Sunday 28 July 2024

Sunday Spouting

So I stuck a small and not very good Pizza in the oven, carefully fixed the wrong setting, and got on with the job.  The job was family history, and it was tricky.  Either Great, Great, Grandad was born in 1777 or he was born in Fargo during 1781, and I canny fond proof of which was is correct.  So I searched and no proof of birth exists it appears.  No record for 1777 but there is for 1781 but he is incorrect.  The tombstone proves the man was born in 1777 so Fargo is out.  But where is the man? 
Anyway, I got caught up in this and my 12 mins pizza managed 25 mins before I rescued it, and the place it quite warm already today.  I sit here pondering surrounded by black crumbs, I know not where they came from, and my few remaining teeth inform me the pizza was overdone, in case I had not known.
Not much was happening in 1777 it seems, just the British army, that is English Redcoats, being defeated several times by those rebellious American rebels.  This for King George III who spent time producing a fifth daughter, Sophia, and little else it seems.  Lord North was Prime Minister and The Lord Advocate was one Henry Dundas, who made money for himself whole also spending much needed cash in Edinburgh, a city that had suffered badly after the need less selling out by the corrupt Lords in 1707.  
His forefathers would be farmers, just imagine the ploughing, sowing, and hoping for good weather these men endured.  Few technical advantages, no NHS, lots of accidents, and working the land from birth.  The boys would grow up strong and they would soon learn how to live off the land.  Long summer nights when harvest came, dreadful cold winter ones picking turnips!  Horses to pull the plough, and much rejoicing when the harvest was in and the cash spread around.  Not that there would be much of that.  A life very different from today, no wonder many joined the army or navy to see the world.  

That nice Yaxley-Lennon chap has got himself arrested under the 'Terrorism Act.'  We will know doubt be soon informed of the actual charge, his fans are already crying about this and I suspect planning to demand money (with menaces) for him.  His large parade yesterday, around 20-3- thousand Brexiteers, Reform members, Nigel fans and shaven headed football yobs, paraded with many flags through London yesterday attempting to make us believe they represent the majority, certainly not the 'silent majority.'  Afterwards a few were arrested and it is possible drink may have been involved.
Tommy, to use his alias, lives well in Spain, uses an Irish passport, through his parents, and masquerades as a Luton boy.  A non racist one at that!  There are many questions to answer regarding his money, where does it come from is one, and does he pass it on to his wife to avoid responsibility?   
Will these questions be answered?  Will he do at least 2 years inside?  The Met Police are not involved here, I am unsure who arrested him but possibly the Terrorist polis.  Have they discovered something else we ought to know?

No, I have not watched it either...


the fly in the web said...

As far as I know all the ancestors were farmers or from farming stock except the Australian grandfather who might well have been when in Queensland, but goodness only knows how he arrived there! As far as father was concerned 'up in the morning's no for me' summed up his view of winter on the farm and he had no wish to take it on.
I loved the apt!

Adullamite said...

Fly, Father was wise re farm work.