Showing posts with label Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Park. Show all posts

Saturday 30 April 2022

Spring at Last?

April comes to an end with bright sunshine and chilly wind.  Less chilly than the other day, yet many Englishmen once again, as normal, reveal their intelligence by wearing tee-shirt and shorts early in the day because it is 'warm.'  Normal people do not do this.  Young males certainly, but they are stupid as you know, and merely trying vainly to impress the girls who are ignoring them.  I had normal Spring jumper on under my jacket, a warm Spring does not arrive in Edinburgh so I know how to dress, global warming has not yet made it real Tee-shirt weather in Essex yet either.

I meandered across the park, being studiously ignored by the old dear with the wee dog, and cheerily greeted by the probably, retired man as he passed.  People are funny.  In the past folks were happy to greet others, today many do not.  The many newcomers to town have lessened the homespun atmosphere and casual greetings are lessening.  Fear appears more common.  
Maybe of course it is just me...

I meandered through the town as the market was getting into gear, ensuring I avoided all the people I wished to avoid.  Naturally, one lay in wait for me.  A feeble excuse and I was off.  This is unusual, normally it is others who avoid me!  I was not in the mood for a man who talks like a woman.  
Some new stalls were to be glanced at, £20 for a bottle of liqueur,  several pounds for cider, and huge amounts for large slices of cake.  I almost hesitated at the stall with a old suitcase full of tat.  This is the type of box I used to love in the museum, you never knew what you might find.  I made use of common sense and left before I wasted a day searching and spending cash.
Spring may indeed have arrived.  This blackbird was happily singing as I passed, he left when the camera saw him.  Blackbirds singing are a good sign of warmer times.  I hope to hear more of him and his mates.

Saturday 23 April 2022

Maldon Again

It is not possible to admire blossom unless you have sunshine, this was lacking somewhat as I crossed the park to post another offical document through the council's closed door.   I ventured through the town market early, few around before nine in the morning, bought sherry milk from the store and have remained comatose since.  I am beginning to like it this way.  

Very annoying that the other week I took seevral shots of the 'Yellow' moon and none of them worked.  I used to be able to manipulate the image to give a fair impression of the surface, recently this talent has evaded me and my camera.  I must blame the camera for this, surely it canny be my fault...?
Several commentated on the Maldon post, (well, two!) and in particular this man Byrhtnoth who led the defence of the nation.  This nation is the one beginning to be called the 'English' nation, though they were 'Saxons,' not 'Angles,' from whom the name derives.  The 'Angles' were found from the Forth to the HUmber, so why did 'Saxons' on the south east coast become 'English?'  Typical England, steal from others and call it your own.
The Scots at this time were busy building hospitals, schools, and benefiting others by spreading Good News and care worldwide...
Here, for those interested, is my previous post from way back, regarding the 'Battle of Maldon.' 

Friday 18 February 2022

Stormy Weather.

The winds, supposedly at 77 mph, are passing the window.  It does not appear to be that bad however, the trees are swaying a wee bit, things are being blown about, and at least one of our wheelie bins had to be retrieved after being emptied this morning.  Yet people are about, dogs are being walked happily, no serious damage in the near vicinity, though the main water pump has failed and the taps are offering only a trickle throughout the town.  This is surely not the result of the storm.  
The temprature is around 50%, the sun breaks through now and again, and in spite of the fear messages us indoors do not see this as worse than regular winter storms.  It may of course be dangerous elsewhere.  Looking out I noticed that the weather has little effect on the Council Daffodils.  The first one has bloomed, others are ready to come out once the storm has blown over, and soon the world will be springtime yellow once again.
As I said, the wind was not that powerful, so knowing that tomorrow all the old people who would not venture out in a storm would arrive at Sainsburys early in the morning I decided to shop now.
As I walked the wind gusted at varying speeds, with the temperature being mild I quite enjoyed the short walk.  I took the trouble to carry the empties back to the recycle part, therefore I was anchored quite well.  I thought the sound of the wind enjoyable, almost howling through the trees above me and around the park.  A very interesting sound, not like the sound of the trees swaying in the wind around the 'Big Hoose' behind us when I was a kid.  I recall how often we could hear the sound, storms are not unknown in Scotland, and the trees up the back swayed and creaked as you neared them.  At the other park down the road two trees have fallen over, these were more isolated and open to the wind than my neighbours, but it appears no-one has been hurt.  
A quick shuffle around a very quiet store, less than half the cars expected at this time on a Friday, and being happy with life, I decided to go back via the park anchored by the weight of my goodies.  You can tell my back, still with an ache, is far better than it was on Monday.  Someone had cordoned off some areas in town, but the cordon had been blown, or knocked down, so passage was easy.  Little damage had been done around the town, though our wheelie bins had been laid down, and other items similarly dealt with.  
As I rounded the corner the wind blew me roughly backwards then very roughly forwards again, I became glad of my anchor.  It appeared not to know which way it was meant to come.  Various items flew down the road with each gust, plastic lids, a few bags, lots of paper, carboard boxes and the like.  
As I crossed the near deserted park the trees appeared quite stout but lots of branches, usually small ones, lay around.  The wind made my journey back much quicker than usual.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Work Finished


Naturally, when I attempted to finish sealing the bath as planned it all goes wrong.  As I fought to remove the old seal from the aged gun I found the gun was dying, bits kept falling off, the paint flaking and nothing, in spite of liberal use of WD40 made a difference.  Now this gun has been around for some time.  In fact I canny mind where it came from, just that I was given this old gun a good few years ago.  Now, the rusting, aged hulk (the gun not me) was at an end.  Just what were those things living off it I wondered?  
Anyway, this led to an outing to the shops.  Out into the chilly sunshine, ensuring I had my mask, plastic bag, wallet and keys, the 4 items that must be carried when entering shops or leaving the house.  I had planned to reach B&M all the way up the road and was not keen as my knees have been poor for a few weeks now.  However, the Good Lord brought to mind the ironmongers and the bit I usually ignore, the wall at the back full of Chinese made tools.  I rushed there slowly, stared at a wall of red coloured metal tools, ideal for the DIY enthusiast or the man henpecked into doing that job he meant to do all those months ago.  Eventually, after much staring I found what I wanted, right in front of me!  £3:99 and a tin of WD40 also, and off I trailed.  
Eventually, the job was sort of done.  It was harder than I thought, my fitness is less than I realised, the work was more difficult, the new gun being stronger than his predecessor and the gap being bigger than I thought.  Of course, too late, I remembered half way through that I ought to have 'bodged' it by filling newspaper in the gap, still it is done now, though addition work may be required to finish it.  I am much impressed by the professionals doing such work, they would have done this in 5 minutes and left a near perfect finish.  I, you will be surrised to hear, am not a professional...

A huge bright sun, ludicrously low in the sky today, tempted me to return via the short wander across the park.  November already, low bright sun, very low temperature, cold nights, leaving the windows damp with condensation again this morning, something we will get used to over the next couple of months.  
Wrapped now in a blanket I sit here avoiding using the heating while watching Pakistan wallop Namibia at the cricket.  I may do some ironing later, that will keep the place warm.


Saturday 9 October 2021

A Wander in the Sunshine

In a vain effort to find life again I took off quite early for Tesco.  Saturday morning among the masses is often invigorating.  It was however, like the misty glinting sunshine, quite peaceful and the healthy ingredients sought were soon found.  Healthy, that is those rumoured to stimulate the brain, Bluberries and very dark chocolate for instance, were joined by Flax, Chia seeds and Hemp, the latter for one of my nieces husband's Christmas's, he will probably think it will get him high.  He is one of those convinced cannabis is the answer to all problems, from cancer to covid.  This, he attempts to prove but he so far has not been successful.
The rest is for my latest health trend, and having paid through the nose for these goods, along with my other calorie controlled foodstuffs, I should look like Charles Atlas by Christmas.
This may not however, be the case.

I had to look twice at these balls hanging on the trees.  These trees were only planted a few years ago, 10 maybe, and I do not remember any fruit on them last year, though I could be mistaken.  'Conkers,' all around, at least the outer shells, as it appears some kids have been having a go at them already.  The more mature trees all around have certainly passed their fruit onto the public as the mess around their feet reveals.  Many a child, and not a few adults, will now be enjoying themselves with such on pieces of string.  Entertainment is easy, computers or no.
Having walked home from Tesco carrying a heavy but healthy bag it is almost a delight to walk without any weight attached.  Having lost a stone and a half I rather hoped walking would ease, it looks like another stone must go.  At least once that stone has gone my old shirts may fit once again.  
A sun drenched public garden, with a bit of early haze, is a delightful thing.  All were happy apart from at least once screaming child, the fruit of the children's play area at the top end.   

The last of the roses blossomed happily in the sun.  A large bush, almost a tree, once full now with only this lot left in any decent condition.  The volunteers who help the gardners do a great job of keeping these plants going.  

The idea was to walk round and energise the bulk, instead I felt my knees objecting.  Naturally, this park is on a slope, and to go homewards meant going uphill.  I await my lottery win so I can employ a servant to drive me uphill when my knees tire.  This however, may be an unfulfilled dream.
I wandered about, as always getting strange looks from women with kids, clearly women who read 'those stories' and listen to 'old women's tales,' and most of them appear neurotic as a result.  Even young dad's look sheepish, though that might be because they are not used to doing such work as watching kids.  

As I headed towards the gate I saw this man stiing low down and apparently unaware I was approaching.  Moving slowly along the path I got two decent shots of him before he felt he had posed enough and disappeared under the bush.   Usually Robins are very wary, quickly flitting out of distance and hiding in the tree.  This one may have been asking himself what life was all about, or where has the wife gone, or wondering what football was on today.  He appeared preoccupied but once he moved he did not show up again to ponder.

I don't think much of this fountain myself, it's all a bit weird I say.  There is a rumour it represents a kid who drowned in the river.  I don't blame him if he thought they would do this to him!
I kept going when common snense told me to return home, eat and sleep.  Common sense is as you know in short supply these days and it failed to appear with me also.  Instead I continued up the slope, across the town, passed all the workers still attempting to finish refurbishing the High Street, and noticed the old church had a door open.  I peeked in, something was going on, so I entered and enquired off the two young ladies on guard what was amiss?  "It's a Ladies Day," they said grinning.
I made my excuses and left!
I wandered into 'Clintons' Card shop and glanced at the horrendous Christmas stock on display, almost none of which was suitable for my needs.  However, I purchased three £25 Amazon cards towards the Christmas present stock and was picked up off the floor by the helpful young woman working the till after I fainted when I realised just how much I was paying for this.  She grinned as I explained the vast number of women I had to serve in the family and how I was failing to remember the pin number I have used for almost 30 years.  A very helpful young woman, not unsual around here I must say.
Heading home I met a young man from the Kirk and we put the church world to rights, OK I mean we grumbled a lot, and then were joined in our grumbling by one of his old workmates, so our grumbling widened to include much of the local world.  In all, this was a very enjoyable imitation of a group of gossipping old women.  I then headed home much to my knees relief and now await the Scotland football team playing Israel for the (I think) ninth time in 3 years!  The draw for competitions must be changed I say.  

Monday 6 September 2021

Motor Show II (that's 2, not 11 by the way)

The second helping of cars and bikes.
I hope you like these snaps, you better, there is one more lot tomorrow!
Tomorrow I do include the 'weird one.'