Thursday 17 March 2022

Brexit Comes Home.

The news today concerning P&O's sudden sacking of all their crews and replacement with cheaper (foreign) crews need not surprise anyone who follows the Brexit saga.  This after all is one of the two main reasons for Brexit, the other was that nice Mr Putin's desire to separate the UK from the EU.  Putin is happily content with his success, and the number of Russian lackeys (can we call them spies) now working for him (yes Farage we mean you!) means little.  His work here is done, his real problem is the mess he has made of Ukraine.
However, the ERG (European Research Group, who appear to have done no research and certainly have not published any, yet they took the grants awarded for this purpose) the ERG will be happy with P&O.  After all, Steve Baker, Rees-Mogg and the rest were not really concerned with sovereignty or paying money to the NHS they wish to sell to their American friends anyway, they just wanted to end all restrictions on money making.  This meant relaxing all those needless rules about abusing staff, forcing staff to work long hours, ending the right to strike, complain, and have holidays or time off.  All these things must end and now, through P&O we see the beginning of the real Brexit, mass redunancies from campanies owned by foreign (Dubai) based owners, owner incidently who made huge profits last year, workers told by video or text that they were laid off, passengers dumped ashore and bully boys put aboard to throw crews off.  
One captain stopped this by lifting the gangplank! 
This is the beginning of many such events to come.  Putin wanted Brexit for himself, ERG and the greedy want it to limit opposition, increase profits and abuse staff.
Rees-Mogg as you know is a loud Roman Catholic, Steve Baker has been baptised by a pentecostal church, though I cannot find out which one.  His views on abortion and ending life I agree with, however, he is at heart another Tory who has never read theprophecies of Amos.
Carrbridge in the Highlands is to host the porridge making competition, the first since Covid, and the last time the Golden Spurtle Trophy was won was by a vegan from the Netherlands, and 30 or so contestants wish to obtain such a prize this year.  A very er, gruelling competition you say...?
I will not enter.
It appears, dumping oats and milk into a bowl and shoving it in the microwave until it boils over does not earn Brownie points in such competitions.  It is however, good for the diet, good for bad cholestrol, and cheap and easy, just like me.  It does take some time to clean the microwave...
The chosen ingredients for the competition are oatmeal, water and salt.  Milk and no salt for me thanks.  Honey optional, raisins, banana, and whatever is lying around, also count. 
Now I am hungry...

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Neighbour News

What a good day!
The sun shone, I recycled many empty bottles, all vinegar and sauce you understand, wandered around Tesco forgetting things, and made it home in one piece, sat down at the laptop and forgot to send the many emails that were running through my head earlier.  I then eagerly awaited the new pie delivery, Steak Pies and Curry Pies from Forres, curry being an old Scots recipe you understand.  Very nice indeed, but rather mild for my personal taste.  
Still, I will manage to eat them...
A quick glance through the news reveals the Ukraine war still under way, Putin still in charge, Sovie Russia still losing and running out of ideas, and Boris still hiding the 'Russian Report' that details his and his parties connection to Russian money and influence.  Quite why he has not been charged with treason I fail to understand, oh I see, he has to bring the charges!  
Other news reveals an Oligarchs London mansion has been squatted, hundreds of police officers rushed to the scene, later in the day, surely they got a legal order, the squatters were removed, normally this takes time.  Police arrive much later at a burglary don't they?  But a friend of Boris means the Met is called out at once.  
How do we remove a corrupt government?
                                          John Everett Millais - Mariana
The woman downstairs has left.  I realised that this would happen as her boyfriend (the usual or the latest?) was around several weekends, and she had been missing all over the Christmas period.  Now this in itself means little to me, it does however, mean a new tenant will arrive and they will have to be taught how to live my way.  Tsk!  Life is full of surprises.  So, what will we have?  Can anyone afford the cost, around £600 a month?  Of course it will have to be checked, spruced up, but nothing major I reckon has occurred over the past year.  I have then a month or two of quiet and peace, except when watching football.  Here's to the new tenant.

Monday 14 March 2022


Not watching TV, not looking for what they call 'entertainment,' or 'Celebrities,' in the media I nearly always miss the 'Award' ceremonies that are such a pleasure to the Paparazzi and cretins who live their lives through such events.  Those who follow such ceremonies appear to me to be similar in outlook, if indeed they are different people, from those fascinated with the goings-on amongst the royals.  Quite what is missing from the lives of those who spend hours awaiting the arrival of one after another badly dressed, overpaid, and until yesterday, unknown actress or royal I fail to comprehend.  There is indeed a fascination with other peoples lives that many indulge, quite why someone so useless as an actor or royal inspires such adoration is something that fails to move me.  Those who lead fascinating or  productive lives can indeed be worth learning about, and indeed learning from, but as time passes I see all such are just as human and weak and broken as the rest of us.  This often makes them more attractive to those of us who like reality.
However, the online 'Daily Mail' and similar media outlets consider such events as an awards night deserves half the page filled with sordid details of the arguments, responses, cutting remarks, and (in the 'Mail') all the 'woke' comments.  (The DM does not explain what 'woke' is however.)  Then there are the pictures.  One after another the women line up in a competition better called 'Slappers 'R' Us' than 'Red Carpet.' 
Each tries desperately to outdo the others in exposing skin, dramatic outfit, or just looking as bad as a teenager drunk while on a hen party to Gateshead.  Rarely do they look glamerous as film stars of the past managed to look, though their studio photographers were attempting to make them look good, the paprazzi just want something flashy or rude for the papers and magazines that pay them.  Quality is not required.  
To scribble this I have had to check the 'entertainment' section of the online media, I am now regretting having such a large lunch, thick lentil soup followed by thick sausage stew, and I am glad there were no strawberries left to add today.  My stomach does not seek out such events, they do however, bring a lump to my throat.

                                                     USA Today

Another thing fascinating the media is this queen woman.  Being 95 means she does not get around as much as possible and the media are becoming desperate for her to die!  Careful of those royal fans the media tread gently regarding this woman, making use of info fed to them by the royals 'in the usual manner' and paying a few pounds here and there for details from behind the scenes they are working on the royal funeral details, the new king and his queen, and the opportunity to fill pages and pages with sentimental slop regarding one, and sordid stories regarding others.  The treatment of William and Harry is a good example of this.  As we write books are being produced, kept back until she goes so they can jump on the bandwagon at the right time, with lurid details unprintable when she is alive, but open season once she has gone.  Some of them may even be true.
I canny wait...
The old lass looks like my mother did when she died at 94.  We shrink as we age, walking is hard, moving is tough, especially when colds and such bugs affect us.  No different for this lassie.  Add to that the loss of Philip and the behaviour of Andrew and Harry and her life is not full of joy.  No surprise then that she is missing engagements that mean something to her, engagements that are always overlong, include many handshakes, and wandering about large buildings doing your feet no good.  There is no chance of using a wheelchair for such events.  I suggested this to my mother and received such a rebuke that would frighten that nice Mr Putin!  Liz would react in similar fashion, she knows that once in such a device she is as good as dead.  
The media coverage is sloppy sentimental guff, but we do not forget the attacks on the royals when Diana died, simply because, once again, people lived their lives through her.  It would have been better to have understood her as she was and lived your life in a more satisfactory manner as she never cared for you.


Sunday 13 March 2022

The Great Friendship

Dmitri Nalbadanian - The Great Friendship

I came across this painting and thought that with the conflict in the Ukraine this would make a great picture for a caption competition.  Two powerful mass murderers, in the name of Socialism, who would probably consider the Ukraine fighting just a wee tiff.  Lots of this sort of man in the world, mostly propping up bars or spouting on Twitter, but on occasion they get to the top! 
Note the light shining on Joe, with the position of Mao almost off the canvas.

Saturday 12 March 2022

Saturday News...

Another Saturday filled with the Ukraine war, accompanied by all the Twitter experts telling us how it is being won or lost.  Twitters advantage is that you can link to many actual experts when other news sources dig them out, and ignore the usual suspects.  Wiser articles can be found, the personnel tend to be more sober, more sombre, and do not concentrate on the horrors, just the facts.
I came across one such US individual this morning and like the silly old fool I am I did not link it!  Now I search Twitter and he does not reappear, it is Saturday and football dominates the page.  
This expert, who certainly has knowledge of Russian ways (he has authored two volumes about Stalin and is working on the third).  His view is that Putin is similar to those previous Russian leaders, Stalin, Alexander, Peter the Great, in that they are tyrants to some degree.  I agree with much of what he said, based on my reading of 'Comparing Stalin and Hitler,' by Bullock, in that the Russial mentality is where we ought to be looking, not looking at Russia from a 'western' viewpoint.  Only the secret services will remove Putin, and that does not seem likely.  This man implied the war is not over, it will take years, and the Russians will develop their tactics.  We may see much street fighting from now on.   

Being Saturday I expect lots of this sort of thing going on tonight.  This will not include me, and certainly not dressed in 1934 garb.  Sadly I canny find who the photographer is, I suspect it may be Bert Hardy.  Great photo, and I must find more to liven this page up.

Friday 11 March 2022

The Origin of the name BRAINTREE.

The origin of the names Braintree and Bocking is obscure and as such the matter of much debate. These were two separate towns until 1934 when they merged into one unitary authority.
A Celtic settlement stood on what is now the London Road; later Roman dwellings adjoined this spreading upwards towards what became the town centre. The Saxons followed and some debate concerns whether their settlement represents merely a farm or a small township. The land was given to the church on the death of the Saxon Thane Atheric with the Bishop of London receiving lands in Braintree (to the east of Bank Street) and Bocking itself was gifted to the control of Canterbury. At this time the Bishops Palace was erected on Chapel Hill around the area on which stands the Royal Mail Sorting Office today. The name therefore is interpreted as most likely originating from Celtic or Saxon beginnings.
However many other suggestions concerning the name are offered. The Celtic word ‘Brehon,’ meant judgement and the word, ‘Trev,’ meant hamlet. Some believe this became ‘Brehontrev,’ a Celtic place of judgement and this later developed into ‘Branchetreu.’ The term ‘Branchetreu,’ is used in the ‘Domesday Book,’ to refer to the hamlet standing where the Celtic and Roman settlement stood. The Bishops Palace on ‘Chapel Hill,’ came under the name ‘Raines.’ Braintreefor a while in the 12th and early 13th century being referred to as ‘Magna Raines,’ ‘Great Rayne,’ although this soon appeared to die out.

A further suggestion is the Celtic reference to the raised ground area between the Rivers Brain and Pant, this being called ‘Bank,’ or ‘Bunk,’ with ‘Tre’ being a term for large village.
The River Brain is also suggested as a foundation for the name. ‘Braint’ was a name for ‘river, and a River Braint exists in Wales. Add the Celtic ‘Tre,’ and we have the township by the river, ‘Braintree.’
A further theory indicates ‘Branoc,’ as being the personal name of a leading Celt from which his village derives the name ‘Branoctre,’ Branocs village.
Bocking. There are few suggestions regarding the naming of this town. The Saxon word for ‘people,’ was ‘Ing.’ It is suggested a Thane named ‘Bocca’ had his people in this area. So we have the ‘Bock - ing.’ Early spellings of the towns name include, ‘Boccinge,’ and ‘Bockyng.’


Tuesday 8 March 2022

Tuesday Twaddle

I tried to avoid Ukraine this morning.  My intention was to listen to Radio 3, they offer brief new broadcasts on the hour, and that would be all for me.  However, being a fool I turned on the BBC World Service and ended up with hours of Ukraine until I realised my mistake!  Early mornings are not good for me at the moment.  
To avoid this, and the constant reference to 'International Women's Day,' I wandered around to Tesco where I cleverly forgot to buy half the stuff on my list and none of the stuff I wanted but had forgotten to place on the list.  I am surprised that matron lets me out sometimes.
I avoided Twitter because this is full of the war.  Later, I forgot I was avoiding Twitter and spent too long on Twitter reading about the war.  However, I avoided watching the Ukrainian Prime Minister quote Churchill to the House of Commons and embarass Boris, especially as the Tory racists are still not allowing refugees into the country.  I slept instead.
I have just read that Boris is not allowing the staff from the UKs embassy in Ukraine to enter this country.  How callous is that?  Though we must remember that dozens of people who aided the war in Afghanistan have already been ignored and allowed to suffer under the Taliban.  Compassion and care is not found in the Johnson home, we cannot expect to find it in international relations.  There we get words, boasting and photo opportunities, but no action.  I have just realised also that Priti Patel missed the debate in the House today, she sent a junior mnister while she hid.  How typical.

Monday 7 March 2022

Lent: Do we need it?



For many Sunday was the first day of ‘Lent.’ This is a period of 40 days before Easter as Christian’s prepare. Those who follow, or at least claim to follow ‘Lent’ will often be heard enquiring what others are ‘giving up’ for Lent. The usual response appears to centre on foodstuffs, chocolates for the women, potatoes and beer for the men. In the end it comes to nothing. I have on occasion during such discussions suggested that instead of foregoing chocolate the women could cease bitchiness or gossip. I have remarked, in love, that the men could keep the potatoes and beer and instead deal honestly with their customers or staff.

I ought to make clear, I have few friends.

The word Lent comes from the old English word ‘lencten,’ which means little more than ‘Spring.’

A quick perusal of scripture shows that there is no mention of Lent. Indeed the nearest we get is a quote from a man called Irenaeus, (who lived C130 -202) in a letter to one Victor in Rome regarding preparations for Easter that, “Variation in observance did not originate in our own day, but very much earlier, in the time of our forefathers." This letter was written towards the end of the century, around C190, and could be referring to the actions of the early church one hundred years before. There is however, no hard evidence of Lent as we know it from this time. Irenaeus spoke of churches in his locale, Gaul, (that is France to you) having a two day fast before Pasha, or Easter. Tertullian, in North Africa in his time recorded that churches there also had a 48 hour fast, reflecting Christ’s time in the tomb. The 40 day fast was not known apparently in Egypt until after C 325.

Fasting was of course known in the time of Jesus. It was common for Jews to fast twice a week and clearly Jesus had practised fasting during his life. It is not possible to fast 40 days and survive without much preparation.

The 40 day fast before Easter did not emerge until after the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. Even then some say this was only for new converts, and the actual days involved in the practice of fasting varied according to the region. After Nicea the fast became a strict one, no meat, fish or dairy, and one meal only after 3 pm.

However, we must remember that scripture does not demand fasting. This fast arose after Jesus death and resurrection and then in preparation for the commemoration of his rising, something we ought to do each Sunday anyway, and in fact we ought to be doing this each day, not just once a year.

While the early fathers may have been seeking spiritual benefits from Lent it is easy to see how this quickly became legalistic and man centred. Instead of fasting to get near to God it was fasting for its own sake.

A great danger, one which John Calvin spoke of, was the danger fasting being a form of works, to earn salvation. Salvation comes solely from the finished work of Christ Jesus on the cross, if we see fasting as a ‘work’ we are no longer trusting him but ourselves. The reformers would argue that Lent encourages a form of self-discipline, whereas we ought to be seeking Jesus and allowing his Holy Spirit to lead is to repentance, not penance, Holy Spirit led discipline, trusting God ,not ourselves. For sure, our Father wants to lead us to a Holy Life. That is why Jesus died!

If we must have a term of Lent, let us make use of this to draw near to God our Father, through his Son Jesus. If we fast let it be so to cleanse the toxics from the body and enable us to hear the Holy Spirit lead us to the cross. We must not beat ourselves up to fast for the sake of it, it must be used to enable us to hear the Lord speak.

So, let us concentrate on reading his word, doing what it says, and spend time in prayer talking and listening to what Our Father requires to bring us nearer to him. 

Sunday 6 March 2022

Victorian Art

                                                    Samuel Bough: Shipping on the Thames

Saturday 5 March 2022

Ukraine Thoughts

Amidst all the debate re the Ukraine debacle there are numerous individuals who have put themselves forward as experts on a nation they had not considered at any time before.  I am one of those!  However, amongst the noise we often see real experts, such as Justin Bronk, who's article I have linked to, explaining the mystery of the disappearing Russian Airforce.  This is well worth  read, and I notice others now saying simiar things.
The first thing the 'allies,' (for 'allies' read 'USA') did when entering Iraq was to send in the aircraft to bomb radio masts, radar and other technical weaponry, thus 'blinding the foe' and curbing his anti-air and other defences.  This has not succeeded in Ukraine.  Indeed, for the most part the Russian air force has had limited operation here, and has suffered many losses of attacking aircraft and Helicopters when it has been in action.  Now they are tending to operate at night to avoid incoming Sam missiles thus lessening the pilots awareness of the ground situation, a ground they have little knowledge off and training for.  On the borders however a great many 'powerful' aircraft sit doing nothing.
Russian pilots are not as well trained, have limited opportunities to fly, less than half the flying time of Nato forces, and it is possible that the maintainance is not what it ought to be.  Using all the aircraft in determined 'push' might bring results by overwhelming the enemy, but this does not appear to be on the agenda.  Do they have enough missiles, bombs, trained pilots?  Are the pilots reluctant to fly on death missions?  Could it be the organisation, linked to corruption, has ruined the effectiveness of the air force?    

Russian tanks and other equipment are also finding problems.  We have seen many burnt out, hit by 'Stinger' and other missiles, 'Molotov Cocktails,' and other weapons.  Quite a few have been stolen by tractor drivers, others recovered, in good condition, from young Russian soldiers who have run away or surrendered.  Such tanks, the Ukraining Tax Office has declared, are not liable for tax purposes, have as many as you like!  Many captured Russians have not eaten for several days, food is scarce, and information and fuel unavailable.  Logistics is not known for much glory, but without proper logistics, providing ammunition, weapons, food, water, fuel, and whatever else is required, the army will come to a halt.  The Ukrainians have taken the euqipment, fed the soldiers, and allowed them to call home to mother.    
What all this shows is an army based on numerical, not quality strength.  One year conscripts, often untrained, put into action on 'exercises,' and finding themselves under fire from determined defenders.  The corruption that has seen much equipment sold off, quality control failing, and aged, or inept equipment failing those that seek to make use of it.  
The real army experts, who I am unable to link to, are beginning to hope that if the Ukrainians can continue the fight another few days the Russian attack will be stopped.  This would have repercussions back home.  The defeat, for that is what it would be, of the Russian forces could lead to an uprising in the many varied and unhappy states, especially Chechenya.  People at home will still complain as the economy has collapsed, shops and banks will fail, and TV and media merely spout Putins words.  This may mean his end.  
However, Putin is a calculating, cold man.  Image is important and this image is not a good one.  He may turn to nuclear weapons, hopefully the Generals will not allow this, or even end himself.  All rather hopefull ideas.  Putin has been around a long time, knows Russia, knows his options and will be calculating them now.  Like Adolf Hitler he is not a man to surrender.  Whether his army or airforce fall apart or not, he may be banking on a Naval success at Odessa now.  That may continue the struggle for another day.
Where is Jesus in all this?
He is where he always is, wherever his people are, Jesus is there.   Many Christians, of various denominations, are tending wounded, sorting the donations that have flooded into the country, and aiding the population around the country.  Churches are centres of aid distribution. shelter and welfare. 
Jesus himself, by his Holy Spirit will be calling people on both sides to know and understand their sinful nature, revealed surely in such wars?  He wishes them to recognise his death and resurrection on their behalf, taking the power of sin and setting them free from its hold on them.  Afterwards, we will hear many tales of how Jesus has been seen with his people in the midst of this conflict.  These stories may not make the daily press, but as in all wars will be found in lives changed by his love.
On a slightly different topic, some see this as a 'religious war.'  This may not make sense to some but this article makes an interesting case for understanding a major strand in the thinking that motivates Putin and many others in this area.   

Friday 4 March 2022

Work Day

I know what this woman feels like.  Having been held up by a combination of my bad back and a little sloth, I am now forced to fix all the things ignored for the last several weeks.  The washing machine is panting in the corner, the Miele Vacuum in the other, fallen items have been restored, even the monthly (so as to more easily rip us off) gas meter reading has been entered, in the rain!  I have shaved, picked up and distributed the mail the postman, clearly on overtime, indicating our man is off sick once again, delivered, shaved, made and ate a bad dinner, changed the bed, it's a new month, and now I have time to watch the beginnings of the 'rush hour' as it passes the window.   It is just after three on a Friday afternoon, the usual beginnings of the 'rush hour.'  The Sainsburys folks are rushing back and forth, soon the industrial estate early leavers will join in, making use of Lidl and Sainsburys on the way home.  Then the rest of the industrial estate, supermarket shoppers, and lesser beings heading home from the town or out to Friday night extravagandas in places far and near will join the slog along the one main road they all wish to use.  The rain encourages them to delight in the trudge along the highway.

In between doing the women's work, searching Twitter, and scanning the press not hidden behind paywalls or adblock removal demands (which I refuse) I managed to finish this jig-saw that arrived at Christmas.  Jig-saws are not something I am prone to, I do not have sufficient space to lay them out, this one lies on an old board cut from aged furniture many years ago, yet I found I quite enjoyed doing this wee puzzle.  It only took a couple of days from when I started, it was clearly not hard, and I found the puzzle fun.  Amazingly, none of the bits dropped on the floor and got hoovered up, so that is a bonus.  Brain exercise is rare these days.  I must seek out the IQ testing books  and quiz books that lie covered in dust and make more use of them.  Brain muscle needs exercise and I am not getting enough of that.

Thursday 3 March 2022

Anotherd Day, Another Boris Story


One thing has become even more clearer than we once thought, and that is the influence of Vladimir Putin on the Conservative Party and Brexit.  We have known for a long time he was issuing social media bots and encouraging division in the UK from his St Petersburg geek farms, but the extent of his influence grows with the day.  
Boris, who 'lost' his security man to escape to Italy and meet certain Russians, including Mr Lebdev, a son of a KGB agent, who now owns a newspaper and is a member of the House of Lords, the Baron for Siberia.  Add the number of people, nearly all Conservative members, including one, now richer by around £60,000, who began the 'Friends of Russia group,' Farage and the people another with a leader who has influence in Russia.  
A long line of Tories have received between £5,000, normally £10,000 and way, way up, including Jeremy Hunt who has been donated three bundles of roubles worth almost £100,000.  Now, for some strange reason, Boris is slow today in dealing with the local oligarchs, I wonder why?
Running around Europe, pretending the UK is 'In the lead,' when it is way behind the EU and everybody else, is more flannel for his audience, an audience that shrinks with each day.  We have a government completely owned by Russia.  Why can these people not be charged with treason?
Putin is not mad, but clearly very annoyed.  His corrupt government, his corrupt, badly trained army, with a great deal of inferior machinery, badly maintained at that, and with thousands of untrained young conscripts also, is struggling to take control of Ukraine.
However, Vladimir will continue this drive, he will not stop.  There is only one acceptable outcome, but the guerilla war that will follow any success Russia has will drain his nation more than the run on the many Banks has done already.
How will it end, will it end?  Will it involve us?  
To be honest I do not get the feeling WW3 is here yet.  I hope I feel correctly.  Many thousands will die yet, how long before the west gets fed up with it all and forgets and looks away again?  We already look away from Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, constant African wars, the Korean problem and all the other small conflicts around the world, badly dressed celebs are more important for some.  Soon Ukraine will go this way also.

Tuesday 1 March 2022

Ahoy Sailor....


Having indulged myself on Twitter to a constant barrage of Ukraine information, much correct and informative, much false and deceiving, I was beginning to suffer war weariness.  I am not sure what this would be like for those in Ukraine itself.  For those of us interested in the Great War we can easily appreciate the responses of the citizens of Kyiv to this cause.  What would you and I do in this situation?  Especially as with Putin being isolated and heading for instability this means he could become reckless and offer nukes!
To get away from it all I looked into naval terms that are in use today.  Some relvant, others not so much.  It is amazing how many daily phrase we use go back many years and have long since lost their original meaning.
The most common Naval terms in everyday use are of course far too rude for this delicate page.  If you wish to enquire further into such phraseology feel free to stand alongside Chelsea fans when their team plays Liverpool next time.
We will consider more regular phrases.
'Splice the Mainbrace' : On square rigged sailing ships the 'mainbrace' was the longest line amongst the rigging and during battle this was a target for enemy vessels.  If damaged the ship could not continue unless this was repaired, as this was extremely difficult it took the best men to fix the damage.  This was not always successful.  However, when 'spliced,' the men involved were rewarded with an extra tot of rum!   Eventually, the call to 'Splice the mainbrace' came to refer to the extra tot of rum given to the crew on special occasions such as a new monarch, royal event or visit of a royal to the fleet.

'Grog' :  Rum, was also referred to as 'Grog.'  This goes back to one Admiral Edward Vernon, who In 1740, as you will remember, he first diluted rum via a half pint of rum to a quart of water.  Now he was famous, not just for his sailing abilities but for the coat he wore.  This was a type of heavy cloth called a 'Grogram' coat.  Thus his nickname, though whether used to his face is not known, was 'Old Grog,' and the name stuck with the rum itself.  Sadly the tot of rum is no longer mixed in a 'scuttled butt' as it was withdrawn from the service in 1970. 
'Taken Aback' : A 'spliced mainbrace' was a problem often occurring during battle however, sailing a ship even today has its problems at sea in spite of GPS, radar and tech marvels.  In sailing ships waiting for a favourable wind was common, also common was an unfavourable one, a sudden change of wind direction could lead to the sails pressed back against the spars or masts, thus the ship was said to be 'Taken aback.'  We also are often found pressed against masts and the like during our day.
'Three sheets to the wind.' :  This phrase can refer to those who indulge in too much alcohol, surely not my readers.  On sailing ships loose sails, lines, could cause all sorts of problems and must be dealt with or the ship could be in serious trouble.  Not dealing with this correctly could result in sailing ‘Too close to the wind’
‘To the Bitter End’ :  A suitable phrase for the people of Ukraine today I think.  They will be continuing 'to the bitter end.'  However, this term goes back to the ships of the 1600's sailing the seven seas.  Each anchor thereon was attached to cleats, or bollards, on board, thus ensuring the anchor did not fall off.  These cleats were referred to as 'Bitts,' and therefore the anchor cable which attached there reached to 'the bitter end.' 

'Port & Starboard.' :  During the year of our Lord 1844 the Royal Navy directed that the term 'Lardboard, which means 'loading side,' usually the left side of a ship, as the 'Steerboard' was always on the right side of the vessel, ought to be replaced with the word 'Port.'  This remains the case today, and the word 'Starboard,' also in use still, came into general use not much later.  These words may go back a long way further into the past.
'Plimsoll Line' :  The 'Plimsoll line' was a line drawn along the base of a ship to indicate the safe level of cargo aboard.  If this line is underwater then the ship is overloaded!  During Victoria's reign one Mr Samuel Plimsoll campaigned for this and other safety regulations on ships and introduced the 'Unseaworthy Ships Bill,' including the Plimsoll Line.  Some shipping lines were somewhat careless in the care of ships and their crews, happy however, to take the insurance when it paid out.   
'Aloof.' :  My preferred position.  Aloof from the rough and unsophisticated that pass by daily.  Some would say this is just because I have been banned from all their meeting places, but this is not true, well, not quite yet.  It is likely that the Dutch word 'Loef,' some say 'luff,' means 'windward' to keep well away from the dangerous lee shore.  Hence 'aloof.'  I am quite willing to remain 'aloof' from danger be it on shore or otherwise.  

‘Letting the cat out of the bag,'  : Refers to the whip used to punish Royal Naval sailors who decided to cause trouble.  This was a 'Cat O' nine tails,' whip.  Short, with nine 'tails' and not very nice on the skin of the back.  This was kept in a canvas bag and therefore they 'let the cat out of the bag' on such occasions.  With many sailors enrolled unwillingly by 'Press Gangs' such violent control may have been used often. 
‘Enough room to swing a cat’ :  The use of this 'cat,'required a clear space, enough space to 'swing a cat.'
'The Devil to Pay,' :  This does not refer to activities involving the 'cat.'  Wooden ships required the inside of the hull to be caulked with tar and rope.  The 'devil' was said to be the longest seam of such ships. However, it is more likely this originated in the Faustian pact in which Faust sells his soul to the devil, and somehow this became connected to sailors and their ships.  Hard work, long hours, and the 'cat' can bring many thoughts to a man's mind.
'Scran,' :  A slang term for food long used by the Royal Navy.  The suggestion is that in the navy bags of Sultanas, Currants, Raisins and Nuts, were to be found in bags marked 'SCRAN.'  Some question whether Royal Navy sailors were fed such luxuries, and would they be in one bag?   Scran is used often in Scotland but hardly ever in my day.  Interestingly one point mentioned by Henry Mayhew in 'The Morning Chronicle' of 1849, mentions people, possibly Irish, begging 'Scran,' left over food, from servants of wealthy houses.  Mayhew was the first investigative journalist who researched the London poor in 'London Labour and the London Poor.'     
‘Freeze the balls from a brass monkey’ : This is assumed to refer to the brass squares on warships in which cannonballs were stored called 'Monkeys.'  The story goes that when these froze they then contracted and the cannonballs would roll off.   Sadly the cannonballs were not kept in 'monkeys' they were kept in wooden storage and tended not to roll off when frozen.  The term is understandable as any man will concur.


Friday 25 February 2022


As there is little in the news these days I thought I would look at the jigsaw I was given at Xmas.  Now these are not things I make use of very often but this may have a decent picture at the end.  So, today I opened the box, separated the edges from the middle bits and, well, got no further.
This may take some time.
There were other priorities, Venezuelan stew for a start, very nice indeed, then organising what will be needed from Tesco tomorrow, and searching Twitter for news from Ukraine, quite a lot, often fake!  
There was no news of Boris resigning, no sign of Sunak making a break for it, little honesty in Boris telling us he is after Russian money.  He has done little for that and billions is floating around his party.  Excuses as to why Boris need not resign when found guilty are now prominent, but all spurious.  
 As it's half time in the football, Hamilton Accies and Inverness Caledonain Thistle appear far from the war, I thought I would seek out my tin helmet, write 'Bully Beef, on the list for Tesco, and prepare for the war when it comes.  And come it will.  Putin is another Hitler, he cannot back down now, he will take it further.  Our hopes now rest in a coup, preferably from the army, as their body count rises.  It is not a great hope I admit.
Then there is absolutely nothing else of value to be found today.  Good job football is back tonight and tomorrow.


Thursday 24 February 2022

Wars and Rumours of War

Like you I woke to the news that the nice Russian President had invaded a sovereign nation.  Like you I was not surprised at this news.   Clearly Putin thinks he can get away with this.  The urgent response form elsewhere indicates he is correct.  The EU will not send troops, most have run down their forces anyway, the USA is unwilling to get involved on the ground as this will only increase the possibility of nuclear war, and the UK is checking how many roubles to the pound.
Putin has been masterful in buying the Conservative Party, buying Brexit, separating the UK form the EU, and managing to get all the wealthy far-right onto his side worldwide.  The Farage's of this world are hesitant to offer full support, though Trump and Carlson at Fox News are not hesitant in any way.  Murdoch will be on the phone asking if his papers are doing OK, and it is noteable that the RT TV is still continuing.  Pravda off today.
So, people are dying, the Ukraine is fghting back, but what can we do?  What will we do?  And where will all this lead?  Can Bumbling Boris really continue in the top job?  Will the people behind the scenes now figure out a way to remove him?  Who will replace him in a possible war situation?  All the leading lights are, let us be kind, unsuitable!  
It is interesting to see how the EU has stood up to Putin.  Imagine if we belonged still, would Boris be a help or a hindrance?  Strong cash control measures in place in the EU, not in the UK.  Gun running now a possiblity, though it appears the Russians have taken the main airport, as they would, therefore road traffic, tiresome and dangerous may be required.  
It would be unfortunate to allow this to stop us remembering the wars elsewhere.  Syria is not at peace, Democratic Congo has been fighting for 30 years, Darfur, the lower reaches of the Sahara, Cameroon and elsewhere wars and rumours of wars continue, but we ignore them.  

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Short Walk

Not getting out much recently has not done anything for my fitness, so now the back has improved I decided to tackle a half hours walk, which was a typical bus waiting time half hour in the end.  I wandered past the new multimillion pound creation incorporating a hotel, doctors surgery and whatever they can make use off in the new building.  
Next to this is a revamped, cramped, bus park, which I ventured down just to try and work out what bus waited where.  I'm none the wiser.  I have the plan somewhere on the laptop and need to investigate if I wish to travel one day.  

There is already a 'Travelodge' at the edge of town, alongside another hotel, why do we need this one? Only the councillors will know as the boss has been trying to waste £20 million on this space since I arrived 25 years ago.  Now he has succeeded but will the hotel?  Of course the suggestion that this money ought to have gone into social care or the like was not heard.  Tory council you see.

The council Daffodills were doing the council proud however.  These have withstood the storms, enjoyed the torrential rain, and now attempt to enjoy what passing sun there was.  Putin may be walking all over the west but flowers continue their work just the same.

Heading home to read about that nice Mr Putin black clouds appeared from the west, and tomorrow more will come and drench the Daffodills once again.  The tree reminded me of a poem re 'The Stickit Minister' and his problem with it, but I canny trace it anywhere.  I clearly have the wrong title.  However, this tree stands 'Stark and bare...' as the one in the short poem.  The tree will cope with the rains once again tomorrow, as it has these past hundred years or more.

Tuesday 22 February 2022

Club Night


Having been sort of trapped inside for some time because of the back ache, I took myself out to the Club tonight, this just to get away from myself.  Not many there, all male, bar two women in an adjoining area where they could gossip about others without being overheard.  It would be interesting to speculate on the individuals men there, but not tonight.  
I got chatting to two men, one who emerged from Methil many years ago, and we got on quite well.  The club is a good place, idle chatter, most know each other from years back, and the barman was almost in a good mood as his team, Colchester, had scored. That in itself was a surprise.  

With smoking banned the few who smoke these days are turfed out of the club into the smoking area outside the front door.  Quite right too!  Just imagine what such a club would have looked like in the past.  Imagine half the people, if not more, smoking all night.  Mostly cigarettes, a few pipes and a cigar here and there.  Think of the thick smoke filled area, the coughing all around, the smell on the clothes as you get home.  None of that now bar a few who occasionally slip out to cough by themselves.  Few die of lung cancer now in comparison to years ago.  The cigarette companies now sell heavily in China, lung cancer rates have increased greatly there, and the pollution problems have not helped either.
I stayed for an hour, retired to check the football results, and scribble this, quite happy that I have  an excuse to get out and meet people occasionally.  The one trouble is this costs money!