Thursday 12 September 2024

Scottish Football Reflects the Times.


I was watching a clip of the Heart of Midlothian scoring 90 goals against Hibernian.  I must point out these goals did not arrive in only one game.  The first clip came from one of our victories in 1959, before I had made it to the ground.  
Several things struck me as I watched these early games.  The goal celebrations were the most obvious.  A goal is scored, with ease against Hibernian, and the players 'jumped for joy,' congratulated the scorer and returned quickly to the centre circle to do it all again.  No sliding needlessly into the corner, no standing on the wall taking the glory.  No rolling about on the ground while other formed a horde about you.  Just get back and get on with the game.
The game was no less serious, the attitudes deep.  The joy of a  win and the despair of a loss great both ways, no less than today, and yet...  
People tackled harder in those days, yet there were less bookings and sending's off.  Both sides fought hard to win and yet there was less animosity.  Indeed, many who bought season tickets for Tynecastle to watch the Heart of Midlothian also took season tickets at Hibernian and watched the teams week about.  This is not possible today and many would not understand this anyway.  
Life has changed in the last 70 years.  Our attitudes to football reflect this.  It appears to be that attitudes have hardened somewhat, football success is more important than it ought to be, and this is reflected with many no longer watching great European games and preferring to watch teams further down the ladder where 'real football' can be seen.  This includes standing on a near empty terracing, banter between fans, and the occasional dog demanding attention, especially when eating the miserly pies that are on sale from the van on the corner.  
Football has got wealthier alongside the nations, neither have become better because of this.

Wednesday 11 September 2024


I wandered out to have my haircut again, it was only done about four months ago, and after the helpful young lass had cut all the grey stuff off and blown it away I headed towards Tesco.  This being a Wednesday made it Market Day, though hardly any stalls could be seen, the cold air had mostly put them off.  However, the Albanian lass with her bread and cakes was there!  Jolly good, thought I.
Tesco was quiet for a Wednesday, again the weather had left all the old folks indoors practising for the loss of the 'Winter Fuel Allowance.'  I therefore strolled around, avoiding the trolley pushers, and quickly paid my debts to the young man at the checkout.
Back at the stall, I bought this Italian bread, wondering if it was big enough for one?  Indeed, it was!  I could not manage the other items I bought, however, and doubt I will need breakfast in the morning.

Shorn and overfed, I trawled Twitter looking for interesting items.  None were found.  However, Keir, Thatchers true Son, has been at PMQs again and following on from all previous PMs since 2010 he did not bother answering questions, a point Sunak the ex-PM mentioned, apparently.  The irony there!  Keir appears to consider answering questions the job of someone else, certainly not Rachel, both she and he did not attend the House while the WFA was debated, and had no intention of answering any today.  
The die is cast, as someone once noted, the 'Lower Orders' can die, they do not matter.  What matters are the Corporates and Private Equity people, big business and the billionaire movers and shakers behind the scenes, the ones paying for Rachel and Keir.  They are certainly paying for Rachel, and I cannot see Keir being strong enough to oppose her.  Concession bus passes to go next.  It’s kill the old to save the rich time!  Blatantly and with no opposition from Labour.

Monday 9 September 2024


All across what we call the 'West,' people rise at various, too early, times and greet Monday morning.  By far the majority of working people look forward to a five day week and a very quick weekend to follow.  Lucky people!
Those who do shit work, a week from 7 am to 3 pm, followed by a week of 3 pm to 11 pm, or even a rolling week when the beginning moves forward a day meaning the weekend is never a proper weekend.  Some of course today work 4 day weeks, 12 hour days and 3 days off, great, according to the work that is.  Shift working people often have the lowest jobs, the smallest wage, and the lowest place in society even though many are well educated and often have had 'better' employment.  
The vats majority however, keep to a five day week, Monday to Friday, a rota that never changes and while bring helps you to remember what day it is.  Most are office and shop workers, though many office workers can remain at home thanks to the internet and a good landline, shop workers often have to include a Saturday rather than a Friday finish.  
I well remember the joy of a Monday morning.  The struggle to get out of bed, searching for breakfast, searching for a shirt, searching for a brain.  The 9-5 meant a bus to some workplace in an office full of two faced people.  Not always, but all offices have them.  Even the best include the type of person who would sell their grannie, if they had not already done so.  These places were run by smiling, cheery people who offered good cheer and a knife in the back when no-one was looking, a great thing to look forward to on a Monday morning.  
The commuter, travelling across town in a rain soaked bus, or the early riser meeting the train t 06:35 hours and travelling for 90 minutes into town knowing that in spite of the money earned they will not see home again until 13 hours or more have passed.  Is it worth it I wonder?  During Thatcher's 80s people working in London took to moving to places as far away as Doncaster, here a train at 07.00 hours would drop them at Kings Cross close to their 9 am start time.  In the evening, the 17:23 north would get them home 2 hours later and they would still arrive home before many in London had reached their destination!  The Doncaster house may have cost £28,000 while the London flat £190,000!  It is understandable while people commuted.  The stress is less than that found by living in large cities.  Some of course drive for hours instead of public transport, blocking the roads, having accidents, but being 'free!'    
The only time joy can be found on a Monday at work is when you begin a new, and hopefully, a positive job.  Here you see higher wages, better conditions, superior people, and a hope for the future.  This will of course die, but at the moment you are positive, a wee bit nervous and happy to rise that wee bit earlier.
By Friday all this may have changed...
Those of us missing out on the joy of a Monday, by selecting the cheaper versions of goods in the nearest supermarket, can stand at the window watching people hurrying to work from early on a Monday morning.  Sometimes we wave from the widow while holding our coffee cup but the return waves, often hidden somewhat in the mirk, are not always positive ones.  Ah well, we need some enjoyment while Keir steals out heating support and laughs are always in short supply around him.  With Keir and Rachel every day is a Monday.

Friday 6 September 2024

The Phone Trials

I finally found the courage to set up the new phone.  With the old one constantly running amok I thought it was time to move on.  It was surprisingly easy in one sense and wearing in another.  Several things went smoothly, though I am still seeking others from all around, and Google, bless them, made it much easier, as long as I gave them everything!  
As always the changes are better, except those that are not.  Much time was wasted fantasising on how to deal with Californian 14 year-old Geeks!  And not in a pleasant manner.  To them, making things easier, quicker, and more helpful, is to me a nonsense which makes no sense whatsoever.  Do they have no schools over there?  Or do they spend so much time dodging bullets from mad pupils they cannot see a straight forward way to do things?  Innovation is not always required!  
Anyway, while tap, tap, tapping and getting no response i was trying to look through the mirk at Scotland getting gubbed by Australia.  Edinburgh in September has the most wonderful skies.  Deep blue flaked with black, cool air, the lingering aroma of a recent summer, the promise of more tomorrow.  Naturally, the clouds covered all this and the game is being played in a near mist!  All around people are wrapped in winter outfits, though a few short wearing eejits can be seen, and not just the young trendies either.  The desperate Edinburgh middle class man proving his mettle in public for all to see is here.  Cameramen shrouded in black coverings could be mistaken for nomadic tents, while the schoolkids of course have not yet noticed the weather, they are just seeking autographs or attempting to catch the ball when it runs out.  
That said, my new phone keeps making noises and I canny see why.  This will keep me awake all night I bet. 

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Samuel Collins of Braintree.

Samuel Collins became vicar at Braintree in the year 1610.  The previous hundred years had seen the arrival of the Reformation, vast changes in England's churches, and in 1603, in an attempt to avoid civil war, England invited James VI to become King of England.  While this avoided civil war it did not enable a peaceful church.   James had a liking for Catholic ways, something which did not go down well in Calvinist Scotland, and James was determined to have his way in an England he saw as more open to his ideas.  
The Reformation had arrived in England not via good preaching from courageous men but by a deranged King desperate for a male heir.  The conflicts that followed Edward, then Mary, then Elizabeth had left their mark and James did manage to bring equanimity to the nation if nothing else.  His desire to be seen as an academic brought about his translation of the bible know to Christians as the 'Authorised Version,' (AV).  James had already attempted such a translation by himself.  
However, in 1625 Charles I became king as he had neither his fathers religious knowledge of faith but he had inherited his approach to the 'Divine Right of Kings.'  Therefore until his death the nation had much trouble.
Charles employed William Laud as Bishop of London and then Archbishop of Canterbury.  This led to trouble for Samuel Collins and all vicars who leant towards Puritanism.  Collins was not of an ilk to leave the Church of England, and rather despised those who did.  However, he did support those who did as much as was possible without losing his job.  Essex being a Puritan county there were many churches run by Puritan leaning men, usually with a similar mind set off the congregation.  This was trouble.
Archbishop Laud was not a Puritan!  He was no Catholic, but he strongly opposed the Puritan influence on the church and instructed all to follow what many considered 'Popish' ideas.
Over the next few years many men lost their livelihoods, were refused the right to preach, and soon people were leaving for Amsterdam or New England.  When the 'Lyon,' left for New England in 1640 some 15 leading families from Braintree went with it.  Such numbers caused many practical problems, let alone the loss of revenue, usually suffered by the vicar who's income was hit by the lack of tithes. 
During these years Samuel was seen as a man who held off, at great risk to himself and family, Laud's approaches, preached on Sundays and led many other meetings.  Led the 'Four & Twenty' leading citizens who formed a type of council, provided cash to aid the poor and other emergencies and was seen as a man who spoke for God at all times.  He was clearly loved by most of the people, trouble coming only from those who felt he ought to join them and leave aside the 'Popish ways' demanded by Laud.  Of a population of around 5000 in the two towns of Braintree and Bocking, some 800 would meet in John English's barn to worship freely in what they considered a biblical manner.  No wonder Laud was Irked!  But that is typical Essex.
In spite of his troubles Collins was popular enough to last as vicar from 1610 until 1661 when he retired, probably worn out!  He lasted longer than Archbishop Laud who's troubling antics came to an end in January 1645 when he was beheaded.  I think this a good way to deal with heretical Archbishops and Bishops myself.  Laud was not lauded when he lost his head, Samuel Collins was.  The sermon preached at his funeral in 1667 was some 60 pages long!  Try that today!  His biblical approach, his love for God and people, his determination, indeed his impatience, led to many favouring him.  This included those who sailed away to the New World.  (incidentally, of the approx 125 who sailed, there are some 3 million descendants, including those called 'Kellog,' consider that when eating breakfast.)  
A vicar who had a large congregation, a powerful town council, an angry Archbishop, Puritans separatists, Civil War, and loss of congregation to foreign parts, yet attempted to follow his Lord through all this, often at great risk to himself.  Samuel Collins is a man who ought not to be forgotten by this town.

Monday 2 September 2024

Grey Day

The mass of swirling light grey cloud now covering the land does not engender hope as another week begins.  The English schools return during this week leaving many a child hoping for a 'Blighty one' in an endeavour to avoid going back.  I am with them!  School had its uses but I never enjoyed it much.  Football in the playground, History, Geography and Art were OK with me, but the enclosed confines, half the class, and the outside world being beyond reach were always irksome.  I rejoiced the day I left, at 14 actually, I was 15 the next day, and then finding work discovered the outside world was not as easy as I had hoped.  And we never played football at lunchtimes.
Anyway, as kids return, none outside my window so probably a Wednesday date for the locals here, the older children are also returning.  Yes indeed Parliament is back!  The grown up children take their place all awaiting orders from the front bench.  Labour, that is the Red Tories, will fill the benches happy to be well paid for obeying orders.  Across the aisle the Blue Tories are still fighting about  anew leader, this makes me wonder if Sunak will bother returning from California for this?  Robert Jenrick, a man who's personality never formed, is one of two leading contenders here,  James Cleverley, once failing Foreign Minister, reduced to failing Home Secretary,  is the other main man.  Kemi Badenoch, another with mixed motives and little positive ideas, is the leading woman though that does not say much.  Six contend for this position, the nation hopes they will all fail.  
The Lib-Dems will rejoice in the largest turn out for generations and quickly turn on one another and make an almighty mess of the opportunity given them.  The handful of SNP remainers are grateful for the £91,000 hand out, plus expenses so they can keep their heating on, and have no desire whatsoever for independence.  MI6, the Special Branch and Nicola have ended the SNP challenge there.
So, as the gathering cloud darkens the room while dark clouds gather over schools and Westminster we await the right wing press attacks on the government that have been subdued and meaningless over the long holidays.  The meaningless will continue however, that is all they have to offer.  
The dark clouds, clouds of a darker grey it must be said, hover threateningly over Tynecastle.  Here, we find the Heart of Midlothian, in spite of the best efforts of Costa Rican internationals, losing games with a zeal akin to a Tory PPE handout.  8 games no win.  Bottom of the league, European games ahead, the manager not yet hanging upside down from the floodlights as he and his coaches ought.  Twitter abounding in explanations from those who understand best the position, though each one failed to make it at that level, and emotional responses to the difficult situation which always help to obtain positive results.  
Yesterday, the sun shone high and long brightening the world and offering a heat pensioners in December would not understand.  Today we are cloud covered, dark and getting darker.  I think I preferred yesterday...

Friday 30 August 2024

Tory Women

This is Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, the woman in charge of the money.  She is standing there surrounded by the 'Three word slogan,' which is a 'must have' for politicians today as they know voters prefer a slogan to facts.  People, especially today, do not want long explanations they want an understandable slogan they can gather around,  'Fixing the Foundations,' is the one the Labour Party have chosen to lie to the people with.
Now, after 14 years of Tory corruption it is to be expected the foundations are indeed adrift.  Corruption, nepotism, graft, and incompetence have all led to the nations' downfall, let alone thousands of deaths for which they can just walk away freely.  However, the way to fix foundations is to tax the rich, change the Law concerning lies in the press, stop money being hidden abroad as a tax dodge, and spend on the NHS, prisons, probation service, social security, and housing, all this will generate wealth and improve the individual's life.  
But not Rachel.
She has bowed to the corporate and private equity world, her own world as it happens.  The world where they make money and you, the peasant, die!   So, she takes heating cash from those with little money, taxes rich pensioners, reduces payments to the unemployed, the disabled and of course the NHS.  The desire to kill off the NHS is clear, doctors are not being employed, just badly taught incompetents, probably all from Tory houses, in a move to force people into private health and kill of the NHS, all this for the corporate and private equity wealthy.  
You do not matter.
Just wait until all these 'Freeport's' and 'SEZs' get going, just wait until they see the whites of your eyes and steal everything they can from you without recourse to the courts.  
This from the Labour Party, once a party seeking the best for the lowest, now totally sold out to the wealthy.  How easily political elite own the rest of us.

Fuss has arisen because Keir has done something most thoughtful people would do, he has removed the portrait of Thatcher from Downing Street.  The fascist rags are up in arms, full of faux anger.  The woman who took away employment security, reduced the NHS budget and disorganised the whole enterprise, cut cash for schools, social security, prisons, police, and public libraries, and began the whole make the rich richer by starving the lower orders way of government, is their hero, as long as they are making money.  Today her children are continuing to destroy the nation by following her selfish policies.  Now, they fuss about her picture. A suggestion has been made that putting the portrait to auction and selling it off would fit her policies and must be tried.  I hope Keir considers this.

Thursday 29 August 2024

A Day at the Braintree Museum

This horror, feigning sleep but actually busy kicking mum in the back, came today to wear me out.  Three years (almost) and full of energy.  The intention was to visit a local heritage railway, however, the traffic alterations had made them double back, and I was not keen on my niece driving around too much on strange roads.  So, I convinced them to visit the museum as this was just around the corner and I knew he would love it.

The exhibition concerned the local Fire, Police and Ambulance operations down through the years.  It is a fantastic display with lots for kids to do, and he was soon taking over the fire station.  There are many old items from those who served as 'retained firemen,' sometimes for many years.  Bits and bobs of equipment, some for obvious use and others which make you wonder!  
I particularly liked the model fire engines on display, such as this pre-war engine, and the WW2 gray versions, usually staffed by those who had a full-time job during the day also.  They had some call-outs round here. 

Fire, Police and Ambulance were enjoyable, but when he found a wee shop he was in his element, shopping is a thing for him.  So, we had to spend some time while he bought his shopping, though no money appeared to pass by, and then dad and I disappeared into a darkened room to colour in pictures.

Hunger forced us into the adjoining café, where we scoffed toasted delights and the little 'un bounced on the seating.  By this time he had got used to me and was happy to make me read a 'Mr Nosey' book to him, before he ate.  Then it was home and playtime at the holiday cottage for him and brandy and bed for me.  
A good day.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Rough Wednesday

A wee bit rough this week.  It took me to last night to realise the bug was hitting me, that is why I keep falling asleep.  Tomorrow, I am being dragged out early, possibly to visit this village, by my niece and her son, aged 3.  Why not next week I ask to myself.  I am looking forward to this but feel lousy, hopefully I will sleep this off.
Nothing has changed, the Tories are still in power, this time calling themselves 'Labour.'  Promising suffering and despair, but not for the rich corporates who fund them and their Free Ports.  Rich me in various places now run this country much more openly than they ever did.
Clement Attlee managed to rebuild the nation after the war with huge debts and little help.  
Why not Keir?   

Monday 26 August 2024

Bank Hol.


Today, being a 'Bank Holiday,' people in England are enjoying a day off.  The weather here is not too bad, the roads are quiet, bar those folks returning home from some distance away, and I did not realise the holiday was today until last Friday.  No-one tells me anything!   
The Banks are indeed closed today, though High Street Banks are not organisations that see themselves as charity shops.  Ina  magazine from 1909 a man tells the story of how a London Bank Teller treats him with snooty contempt while he cashes a cheque.  Nothing much has changed.
The shops are of course mostly open, Bank Holidays is when they make money, and Sainsburys at 10 am was busy today.  I went today hoping it would be quiet, how wrong I was!  Still, that means no wandering out tomorrow.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Packet of Fury

There is of course little connection between a 'wise man' and myself.
One day recently, I was sitting happily scrolling through E-Bay looking for one thing when I came upon some Chinese tat that might do.  As you know, shiny things attract, and I was attracted to the cheap price.  Only once it was ordered did I realise it was coming from China.  Usually these things are stored in warehouses here all along.  Tsk!
Anyway, I was notified the tat had arrived in the UK 48 hours later and would soon reach me.  This was Friday, the goods should be here by Tuesday.
On Wednesday, I began to wonder.  Then the E-Bay info said it was posted and on it's way.
'Yodel,' the carrier, did not have this on their site, however.
Nothing happened.  
On Thursday I checked again, I made use of the 'Live Talk' button and talked live to a human being with a Pakistani name.  It's on it's way, they said.  
Then, the driver could not find the address!
I may have mentioned somewhat surly like that the house has been here for 200 years and the road itself for over 3000 in the middle of town, and he could not find the address! 
The person on the other side tried hard to be polite and helpful, they did not deserve me.
Friday, I waited, I waited, the Yodel site did not show the packet was coming out.
By lunchtime, I fumed myself into a tizz and emailed the man who sent the goods.
Not in Chinese I should say.
I pointed out that the packet had taken 48 hours to come from China several thousand miles away and 7 days to come to me from Ipswich 33 miles up the road!  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!  I said Grrrrily.
In a much nicer manner than I had the two days previously with the customer service folks who probably were in Pakistan.
I sat back irked out.  
I had told them! 
30 minutes later, the packet arrived at my door. 


Thursday 22 August 2024


To be continued...


Wednesday 21 August 2024

Finding a Birthday Card is not Easy & Yodel Make me Wait.

With three birthdays arriving soon, and one or two just past, I have had to make the long slow search of suitable cards for each individual.  This as you know is not easy.  The Great Nephew, aged 3 in a week or two, cannot read, does not understand, but forces me to buy a card for him, or mum might say something.
Niece's and great nieces will not object if nothing comes for them on their birthday, though they will remember this!  Therefore I have to have a pile of cards, along with an 'Amazon' voucher included, in the desk.
Naturally, when the birthday approaches none of the cards are suitable.  
Therefore I stand in a shop staring at a vast array of cards, some asking prices that would make a CEO of an electric company jealous, while looking for 'that' card and that one alone.
It is of course not there.
So, we visit one shop, then the other, the first offering a huge shop full of dull, boring cards that grannies are supposed to like  The type you send to people you do not know very well.  This causes me to ask, why then are you sending one?  You leave the shop deflated, refuse to peruse 'W. H. Smith,' voted annually 'the worst shop on the High Street,' and enter the 'Card Factory.'

When this shop first opened it was full of tat.  The cards were mostly unfunny, unless you were still at school or read the 'Sun.'  Otherwise it was cheap and cards marked for 'Mum,' Cousin,' or '3 Today,' type cards.  Also on offer were a variety of cheap gifts of various types.
Recently I noticed the cards have improved, the prices dropped, the ones I bought were £1:49 each, and the quality much better.  The others were still available, as the cheap China made tat, but much better in my view and I bought several to fill the desk with, even though they are not the greatest cards but will do the job for some.  
The young lady at the desk added things up, studied the reading on the screen and told me that as there was 'Buy 2 get one free' on some I could have 3 more cards free.  Naturally I raced back and found 3 more, at which she then totalled up and took my cash.  Note, CASH!  Shops such as this can take cards but many prefer to pay cash.  Some trendy places are dropping the cash bit.  Soon it will arrive here.
Such good staff, not unusual in this town, it does not always occur but many do act very well here.

Now I sit here trapped.  Trapped waiting for the man from Yodel delivering a wee packet.  It is now past 6 pm and no sign of him yet.  He comes from the Ipswich depot, possibly has 500 drops all over middle Essex, and gives me no indication of when he may arrive.  This is unfortunate as most carriers these days at least give a 2 hour gap when they may deliver, not Yodel. Of course the driver, on possibly £3:25  drop, may not be keen to rush about, or else he is working so hard he might have come off the road somewhere.  Yodel are the carrier company that make people use Hermes!  
This is the period of time when I am considering moving through to the west wing and settling down in my bed to watch/read/cogitate/ or encourage somnolence.  Especially after trawling through town looking for cards, being spoken at by two women from the Kirk, and enjoying the delights of almost, but not quite, buying something.  I am ready for the west wing.  
However, as you know I am not one to complain.  I will sit here listening to a podcast of some sort, avoid Twitter wars for a while, and getting agitated by the podcast.  First World problems I suppose.  I am too used to getting what I want easily and grumble when it does not happen.  Tsk!  I need a good slap!

Tuesday 20 August 2024

'Past Mistakes'

David Mountain studied Biology and Geology, worked therefore in Kenya and Java, moved to Edinburgh where he now considers himself an expert on History.
Don't we all.
His basic premise is that we have been lied to about History and we have not noticed yet, he will put this right.  I'm so glad no-one else has tried this before him.  
Mountain begins with an overview of how history was viewed through western eyes, where else would it be viewed from if we were here David?  Informing us how wrong the bible was, and it appears almost everybody else also, it may be his view coloured his reading of history somewhat.
That said, if we allow for his overlong chapters filled with words, his insistence on using quotes in what I call an American manner throughout the book, and his opinions to the forefront, I still think the book is worth a read.
He exposes Pythagoras as a fraud, or at least the idea of his mathematical genius as a fraud.  His chapter here goes into the rise of the myth of the man, while his fame spread and his followers were considered 'hippies' by Greeks after his death his myth increased as it does.  As we know most mathematics were developed in ancient Sumer long before the Greeks appeared on the scene, they of course developed this and happily take the credit.  
The author discusses interestingly Barbarians, Vandals, Romans and Islam.  While the west fought over land it is true Islam had many scientists, mathematicians and preserved many Greek documents from long before.  Did we not know this?  
An interesting chapter also concerns Christopher Columbus and his discovery of America, well Dominican Republic that is.  The image offered here is not pleasant.  The promise of gold and slaves and future wealth did not do the man much good and he, like so many others, ended in ignominy. 
A sordid tale well told, and again with many pages.  
So he continues putting the world to tight mentioning how we mistreat women, and his tale of the Wild West not being as wild as the west is today.  He implies the westerns on offer were fake!  Who would have thought this?  Well we all knew that and this chapter again is well worth a read.
However, while there are good chapters in this book it is written by an untrained history lover, one who has read well, possibly without much opposition to his opinions at home.  An overview so wide cannot be totally exact but it is worth a look and will keep the reader entertained.
At the end he mentions how we can read into history from where we stand, and this is very true, I am not convinced he has understood that this is what he has done on several pages himself.   

Monday 19 August 2024

Fire Smoke & Shorts

As always, it's the fault of the USA & Canada!  
We are sitting here once again suffering the backlash from their forest fires.  We already suffer from their left over hurricanes bringing high winds and teeming rain, and now they are trying to smoke us out.  
Huge area of Canada and some in the US are burning away.  Some no doubt, started deliberately by wee boys looking for a laugh.  Vast acres burn, smoke obliterates the sky, choking people in houses and flats, especially the old and sick.  With poor health provision in the USA because of the greed of the medical and insurance world many are suffering without and are open to breathing difficulties cause by such smoke.   Several hundred fires are burning at the moment, various sizes, some under control, others appear to be being left to themselves.  Smoke is hitting both Canada and US States causing problems.    
High above the UK the smoke does give interesting sunsets in some areas, though normal cloud is blocking even that today.  Last night our sunset was bright but slightly dimmed by high smoke.  This was alongside some clown near here burning grass and green rubbish nearby and allowing his fire smoke to reach me as I lay attempting sleep.  Of course it could be someone's house was on fire but there you go.

The weather has become somewhat greyish today.  Cloud cover alongside that smoke has taken the edge of the day.  Add to that what the weathermen call 'a stiff breeze,' and I find my north facing penthouse somewhat cool.  Outside, in spite of the cloud and wind, men walk about in shorts and T-shirts.  The Englishman's desire to get into shorts even if the temperature is low amazes me.  
When I was a lad no-one wore shorts, that was for kids, and if shorts were worn it was on a rare foreign holiday in the sun.  Certainly not on the street.  In England the shorts fetish has always been noticeable.  Why?  I've known postmen who wear them all the year round, winter and summer, clearly they have a fetish or are just mental, possibly both.  
Now young men following fashion, and young men dare not follow fashion, wearing shorts because fashion dictates this is one thing.  However, fat, balding, aged men in similarly aged football shirts from a previous era with similar shorts, sometimes shorts that once fitted, are not the same thing.  This is not fashion, unless everyone in your street dresses this badly, or possibly this is the fashion for the 'Reform' voter while throwing bricks through windows to remove those nasty foreigners who take their jobs.  The jobs that is they cannot get because of all the criminal convictions they have and the foreigners do not have.   If only they had heard of 'Levi's' or their mass produced cheap brothers. 

Sunday 18 August 2024

Birthday & Power Grab

Her Dug

A child running around the church this morning was sweet, happy and even smiled at me as we discussed her small teacup.  She is not yet two, grannie brought her to church because I suspect mum is worn out!  How can a child that small have so much energy?  I thought of my 3 years old great nephew who might appear here in a couple of weeks, how will I cope with that?  
Anyway, this lingers in my mind as a similar child once ran rings around me like this in times past.  Today she became 27 years old!  27!  I was that only the other day, how can she be 27?  
This girl earns more in a year than I did in a lifetime, has now got 2 cars, a boyfriend who can repair them, and still lives of her parents at home while grumbling she canny buy a house!  
She is of course correct.  her dad is a 0builder and they would give help if required but finding one she can afford and indeed get a mortgage for is rare.  A man in church told me his son pays £800 a month in rent, yet the mortgage people would not give a mortgage at £500 a month because 'He could not afford it.'  How does that work?  Corrupt government practices again. 

Ian Murray, the Colonial Governor of Scotland, is pulling another fast one on the Scottish people.  He intends to control Scotland from St Andrews House, the civil service office, and overrule the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood.  This would be a major mistake by Keir, though it is no surprise to hear this.  
England's control over Scotland will increase because of the failure of the SNP under Nicola to seek independence and instead fill the land with deviants and the mentally ill.  With no powerful politicians in office, only Alec Salmond has the strength but they think they have seen him off thanks to Nicola there is little brainpower left to oppose such a move.  
We may have to get out on the streets for a real purpose soon.

Friday 16 August 2024

Another Toy

Another toy to make me gnash my teeth and whimper.  
My phone, which I rarely use as a phone, is giving trouble.  Too old to upgrade so I am forced to upgrade by buying a new one.  This is not a problem in that I have saved money donated at Christmas by attractive young women, well one, and that covered the cost of this cheap improvement.  
The old one was making noises, setting off alarms, and running through all the apps for no good reason after being on for a while.  It is clear it now must go into reserve, it must be at least 10 years old and in today's world that means it is past it.  
I hope to just change the 'sim' card and continue from there, no doubt this will be the first problem.  I expect to find many of them once I get it going, that is, if I get it going.  More power and more ram and less needless apps this time say I.
I will get the straightjacket out of the cupboard just in case.

This Christmas gift appears at first sight to be a good idea.  Written by two famous historians off whom I had never heard, it gives the reader the opportunity to decide what you would do if placed in a situation during the war.  
This sounds fun.
If you were Gavrilo Princip what would you do if you see your enemy approaching, indeed stopping in front of you.  Would you fire or not?  You are young, enthusiastic, determined to fight the enemy, and, in my opinion, stupid!  Gavrilo fired, killed his enemy and wife, and was swamped by those around him.  What did he succeed in doing bar starting a major war?  Nothing.  
Had I the chance in similar situations I would not stand with a gun amongst a crowd.  A sniper ensures his escape and remains in hiding.  How could such a straight forward point be missed by Gavrilo and his three friends standing along the route of the procession?  
Each chapter in the book leads to a choice of actions and follow ups with this.  Here it becomes complicated.  While I started to follow all this I soon became bemused by the confusing choices of pages.  They did not appear to me to fit.  Some gave a tale of what 'might' have happened if, but, I say, it didn't, so what is the point of this?  This is only guesswork and dos not work in my view. 
Anyway, through the Battle of Jutland I got myself confused.  The story itself is straight forward but I found the book confusing it somewhat.  And that ended things for me.  
A good attempt at a book of this kind but for me it did not work.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Albanian Cakes

Yesterday I stumbled the long way round to Tesco.  On the way I passed an Arab stall selling bread and cakes of a Mediterranean persuasion which I like.  So, having clambered about Tesco's upstairs dept looking for a small frying pan so I can avoid using the big one all the time, I found one for £3:50, and handing over my money to a nice young lass at the counter I then sped towards the Arab.
Naturally, she was not an Arab but an Albanian!  This she explained warily half expecting me to be a right wing thug I expect.  I explained that in Israel I took to the sweet cakes found in that area, hence the weight, and loved the bread on offer.
Pleasantly she bagged up the bread, cakes and other bread stuff who's name I forget, and cheerfully asked for £11.  I love this stuff but it is pricey.  I will be back Saturday to see if she has returned.
The Albanian cakes were of the heavy type, but I managed, but the bread had a hard crust.  So hard that I struggled to get the knife through it and you can imagine what my teeth thought about this.   This means I must check to see if the other types of bread are there Saturday, I will try them and please what is left of my teeth.  
I was confused by her hijab wearing, that's what made me think she was Arabic, and I was left wondering what the local Englishman would know about Albania?  Those now doing time for rioting would know of France, Spain and the USA but I wonder if they understand the Balkans?  

Do you remember this book about that?  Alev travelled around the Balkans, Greece and Turkey discovering how history, war and family had been affected by life over a few hundred years.  Maybe she missed Albania but the idea is the same.  I suspect most here would only consider gangsters as coming from Albania, not sweet cakes.

It is difficult to see the Albanian cakes as expensive while shopping at a supermarket that has seen 30% increase in profits in recent years.  I read somewhere the details of all supermarkets raising the price on the 'shops own' stuff as they knew the poorest would go for them.  I remember that in 2008 while Gordon Brown fought Rishi Sunak and others killing banks to make a killing tins of beans, costing 9p were raised to 20p in both Tesco and Sainsburys.  Clearly working together to rip us off.  
This continues today.

Tuesday 13 August 2024