Friday 3 May 2024


The 'Pint sized Loser' has been losing again today.  The count at the moment read Conservative losses 173, and that with 58 of 107 council results in.  More to come, including the Saturday count for the London Mayor.  On overall Council control the Tories have lost 5, Labour gained 6 so far.
Naturally the Tories are speaking up about the results, especially as the Houchen man won in a reduced vote up north.  Those experts we hear are of course saying this is the worst local council results since Adam was a boy, but they could be wrong of course.  
Labour, Lib-Dems, Greens and even Reform have gained votes.  Galloways 'Workers Party of Britain' won two council seats in Rochdale, where he is MP!  The first, and probably the last!   A nasty and not unexpected night for the Tories.  
However, will anything change?  Possibly in those areas where 'Independents' have joined together to get elected, this of course not on national policy but local ones.  Clearly Labour have won where they ought to win but have also won in places unexpected.  The contempt for the Tories appears to be great.  That said, many areas saw the Tory hold the seat, and ion some places they won!  I find myself asking 'Who can vote for this Conservative Party?'   I mean have they no knowledge of what has been done in the past 14 years?  Where the Tories have lost numbers the voter either remained at home or voted Reform, the new UKIP.  However, if the Tory vote was down say 25% only around 10% went to Reform, the rest did not go for the far-right.  Turning the Reform vote into General Election seats will be difficult and I think unlikely to happen.  It will reduce the Tory vote however. 
Tories no -212, Labour +138 Lib-Dems +36 Green +28 Other +17.  
69 from 107 declared.


Kay G. said...

Ha ha, that Brewhouse is a husband daycare centre.

the fly in the web said...

I haven't caught up yet....I wonder if the 'Gaza' vote will hit Labour in some of the northern seats.

Adullamite said...

Kay, A good idea.

Fly, I think it did, Reform gained from Tories.