The sun graced us with its presence now and again today. The blue of the sky being similar to the blue of people's hands as they trudged across the park with their dogs. I remained indoors awaiting the return of the postman who I am making work this week.
The pile of cards to my left, none of which suit the four people I must send one to, did not distract me from noticing the many Twitter posts objecting to the assisted suicide bill being voted on tomorrow. Usually the House misses Friday as MPs, well not Farage, return to their constituencies, tomorrow however, a strange time, has been set aside for this badly written and unwelcome bill. The sad fact is that many will vote for this bill because the PM wants them to. Starmer wants them to because Esther Rantzen told him to push it through! This is not a method to run a country! The vote for murdering your old/sick/mental/anorexic or otherwise unwanted, especially if the old gran has money in the will, will end many lives.
The desire for this is based on Esther's selfish behaviour and the desire to end the pain of long time suffering people. Many long time sufferers have opposed this bill. The truth is human value is of no account. People are of no worth if they do not earn the nation cash, and long time sick use cash. The desire to end others lives, for their sake, is nothing more than accepting people have no intrinsic worth just by being alive. This boll, like the one that allowed women to kill babies, is unhuman and has many precepts in Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia and Mao's China, people are not important, we, the ones in control, are!
This will be a good way for the 'elite' to cut costs and remove the lower orders. It must be opposed.
The first four cards have been posted! However, my niece beat me to it, her parcel arrived yesterday. I am trying to see what is in it but cannot succeed. It will not be worth much, that is certain!
I'm blowed if I want some quack deciding whether I 'deserve' to die...nor a high court judge, come to that. Down the years of Leo's treatment I've had confidence in very few of his doctors...while as for judges...!
Helen, Indeed! Those who choose to die is one thing, but this badly written law will see many 'forced' into suicide.
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