was a day of rest for me, three football games to watch, and all the while across the road in the park a 'Skateboard' exhibition is about to start.  So, noise and crowds of yobs will soon gather and annoy me while I watch a quiet football match at Tynecastle where a mere 18,000 will be drowned out by skateboard activities.
Bah Humbug etc...

Have you noticed how little news there is?  
All appears quiet on the political front.  Sunak is away in Japan trying to increase his riches, Starmer is about but nobody is sure what his beliefs are this week, and nothing of importance is occurring anywhere.
Has all crime ceased?
Have the Tories turned honest?

Ah well, at least the football is good!


the fly in the web said...

Super photographs.....
Were I a resident, hearing of the proposed skateboard thingy I would have hired a JCB to dig a large pit at the end of whatever track they use Of course I would have it backfilled afterwards....

Adullamite said...

Fly, In fact it went remarkably smoothly. The music was tempered, the voice OK and I could not tell the numbers, though police were present at all times, all was quiet. I also had my ears full of Hearts & Aberdeen, which helped.