Friday 19 July 2024



So tired yesterday all I posted was this picture, then fell asleep!
Today I managed to reply to emails, quite quickly for me.  Including one from a woman on ancestry who is researching the family line.  Quite how she fits I fail to see however, family lines spread out and who knows how close a relative she might be?  I hope she is rich?  
There was a ship, the 'Lyon,' which sailed in 1640 to New England.  On board were a hundred or so seeking a new life, possibly for religious reasons, possibly for adventure.  One visitor from the USA informed me that from those who arrived all those years ago there were now 3 million descendants.   
This is worrying, as my fathers line tended to have several children each, they probably went off breeding happily around the world, and here may be 3 or more million of us lot being miserable old goats in all parts of the world!  
I was wondering if those long gone family were like us?  Did they have the same inherited attitudes?  Did they use the same terms we use today, or had their experiences, running or working on farms, created the attitudes and outlook that came down to us?  Grandfather was a drunk, my father went the opposite way because of this, but what were they like previous to that?  Great Grandfather took a pub in a period of agricultural downturn, though he kept 40 acres nearby.  You cannot run a pub and be a drunk, even if your daughters do most of the work.  Women have a nasty tendency to say what they think...
If we met our forefathers and mothers would we recognise ourselves in them by the way they spoke, the mannerisms, their looks?  I have mentioned previously the football team of 16 years old from 1896, I recognised three of them as young men following the Heart of Midlothian in the 60s.  Clearly they were the grandchildren, would we recognise out grandfathers in similar fashion, if indeed we had photographs of them?  
I am just imagining several generations of my family on my fathers side in one room, all complaining about something, all moaning and all being 'right!'  Maybe it would be good, maybe it would be tiring!

I give thanks that the massive Microsoft outage has missed this house, though I know not why.  The NHS, airports, airlines, and big business are grounded, while many individuals have the 'Blue screen of death!'  It is many years since I saw that, it was once common, and I am glad to have avoided this.
How can Microsoft have such an outage?  How can so many suffer this way at one time?  Surely there was some system to limit exposure to outages?  We all know their wonderful machines work well until they don't, and while accepting the complexity of the inner workings it remains clear that some 14 year old was not doing his job today.
I have said for a long time there is no need to fear bombs.  Putin makes a big mistake dropping bombs, all he has to do is close down the electricity power stations, block all the Microsoft workings and victory is assured.  Without electric nothing happens, without computers nothing happens.  And on top of that there is no backup on card to overcome this.  Rail travel systems are down, carboard tickets would still work mind.  I laugh when they say 'Buy tickets online,' but not if the system is down, not if the individuals laptop is dead, and not if the bank cannot pass the cash!  
More of this to come.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

King and Privatisation

The Kings speech took place today.  I did not watch this, I was not invited so I gave it a miss.  This is where the royal comes in, sits on a throne, reads a speech written by his government and has to avoid muttering 'This is absurd!' at every other item.   I would indeed like to hear what Charlie thinks of the speech and the many words he has to proclaim.  I suspect he has already made clear to the PM his opinion of them all.  
Will anything much 'change.'
Some things will be pushed through in spite of obvious dangers, others will benefit the nation in some manner, other bills will slowly die and be forgotten as always.  Most will not affect most of us.  Not this time.  With a large majority of closed minded yes men behind them Starmer will mostly get his way.  Once again the much maligned House of Lords will provide the strongest opposition, and not just from the hundreds of Tory peers put there because of large donations.  The Lords can be a great opposition to governments, Thatcher's main opposition came from there, including Tory Lords.  I suspect more from the Lords now.

One good thing is rail nationalisation.  The greedy operators who took millions out of the railways and left an overpriced, confused system behind will not be missed.  The plan is to have a 'Great British Railways,' in operation soon.  This all sounds just right to me, but hold on, 'ScotRail' is owned by the Scottish Government, how will that ft in with the 'English' 'Great British Railways?'  Keir has not bothered to ask that one.  Railways, like buses, water, gas and electricity ought to be run for the sake of the nation, not private profit.  Way back when Birmingham's then leader Joseph Chamberlain, bought out the 'Coke and Gas Company,' nationalised it if you like, for the sake of Birmingham and saw production, industry and the town flourish.  Why can this not be done nationally with these things now?  There are many excuses as to why, but all come from those investing in these private companies.  It is time these important services to the nation were serving the nation, and come to think of it this includes the Royal Mail.  Let's get that back from Czech hands.

Monday 15 July 2024


I got out again today!  I had been given a lift into the kirk yesterday, a great help, and this morning I wandered around Sainsburys before visiting the excellent Beaumont's butchers shop in Bank Street.   I needed to fill the freezer with sausages and this shop actually puts meat as well as herbs and honey into them.  In short they actually feed you!  Expensive, but well worth it in the end.  A friendly couple run it, most other shoppers were friendly also, and stocked up for a week or two with most things means I now have to check what money is left.  oops, that's not good...

Sad to say I have spent far too much time on Twitter 'liking' and 'retweeting' posts regarding England's welcome humiliation in Berlin.  The reaction of the English fans has encouraged an outpouring of joy in Scotland, Wales and the whole of Ireland, not counting Belfast obviously.  
Great relief in knowing we will hot have another 60 years of 'We won this,' from the English media, always ignoring the 'The ball did not cross the line,' response.  Cheating is OK it appears if you are English.
The Welsh in particular enjoyed the honorary president of the English Football Association, 'the 'Prince of Wales,' as he and his son suffered the defeat with due care and attention.  You may grin here...
Having continued this morning to Tweet voraciously for an hour or so I then began to attend to other chores.  First the shopping, then chatting to the landlords man, then back to checking the 'We always loved Spain,' tweets. 
I noticed only one lass on duty in Sainsburys, and not the usual one.  Staff appeared missing.  They say many have not arrived home or attended work, though traffic is moving around.  Indeed there were no obvious sirens to be heard last night, it appears even 'Weatherspoon's' folk did not destroy the town.  I saw no evidence of that this morning.  
Isn't it funny how a game can have an affect on us all?
In ancient Rome it was chariot races that got people going, in particular the sides of 'Blue' or 'Green.'  These could lead to mass rioting in cities and much destruction.  Was it in Milan that one governor locked rioters in a stadium and set the army to slaughter 5000 of them with the sword?  I think Bishop Ambrose was irked by this if memory is correct.
We need a side to belong to, and this can build us up and support us.  It can also divide, as Trump and Nigel prove to our cost.  It is very easy to say 'They are your problem.'  Many will believe.  The tribal support can be good of course.  A small or large town which ahs a team playing in a cup final will find almost the entire town is up for the cup!  Grannies and disinterested will take note and support.  The whole town then suffers despair or joy at the result.  Each one sharing the emotional response of all others.  This is good.  On occasion it can be bad, riots occur in many nations at football results, and often domestic abuse results in the home.  Of course what the media ignores is the fact that a third of such abuse comes from females on men, but that does not sell papers nor fit the story feminists wish to force upon us. 
It is of course better wars are decided by playing football rather than bombing one another, but this is not always possible.  Wars have indeed been begun by football but maybe this is a better way to deal with oppressors?  
Anyway, now I have many friends on Twitter, many Welsh, Irish and Scots friends I never knew before.  Football does indeed bring us together.

Having seen an opportunity  a chance to escape his busy work in Clacton Nigel has rushed to the USA to succour his friend Trump.  Obviously he is not seeking instructions as to what to do next in destroying democracy, this is a mere chance to meet a friend, and find out what is in this for him.  The people of Clacton will not be surprised surely?  They did not vote for an MP, they voted for a charlatan because they liked the ide he proposed.  Surely they did not expect this to work?  Surely they did not expect him to work, he has never done this before?  No, they just followed an ideology with no foundation because it spoke to them.  There is no reason to believe they expected Nigel to actually work for them.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Twitter Rumblings

These past few days have seen much traffic on Twitter.  This ought to be good, though there are always the bots, headbangers and so on to deal with, but recently it has become a hard job to keep up with it all.  There is the election and the aftermath, the Euro football, Scottish football, gays, trans, Catholics who want a Latin Mass and now Northern Ireland and Ireland appearing.
This is all to do with the algorithm!
Somewhere I must have 'liked' or possibly responded to something concerning Roman Catholics, and now the timeline is full of such stuff, mostly demanding the Latin Mass, criticising Bishops or a pope, or offering RC things that make little sense to me.  I block these otherwise they continue and bring others with them.  The 12th of July brings a sectarian fest to Belfast and so many, many relevant pictures of bonfires being prepared, flute bands and the drunken fights that follow them everywhere.  My favourite is the man who came out of his house as a band passed by, picked up the wheelie bin and threw it at them!  Police rushed to intervene as he was forced back inside.  These too are blocked.  Many trans supporters are blocked, sensible comments are one thing but little of that emerges.  Hate, from behind a laptop is common, but dialogue and thoughtful comment are rare.  Block, block, block.
Same for many gay posts.  
The football one is a short lasting thing.  The final is tonight so once Engerland have been trounced by Espania all will be well, the smile on Roy Keane's face will be worth looking for.  Some blocking here, not much until today.  The 'sweaty socks' references are blocked and other juvenile offerings, but most have been good or ignored.  The sort of thing expected at football.  Scottish football however, sees many posts blocked, nearly always Rangers and Celtic fans with malnourished brains and small vocabularies posting their thoughts.  They go in the bin.  
It is nice however, to see the majority of football fans in Scotland coming together to support Spain tonight.  All for one and one for all tonight!
The election saw many 'bots' blocked.  You cannot always tell but many posts are suspicious, especially those supporting REFORM!  The number of people with a union flag and several other emojis at their name, claiming to have joined anytime between 2012 and 2020 all having 20-35,000 followers make me wonder?  So may can be seen, all blocked, and none appear genuine.  The Tory posts are often blocked, their posts may be reasonable but are often just deliberate half truths.  The pile on from the grumbling re the 'National's' Saturday front page was huge, but all forgot the many cartoons from the English press, and Scotland's press is all English owned, featuring hanging SNP leaders.  This was OK not when done in the other direction.      
Now dogs are appearing.  Why?
A wide variety of dog pictures, from various people, though they may all be one and the same, litter twitter.  Block, block, block and another one appears.  I suspect these people are making money, stealing info and so on.  I should be happy about this because until recently almost all the junk was from the USA, at least this junk is from the UK, except the Irish obviously.  
Add to this the mobile!  On the phone, as I lie half asleep at night, if I check Twitter I find myself blocking advert after advert, sometimes three in a row, all irrelevant.  Rarely are there adverts for anything useful, far too many appear to be business and computer dross in my opinion.  We need them not.

Now I will shovel some badly made chow down my throat, followed by several rather tasty oat biscuits I made, and await the football.  I also await the reaction when England lose.  Weatherspoon's will be a delight, smashing windows, cars, imaginary Spanish items and indeed one another.  Tee hee, maybe I ought to get a Spanish flag flown from the Town Hall tomorrow?

Friday 12 July 2024

Nothing! I have Nothing to Say


Normally, having nothing to say has not meant I did not go forward and say it.  The effort required to speak when no words are available to appear can be demanding.  I don't do demanding so a mind strained as bad as my arm results.  This having nothing to say in public, or indeed on Twitter or Blogger or anywhere else online, has not actually been recorded as a 'bad thing.'  Indeed, the opposite view has been proffered.   
I considered my day for inspiration, that failed.  I considered my life experience and burst into tears again.  I made my way through the depressing online papers and began to feel seriously unwell.  Can there be any hope in this new government, will they inspire?  Not yet.  And what a government says it will do may not be what it actually does.  How about the radio?  Well Rory Stewart is making the case 'for ignorance.'  Well, Rory I am well ahead of you there.  How about 'Is Psychiatry Working?'  Well let's just look at all those men pretending to be women and say no, it has failed greatly.   Mark Steel in East Grinstead might be worth a listen, but this programme is not what it was, I know not why, but recent progs have not be that good in my opinion.  
I am of course, working my way through several books at one time.  Always a fast moving one, always an interesting one, and always several either to heavy, too slow or of lesser interest in the rear.  A new book arrived for my birthday, a second on the way, I get excited awaiting unknow books, yet wary in case they are not up to it.  I have baited breath for this one however.

We await with baited breath also for 8 pm on Sunday evening when Spain slaughter the colonial imperialists Engerland, hopefully by at least 5 clear goals.  A quick glance at the world and we see which nation is supporting which nation during this game.  It ought to come as no surprise really.
It must be said this was not one of the greatest tournaments ever.  Feeble sides like England won through but never deserved victory.  Netherlands, Germany, Scotland all failed to produce, and France fell asleep before the kick off.  Many players did not end the tournament with much hope of future 'caps.'  Germany and Netherlands will however, be stronger in two years time, but will Scotland?

Thursday 11 July 2024

Dreich Time

It's been a bit of a bind in recent days.  My knees not being good, overdoing it on the front and scunnering myself for over a week, then as that eased I fall flat on my face and do my arm.  That will take a while to go, possibly months, and twice today I have screamed after I did this aaaaaaaaaaaaagh, and what is left of the muscles in the arm did not like it.  Ice packs aplenty in here.  I have only been to Sainsburys and Tesco, and that's too far, and now I just wish to sleep all day.  Mind you I am happy with that.   
What limited hope has been from watching England fail.  Sadly this has not happened.  Russian VAR men and a German referee threatened by England before the game saw the officials miss hand balls and gave penalties that did not exist.  5 million Scots very unhappy, let alone the Dutch and the rest of Europe!  Only Rangers fans and a handful of Scots Tories support the colonial imperialists.
Viva Espania I say!

One man heading for the final will be England's Prime Minister.  And I mean 'England's.'  Just in the door and he is already stopping them drilling for oil, his 'Scotland at the heart of Government reveals one cabinet minister only, and Keir's promise to women that he would protect their private spaces has gone out the window as he has installed three women and one man all of whom support the trans lobby.  One calls herself not Miss or Ms but 'They,' the man Kinnock's son, has a son who dresses as a girl, and the rest have no idea about life!  Scotland and women down the drain, I await a 'U' turn soon.

Twitter has been as mad as always, however, most of the Reform bots have gone.  It is interesting to see how many claim to be REFORM, joined Twitter 10 or more years ago, have lots of emojis alongside their name, and have 25,000 followers!  Somehow I fell these are as false as the REFORM candidates that did not exist. 
I also clicked somewhere on a catholic post, I know not which, and have been inundated with people arguing about the Latin Mass.  It was tempting to join in and upset many but I just blocked them all, though others still arrive.  
The algorithm sends hundreds of posts because you 'liked' or commented on one.  No matter what you are then inundated with them.  At least most are UK, up till now they have always been US led and of no use to me.  

Book reading has been slow.  Not helped by more coming through the letterbox, and more on the way.
There is no time to read them, or am I just slowing up?  
I noticed today some 'WhatsApp'  posts I have not answered, and other things are being left undone. Partly this is because of movement difficulty and I suspect too much football at the wrong times and a great deal of sloth could be involved.  Football is however, slowing, and less will be available for a while.   

' O to go down to the sea again,
The lonely sea and sky.
I've left my shirt and socks there,
I wonder if they're dry?'

Spike M.  

I feel like that also.  Though I suspect the beach we see here will be mobbed by hundreds and thousands at this time.  A little bit of sun and warmth and the UK population rush to the coast to get away from it all, and are stranded among millions getting away from it all.  It would be nice.

Gerald Taylor, yet another Costa Rican international who has joined the world's most important football club.  If he is as successful and his predecessor Vargas we will be on to a good thing indeed.  I am not sure where his finica will be in Gorgie...

Sunday 7 July 2024

Sunday Meditations

Still stuck indoors, this time because my arm aches from that fall and I resist the joy of walking in the rain to meet people.  So, I read the sheet for today and fine three interesting, possibly connected readings.  I say possibly because the reading follow the Anglican liturgy and these do not always make sense to me, they do not always fit together, so why use them I say?

Anyway, in Ezekiel 2:1-5 we see the young man respond to coming face to face with God.  Not unnaturally he falls on his face.  The supernatural reality of God is often ignored by many.  Their God is one cut down to a size that fits their understanding.  Sadly, our God is way beyond us and we, the created creatures, have to face that reality and bow down to his supernatural being.  How marvellous that that being is 'Love,' otherwise we would all have been destroyed long ago.  
The meeting with God is not accidental, Ezekiel did not 'just happen to be in the area at the time.'  No, this was God calling on a man he knew thoroughly and to whom he would give a task.  God knows all about those he calls.  Nothing about us can surprise him now.
Ezekiel's job was simple.  Here he was in Babylon, miles from Jerusalem where the people had been sent after God called the Babylonians to destroy the city in 586 BC.  Yet the strange thing was the Israelites did not consider they had done anything wrong!  Sin was not recognised and the move to Babylon was not understood as punishment, in spite of what the prophets had told them.  
Now Gods call was to Ezekiel to speak to an 'obstinate and stubborn people' as Gods prophet, and he would know what had happened to previous prophets!  Abuse and even death for some.  He is being sent to a rebellious people who will not listen.  How is that for a job description?  'See those people, they will not listen, but go speak to them and be rejected anyway,' says God.  Of course you might get hurt...
The thing is Ezekiel obeyed.
Mark 6:1-6.  The thing about leadership is a good leader goes first into any battle.  He does not ask his men to do what he has not done or is unwilling to do, he leads from the front.  Having sent prophets to the people at the right time God takes human flesh and walks among us himself.
He now takes on the responsibility of confronting sinful rebellious people face to face, and even worse, he does this among those he grew up with in Nazareth.  
The Mark passage is very short and does not contain the passage read by Jesus in the synagogue.  Isaiah 61.
'The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.' 
Jesus then stated this passage has been fulfilled today, something which astonished them, but then his words indicated he would also bring in the Gentiles.  This led to a reaction, mentioning his background as a mere carpenter and now telling them he was something great!  The gentile bit was the end for them.  They attempt to kill him but he walks through them and leaves.  A prophet is without honour is his own house indeed.  His family did not support him at the time.   
The supernatural God appearing as a man, not quite the messiah they expected, and talking about the gentiles was not a good way to make friends in such a village.  Jesus of course would have expected a reaction, did he not know them, but he was surprised just the same at their lack of faith.  I wonder if this indicates their faithfulness to the Jewish faith up to that time?
Note how Jesus obeyed the call to preach. 
Mark 6:7-13.  Jesus moves on but sends out his 12 disciples two by two, with clear instructions.  He gave them power over demons, power to heal the sick, and permission to preach repentance.  This was their chance to learn how to depend on the supernatural power of God rather than their own abilities.
They took nothing with them but God himself, and their needs would be met on the way.  What a lesson in apostleship!  Some would reject, some listen, some healed, some demons removed.  That is the world Jesus wishes all of us to participate in, not a s such preachers but in daily life.
Note how the disciples obeyed and went out.
Do I believe him?  Would I go out?
Do I trust him daily when in Tesco or on the bus?  Is this supernatural God not around when I need healing?  Or have I just not listened to him again?  And am I willing to be rejected by family, friends, and neighbours for following Jesus when the world is against him?

Saturday 6 July 2024

Are all 'Toffs' Bad?

This appeared on Twitter today, not quite hidden among the masses of posts dwelling on the election result.  Much has been made re the 'Toffs' in cabinet with little idea of real life in the nation today, so it was interesting to look at the totals of 'Toffs' in each parliament since 1945.
Atlee of course was himself a 'Toff,'  his school followed the Victorian habit of sending 'schoolboys' into rough areas to improve education needs and other aspects of life in what was often real slum like conditions.  Clem found his life there.  He remained in the East End of London, becoming a local councillor, then MP for the area, and before the war leader of the Labour Party.  Of course during the Great War he served, as an officer, at Gallipoli and elsewhere.  When the war came he remained in charge of the Labour Party, and took the role of Deputy Prime minister when Churchill was touring the world.  Many enjoyed this as his manner was that of an efficient manager, with no monologues to offer the cabinet!  After the war he led the greatest improvement in UK life that there has been in a short, and bankrupt, time.  If only he was around today!
Few 'Toffs' in his cabinet, many had come from the factory floor through the unions, and quite a few had reached university.  The attitudes at the time are revealed in the 'Toffs' actions after Labour lost power.  Churchill, an excellent war leader, was at heart a Liberal, and did not reverse much that the 'socialists' had introduced.  Indeed, he sent one 'Toff,' Harold MacMillan the housing secretary, to build 3 million houses between 1951 and 1953.  This he completed!  I see no chance of the Tory leaders after 2010 considering this action.  
Many see the 1950s as a glory period, and in some ways they are correct.  For a start I was born (cheer loudly at the back), and in 1953 we moved into a brand new corporation flat at a rate of £1 7/1d a week.  To the parents this was not just expensive but also luxury!  
The 'Toffs' of the 1950s remained 'Toffs.'  They did not pretend to be working class, they remained themselves, and until MacMillan was ridiculed, by privately educated comedians on 'That Was The Week That Was,' little changed.  After these 'Toffs' came the pretend working class Harold Wilson.  I'm not sure which was more honest.     
Comparing the attitudes to the 1950s 'Toffs' with those from 2010 reveals men who fought in one war, supported the nation during a second, with a long period of depressions in between.  The Boris cabinet contained men who while young did not wear uniform, instead they played 'Punk' records and trashed Oxford restaurants while laughing at the plebs.  Social conscience, an understanding of what their policies led to, and an understanding of human nature and life itself was absent from the majority of Conservative Cabinet members during this time.  Self and money was all, and now kicked out by the people, a people that did not rush to support Labour, they run off to find high paid jobs still unaware of real life.  Look out for all sorts of ex-Tory MPs appearing in well paid quangos near you soon.  Their appreciation of public need will have not developed any by the time they float off with another fat pension from that job.
As for Keir's mob we wait and see.

Friday 5 July 2024

New Blood, Same Story

So the new boy is greeted by the old boy after the previous boy had run off to California.  How jolly.
A massive vote, but actually smaller than it appears.  Less people turned out to vote at this election than at any other previously.  Many Tories remained at home, similarly many SNP would not vote for this lot or the opposition.  Many just got fed up with all of them.
The truth is no-one voted for Labour, they voted against the Tory and SNP.  Clearly the Labour vote stood strong but all others fell apart.  This included many Labour members being imported from England to represent the party.  Even Cowdenbeath & Kirkcaldy voted for Labour and an English female MP!  Quite what Willie Gallaher, the Communist MP from 1935 - 195 would have thought about that is not clear.   
The SNP fell apart because of the 'Stonewall' love in.  Putting men guilty of rape in women's prisons because the 'identify' as a woman and allowing such men to use female toilets has not gone down well outside of activists, and many remain within the party.
Our Home Secretary won his seat once again.  The 'Reform' wide eyed loons failed to remove him, though they did dent his majority, and far too many Tories forgot what he had done to them and came out, possibly at night when twilight fell.  Now, he retains his job of ignoring us and fighting for the leadership of the rump of the Tory Party.  Soon the main names will dominate the pages, I hope they all lose!
Enough, it's over now, we await the cabinet, we await the press attacks, we await the future.  I remain glad Jesus is still in control and he has seen much worse than this before.

Thursday 4 July 2024


Well I stumbled round to vote this morning, no-one there!
I thought at 10 am ish it would be busy but, there were only 3 or 4 came in.
There was a queue before 7 they said, however, and I think the Tories have remained indoors here to lose their unpopular home secretary.  
I voted 'Braintree Working Class Communist' though I think he may not win...
How unusual to find a polling station empty.  Normally, General Elections bring out the crowds.  The early morning rush of people heading for work is one thing, possibly all local workers heading to the factories maybe?  That sounds good for Labour anyway.
The middle morning is when the women come shopping, and Thursday is the quiet day around here, but so few were appearing, I guess the normal Tory voter has not come out.  That is bad for the MP but, he has become unpopular as he was only interested in being a senior cabinet member and not a run-of-the-mill MP.  His famed refusal to answer emails has annoyed many.
Now I say writing to an MP will not bring a result.  You may get an answer, copied from central office probably, but that does not matter.  What matters is getting as many people as possible to contact the MP about a situation and letting him know what the locals are saying re that situation.  He may not answer, but he will pass this on to central office.  
So, we await the result.  Not much point in waiting up.  Labour will win.  It is just wondering how many seats they will gain, which famous MP will be gone, who will survive, and how the SNP and ALBA will do in Scotland.  I hope for many ALBA seats.  We wait and see.
One thing is clear, nobody who thinks expects much 'change' in spite of the claims made for that.  One Tory removed and another takes their place.

And Happy 4th July to the USA by the way.  

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Fall for Haggis


Some people, especially in England that colonial empire building nation that lives in a delusion of grandeur, some people do not believe that the Haggis is a wild creature found only in Scotland.  I am pleased to see that some nature lovers have gone out to prove them wrong.  
Haggis cultivation was something the farming side of the family undertook, though as they were mostly border farmers there were few such creatures to be found around Duns.  The shearing for the wool was indeed an art, I believe one of the Fife coal miners used to do this after working a shift down the pit.
It was not done in Edinburgh, the Morningside lassies thought such things beneath them.

What with overdoing things recently and ending up unable to walk, or indeed cross the room without holding on to furniture, my life is really blessed.  It is indeed, especially today when I managed to make it to Sainsburys and back.  I was pleased.  While I had run out of everything I did manage by baking biscuits as there was no bread, and enjoy a variety of Green Tea, as there was no milk.  I was happy and content in spite of it all. 
Today, I thought I must try and make the shop just to ensure I can make it as I must wander the long way round tomorrow and enter my vote against the present MP and hopefully see him fall.  He has lost much support in recent days and has been striving hard to be noticed this week.  At least one man noticed him and gave him a bollocking!  Hopefully the blue tick people will show their contempt by remaining indoors or voting for the Reform man, that will reduce his chances.  
Then I can pop over to visit Tesco to gather the things I avoided getting today as that would have been to much to carry.  
Well, I may not bother with Tesco, as when I retuned happily from Sainsburys I fell flat on my face, damaged an arm, got several bruises and muscle strains that will be working themselves out tomorrow, and maybe the PTSD will have gone by then.  
Isn't life good!

Tuesday 2 July 2024

The Difficult Choice

I woke this morning to be greeted on Twitter with many more Tory Party bots, Labour promises, SNP Stonewall love in, and ALBA promising real independence.  It was a bit much for early morning. 
However, 'change' is indeed needed, though I do not see this from Labour.  For 14 years the Conservative Party has deliberately run down social services, the NHS, the probation service, including a failed privatisation, the prison service, no wonder it is overcrowded, sold of the magistrates courts, and refused to increase the lawyers wages at that level, alongside wages everywhere else.  
All the while vast amounts of money has been taken out of the country to Tory donors be they big business or private health care, or in the case of PPE requirements merely friends of a Tory MP.  Corruption on an international scale, and this on top of Brexit, the stupidest thing any nation has ever done.
What chance Labour will change this?  
Clem Attlee, our greatest Prime Minister, would ensure the poor were considered before anything else. Taxing the rich, of which he was one, and doing his best to see housing, medical, and schooling needs were met.  Will this Labour do this?  I doubt it.
Starmer has taken almost £200,000 from private health companies, Wes Streeting much the same, all are paid for by big business and all support the Freeports and SEZs which will dominate the nation for the next ten years.  
Do they care about society?
A shadow chancellor who 'struggles to pay bills' while earning over £100,000 and has a husband on £170,000 struggles?  What chance then has the public.  It is clear there is no desire to amend the Tory attack on the poorest, benefits will be attacked once again, while the new MPs collect their winnings from Israeli lobby groups and private health companies.  The people do not matter.
Then on top of this the entire Labour Party will enforce men dressed as women making use of women's spaces while the entire nation opposes this.  Drag acts before primary schools kids will be encouraged, and any perversion will be regarded as normal under Labour.
Christians and Muslim who oppose, well certainly Christians, they are too scared of Muslims, those who oppose these things will become criminals in this deranged world.  Schoolteachers, ministers, vicars, any who follow truth will be attacked while confusion is allowed free reign.
The future is not bright under Labour, one set of Tories will go and another will take over.  The people will still suffer social deprivation while they fill their pockets.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Nothing Election

I've found the place I want to live, it sums up my life today.
The fact that it is deserted, and even the Google maps wee yellow man will not go there, tells you something.  The Highway passes by, an area is used as a truck stop, a couple of huge Ariel's reach high into the sky, and all around the desert sits burning and awaiting the careless.
My sort of place.
The 'nothing happens' attitude is what fills my days now.  Especially after macho like I scunnered myself this week.  I was hoping to get out and about but that may be the end of next week.  I have a book token that must be used, and the big town is where the bookshops are at.  It has been several years since I was last there.  I wonder if they will remember me?
Until then, nothing happens bar awaiting Thursdays great event, the election!

You will note I say little about this.  No wonder!  What a motley collection we have on offer.  Our man is Home Secretary, hopefully he will lose.  'Reform,' with their one cause 'Stop the boats,' will get support but will only harm the Home Secretary and will not win.  'Labour' might, all he has going for him is he is from a close by area, and represents 'Labour.'  Against him he has 'Labours' disgraceful Trans policies and imitation Tory policies which will not get my vote.  The 'Lib-Dem' is the youngest county councillor and not up to MP standards, the 'Greens' have a good reputation at the local council as they work with several independents though all to often they are mental, and as usual, one independent is standing, but who is he, I know nothing?
So where does the vote go and vote we must?
If 'labour' put up a 'name' they would win easily, and may yet with this unknown fellow.  But I am wondering where to place my X on the day... 

Friday 28 June 2024

Ache for Gavrilo

So, the other day I got up early as always, went for a haircut, visited Tesco, and wandered home where I stood around making mince, with lots of whatevers thrown in, all well within my capabilities.  However,  I had to be clever with it.  
After lunch that day, instead of taking it easy, I rushed out to finish weeding the front, a job I failed to finish a couple of weeks ago.  As I pulled and packed into the black plastic bag I realised this may be a mistake.  I cut down the other bush, aching somewhat, and pulled what major weeds I could see just to make things appear better than they are.
I ached, and dumped the bag illegally into the black bag wheelie and retired upstairs.
Yesterday, aching and finding it difficult to walk without letting my neighbours know I was aching, I dumped the recycling ready for Friday collection.  Then I found myself thinking I had done a better job than I realised when it became clear that he landlords man had been and weeded all around, including those areas I dared not touch!  If only I had known he was coming!
This annoyed me much more today as when I rose I could not walk at all.  Stiff and aching I forced myself about by clinging on to anything that did not move.  Thus I came to realise I would not make Sunday, where I was down for intercessions, and informed the leader that I would not make it.  
Naturally he, and later the vicar, prayed for healing and so after an hour or so I could feel improvement already, much earlier than expected.  
But I will still avoid the long walk to Kirk on Sunday.
How awful that something that once took an hour, leaving the job done well, leaves me crippled for days.  What happened here?   

On 28th June 1914 Gavrilo Princip shot the Archduke Ferdinand and his loving wife.  A simple act you might think, one many have accomplished in a wide variety of nations, but it is not the act which counts, though it did to the Archduke and his wife, it was the consequences.
Sin has consequences, Princip was set upon by the crowd, jailed and suffered greatly dying in April 1918 in prison from TB.  The proud Austrians, more proud than militarily capable, demanded absurd  reparations from Serbia, though they were not involved but a senior secret police officer was, and so Austria made the mistake of invading Serbia.
The Russians, would not be ready for war until 1917 and the leading men were not as efficient as they ought to be, made clear their support for Slavic Serbia.  But this alarmed the Germans, who's officer corps were more than ready for war, and likewise the French who were also, they thought, ready for war.  
The United Kingdom stood aloof from all this, more worried about rebellion in Ireland than European adventures.
The Russians part mobilised, the Germans took the hint and mobilised and sped towards France via Belgium, The Russians mobilised fully, The Belgians wee army stoutly defended in a David and Goliath struggle, and France began wasting thousands of their men attacking German machine guns.  France lost more men in 1914 then the UK lost in the whole of the second world war!  By August 4th the British Army was sending divisions across the channel to participate in what most political leaders and men in the street thought would be a short war.  'Home by Christmas' was the cry!  
The UK war cabinet was shocked when Lord Kitchener, for it was he in charge of the army, informed them that the war would last at least three years and we need another 100,000 men.
One little shot fired to give Serbia freedom from the Austro-Hungarian domination produced around 10 million dead soldiers, untold misery, a changed world, and leaves an effect upon us to this day.
Think carefully before you fire a gun. 

John Osborn Brown - Belah Viaduct 1859

Thursday 27 June 2024

Two Small Cemeteries.

During the Great War British Empire forces attacked Gaza three times before it was taken.  This cost many lives on both sides as the defence was strong and thorough.  Many 'British' were buried in two graveyards now run by the CWGC.  The work on the ground is covered by 6 trained gardeners, often following on from their forefathers in the work.  As you can see from this picture the grounds are kept to a very high standard and the workmen deserve their wages.
Some comment has arisen however, as the two CWGC cemeteries have not been touched by the Israeli's during the present conflict.  This is unusual as during two previous wars the stones were damaged and gardeners had a dangerous time.  Israel paid compensation at least for the first war as far as I know.
I did have a question regarding the presence of the gardeners at the moment and it appears 5 out of the 6, plus their families, are now in Egypt where once settled they will work on the CWGC cemeteries there.  The fate of the 6th man, Yacoub Ismali aged in his 50s is as yet unknown.
The UK support of Israel has produced some benefits however, the population of Gaza wonder why these cemeteries are worth more than their own which have been uprooted and destroyed by Israel. 
I wish I had an answer for this situation but that has not come.  While the killing has eased no real end is in sight.  Changes in Israel's parliament may occur soon, but there again maybe not.  This is just one small incident in the situation.