Thursday, 8 November 2012

Day Trip Anyone?



soubriquet said...

Why is a milkman driving?
And why did they have zillion mile per hour trains back then, when ours go at the speed of three-legged ponies?

But the most important question that springs to mind, when i see the title 'Let's go to Birmingham', is "Why?"
I went there once. It was not an experience I treasure.
And why doas the train driver check his iphone?
Surely he's already online?
I do hope you can help me by answering these questions.

"Confused", Yorkshire.

A. said...

I can't think why anyone would go to Birmingham. The men in white coats may be a clue.

Unknown said...

I didn't know that there is a city in England named after one in Alabama!

red dirt girl said...

that one made me DIZZY !!


soubriquet said...

RDG would go to Birmingham.
She's not too bothered about the destination, she likes the ride.

Adullamite said...

Dear Confused, Ah yes milkman, that was my first thought also! It turns out this represented the new clean approach to driving trains.
Speed, well they were nationalised then, providing a service for the nation, unlike today.
Birmingham, ah yes, well, me get back to you on that.

A, You make me laugh out loud sometimes!

Jerry, Typical Rebel approach to geography.

RDG, You are never dizzy! But Birmingham would certainly do that.......

Soub, She would be bothered by Birmingham!

Jenny Woolf said...

I would imagine that this was what was called a Milk Train. I always wondered what they were.

Also, I was waiting for that coffee to go all over the place.

Adullamite said...

Jenny, 'Milk train!' :) I was surprised by how smooth it ran also.